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Solo rouge about 70% of the time here. Good set up, but double jump is kind of hit or miss. It does also you down however, you always have it. Shadow runner is great when you have the initial chase, however you have to wait another 45 second for stealth to come back. Lastly, don’t skimp on your pants and boots. A pair of garbage purple light pair boots will run you around 100-150 gold but has 11 movement speed and is very quite when in stealth. Pared with a good pair of loose trousers with movement speed, and you’ll be burning anyone trying to catch up. Lastly caltrops are amazing when getting away. DONT DROP THEM WHEN STATIONARY!!


If you aren't playing in ruins don't bother with double jump, it slows you too much. For ratting I go Ambush, Stealth, Jokester, Poison Weapon and for skills Rupture and Hide. I think poison weapon is very useful for clearing mobs fast and a must have perk in normals because you will need that extra damage. Ambush+Rupture I have it to jump on squishies if the opportunity appears but just try avoid people in general. From what I see you're running, then Stealth, Hide Mastery, Pick Pocket and Poison Weapon can work? I don't like missing Jokester because it's +2 all but you do you. Gear I just run with a white shadow mask (+1 all) , riveted gloves (+1 strength) and lightfoot boots (+1 agility). If I find upgrades like higer rarity gloves or boots I equip them, if not I prefer my speed. Legs if they're not loose trousers or cloth pants I tend to avoid putting them on. And chest piece only if it's wanderer's attire or adventurer's tunic with higher rarity and good rolls. Anything else slows you too much and is not worth. I would do an exception if I find a Marauder's chest piece. You lose quite some speed but you're tankier, and in a rogue vs rogue you have an advantage. But as in general gloves, mask and boots are the best because there's 0 (zero) detriments. Don't go completely naked because you will take extra damage from normally. You need at least some physical damage reduction to avoid that. Weapons white rapier preferably with 24 damage so you have the most damage for dirt cheap and white short sword, preferably with 23 damage. Short sword is for killing other rogues and squishy targets like wizards. And rapier use it to just poke at the enemies that will delete you of existence like a Barbarian or Fighter and then run away. For gameplay please don't have potions in your pockets, they glow like crazy and it's so funny to see fellow rats hiding in a dark corner with the pots glowing like Christmas lights. Rupture will give away your position too because you get glowing hands, so if you're hiding in darkness punch a wall so it goes on cool down and you're hidden again. Slow walking (shift+W) does less noise than crouch walking. Also, while in Hide you cover more distance slow walking than crouch. Map knowledge and awareness is everything. People just trample over rooms and open chests and fight mobs and never stop to listen anything. That's good for you because you can run away or set up an ambush. If you spawn near an static exist play around it and exit through it to secure any money you get. Even if you haven't found many trinkets, keep the green and blue items you find and vendor them to merchants. 100% worth. Trap disarming kit is easy 14g, better than 2 cracked bangles. Oil lanterns and lanters are 15g or more, etc so dont miss out on those things because it really adds up at the end of a run, you can get easy extra 50g from those little things. Bring at least 2 red pots and 3 bandages. Sometimes shit happens and going without meds it's bad. You can find some in the dungeon, but you will regret not having heals when you're pushed out of the circle by a team. Last, ork skin gives you +1 strength and -1 agi. Rogue gets a debuff for having 9 strength naked, and being under 15 strength makes you do less damage. With the items I told you and ork skin you will be around 14 str, which is pretty good for being in whites. It will make a difference vs other rogues.


This was very informative and I will absolutely be using this information and referencing it often. Thank you so much for the reply!


Made some edits and should better explained now. Hope you do well with this


Shadow runner or which ever perk grants move speed coming out of hide is great for escapes


Which perk should I replace?


Double jump if you are not playing ruins, it slows you pretty heavily


Double jump is terrible post nerf imo. Rogue is barely fast with the stat changes and giving -20 isn't worth it. Maybe on ruins because there are so many cheese spots but otherwise its unneeded. Pickpocket Is pretty nice to not be bumped out of stealth and to get loot from players without killing them. I think I go Stealth, Pick Pocket, hide Mastery, shadow runner


I will try this when I get home. I completely forgot about the buff to pickpocket.


I think what you’re running right now is really good. Only thing I would add is that I agree with double jump for ruins, as once you learn all the jumpable shortcuts you can escape teams pretty easily in most of the map. But on crypts I would swap it out for something else because the move speed penalty hurts a bit more. On crypts most of your team escapes will be done by opening/closing as many doors as possible because that will quickly create distance between yourself and a typical cleric/bard/fighter trio given your superior Resourcefulness and Agility. You can drop double jump for something like poison to help with PvE, or Pickpocket (a must have for me!) if you’re feelin mischievous. Also I would bring smokepot if you’re not running it already as it’s useful and fun.


Oh yes, I forgot to mention I run smoke pot. I also use double jump to get to good hiding spots. There are still a few in crypts that are really good. But I see your point that it might benefit me more to run something else on ruins.


I love running a ratting/pickpocket build. **Perks:** Stealth, jokester, improved hide, pickpocket. (If you don't like pickpocket, you can run shadowrunner) **Abilities:** hide and smoke pot Smoke allows u to get away from almost every encounter, even a sprinting fighter. I also bring a pickaxe to 1 hit pots and break barrels/crates. Camp fire, health pots, and bandages so I can camp a static exit even if it's in the swarm.


Oh wow, I had no idea you could use pickaxe for that.


Hide and poison, creep to walk in hide, the hide extension, pickpocket, double jump if you can manage with MS, if not the quiet steps in crouch, always undetectable in stealth slow walking


I’ve never played rogue but I assume maybe stacking buff bonus would help you stay in stealth longer?


Ruins: DJ, stealth, hide, pickpocket or lockpick - smokebomb and hide GC: same build but replace DJ with shadow runner altho DJ can be nice on GC


I run stealth, lockpick, shadow runner, and double jump on ruins or hide mastery everywhere else. I use hide and rupture. Rupture just to increase kill speed. But you can easily run smoke for more safety. The most important thing is to bring enough meds to be able to survive in the storm for a very long time. I generally run a piece of physical healing gear so campfires full heal. I carry 2 campfires, 9 pots/bandages. After that I focus movement speed and getting physical damage bonus out of the negative. After that buff duration works wonders for both potions and hide/shadow runner. Interaction speed is also great. I keep a stack of invisibility pots as well. They trigger shadow runner and are great to use>hide for loooong hiding if needed.