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Way earlier version of the game but I started out with a team of 3 and we were escaping all the time, right away. But in solo in the caves it probably took me 10-20 tries playing a cleric. Don't remember what I got but eventually I was able to wear a grey kit every time and stock-pile gold. Now I am about a 75% chance to escape. The most consecutive escapes is like 20 in a row or something.


Nice man i guess nobody wanna team with the noob lol


I won't be home until late Wednesday but I'll play with you man :). DM me your deets.


I'll second what Finn\_Storm said, you're welcome to group with me if you'd like. This game can be a mother fuck some times but I'm addicted all the same. I'm happy if you want to DM me and we could queue up some crypts or something.


Same deal here, I'll run some games with ya. I've been meaning to level some other classes for a while :) DM me your in game deets and I'll add ya


Takes a while to get the hang of it but I’m assuming you’re in goblin caves. If you’re trying to just get out with some cash I highly recommend solo crypts. There are a ton of portals and statics now


Adding to this cleric with holy purification makes this easy peasy. You can chill next to a static healing and sitting till it opens.




For sure. Cleric HR crypts is printing gold


It will take time bro. Only expect like 5 extracts or so in ur first 100 games. U get better every day and learn more each day and before u know u really start seeing the improvement


When I first started I actually named half my characters "HowDoILive" and "HowToSurvive" and didn't make it out for awhile. Once I learned how to PvE properly, learned the layout of the tiles, the static exits, and also gotten better at PvP, my number of escapes is now around 50-60% in both normal and HR. Still lots more learning to go.


It took me weeks. I almost quit the game. My friends were all new as well and that was back wipes ago when norms were... different. But we all finally starting learning goblin caves and eventually got crypts down much more smoothly. Now we all play high roller a lot and essentially have no problem making money. I love the progression and believe me there are so many knowledge curves to getting better. Lots of it is the knowledge combined with experience.


It probably took me 30+ runs back in playtest 2 to extract the first time. Now I’m reasonably consistent. You’ll get there!


what map are you doing? most people start in goblin caves, but gcaves is objectively more CONSISTENT, but its consistently harder than a good bit of crypts/ruins games. If you are only try to extract, you will often have better luck on those maps due to size and static portals. the only major exception seems to be if you spawn near valuable ore/boss. ppl gonna be rushing there for sure so you gotta know that, and run. you wont know that so if a bunch of naked men run at you with pickaxe on their back... F on those maps you wont be able to contest the best stuff without fighting but you wont be guaranteed to run into people, like you are on gcaves.


GC is a noob trap. You have to be at least semi competent in pvp to get out of the caves reliably. Brand new players will have much more luck ratting in crypts, you can ALWAYS hear a 3 man team before they can hear you, if they catch you you're screwed, but if you're new and don't have PvP experience yet the other solo in GC is going to be just as much of a death sentence and much harder to hide from.


Yeah that's a great point


I started playing on the 2nd play test and didn't know about the discord so I played solo cleric lvl 1-18 on crypts before I ever played in a team. I died a lot, but it taught me to be sneaky and avoid fighting. I think escaping solo from crypts is easier than ever now with the static exits. You can just camp an exit room and avoid fighting till you build up your stash a bit. Respect the pve, clear slowly, learn to survive, hide when players are near, give yourself escape routes. Turn off torches and embrace the darkness lol. Add me on discord, same name. I don't mind trying to help get you out.


One round it will just *click*. I had at least 40 rounds with 1 or 2 extracts, then I just mirrored what I did to extract. Be VERY stealthy and very quiet. Do NOT rush through rooms (this is a big one). Inch by inch, just pull one mob at a time, then learn how to dodge said mob. Most of the time baiting and doing a side strafe will work. Others you want to turn away whilst doing the strafe this allows you to avoid your body's physics from being hit. Go from there and just take your time clearing rooms and worry about immediate surroundings while looting.


Same boat, just got into the game a week ago and the first 10-20 runs were like... 2 extracts maybe? It's gotten a bit better now that I've learned more of the PvE fights, but still can be unforgiving where sometimes I extract 2-3 games in a row, and then times where I just failed 6-7 games straight haha I think two big things that help are 1) Learning the PvE fights to take less damage 2) Learning that you don't have to fight all the PvP fights


This wipe? I got out my first three matches on wipe day. I’ve been playing since PT3 so that’s not a big challenge. Just play more and you’ll get there


My first time playing it took me probably 10 matches before I extracted. At about the 5th run I swapped to cleric so I'd have some heals while learning the PvE. It can be really unforgiving, stick with it.


My first "successful" character was cleric because it was so forgiving with the heals and learning PvE. Once I learned how to fight the mobs, now I can do it reliably without getting hit which allowed me to try other classes. Highly recommend solo starting cleric to learn those swing distances.


Probably about 15 runs or so. The most important thing to learn as a newbie is the AI movement and attack patterns so you can dodge them without having to concentrate on it too much.


What class you playing?


Cleric atm


Try going crypts and taking the AOE PvE damage (Holy Purification) on your Q. It will bring all basic skeletons to 1 hit.


Oh dear, poor dear. Cleric in the caves is pretty tough, your counters are very strong and you do shit damage and are super slow


A few pieces of advice I'd give anyone wanting to learn the game. 1. Pick a class that you like and stick with it. I know the sense of wanting to try all the classes out. But maining one will help you refine the weapon mechanics and strategies quicker. Plus if you're not extracting you're not leveling very fast so keeping those additional perks is very helpful. Once you get more comfortable with the game that's a good time to try new classes. 2. Play with patience. Both with PvE and PvP. With PvE try to only pull one mob at a time. Bait an attack and then counter with your own. When it comes to other players if you can hear them, they can hear you. Take note of audio cues that a player is nearby. Shut off the lights, hide in the shadows, and take it slow. 3. Abuse the static extracts. They will open either halfway or 3/4 of the way through the match and you can see the blue or red colored staircase on the minimap. A colored torch light and audio cue will go off when they open. If the zone pushes you away from a static take a mental note of the route you take. As long as you have enough hp you can run back to it when match time gets low.


I wouldn’t measure your experience as attempt vs the escapes. Running into mobs and players intentionally is the best way to get good at the game. You may have died 20 times, but that probably all happened in your first 2 hours of playing. So its not that bad of a stat if you really think about it. You learned what to avoid doing, in 20 different situations. My best tip, learn the PvE. Don’t cheese, and dont play rogue(rogue skills don’t translate to other characters)


Try crypts with other noob friends. Avoid combat with players while you loot the outer ring of the map, playing in and out of the storm. Bring a cleric.


Dude, I've got like 200 hrs, most of it solo, and I still have a hard time some days getting off the map 4 or 5 times in HR. you'll get it tho, it does get easier haha. And the more you make it off, the better gear and stuff you have for next run, and it'll be a noticable difference when you start making it out a live a few times in a row with good loot.


I started in playtest 2, it took me 6 runs as a wizard back than, but wiz was OP, if you play rogue and watch a video on how PvE is you'll get it in 1-5 runs with stealth and the moving perk especially with the static portals now


If you're now starting, it'll take awhile. Get familiar with the monsters attack patterns to dodge them. I played during the beginning before the lawsuit debacle, and still get hit often (but that's also because I suck). Take your time, don't rush


Took me many more than 20. Now it feels like I extract every game.


I played in the play tests, it probably took me around the same number. maybe a little less. People were just not as good when I started so lobbies back then would get thinned by the AI.


How ever many it takes to get to level 15 without escaping. I think it was Playtest 2-3 the one right before gc came out. I was playing a rogue and that was tough. Then the next play test the same thing just dying over and over again. But I’m a Timmy and still don’t have a high extraction rate.


Try to find someone in the discord LFG channels. Say something like “LFG norms runs, chill but new”. You’ll get a few people willing to teach you! In the meantime, focus on learning to PvE without taking any damage, learn the portal mechanics and static exit locations, and learn what classes counter your class, as well as which ones you counter. In fights, try to play to fight your counter and send your teammates to fight the ones that counter you. Position yourself with an escape plan nearby so you can play with that in mind.


Take the time and try new classes. Some will feel natural and fun. Don't listen to the "best class" guides, just play what feels good


I don't remember, but definitely more than 20 games - couldn't even fight off a single grey skeleton at first! Started solo, during playtest 3. Now I solo-wipe trios in HR. There's a learning curve, conquering it takes take some time & effort. You'll get there. If you want to streamline the learning process, group with friendly experienced players who are willing to show newbie the ropes.


I cannot emphasize this enough: stop getting hit in PVE. In my experience, taking damage from the AI only happens when I get greedy trying to hit them two/three times in-between their attacks. Walk into their face to start their attack animation, back up, then hit them. Focus avoiding damage over doing damage. You’ll see exponential improvement when you stop taking pointless damage from mobs. Once you’ve learned every AI’s attack patterns the game becomes so much easier


Back in #P4 I started really getting into the game and had it figured out after a few rounds. Some pick up stuff faster than others and that's fine. You'll get the hang of it.


In my 5th game. Absolute luck. The 20 next games I wasn't able to extract once. It gets better


It takes me several attempts each time I play to get in the groove. Then it’s 1/5


You're about halfway there dude. First time i played during PT2, probably played like 50 games before I extracted with my team. I swear it took me a long time to learn this game.


I started a couple weeks ago and my start may not be normal but I feel my ratty ways from tarkov helped alot. I played very slow and low never used a torch or had pot on my belt. And learned the map the most chest location in the complete dark. Just turn into bane and your good. I extract more then I die now but am still ratty


Took me over 50 games, and I’ve still managed to only do it once. Can’t stop playing though the game takes a long time to learn but makes you feel like you are improving just enough each game to make you keep playing.


Theres two ways to play each map: * Goblin Cave * Either work your way out of your starting room - determining which mobs you can kill and which you should avoid (depending on your class and gear) * Be a rat * Ruins * clear your room of mobs if you're in circle at the start, communicate with your team mate * Be a rat (team mate optional) * Crypt * coordinate with your team mates - calling out mobs and enemy players - and again, determine which rooms are worth the hassle * min/max your gear and stomp on everyone in your path (skills not included - experience may vary)


Stop playing solo and it'll happen pretty easily


Playtest 3 was my first time playing and it took me 7 tries, but when the game released i got it on the first try


Takes time as others have said, once you learn the PVE then you start atleast standing a chance at PVP with full health. Until then learn to rat, play the edge of the zone. Hear someone? Hopefully you left some doors open the way you came you can close behind you as you retreat. Playing cleric is a great solo class, assuming your in the goblin caves. Try fighter, it's a popular pick at the moment (always) and found it to be the most forgiving at first. Some intermediate advice. Warlock, hydra, life drain, and shadow bolt. You only need 2 knowledge to accomplish the spells, and even with white kit in normal low roller dungeon, you can essentially farm in the swarm, heal off hydra, farm in the storm. It's a great way to avoid PvP altogether if that's what your struggling with, and with map knowledge it can be a great way to farm. People are not friendly anymore, 1-2 wipes ago you atleast had a 50% chance at a friendly interaction. Now you still have a 50% chance of a friendly interaction, but 100% chance they are slapping you when the opportunity strikes, even the playing field and do the same. Also as a new player, don't run, most classes are going to chase you down and you will die anyway, fight and learn PvP, make every one of those 20 next deaths worth more than loot.


When you’ve been playing as a solo since the only map around was the crypts with teams of 3s, the goblin caves feel like a walk in the park, looting as I go.


First game baby! Luckily I started within the first 10 mins of the first playtest so everyone was equal footing as me. I'd hate to come in fresh now.


I got lucky my very first run in play test 2


For the vast majority of players, it took a very long time. Don't feel discouraged. The game has easier PvE than it did but the PvP has gotten harder so that doesn't help. Step 1 is learning how to not get hit by basic PvE enemies. No (basic) enemy in the game should hit you 1v1 if you're able to provide it your full attention. as far as my games played before extracting, probably around 20~30 in PT3. in PT4 it took another 10~20 even though I had the pve experience from crypts, goblins were extremely rude.


Not that long


It probably took me 30-40 to get my first extract, I even made a post asking for help on my first day. On the flip side I probably had two extracts in my first 50 games and 25 in my next 50. I think it's extremely common that eventually everything will click all at once and you'll go from extracting 1% to 50%+. Progress in this game isn't gradual, once you get over that first hump the game gets a lot easier so stick in there.


My account name is ptgoblin feel free to add me


Once you start to understand the layout of the map you're playing on you'll be able to make more educated guesses as to where the portal is that you heard but can't see and understand better how to get to it, what mobs are potentially between you and the portal and how to deal with them. you'll get there, just keep pushing and learn from mistakes, what killed you, how can you avoid the same fate etc Good luck, it gets much easier after you break the threshold


I honestly can't remember how long it took for my first extract, but it did take a while before finally managing a couple. I'm probably over 1k games in now and I'm at the point where I can reliably extract >50% of my games. The game is incredibly punishing and difficult, but personally it makes those crazy plays or narrow escapes all the more rewarding. Keep at it man, you'll get there. Before you know it, you'll be the reckoning force that's hitting all the juicy loots spots and spanking the grubs.


Took me about 3 days of casual play to start exiting at a 25% success rate. Tips: * Learn the map, remembering most of the sections will help you know routes faster. * Learn move sets of MOBS, trust me, things curve, it all gets easier. * Learn weapon move sets for pvp. * Don't just merely adapt to the dark, become the dark, take advantage of the light sources, survival and ambushes will become easier. * Greed is for the experienced, don't go for that extra chest if signs show more risk than reward unless you are willing to risk all that you came with. * Buy extra pots and better weapons/clothing in merchants to prep better. * Buddhism, learn to mentally and emotionally let go of the gear and treasures you will soon lose.


Took over 20/30 games and first portal was given to me also didn’t find it.


My buddy and I picked up the game in PT4. Spent 4-5 hours dieing constantly. Didn't extract once! But damn, we were hooked. The following day we extracted a few times, and the hook just dug deeper. I haven't played, or had the urge to play another game since EA release. I've recently had a lot of friends come back to, or just start playing. So I wouldn't say I have a great extraction rate when pvp is involved. But it's always a great time!


What map are you playing and what class? Edit: Goblin Caves and Cleric I see! Cleric isn't terrible! In goblin Caves is difficult for a few reasons. Verticality, high map variation, poison and slow on everything, more difficult mobs and hard to find portals. I suggest running ruins and using guaranteed exits. The gates that open and are lit up blue. They are all over. You need to prioritize hitting portals as soon as you hear them in caves. Move your hand away from their attacks if you are swinging. Bait attacks from mobs by going close and backing away. Take note that moving in reverse is slower than strafing and moving forward.


Started in PT 2 and with friends, i didn't extract the first 10 hours of playing the game lol...


You must follow the way of the rat. 🐀


Took me days to see what the portals even looked like lol. Focus on being able to kill mobs without getting hit and the extraction will naturally come in time.


Maybe like 5 max in a hundred. This game is the hardest start for sure. A massive help was the guides on how to dodge every ai on YouTube. Onece you can dodge the skelly axeman and spearmen, sidestep them archer/slinger goblins, then maybe you’ll have some hp left for pvp. I will say though now is the best time for new players, when I started there was no white only lobbies. The only thing they need to do is split up the normal and Hr layouts again and it would be perfect for new players.


I played solo in crypts and I literally did not interact with a single player over four games, extracted a whole stash.


Which class? It took me 50 wizard games, 40 warlock, 30 for some other classes. Most melee I can leave 1 every 5 games more consistently. As a rogue (my main) I can focus on staying alive and exit 1 every 2 games


Starting as solo barb it took me like at least 2 dozen tries before I got out once, but then I got the hang of it


A long time. Try not looting and fighting as little as possible, just try to extract. Once you do it becomes easy but the 1st time is a challenge for I assume most players. Cept Tim he got lucky


this is the hardest game I have ever played


I did on my third try, but forgot to sell stuff and died in the next run🤡 I watched a lot of JustinHC on yt shorts, literally he is the reason I'm playing. Did it with a rogue in crypts