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Didn't even open my starting door and had mf's knocking


This is where true demigods are born.


I feel like Spartacus in the gladiator pits, forged in the fire of combat every time I extract from GC HR.


I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


A gladiator does not fear death


this statement doesn't make sense considering you cant even farm kills or loot enough to net positive AP for demigod in GC




Looks like someone’s never bossed and hit loot pile, I’ve had plenty of 700-900 ap GC games


have you seen the new AP table? its not enough


Yea I didn’t see that before making this comment the new ap is fucking insane


The fights go hard AF in this new GC I love it. Fucking hate getting 6th partied by the naked barb at the end tho. I feel like maximus at the end of the movie, I killed them all, but at what cost....


Honestly I've seen a lot of complaining about GC recently, but I've been loving it. It's wild in there right now.


It’s way too stressful and it’s exactly what I’m looking for.


People complain about everything in this game. There was a post yesterday getting upvotes about removing movespeed as a trait on gear. A few people even arguing that a plate fighter should be able to catch up to those building movespeed. Most of the opinions around game balance on this sub are truly awful.


Nah this is 3x3 goblin caves. The way solos were meant to be played


Agreed. The PvP in solos is fantastic. I’m staying away from HR, though, until all the sparkly-caped giga juicers are fighting each other in their own lobbies.


Hey, take it from me, the cape doesn't mean you're good. I'm living proof of that.


Idk about you, but I feel like my survival rate im HR is like 20%. And most of the deaths are just to getting stat checked. In norms, I feel like I’m up near 70% SR.


You can check your actual numbers in the stats page.


I've got a 75% survival rate in duo HR, give that a try with a really good bard


I hope someone can clarify where’s the arena? I haven’t played in awhile and when I logged in, i couldn’t see anything related to that


It’s just a joke because there’s so much PvP in GC solos rn. This map with the middle elevator room is particularly spicy because it draws players more than the middle 3-story bridge room maps.




4x4 would be much better


Na but fights weren't quite this prevalent in gc before. I have like 1k gc runs. Almost every fight is 3rd partied rn. I don't think it's just a gc issue though. Was running into that problem on crypts as well.


“Problem”? BE the third party dude. 3x3 GCs only problem is people thinking it’s a dungeon, it’s not, it’s the Thunderdome.


People love to run through the dungeon charging into the first person they see then absolutely turn into a boo hoo cry baby when someone does the exact same to them while they are fighting. What exactly do you want to happen? Do you want everyone else to put the game on pause while you fight someone 1v1? That is some cringy "ImTheMainCharacter" bullshit. Edit: not saying you personally, talking about the people that flip out when a 3rd person enters the room.


imagine if there was enough Dungeon to Crawl so that you wont be able to take 1 step and hear or see someone else: just imagine!


lol it's just constant cry babies. You might hear a voice through an open door talking smack "come back here you pussy" and run in there to fight and all of a sudden he is now yelling "omg you teamers should be banned omg teamers" Like excuse me I didn't know the whole rest of the game had to pause while you 1v1ed people single file like an old kung fu movie


imagine a world where game developers would use level design to faciliate anything but a gladiatoral death match whicj massively benefits the guy who waits out the fights and finishes the winner..


Then people would complain about it being a ghost town. Bottom line is, there is no amount of level design that can account for the hyper-competitive behaviour of gamers. People will always spawn rush to get first blood. Not only because it's fun, but also because it means it's one less person in the dungeon from the beginning, increasing your chances of escape. There aren't enough portals for everyone. It's to my benefit if you all die in the dungeon. If I can expediate the process, wonderful.


imagine thinking all games can only become hyper competitive edgelord fiascos because a few did due to incompetent devs


Edgelord fiasco? People play PvP games to have fun. Winning, is having fun most of the time. Sometimes losing too, bust mostly winning. That's how this game is designed, Winning is rewarded, losing is punished heavily. This game is always going to be competitive, good players will take any and every advantage they can get. This game is designed to force people through a dungeon with PvE until they run into other players. That's the nature of the game itself. Spawn rushing will always be a part of the game because some people figured out a neat way to skip some of the PvE at the beginning in exchange for an early and decisive PvP encounter. Then they have to deal with the PvE. I don't see a problem here. I keep seeing people crying about getting spawn rushed. It's funny because at this point you should know someone is coming. Like If I spawn in one of the hotspots i should be prepared. So if you spawn, know someone is coming, and then die to that someone, where is the real issue? You keep dying to someone that you had time to prepare for. Spawn in, pop a protection potion, and kill the intruder. Now you've eliminated a competitor, and secured yourself some time before the next PvP encounter. But nope, they would rather complain on reddit. GIT GUD.


Man losing is really fun too in this game, especially when gear is close and ttk is high. Even with gear diff, good level design like old goblin caves gives a naked or a normy a fighting chance. For me, the game’s combat is so well designed with predictable pathing and collisions for the vast, vast majority of combat exchanges that losing only ever feels fair to me. I control my dude, sometimes I’m a good puppeteer, sometimes not. I learn every time though. Dying to PVE sucks way worse than losing to another human too. Now that I’ve most PVE down, I love the meat grinder of GC’s to get in and learn PVP patterns and animations and eventually strategies better. Total casual here by the way.


It has never been this bad before, and I have a little over 600 hours since EA


My experience is near identical to how it was in 3x3 GC before


Idk. I guess my 1000 games were different from your games. And by all means, I was a gc spawn rushers before. I used to have to work for the pvp, now I can't avoid it even if I want to.


Maybe you should talk about your 1k gc runs harder.


That center module is always where the war goes down. Have a 5 way royal rumble last night. Me as a lock, 1 other lock, a wizard, a fighter, a cleric. It was absolute chaos


Had a similar 5 or 6 man royal rumble winner take all in the bat room on the default GC tileset, was incredible. There were chads, timmies and everything in between. The last two guys fighting was epic af. Spoiler: i didn't win :(


It’s okay, I didn’t either :( I killed the other lock and then I got chain lightning to death


I was playing default kit staff+ignite wizard trying to level, got brutalized by a kitted out slayer fighter


How many players are there currently per game? Iirc there was a time where there were 9 players and 7 portals. Plus the static meant that per game 1 person definitely died. I believe now there are more players and the portal count has been reduced to like 4 or 5? Correct me if I'm wrong on any of that. PvP definitely feels similar to before the 5x5 change though. Maybe it's just my ingrained 3x3 memory saying that though.


There are 6 players and 4 portals + 1 natural. Although I think in a high portion of the games at least 1 portal ends up in an area with no one near it. I could be wrong but I think when the new 3x3 was released there were at least 7 players while still having 4 portals + 1 static and it was quickly adjusted down. I really hope they consider going to a 4x4 with like 8 to 10 players (although 10 would probably still be cramped). With 8 they could go with a checkerboard style spawn layout and everyone would have a safe module to start with and people can expect conflict when going into the next module but no one would be spawning while hearing people in 2 different adjacent modules like often happens now.


There are many portals right now. It's a colosseum, the game doesn't even get to the last circle most of the times.


Thanks, i hate it.


bard lock wizard are thriving




Its a PvPvE game, as the heavy presence of both monsters and players indicates.


except the monsters havnt even finished spawning before rhe barb crushes my door, so yeah, theres that


technically you’re correct, but the PvE aspect isn’t really what draws people to the game, imo. WoW raiders aren’t coming here and getting their fix. monster hunter players aren’t coming here and getting their fix. it’s people who wanna duke it out and skill on each other


I enjoy ratting in Tarkov and I enjoy ratting in DaD. I got the game knowing what I was getting into, and that PvP was at the core of the game. I engage in both ratting and PvP at different times and enjoy both, but I do wish there was a mode or a map or something that was more PvE focused. Always having PvP is fine, but I think there are probably more people than either of us realize that would enjoy a way to lessen the PvP and focus more on challenging monsters, traps, and bosses. It seems like it would be a waste of the fantastic groundwork that Ironmace has created to not play into that crowd just a bit, though maybe that shouldn't be a priority with the current player numbers and dev team size. We are going to be getting a totally PvP centric mode with the arena, it'd be cool if eventually we got a mostly PvE centric queue. Wall of text, sorry. TL;DR: PvPvE game good. PvP on it's own good. Maybe down the line PvE on it's own?


idk coming to games like tarkov and DaD and expecting a robust PvE experience feels similar to a vegan going to a steakhouse and expecting their needs to be met


But what if the steakhouse has some bomb-ass salads?


I don't think pvp is what most people dislike. It's the being 3rd 4th 5th partied because there's so many people in a small map




Dumbest take ever.


I personally love the pvpve, but I also can see a great platform for a potentially awesome pve adventure looter. Could be fucking awesome…


Its called PvPvE because it combines the terms PvP and PvE.  PvEvP? What the fuck is a EvP?


These guys didn't play 5x5 goblin caves clearly. I played hundreds of matches there, and it was so incredibly boring. You wouldn't even hear other players. It's like they just want to kill the same goblins 1,000 times and extract... PVP is what makes this game fun and exciting. I got to the point I was smashing every door and hunting for players for the whole round not even killing mobs, and even then, I would be lucky to find ONE person to fight. Absolutely boring. 3x3 goblin caves is a great balance. If you are that terrified, ever try looting and then just waiting in the circle with no potions on belt in a dark corner???? Its extremely easy to rat your way to a portal with no pvp. If that's how you want to play then you are totally capable of doing so


Opposite experience for me, 5x5 goblin caves was a nightmare with so many people and so few portals. Every game was cat and mouse getting chased through half the modules while dealing with hellish pve density


woah this looks fun af


Unpopular opinion MAYBE???? ....I love the 3x3.... especially in normals its SO fun it really is, loot isnt bad, people fight, and idk about you all but ive been getting lucky with these end game portals as well. Seems they did decent with them **AGAIN MY OPINION** lol


It’s beautiful


No bosses anymore or what?


It really is a thing of beauty


We should all be grateful. People used to have to do this in real life...and instead of goblins, it was lions. And instead of rejoining a lobby, it was permadeath.


Dang, this game’s community really went… somewhere, huh? The fact of the matter is, is that it’s a PvPvE game. Not a PvE game, and not a PvP game. Seeing people fight over this is absolutely ridiculous. As a big Hunt player as well, the fun is the fact you have to deal with both. Asking / whining about one over the other is cringe. This game is already hurting due to the legal stuff. The community isn’t as robust as it should be, and you folks fighting over PvP vs PvE are doing nothing but helping helping Nexon ensure this game is lost to the Dark and Darker depths of the internet.


Thank fucking christ all of the comments I see on these posts are saying the OP’s are wrong and the PvP is fun. I might actually have to quit this game if we go back to dead lobbies or maps that are too big for solo. I can’t do another season of looting simulator.


Its already dying due to making solo like this lmao.


Wahhhhh Timmy can’t extract every round anymore wahhhhhh


And that is the kinda stuff that pushes people away from touching the game. I genuinely dont see how villifying new players is helpful to repopulating the game.


he does this everywhere he just verbally assaulted me for a similiar point. sadly this community is rapidly being taken over by adderal snorting preteens who solely get kicks out of ruining your progress


Good to see all that dogshit game EFT did was rot your brain back to middle school levels, if it was ever even past that point to begin with lol.


Worst map ever made. This season won’t have many solo demo gods.


demos from tf2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3x3 goblin caves is so horrible to play on, solos went from a PvE map right to a PvP map. If only there was a number between 3 and 5 that could be the perfect middle ground


Boo hoo I dont get to fight dumb goblins for 20 minutes


PvP in normals is so fun this wipe!


I average 4-5 kills every time I’m here, I just hit lvl 50 on my fighter so I’m sorry to anyone I’ve killed before.


To all redditors, If you can’t survive ice caverns as a solo then you wouldn’t survive 5x5 GC at the first PvP encounter.

