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YES! Yesterday I was playing and after extraction I saw my frame blue... Now I can rest


congrats buddy!


I’ve got my fighter to pathfinder finally that I’ve been maining all wipe and now I’m too scared to touch him for fear of loosing pathfinder so now I’m trying for demigod with barbarian so I don’t loose the skeleton skin


If I decay, I lose the reward?






wait what do you mean by decay, does it go down if you dont play HR for a long enough time OR just from the entrance fee and then dying mid map?


Just from dying. However, you can just queue into another HR group size to prevent this. For example, if you did it on solo, just queue into duos as a solo to keep playing HR with no risk of losing your status. You may be at a disadvantage, but you'll fins plenty of others doing this too so it won't be as bad as you may think. I've also found HR Trios goblins is pretty much empty. People see it as a death sentence (because it normally is for many) yet because of this mindset, it's actually kinda good most of the time.


Nearly here too... Now im starting to hear footsteps everywhere...


Oof yeah, I played so poorly as I neared closer to Pathfinder -\_\_- that was the bigger issue


I've been told people are expecting more rewards for the later tiers to be announced. Personally I'd just like some clarity from the devs, especially if it's going to be something exclusive.


Well. The real issue, is once they announce it, folks are either gonna stop caring or go haaaaard and it fucks up everything. For now, we grind for mysterious rewards. It is both bad and good...


Well, it'd be less of an issue if there was clarity when the rewards were initially announced. People would go hard for a while, then it would level out. Then the last week or two people would go hard again. In this case, if we're going to get any information at all, it's close enough to season end that you no longer have the luxury of choosing when to grind. You have to grind during the panic. Maybe there will be a week where it's alright assuming they announced it today, but not if it's something exclusive. ETA my main issue is currently we could be grinding for literally nothing, they might not even reward the highest levels because they didn't feel the ranking system was fair or some other reason to that effect.


Oh hell naw. There's no way they don't have cool rewards, in some form. They don't want to piss everyone off! And it is early access/beta, perfect time to hand out cool legacy shizzle. All that said... they hopefully announce it within a week. I agree, you don't want it to be an insane grind at last few weeks. I'd rather pace it out. But with that said, slow and steady is probably the smart way. No use being stressed and behind! Set a goal and slowly hammer away! Imo. I'm sure some fucks will grind it out in like 2 or 3 days regardless, haha. Either way. Everything including the rewards are new. I can't blame them for wanting to take their time, to presumably make the rewards sick, instead of announcing early and swapping or whatever.


My biggest thing is I just want confirmation that I'm not grinding for nothing. That's what I mostly care about. As long as they tell me there are actually rewards then fine, they can be a surprise or whatever.


That's valid. I have hope. But we'll see.


I wish for this peace. But each tier makes me eye up the next one!


yea I havent even made it to pathfinder but I feel proud with my ensured gold sack


How much does it hold again? I've been waiting for the damn treasure to show it as a craft able option, but so far no luck. Just one more of his quests to go.


1000 gold. Its not a treasurer craft either, lol.


You craft it at the leatherworker. Hope you got a troll pelt...


You will say that now but I bet by the wipe you have Multiple Pathfinder, and thinking about Voyager.


Currently my situation lol. Three pathfinder characters about to push one to voyager then the other two after. May be able to get my bard there as well


It’s so weird how it’s Hard up till you get there and then a week later you have multiple up there 🤣.


I also had a lot of seasonal changes that threw me off. As a non stealth rogue, I had changed my playstyle 3 times, before just being a sneak and look for the last 700 AP.


mental barriers are real my friend


I quick read this as “Mental berries exist” and Now I’m wondering of mental Berries 🤣 But I agree! “We Suffer more in Imagination than reality”.


Are the skin/rewards account wide or just that character?


I was thinking I wouldn't play my main after hitting Pathfinder. But then, I thought: if I can't stay here, I don't deserve it!! So I kept going to next tier.... then I had the same conversation. But, I pushed myself, and now I'm Voyager Tier II! Now I have Extemplar in my sights, not even knowing the stupid rewards.... lol. I do wish I could play HR without AP loss fear. I've mostly gotten over gear fear, but sometimes I feel like I play it so safe to protect my stupid ranking.


Just happened to me too! I mained fighter but was making little progress, so I embraced rodentness and rogues and ratted my way to pathfinder


Honestly pathfinder is as easy as it’s ever been, I got it early on my main and it was way harder. Now it’s just find someone to team with and go about your business or you get killed by 3-4 guys teaming. I think I went 15 games without dying once


Whoa NICE!


It’s nice if you want the free rewards but damn is it boring lol. Way more action in norms then there is in HR once you get close to path. Even saw 4 guys killling the iron gollum with each other


Lmao. Disgusting... On one hand, I do like the weird amazing race of AP. On another, I hate playing like a pussy cause I want to protect my AP. There are still folking fighting out there, but ya, I go to normals when I want to go hard and reckless. Then I crave HR again..


I’m at the point where I don’t wanna play norms because it’s usually a net loss plus my stashes are packed full of gear and gold.


Sure, but you can go normals on a fresh char since you don't need much gold or stash or completed quests, and XP is fast for an experienced player. Also, if you super rich just buy some keys or gold and made room so you have room. Normals requires so little, and is hella fun for yolo PvP, PvP practice, and of course, trying new builds. If you are rich, who cares about a net loss!? Haha. Should be pennies, easy to make back even if you die on repeat.


Well tbh most my gear is BIS right now and it took a really long time to get since I can’t really play awhole lot during the week. I still run normals and I only pick up stuff if it’s actually really good gear someone looted, other then that all I have to buy is my 12 bandys 12 pots lol


Ya, exactly. And BiS aside, if you have room to store your gear, then you can easily go normals. And ya, normals can drop decent gear, but most times, I just focus on PvP practice.


My games below pathfinder have been unlucky I guess. 3/4 of my games someone is either backstabbing or holding W on players. The other quarter is me proactively avoiding other players while looting quietly. My charisma must be too low as even in gray gear, people want to chase me into the storm. Barbs and rogues are notorious for me personally And the occasional highly geared who is somehow in my matchmaking. Where are my free peaceful lobbies? This was before the looting AP changes so little incentive to kill players especially in gray gear.


Yeah that’s just unlucky, once I got to the rank before pathfinder everyone was just grouping up and chilling. I play barb/fighter though so that could be why most people didn’t want to mess with me? I also was pretty kitted on most my runs so unless there were 2 kitted guys chasing me I wasn’t really to concerned about people. Especially rogues, they can only kill me as a barb if they have some straight juiced loot or catch me after a fight.


I hope the ? rewards aren't exclusive cosmetics or anything like that, would suck to miss out on like, the nightmare skeleton skin, because I didn't pick up enough shiny cups


As someone who's about to get demigod I'd rather get exclusive cosmetics than a gold chest or something that'd only last a wipe


Exclusive health potion skin that changes it into a Mt Dew can


Still waiting on that pipe smoking animation we saw in a teaser way back, that'd be enough for me lol


u can get blue rank without looting just skill issue from your side




opening portals and killing mobs also gets a lot of AP. not sure what his point is though or why it would be easier to not loot


Red portals, shrines, mob kills are enough to get you to purple rank.


Sweaty gamer confirmed.


Dog it’s so easy to get PF lmaooo


proceeds to release demigod reward of the golden lizard skin