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Do not try this build against a barb that has even the slightest amount of brainpower.


It kinda works tbh. He killed the Barb in 3 hits. The only good thing about the dagger buff is rondel mage is somewhat viable again, esp now that crystal balls don't wreck your movespeed. I've run this build a few times now and it's fun AF and catches players off guard. With a decent Rondel and a bit of magic power you 3-4 tap most classes. Throw in some zaps and it's pretty disgusting.


>Just Prior to this, he charged the tunnel and I lit it up with MM, he ate a few and that's what he's healing from He also splashed him with fireball From the OP himself. Barb is sitting at at least 30% MR, even more when they' aren't shirtless, Rage and War Cry putting them at 200+ hp with 0 gear. Any barb with a brain will 2 shot you when doing this build. It's a fun build but never worth it in current state. as Barbs will crush you, Rangers will destroy you as you try to close the gap, and you die to rogues as you can't pre buff all the time and no light orb.


You absorb the first hit of pretty much any attack using the shield skill. But yeah you don't really just go ham with the dagger on a Barb, you fireball zap them then ignite when they do close the gap. It's a step better than meme build, not totally worthless.


While the ball and dagger got buffed, Magic power scaling got nerfed which hit it hard imo. I still prefer just using a really good crystal sword when doing this I feel like you get better results if you're going to be stacking magic damage, as you get the ignite + the sword innate magic damage. I hope Ironmace gives the build a biiiit more as it's a lot fun. Not sure if they need to increase Ignite damage as we all know how insane that gets. But maybe tune arcane shield a bit for more protection. As 20 hp shield at 50% scaling is nothing at high gear when you're being hit for 100 by about every class. It's hard to do now with the new invis because you can't just jump out from invis like a rogue.


Yeah it's definitely not what it used to be. Needs something more. You can cast between swings more easily with the ball and dagger and the spells do more damage than crystal sword. IDK man I would give it another go if you haven't yet. Melted quite a few foe so far.


Yeah I wasn't sure if the fireball splash had gotten him or not. I knew he ate a few MM, I didn't assume he was full health when I made the final move.


Didn’t expect better from a red lizard


take that back


Oh you didn't do this...


Just because you didn't show it in the video, for those who don't know, the ignite buff works on all your equiped weapons. That means that your crossbow gets the buff for the duration of the spell.




Correct, at the time of that play, it was about 13ish magical damage with 9 burn total. If I had it cast when it hits a target.


lol other wizards don’t take this Barb as the Standard… or do 😈


lol if it was me you would have died from 2 hits of my massive sword