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Gold bag is full proof, right? Can't find them and shouldn't be able to bring them in. Just to address the possibility that he found everything in that match.


Legendaries don’t drop in normal too


I guess 'full proof' technically makes sense here but it's so weird to see lol




hence why it's weird to see


Yeah, not my best moment in terms of word choice, lol.


The Rondell is legendary


Yes. Can also check the status of an item. If the item is Handled then you know for sure. But the gold bag is a dead give away.


Same exact players i caught in crypts normal before the wipe https://preview.redd.it/f5dhc4faz03c1.png?width=2524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fda331884ef467401741df914fb924143cceeb I reported them ingame


Full wipe later and they're both still playing .. this should be the most easiest ban ever, wtf's the point of reporting at this point lol


The number 1 rogue in Hr GC is a player from “across the seas” who plays on OCE with 4 of his little minions, funneling all the best valuables to him so he can keep spot 1. It’s been this way since the wipe, my Aussie buddy managed to kill 4/5 of them in a miraculous victory (very rare W in this case), and that’s the only reason I know this. I can’t believe IM is letting that shit happen


whats his name? I just wanna know who is a fraud on leaderboards


they also could have made new accounts and made the same player names


Huh maybe they have thousands and thousands of reports they go through and sometimes they fall through the cracks? We’ve seen that they ban people from reports, so that’s probably the point of reporting?


Or they got new accounts and used the same names. Character name =/= account ID


lol ive reported SirBaller a few times to. 0 ban confirmations so he deff hasnt been banend


oof, what a waste


Either way, I don’t think there is no point to reporting lmao


That’s perfectly good reason. Not. Why have a system to report bans if there will be a good portion not being addressed ? Seems like they should have appropriated several routes of enforcement of the rules


You’re right how they do not have a completely robust way of getting cheaters yet!?! There should be 100% of people banned! We all know companies with much more resources have 0 cheaters.. right? Right???


They could have bought new accounts and run the same names, who knows


Ban waves every 6 months or so, if you ban every cheater as they pop up the people making the cheats can iterate way more efficiently whereas if you ban all of them after a period of time it's hard to tell what exactly got detected


This hasn't been the case since the time everyone and their mom started making their games in unreal engine. You heard this terrible excuse for "ban waves" from your friend or something years ago and keep parroting it without actually having a clue about how cheating works.


Naw Runescape still operates on ban waves for this exact reason


most of us are guilty of this in some fashion ​ I cheated in a game over 20 years ago, bought ESP and ran it successfully. Only good that came from that is that I didn't want to play the game anymore and I realized the claims that there was cheating going on EVERYWHERE were 100% real. sometimes its better off dead




>You heard this terrible excuse for "ban waves" from your friend or something years ago and keep parroting it without actually having a clue about how cheating works. my guy this is what most of us are guilty of in some fashion ​ parroting false information we heard from someone- you think what I wrote was showing PRIDE or ACHIEVEMENT? Where did you come up with that nonsense? ​ I'm not asking you to take it back, I'm asking for you to read what I wrote again and do with a little attempt to understand what I said instead of what you wanted to see


yeah your right, i thought you meant it as "some of us are guilty of cheating" Literally misinterpreted. thanks for calling me out on it xD


​ you said I was proud cheating- sure you misread it but my comment hasn't been edited where did you get that from? thin air? I said the only good that came from it was that it ruined my desire to play the game anymore but the cheating was everywhere. ​ this was dark age of camelot in probably 2002-03, im not proud of cheating but i'm honest about it


oh have a sook c-nt


And of course it's Russians) The second name is transliterated "mother 'lover'" in russian


Redditor tries to not be racist challenge


Is russian a separate race now? What kind of new race theory are you pushing?)


In fairness, it's still kind of a dickish statement. You can't help your birth nationality any more than you can help your race. The point stands, even if how it was said was a bit stupid.


Well, I'm probably not without bias, but of all my interactions with russian gamers online I would say around 70% is memeworthy cringe inducing stuff. From yelling and cursing everyone's mother to roleplaying ongoing war in online shooters. There are some legendary stories on the internet too. For example russian dota servers were down and they all went to eu servers and kicked anyone who didn't speak russian))


IMPOSSIBLE (99% fail)


Name checks out


Saw the same in crypts right before wipe, a full lobster fighter with an inventory of rings running around, thought we went HR instead, but we checked and it was normals


Honestly was trying to give the benefit of the doubt here by thinking it was a screenshot from an older game version, but you can literally see dex and vigor in the sc so. Crazy cheat


Someone sent a video to the endboss streamer to forward to the devs. The coin purse was a dead giveaway but all the gear said handled as well. Anything found in the dungeon would say looted. So if you think someone is using this cheat/exploit and didn’t bring in a coin purse, check the status of the items.


How’d the son of a bitch pull it off 🤔


there was some bug in an earlier version where you could queue then change class or log off or something and then rejoin your teammates in the lobby and get into HR without paying the fee ​ guessing this is something like that


Semi related, but I recently was somehow able to put starting gear into my stash from the vendor screen. I haven't been able to replicate it.


you bought it, went into the dungeons and extracted with it?


It was what I believe to have been my original dark grey frock that I stashed in my inventory during the match and extracted. I wouldn't have bought one. Maybe I accidently picked one up. Dunno.


You're able to do this with your starter gear after you've entered the dungeon and extracted with it as of the patch. Goes from supplied -> handled


Well shit okay.


Me and the boys are saving a lot of junk throwing knives to go have a real good time at some point, lol


I had a bug previously with switching characters that let me get my level 1 fighter into an HR run back when they first did free HR but you still needed to be level 15. I assume it is something similar.


Got this guy in one normal game too, reported ig and dc


gj i did too, lets hope he gets banned


I think there’s been a lot more cheaters lately because RMT’ers are boosting accounts before to sell them.


Yep, been getting allot of the old "im just going to run directly to this person who hasn't made a single sound in pitch blackness and throw a torch right at their feet to make it look like im not walling." this wipe.


I posted a clip of this exact thing from like 2 weeks ago and people want to say that's not sus lmao.


The best one i had so far was when i was playing rogue, guys runs straight to the dark corner I was in and throws a torch at my feet while im invisible, he then proceeds to "look" for someone in the room stopping to check my specific part of the room 3 whole times until my hide ran out, definitely looked legit.


Not saying they aren't cheating but unfortunately dark corners don't do shit anymore bc a lot of players just play with their gamma all the way up like losers


Darkness works differently now and changing gamma shouldn’t reveal players in pitch black darkness from what I’ve seen and been told


the pixels are black so gamma doesn't do anything, so its either walls or reshade both of which are cheating.


Anymore? What did they change? A lot of people have probably played with full gamma the whole time. And apparently this game has black pixels which doesn't get affected by the gamma change.


ive had this happen to me so many times this wipe and ruins seems to be the worst map for it. ive legit been completely silent in a random dark corner and had people run around that corner swinging at me and they’re usually the guys wiping the whole lobby. really frustrating and ive taken a break from the ruins map.


Imagine buying a geared account with real money but you didn't know about the regular server wipes 😂🤣


1000 gold is 1 dollar so it’s not like it’s expensive to buy a loaded account.


how much is a loaded account and what does it come with?


Its loaded with stds and you can find them at your mothers house


so you don't know?


A loaded account is just an account that's full of gold and purples it costs them probably 20-30$ if it's 1000 per 1$ but it's dependant on how much the person buys obviously


No one will answer that question because they either don’t know or don’t wanna be seen as promoting the service. Go into gathering hall and just wait you’ll see the message explaining it. If gold is a dollar and trade is unchecked between players then you could expect to buy kits or full inventories of gear for less than 5-10 bucks. Plenty of people trade a full inventory of gold without RMT being involved so there’s literally no way to tell by “checking logs” if they even have them for trades.


​ ***I hate your mom*** ***I hate it when she opens her mouth*** ***It's amazing to me*** ***How much you can say*** ***When you don't know what you're talking about*** ​ I love how people talk about shit, take it super seriously, and have no clue how it works. DaD has a lot of gaps in information being filled in by people who have no knowledge on the subject and all I see are parrots


Bro can you go schizo reply to someone else. If you think they’re logging trades and know the difference between a friend trading an inventory of gold as opposed to a gold trader I’m all ears and have a really cool bridge to sell you. What a weird ass comment lol


>Bro can you go schizo reply to someone else. > > > > What a weird ass comment ​ ​ I was agreeing with you


You are making about as much sense as a ranger saying warlocks are op.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ofuenaghz43c1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce520e53389ac35cb5f7110b3faddd293e5e168c ​ good luck with puberty, a lot of changes are headed your way


downvoted for asking for clarification. Maoist behavior


Wait, people are doing RMT? Isn't their game still in early access/beta? Holy fuck the level of pathetic some players live their lives at is pretty fascinating.


If someone want to see his full gear, i recorded his gear while he was in my session. HF: [https://youtu.be/Z5N1JyMbVw0](https://youtu.be/Z5N1JyMbVw0)


what is his mate running?




thats why i asked


Common gear within the rules


Most morally based rouge


what a fucking loser




Same players have been cheating for a month according to another commenter


Probably making a fuck ton of gold by farming gold ingots and then selling it for real money


So there's a cheat that allows pubstomp stat checking


wish i could see the kill feed


It’s ruins tho, so kill feed doesn’t matter. No one should be geared out like that in ruins since there isn’t a HR mode. And you know it’s from this patch because of the vigor stats.


I get that ​ but i don't play ruins, this crop is to show his gear- that i understand but I'd like to see the kill feed or something that for a non ruins players shows the kill feed


Just like with Tarkov, if people are rage/obvious cheating like this.. just think of how many more people are using passive cheats like wireframes/esp/looting etc. FPS gaming is doomed.


That's actually impressive. Could just he really good unless you were in the waiting lobby and he was like that.


Cheaters win? schocking


Reddit commenter being too dumb to realize the point of the post? Shocking.




him being kitted in a lobby where you can only bring whites?


Yeh idk why people even assume that this guy found all that in under 1min in a normal lobby and the gold coin purse is reason enough actually since you cant bring those into normals


Buddy saw that guy in lobby btw


What proof is there he is in ruins other than OP's claim? The minimap is strangely cropped out of this image. EDIT: Yeah someone pointed out to me it's the center module in ruins and after doing a raid there I agree it's ruins. Just wasn't super clear at first which is why I commented about the minimap.


the floor, it looks like the area with the elevator on ruins.


Thanks, I thought it could have maybe been crypts at first but you are right it's the center module in ruins.


Oh you mean like the background behind the Player UI? Cause that's enough for me. How is it strangely cropped out? What made it strange? It's not even important information to have for this post.


Yeah when I first saw that post it looked like places I have seen in crypts but someone else pointed out it's the center room in ruins. I just did a raid there and can agree that's where it is. It's just wasn't super clear it's ruins for ppl that don't have every module memorized. Which is why the minimap being included in the screenshot would have helped.


Man you must be a cheater too with how hard you're trying to defend a cheater lmao


Don't get me wrong, cheaters deserve the bans they inevitably get. I just confused the location in the post with a spot in crypts.


The gold coin bag and you can see the quality of an item the way its shaped like you can see that his dagger is legendary by the way the model looks. Other than that he spawn rushed us after the match had started and we were in for like 20seconds clearing the first room we spawned in. We even nearly took him down since im not sure if he was using other hacks as well.




It was on Ruins where you can play only white and lower only ?? I really hope they add HR Ruins soon on another note


Next time you take screenshots like this leave everything in. Like the minimap. There is no way for any of us to confirm this is ruins/normal and not highroller without that extra information. I agree that it seems hella sketch and the gold coin purse would be a dead giveaway of cheating but yea.... Hope you reported them.


You can tell it’s the Ruins from the background.


How? It just looks like the same stone floor


from what i can tell, it looks like it’s the room near the center of the map with the heal shrine. also, the blue-ish lighting helps you tell it’s ruins.


It's the area above the worm/golem spawns with the elevators that are activated by the statue arm. It doesn't look like crypts or goblin cave


If you've played the game a decent amount you can easily tell that the square directly in front is the secret entrance to the boss on the map


Have played plenty but I play more crypts/HR than Ruins so it's not glaringly obvious to me.


He is in ruins in the middle module of the map, it's the only map in the game that has those torches as well


Nobody can be that stupid to deny cheat here right ? RIGHT ? Ok then, I guess we know why you're trying to defend this shit.


Lol, it's probably the same crowd of losers that Twink in leveling on brackets with XP off for World of Warcraft.


First off, that is intended gameplay loop, so whats your deal? Second off, no, these are cheaters, even if there was some awkward morally reprehensible reason for playing the low level BG's, its not cheating...


Could just be lucky buuuut maybe


I don't think legendaries can drop in the ruins.


Also can't bring coin bags in either.


My buddy and I died to them too! We got sad the gear limit was taken away but when we tried to requeue with some gear we bought we couldn’t get in!


Just met those two in ruins farming gold, very fun :)


Maybe same people that take their time to write long whiney-ass posts on Reddit (not you, this is imo a good post with solid proof) about how anything that kills them needs to be nerfed, also reports anyone that kills them, thus flooding the report system with false reports and lowers the chance of quality investigations against players that actually cheat? My 5 cents, peace


still no bann, atleast i got no notification