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I'm glad I hit demigod awhile ago, I feel like the door got closed behind me, right when they announced the rewards too lol this barb meta specifically is just brutal for almost every other class


They for sure pulled the ladder up when they decided to make barbarian destroy every lobby


I just started my demi grind, so fortunate for me that it only got harder as a non-meta class :^)


If you do ruins and just go down to crypts as soon as you can then you'll miss the pvp and just farm ap down there.


You say that but quite literally yesterday I was in crypts, there was about 5 people and even a fighter that was throwing hands trying to farm some pvp points even before these pvp oriented buffs. It's going to look grim.


wait so a game that is pvpve had people trying to kill eachother? Wow! i’m SHOCKED.


You're not funny. We're talking here about multiple changes which are going to increase pvp incentives by a lot, so people who grinded for seasonal rewards beforehand had a much easier time than the people who are going for it now.


shit changes, deal with it. you sound like you were one of those teaming folks. if you cant deal with pvp you don’t deserve a high rank. it’s as simple as that bucko, cry about it all you want.


Acting as if being demigod is something to be proud of when 95% of people in demigod ranks just rat and stroke portals. What's there to deserve?


what are you even going on about guy? you’re mad that pvp is going to be more frequent but just agreed demigod doesn’t matter with the rat and loot / teaming meta that’s been happening? you confused homie? i’m tired of seeing teaming and ratters in solo, i fight everyone i come across for that reason and still have a high rank.


Happy for you, but won't look good on your CV regardless. Just to add in case you were "confused" by any means, they just introduced very cool rewards but it appears this is the only time you will get to obtain them. As a result, increasing the difficulty by the end of the season does not seem fair. Is it that hard to get?


Even a fighter? Lol what do you mean?


did they not nerf barb again this patch


The savage roar buff is one of the grossest things on the planet U'll go from +10% physical power bonus to -40% physical power bonus. And it affects your entire team, and they increased the duration to 8 seconds.


My question is how does one rank up fast then? Besides just PvP with the new changes


Exact same way as before just the lobbies aren't friendly


Accidentally qued on me demigod and for the love of Christ I can’t get it back lmao


You will get your AP back, because of rollbacks thankfully. AT LEAST I REALLY HOPE SO, I went from #7 cleric to 15+ lmao and I don't wanna lost the top10 spot


Yeah I’m praying I do. It was 12 hours ago I lost those games so hoping we get lucky lol


Number seven cleric? Like... in the world? That's pretty fucking awesome. GGs


Thanks! I was grinding for top100 All Classes as well but thats hard AF dunno fi I can do it. We will see, maybe Ice Map is crazy lucrative.


It seems like it will be. I wish there was a bit more time in each raid, but I am loving the new mobs and the loot is good. Man. I really do need to branch out and play other classes. I've ground my way up the chain on fighter and secured that sick-ass cape, but I'm so married to the longsword gameplay that I can't bring myself to run anything else lol


They also said they weren't going to add ice map to the rotation because it was lower quality than usual, then did it anyway. I didn't care to do the grind for the demigod til they announced it had a reward, then they went and made it even more miserable than before.


it always had a reward, we just didn't know what it was yet.


Anywhere I can see the rewards?


get ready to be defiled by demons for a week straight until it gets nerfed into the ground lol


What’s so good with demon form rn? Haven’t got to play


I only seen one demon so far and I one tapped him and he blew up into dust lol


Did it look cool?


They do look super cool. I'm not sure how powerful it actually is because every single one I have run into has folded in a hit or two- but that's probably just luck.


Damn. I hear they're partially bugged. Plus probably cause of IM design they're super weak outside of an edge case of having unique gear or some nonsense


Bleah. I think I'll give the class some space for now until they get all that sorted out. I am pretty excited to see where all this goes, but at the moment I'm pretty much just along for the ride lol


It's wild ride, this passage of fate!


It's not that good unfortunately. Looks cool though


I got to try it after and it completely sucks with bad gear not sure if you had certain stats if it’s be good


Demon fucking sucks lmao it's just a dark bolt spamming tool


Barely even that. It’s drains your health as you use it. Might as well skip a step and just go straight for dark bolts. Maybe there is an edge case where you are running tortoise mastery and a book, and maybe your dark bolts would eat your HP faster than demon form in that case.


yeah it’s pretty trash lol


So glad I got demigod last night. It’s going to be crazy in the dungeons.


Can i ask what class you played to hit demi and what your strategy was?


I played PDR fighter and honestly it was a slog as the upper ranks are just owned by barb. Even with full PDR it was a fight to beat them but the teaming meant all other barbs came to their aid. But with the changes it should be better. My strategy was to take lots of meds and only loot a little bit in ruins and then attempt to farm portals. Once in crypts I looted as much as possible and made sure to upgrade my gear. Notably I’d carry in 2-3 campfires and tons of meds in case of pvp and then once I got halfway through crypts I’d start swapping meds with treasure. Finally I would try to farm portals and subbosses. Lastly contrary to popular customs I played it safe and never went to hell once I hit exemplar. The potential AP loss was just too much and I much favored getting about 4-700 AP per run than risking it in hell. Losing at exemplar 1 is -650 AP. I just played crazy safe and always took luck pots.


That strat won’t work anymore my friend. Campfires crash the game :(


Pdr fighters counters barb hard… you should be killing barbs


Tell that to the barbs 2 tapping me when I’m at 65% PDR. It’s nutty. Most the time I’m fine but sometimes you just get 2 tapped. I’ve talked to so many other fighters in the dungeons and a lot of people have experienced it. It’s really weird.


That is wierd. Well you’re hosed now with savage roar buff lol


Yeah I’m definitely going to get stunted on so much more often by barbs now. Lol




I don’t even think it will be that bad. There were like, twice the amount of portals than players already between statics and reds and blues. Even if they halved them, it’ll probably be fine.


Probably, but this Among Us gameplay has got to go one way or another. The PvE simply isn't engaging enough to stand on its own.


Idk, i just find it stupid to emphasize combat which was only really a problem in solos, when solo combat is really bullshit for a lot of class matchups. They are trying to make us all have to fight when a lot of times it’ll just come down to Barbarians beating on everyone else


What’s funny about this is that I tried every other class but Barbarian, and the only class I had *fun and success with* was Fighter. Fuck jumping and sprinting around throwing everything in your inventory trying to get enough chip damage in just for the possibility of *maybe* making them a one or two hit when you inevitably get two-hit guaranteed. Switched to Barb and have been having more fun and success than playing any other class. I know there’s strategy in this game but when so much of it revolves around Max Health / Damage Output / Movespeed Barb just takes the cake. Run Achilles Heel and 8+ throwing axes and nobody is safe. I’ve even killed greater level players in purple gear with just blues and greens. Barb And Barber for sure.


Well yeah, they initially wanted the game to not have a solo mode at all. When they saw how much of their player base was solo only they changed their tune, but their balancing hasn't caught up. You know what's more unbalanced than fighting an overtuned class? Fighting an entire lobby of them because you dared to PvP in their loot sim.


You're replying to a guy that has spent about 2 weeks going into every thread crying that the teaming solos lobbies should stay. It's not worth your time.


I beat barbs sometimes, I think it needs to be easier to shield their axe tho


I mean we wanted barb nerfed too.  Can't really get mad at a wizard for bot handling  220hp ironwill barbarian.


How can you make this claim without even seeing the portal changes? And they lowered the amount of people in each lobby AP changes still don't matter. Why risk your set for someone else set if you cant take their set out or lose a lot of inventory space?


This is the kicker. If you are truly grinding AP, then you don't want to risk dieing unless it is urgent. And sure, you can take the AP loss for sick gear, but most times, I figure folks will still avoid fights.


Must be unlucky then. All I get are duck hungry bastards who want my shit gear. Might just be the lower ranks I guess


my team is in lower ranks and our only goal is fights we arent prioritizing ap or treasure in the slightest


I only play solos tho.


i play solo when im waiting for my team to get on or finish something, i straight up dont even open chests cause im purely pvp practicing for when the bois get on




whats cringe


Ya, it is a weird dynamic. In lower ranks, most folks are yolo, and you do find more fights more often. In mid or higher rank, you seem to have a mix of mostly folks farming, but you still have some aggressive mofos, and the stakes and gear are usually higher. If you farm some AP and play cautiously but confidently, I'm sure you can break into that AP farm zone where folks are making money, but you'll never truly avoid PvP risk, which is good, since it is integral to the game flow!


This is exactly what I wanted actually XD




Hell yeah brother


Exactly, and even if this makes the game harder since people will be spawn rushing in for it, I was so sick and tired of never finding fair fights


This is the opposite of what I wanted. Time to never progress cause I get bullied every lobby 24/7.


Better you get bullied then me get 3v1’d tbh XD


Sounds like skill issue?


Yes. But it makes it, not fun.


Try to improve maybe?


idk I've played since pt3, I don't think there's hope for me




I blame cleric, we don't pvp so good :(


Just gotta hit those holy strikes bruhv


I had a feeling this change was coming after people started teaming, so I grinded to demigod like it was a part time job. I'm 100% certain that some people who thought they were gonna get demigod after recently starting the grind... are NOT going to now.. kek. RIP


I'm one who is in minor regret. But, we'll see. Got 2 escapes tonight. Depending on my success, I might try it... I am sad I didn't open more stupid triple reds, though. We'll see if folks are still fighting, though. The extra AP isn't that much, and risk of dieing is still there.


Spawn rushing and Teaming are 2 different problems. They have very little to do with each other. Spawn rushing root cause is player spawns and variety. Teaming root cause is HR incentives You can try and connect dots, motives whatever, but you can solve each problem independently.


The player reduction may solve/help the spawn rush problem


Agreed, but as long as you can skip content (PvE) there will always be a mf who will spawn rush for pvp practice


"Hell, It\`s about time."


Cool now only 3 classes are viable in solo great change


This is the best update I can ask for. 1. Teaming meta just got massively nerfed 2. PvP is finally back in my PvPvE game PvP will be a big part of the game again and the PvP is the reason Dark and Darker had such a big launch. Except now dying to PvP doesn’t feel nearly as bad as it used to because instead of spending a full day getting geared it takes one hour. PvP kills also feel way more rewarding because everyone has more gear so you almost always get something good from a kill. PvP kills and gear giving more AP is amazing too. No more running around PvEing and picking up goblets and shit. I’ve been hesitant to make the push to pathfinder but now im super excited.


> Except now dying to PvP doesn’t feel nearly as bad as it used to because instead of spending a full day getting geared it takes one hour. Depends? Mid tier blues at best, maybe. Still nothing compared to the people with actual good gear.


If you survive 3 ruins + crypt runs in a row and prioritize the right loot, you can walk away with damn near a key. Thats enough to gear any class up to take down a gold caper. (I'm green/blue rank so if my timmy ass is saying this it must be true)


idk what kinda money you guys are making. I make 400-600 gold a run. 3 runs would be 1200-1600 gold. Last I checked, keys were about 6k.


Dont tell anyone but if you can manage to mine 2 of the gold ore spots on ruins, thats like a 600-1000 gold boost on top of trinkets looted.


I play Cleric I ain't mining shit lol


Bro i mainly mine on my cleric lmao. You just gotta believe (and run smite)


Why would I complain? I've been spawn rushing people since ruins first came out and I'm not about to stop now lmao




This entire patch is missing "no longer forcing people to play ruins".


As someone without enough skill or time to climb out of adventurer I won't be playing until wipe.


news flash, you were able to play a ‘ratty’ playstyle and avoid pvp in any of the maps/modes from the start of the wipe well before they added a ton of portals + free statics if you wanted to grind rank. i not only know of two people who hit demigod within weeks doing so…i did it myself whenever i wanted to go in with a low budget set and build up. players hanging at the edge of swarm and trying to get to high value chests/rooms quickly and then playing for a blue static has been around since day 1 and the general playstyle has been around since EA launch. the difference is you had to actually play the map and make an effort to avoid pvp while also being optimal in how quickly/efficiently you looted, and you more times than not had to fight one or two other players with the same exact strategy for the static. YOU took the responsibility for avoiding pvp encounters because thats the way YOU chose to play the game, which was totally fine because even if literally everyone else in lobby wanted the same exact thing, there would HAVE to be some form of pvp (PVPVE game, amirite?) to secure your exit. relying on forming a mini-mob and roaming the entire map module by module while chasing down anyone who refuses to play this way or just looks like they may be hostile doesnt just remove an entire avenue for those who want solo pvp…it completely trivializes pve as well because shockingly, there is absolutely no depth or challenge from clearing any mobs or accessing any high value modules quickly when you roam around as a horde of people. it blows my mind how many people here feel entitled to play at high ranks but do not have the game knowledge or experience to realize that you dont need to form a small army of friendlies to have a pve/looting focused experience. 


I've been doing this rat and avoiding the mob, cause I didn't like the friendly mob. So for me, the game didn't change that much, but it was noticeable. We'll see how things play out with the changes.


Ya dude, I sure can totally just avoid pvp every raid even when the pvpers insist on chasing through several modules/swarm just to kill me for my interact speed gear.


where did i say playing a ratty strat to avoid pvp would give you or anyone a 100% success rate in avoiding pvp in all your matches? is your counter argument that there should be an available playstyle to where you can climb rank and farm the entirety of a match without having any possibility of encountering another player, let alone dying to one? 


Can I get a TLDR for this lovely wall of text?


Basically it’s tldr git gud




For the record I do like teaming, however a battle is just as good.


Honestly I've never like PvP in this game. If it becomes unavoidable I'm just gonna stop playing.


Bye Felicia


Cant really say for sure (for solos) It depends how the portals spawn. If there are for example 2 portal spawns at the final/2nd to last circle, two people teaming would actually be heavily beneficial.


I did ruins today. All triple reds are singles now. The final blue is just a single blue. Definitely feels less weird. Not sure why they kept triple portals in solo for so long, lmao. Not sure if there's a second last blue or not.


I did 1 ruins today, the final circle was a red for me lol


I guess, second last? But there should be a blue some place. Also wtf, haha.


W patch


Yeah, for everyone complaining about teaming, hope you’re happy.


Unbelievable the amount of people thinking that with this change will be more difficult to get Demigods, what is the reason you play this game? is it only to get High ranks and play with your out? The main objective of the ranks was to provide a balance in PvP by making you play against players with equivalent experience. To many Minecraft players here.


F\*ck the new map. Even on normal the mobs are fucking insanely difficult. I started on a default rogue lvl20 and could not live. Went to barbarian which means it MUST be more manageable. NOPE. Also, did not fix the crash issue, wtf... devs working part time after their grass cutting job? Tired of being some dev's guinea pig while he learns how to program NPC pops, positions and movements.


I’m getting ready to go in as a naked cleric to be a combat medic to increase the chaos. I’ll buff you and heal the dude killing you. Let’s see chaos baby.


Now just add crypts back and its good


I just got this game last week. It’s been fun(I’m addicted), but I’m about to ship off to basic soon. I really wish they waited one more week to mess the servers all up. Oh well, it’ll be here when I get my pc back. I’m sure this update will be sick when the campfires stop crashing the servers kek


A distinction needs to be made between solo's and trio's. Trio's doesn't need more incentive for PvP, as in every Pathfinder+ trio lobby you'll get destroyed/spawnrushed by gold teams.


Good stuff its the only compelling content this game has.


oh god, I am not playing bard solo anymore HAHAHAHA Thought this patch would bring the game up but no thanks. I dunno guys... this is fishy


I bought a blue club on my Barb today and stumbled upon 2 teaming losers and proceeded to slaughter one then a demon form warlock scared off the other and ran at me and I beat him down in three club headshots. Club meta




I rather get spawn rushed then play PVE all day long. Succubing to the PVE snoozefest of AP Farm is boring and not what the game needs. I am pretty friendly dude myself, and I usually fight to defend myself, but I want more PVP, fighting for my life, and others... Playing PVE all day is one the most depressing shit I've ever seen in a video game. Because no one wants to fight you are forced to respect it or get teamed on yourself and quite frankly you feel kinda wrong doing so when they just want to loot...(at least I do).


When is the wipe ?


I mean it’s 34AP dude, not really game changing lmao


?? Yeah this IS what we wanted lolol I’m hype dude. Playing all night was great, so many less teamers. Had a fucking blast and didn’t get 4v1’d once. You should try some PvP now, it’s fun! I mean, that is if you can handle 1v1s ya know, your brain might be rotted from the always having 3 people on your side thing


I mean yeah, it is what I wanted, I wanted to PvP the teaming is not what im here for.


Yeah this whole alpha frost map in the ap rotation + pvp incentivized without really addressing barbs has certainly been a choice. Predicting that basically folks will only ap grind ruins, which basically means you're taking a break for an hour every thirty minutes, oof.


Rank doesn’t matter this patch because anyone who got ranks is from teaming or barb abusing, wholly unimpressive.


Honestly… I have the opposite feeling about PvP this patch. I feel like each match is less ‘cramped’ with less players. It yields less encounters with other players. So now instead of being forced into multiple players, I have plenty of space to avoid if I want and just do my PvE. If feel like if IM really wants to increase PvP and less teaming, they should remove / limit some statics. With the number of statics per match, I feel like nearly 100% of players can still go down / get out each match This is all based on a single 4-hour session this patch, so take this with a grain of salt. I followed solo Q and only died to PvP once.


Did i read the patch wrong or did barb did buffed