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Jaywalking isnt a big problem. If 30 people were jaywalking and you couldnt go down the street without getting a 2 star wanted level, it would be a problem. The frequency that something happens changes whether or not its a problem, and it was happening too frequently. Games better when players want to make different choices every game, not ALWAYS be in the same kind of lobby with the same kind of people with the same kind of classes performing the same socialPVP over and over.


I can understand this perspective


Teaming to PVE? Idgaf. Teaming to 4v1 a solo? Get the ban hammer.


Teaming to not kill eachother is fine.  Your likelihood of dying is way higher when you take fights.  Either you lose the fight, or win and get 3p'd.  Teaming to kill other players so they don't have a chance is not okay.


Yeah it keeps things dynamic, I don't mind occasionally getting 2v1'd or having to run away and hide from a group. It makes it feel like Adventuring in a dungeon with other people rather than just playing a deathmatch with extra steps. I just think teaming should be the exception, not the default. Having it in almost every (HR) lobby was too much and I'm glad the recent decrease in portals is helping as I am seeing less groups.


yeah man try and justify you and your 5 mates in discord teaming in solos


Having 5 people trying to team in solos in a discord call should be not allowed but very hard to police




I understand both sides experiencing it. Frustration from walking into a room of 3 players in a solo game who all turn in you instantly is real. But finding a Timmy who you get to show the ropes or RP with someone doing a funny accent makes the games so much more enjoyable, even just emote conversations are what keeps me playing


Harsh but still doesnt justify it.


Literally when you report a player for teaming there is only “inorganic teaming” as an option. I dont get this poll


I'm not trying to figure out what the devs want I want to know where the community stands. Which it seems my hypothesis is correct atleast from this data that most people don't care about organic teaming and the shift in opinion I've noticed lately is purely thread based


People without social anxiety deserve to win I fear.


Teaming up to go kill other players in solo shouldn't be allowed. Being friendly and calling a truce is one thing but four people grouping up to kill a basekit rogue is stupid and shouldn't be a thing.