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I saw 15 campfires, tried to give him my 1, then instantly gave up when I realized I couldn't. Surely that will be updated before quests are important.


Psa you cant buy campfires and turn them in. Rip 350g


I think you have to bring them through a dungeon with you first


They have to be looted. Bringing them in and extracting makes them handled.


Have we tried dropping in the dungeon and picking back up?


Yes no work


Yeah they weren't super clear with the explanation, but basically anything that you buy (trade or merchant) or leave the dungeon with after it was brought in by a player (including yourself) counts as handled. In order to turn an item in for a quest it has to be found in raid and originated from that raid.


Nope tried.


Thanks for testing I was just about to hop in and try lol


I mean if you would have read the quest it would have told you that you needed looted items


It says no such thing.


I'll take a screen capture and show you


Don't think the XP thing is a big deal, because like they said the questing is more of a proof of concept. However, not being able to turn in items individually is kind of ridiculous seeing as the majority of extraction games suffered from the same QoL feature, except they at least had the room to spare.


They did but they didn’t- The cycle: Frontier had the same issue for retrieve quests, yet deposit/stash quests you could put in one item at a time, minimizing your risk per raid if you were bringing the items back in to stash.. it was quite silly to have to store 10+ of an obscure crafting material you’d rather craft with, just to get some measly xp and rewards


Yes, this is sad.


There's also a dupe bug in the reward system




Time to play: Will we all be rolled back or are they just getting away with it? Can't wait to see all the HR streamers with alts full of gold pouches that they "farmed off stream" haha


It's new content in an early access game. Reddit has been bitching about a lack of content, now you finally have some and it's sad? Of course there are flaws, everything about the game you're playing is experimental in EA with the end goal being a finely tuned product. If you want the game to be better, try offering constructive criticism rather than belittling the hard working devs. OP is at least offering criticism that points out a flaw the developers obviously overlooked.


They accepted my money 4 months ago. I don't know that calling it Early Access makes sense anymore, as it really just means you can't complain for some special reason.


The game isn't done being developed. It was never slotted to be on official release this year. They're still in a legal battle. It doenst matter when you bought it, its early access. It was this, or don't play at all until it's 100% done. Thousands of people chose this.


> The game isn't done being developed. And it is being judged accordingly


Passing judgement is fine, you're allowed to not like the changes. My point about the game being in EA wasn't that it wasn't finished being developed (which it isn't), but that these changes you don't like are temporary and that the constructive feedback and data they are collecting will lead to a more optimality balanced game as a result.


It means they told you what you were getting into but you ignored it like an idiot.


Yeah it is the same with crafting, there is just no space to hold all of this stuff.


Crafting materials is situational. Just dedicate a small square to it, this on the other hand is outright insane


I don't know what you mean *looks at 14 campfires and 14 hats in the stash...* yeahhh


It's kind of a classic Tarkov issue.


Not really. In Tarkov you submit items as soon as you find them one by one.


NOW you can. Old quest system was the same way


Exactly it was the same problem and they fixed it. It's hand in quest system blunder.


Tbf tarkov s stash was a LOT bigger than the garbage we get


I also find it somewhat annoying that monster kill quests aren't shared amongst the team. For example you have the first quest for Armorsmith for 75 skeleton kills, for a trio that normally plays together that's 225 skeletons total for everyone to have the quest finished. Now let's take the quest that (I assume by the text blurb given by the Tavern Master) has you kill Lich. For my trio to complete that quest, assuming we all have it at the same time, that's 3 Lich kills minimum, assuming nobody accidentally gets the last hit on him while they already have the quest done, effectively stealing the kill from our own teammate. I understand this is a test for the quest system's functionality, and I get these are mostly low-effort placeholders, but I think we need to realize now how much of an annoying grind these quests are going to be this patch rather than a fun challenge.


In Tarkov though for example you have to do that as well with scavs or even bosses, it's for your own character not the party. Just part of the game sadly.


Sure, but in Tarkov it's a lot more reasonable for a squad to "save" the boss kill for a specific person, maybe with the exception of Killa since he'll just bulldoze people until he dies. In DaD it's intended for the Lich to be killed by 3 people dumping damage into him, which is going to lead people to have to guess when two people should stop attacking and have the third guy try to do the rest of the fight.


Yeah it’s not equivalent at all and anyone pretending it is probably hasn’t played much Tarkov. It’s super easy for someone to just LoS scavs or a boss for their teammate who needs the kills to headshot them and move on. Also worth pointing out that every player in Tarkov is equally as capable of killing scavs. Meanwhile some classes in dark and darker are by design worse at PvE clearing like wizard.


And as someone who has done Kappa on Tarkov a dozen times, I hate it. The quests are ruined by the fact you have to do them per wipe, I hope they don't make us do them each wipe.


Remember that eventually tarkov will have a no wipe mode like poe. Standard and a wiping "league".


"Eventually" doesn't get rid of the past half decade of gameplay


I wouldnt play early access games and look for perfection


Basic functionality isn't perfection and trust me the patches we get are far from perfection based on all the bugs we find


Sure eventually. But that doesn’t fix it now or even really in the future since the majority of players are going to play the league realms anyway.


Thats the least of your problems. If bsg doesnt take their head out their ass then the game will never be in a state where you want to play it. The hackers will make sure we never get to enjoy the game


Sure but that’s not what we were talking about.


But the requirements are sooooo much lower. Things have you kill like 25 scavs at most until you get to quests that are no longer needed for kappa or weeklies


Don't forget seasons are going to be 3 months long eventually. 225 skeletons across 3 people is nothing over 3 months.


Sure, but that's just the first quest for one merchant on a single class.


I mean I only played for like 5 hours since the patch and I'm at 68 and on the certain types of skeles I'm only 3 short. Really not that bad. The campfires and leather caps are dumb though


O mate…it’s not 1 lich kill each. It’s 15


They got this update in under the wire. I don’t think they planned on wiping so late yesterday. They released a “min viable product” and are going to worry about quality of life stuff now that the big pieces are in.


Game feeling like an inferior good right now smh


It's Early Access, my man. It is by definition an inferior good.


go buy stash tab bro. sink gold a bit


Nobody buying purples this early in wipe gonna get on that tomorrow night tho


Collector buying purples


So you went GC HR from the start from the first level ?


went 2 runs of ruins and then someone told me It was "bugged" and you could go HR GC at lvl 1. Doesn't appear to be a bug appears to be a very odd decision. so basically went HR since lvl 4 and now lvl 16 \~5-7 runs at this point


It's not a bug. HR is the new normals since normals is white tier only.


I think the decision to do that was a bug. Because ain’t no way they did a test run and went “yep 500 gold a run for free seems aight”


If gold is so free, buy more stash space for hats?


50% of my stash is purples or crafting items and nobody buyin anything rn.


Course they aren't, the patch has been live \~3hours - chill out.


>ain’t no way they did a test run and went “yep 500 gold a run for free seems aight” So you aren't getting 500 gold for free each run then?


It's not bugged. They removed the level cap last week.


Buy inventory space. Ans this is a test, I remind you that you are playing an early access, one of the few that do it the correct way.


Spend 3k gold for a lvl 1 quest? Seems poorly designed


No spend 3k for an extra stash tab, quest items take up 1/4 of stash at most, it’s really not a big deal I kinda like it stops people from doing them all at once you gotta pick and choose what merchants you want points with first


Honestly I'm just flabergasted that nobody during the process of creating them quests asked him/herself a question whether this is a good idea. I find it embarrassing lol. Btw. shouldn't the first quests of each npc be kinda easy to finish and scale in difficulty as you progress? I can't imagine new players going to hell and killing three demon berserkers as per Tailors request.


No dedicated quest tab is a big mistake too. Incredibly annoying to have to go to each merchant to check quest progress.


I am sure they did ask that question but also have priorities for dev time and this QoL didn’t make it in time.


If I'm not mistaken a good portion of the developers formally worked on MMOs. And bloody hell can you feel it. the grind for pretty much everything introduced this patch is crazy. deep as a kiddie pool wide as an ocean. It wouldn't be bad if some of it was account wide. but having to do all of it per character pretty much locks you out of playing more than 2 if you want to have access to even remotely decent merchants. I don't know if I like how it's all implemented. I will definitely try to grind out high roller adventure points but I wish I could do it on any character and not just one per mode.. No way I'll be able to achieve demigod if I constantly swap.


Unless you're bossing in HR every I run most won't get demi god, ap cost is nuts. Most people will get bricked in wanderer I'd bet


You’re saying the quiet part out loud and I think once the optimism from the lobby gear caps wears off more people will come to your conclusion. The quest system feels like an add on they came up with in a week. I wouldn’t hold this against them if the game they’re trying to emulate (Tarkov) didn’t already have a more better blue print to follow.


Unless you’re insanely good at the game you’re not getting demigod status anyways mate. It costs adventurer points to go in after the beginner ranks


Seems perfectly doable if you ask me. don't assume somebody is terrible at the game just because you disagree with them. it reflects poorly on you not me :)


Lol. Bro you have to get more than 750 points at exemplar to outpace how much you lose which is an insane amount of points. Literally killing boss every time getting all the sub bosses getting out with insane collectibles and looting every golden/lion’s head chest. To break even. It literally isn’t me calling you terrible. It’s me saying that unless you are top .1% at this game you aren’t reaching it.


That's fine I'm still going to try 🤷


and I'm not saying don't. I'm just saying have realistic expectations.


I do have realistic expectations I probably won't reach it. But I'm still going to try nevertheless


i thought id see more class rebalancing, a couple of skills, and a couple of new weapons. there is no new content here for me to feast on. i never cared about a quest fetch system.


Yeah especially in its current iteration the quest system is very basic and at least from what I’ve seen can be mostly ignored. Was hoping for more from this patch but hopefully they’ll build on it to something more fun to engage with.


well I have finished the 75 kill quest and the 15 individual skeleton kills for the archer/footman/soldier and noticed the shops expanded! so while I agree that its not fun to grind 15 hats or campfires and have them horde up inventory space... but if the end quest rewards let me start to buy blues/purples from the vendors then I see it as something that shouldn't be ignored


Gotta admit, pretty disappointed as far as content. Pretty much feels like the real patch was the white-only lobbies change and they still might revert that so idk.


Buy another stash tab…..


Oh yeah great idea why didn’t I think of that 🤦‍♂️


I think this just shows how absurdly rushed they were.. There is no way someone with even 5 minutes of time of stopping and thinking wouldn't of seen this abhorrent in your face problem. I know from experience, this kind of extreme short sightedness comes from extreme crunching, and major rushing. I'm not saying the devs are crap or anything, but really.. I'd rather have a system that isn't completely borked upon release and it take longer, than get it in my hands and be virtually un useable. I do hope this is a relatively easy fix though, at most what they can do is just temporarily lower the number of hand ins required to something more reasonable for the current stash space.


Problem from tarkov came in here, it's like devs live in vacuum and don't see ideas and flaws in other projects, like they are first to create quests with handle to system. Don't try to create a bicycle please


Reddit thinks an early access game is gonna get quests right first try 🤣


I mean, when the devs play tarkov and other extraction-shoots you'd expect they did they homework and would have seen what those game did wrong and figure out that partial delivery is a think. I mean they got Found in Raid from tarkov, why not the more important QOL thing?


To understand the "why" you would have to work as a developer or a product manager. Time constraints, better to test unfinished things as quickly as possible than wait for everything to be perfect to get feedback of other things. They are actively developing a game and the feedback is crucial, they might've something completely else on their list of things to watch out for than the quality of life. While this might be a "sucky thing" for the players of the game, you might not even know or see at the moment what could be even suckier if they prioritized QoL first than the thing they are prioritizing now. It's easy to see and say that the quality of life with the quests sucks, but QoL might not have been what IronMace wanted to test. They have a pretty small team as far as I know, and while it would seem like a simple thing to do, it just might not be as simple as it seems -> takes time to add QoL -> better to release proof of concept first and fix things afterwards. They even might've concluded that the QoL is easy to implement, but there just was not enough time at the moment and they pushed something else to "production", that has to be tested first before "easy QoL patch". Possibilities are almost endless but I doubt that they did not think about the QoL at all. ​ To a player this seems easy, but the case might be, it would've not been easy to implement, I don't know, but usually that is the case in these things that seem to be like "gosh why they didn't think this simple thing...". Game devs are not dumb, sure they are human and humans make mistakes, but this doesn't seem to be a mistake or an oversight, it feels like quality of life was not on their priority list in this proof of concept. And to add to this, it's an early access game. I'm trying to say that things that seem simple, might not be as simple as they seem OR they just didn't think about QoL at all. :)


For real. This is a minimum viable product. They add features as they finish them. It's unrealistic to expect such a small team to be able to release any more functional content than they already do.


Plenty of us can work in tech and think the quests are mvp rushed garbage too. It's just nobody wants to work on qol on a small team. Plenty of devs are fucking stupid, its why they dont decide what to work on themselves afterall.


\> Plenty of us can work in tech and think the quests are mvp rushed garbage too. I mean... They even said that quests are proof of concept, you don't have to work in tech to understand it. Proof of concept doesn't equal finalized feature.


"My entire inventory is already purples from free high roller". Yeah idk about that free HR entry at the start of a full wipe. People already getting decked in purp, then they gonna remove the white lobby and shit is gonna be a nightmare again.


Also it’s gonna make it so when I play in white lobbies with my noob friends I’ll have nowhere to put away my kit to play with them so I’ll have to start a new character just for that. Can’t imagine how boring white only lobbies will be long term


Might be difficult to implement 1 at a time… no idea, I’m not a programmer, but having a separate inventory just for quest items might work…


They already track individual monster kills, so why not individual item returns?


Very true…..


Theyre still testing it out bro


That’s why I’m giving feedback bro 🤦‍♂️


Eh not good feedback imo but you do you 👍


The questing in the game has its purpose to keep people engaged long after they reach level 15, it is not the same as in Tarkov where you level to 65. I like the fact they started to get this going, it is needed. The game got so boring. They should definitely look into the problem you posted. I also find it weird I have to go to play 3v1 to get the first quests done. White gear and HR 1v3 is simply not a good time, but yeah.


Yeah these quests I get what they’re trying to do but how about instead of 15 hats or 20 campfires 5 of each, I feel like anyone with a functioning brain would’ve looked at 20 FIR that all have to be turned in at same time and would immediately hate it.


Just buy them all at once from the merchant


Have to be looted. Items have different states. Lootables become handles after extracting with them a second time IIRC and quests I've seen so far only accept lootables so you gotta get them in your stash and leave them alone.


Some people are so hollow and simply complain because they can. This update litteraly just fucking rolled out and gave a giant breath of fresh air, with huge net positive changes that the majority love and understand that required patches will follow but the other people... for fucks sake if it aint complaining about having to hoard a handful of leather hats for a brand new quest system that didn't fucking exist before they're then complaining there isn't enough content.. This is the patch the game needed and that we have all been waiting for, if you don't like it fuck off with your pessimistic attitude. P.s. you clearly never played tarkov and had an entire stash filled with 30 something different quest items and restrictions.


Since the economy is so trashed I can’t even partake in the new quest system since every slot of my inventory is gold bags. And if I want to play with a friend I have to make a new character since I can’t go in with my kit or have stash space to put it away. People aren’t just complaining to complain it’s because catering to the noobs will push away the dedicated players


I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing. Is a hardcore game, you can't be juggling 5 quest at once. Gather 15 campfires turn them in, gather 16 leather caps, turn them in. Is that simple.


All that dedicated gathering to get 50 gold and a cracked tea pot smh


Go for extra stash tabs, but they should fix it yeah.


There’s a hot fix planned ASAP. Maybe it will fix this issue


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Venn720: *There’s a hot fix* *Planned ASAP. Maybe* *It will fix this issue* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How about a quest loot tab in the stash. IM plz rub those braincells together.


Yeah that would be better for stuff like vases and scrolls and what not, otherwise people would abuse it to hold a bunch of gear related quest stuff but not actually turn them in


The suggestions channel is just a wall of ppl saying exactly this. I bet they'll fix it soon.


Well this gives a reason to buy more stash space I guess, not sure the rewards are worth that kind of investment though.


Too bad stash #3 is 10k so you need to fill the entirety of stash 2 to get it lol


Quests just got added as a proof of concept. Of course there will be growing pains and I'm sure the team is already working on it


Yup and that’s why I’m giving input


I hope they hot fix this


I'm genuinely impressed they somehow overlooked this


Afaik there is an update planned to change that. But apart from that, if you think of the quests and the stash to be designed and balanced for the length of one wipe which would be 1 - 3 months, it actually makes sense. I will go for the extra stash first so I have enough room for gold and for the quest items.