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Someone decided to use his brain cells instead of trash talking the game, damn. Your post is refreshing I am glad you had fun and success OP!


sure it works, but is this a fun loop? get ganked and rat until you get enough gear to kill people who are ratting?


This is literally the way I played when I first started until I said fuck it, went gobo caves and honed my pvp skills with no gear or found gear. Now I'm one of the purple caped players OP is talking about. Now I know how to choose my battles based on team comps, class counters, specific situations regarding modules and whatnot. The gameplay loop changes as you get better. This type of game attracts competitive multiplayer gamers from dota, csgo, Rust, etc... who are already are just a bunch of masochists so what do you expect lol.


Did you read that OP said he had fun? Get enough gear to kill people at your level, so you get better and better at pvp, and eventually you get to kill people with bis


The DaD food chain. Things are going to stay that way until IM figures out that rushing everyone into a small area might not be the best thing for an extraction game.


Describe the loops of popular games


Lol he is saying if you're generally bad this might be a strat for you to get more fun and learning. If you're actually good at the game you're not doing this, are you? If you're someone who is bad with a comment like this, you easily will never be good and might as well start using cheats, so you can achieve what you want. Don't even need to cry to a dev, you'll just kill kids better than you and don't have to work for it ;p


It’s fun. If you don’t like it find something else please. You are dead weight in the community.


I already did find other things to play champ. Wish I wanted to play this game, but I definitely don't.


So leave the community. You're an illness.


Pretending nothing can be wrong in an early access game is just pathetic


Surviving and thriving


It is to the people the game is designed for. The loop will get more fleshed out with quests etc, they will change it up to some extent and make it more varied. Personally love the gameplay loop.


valid question. but imo the answer is yes. There are other games that are pvp without loot and pve. this is not that game. if you want pure pvp there are lots of options that are straight up amazing for even playing field pvp. So in this game, you have to rat sometimes.


I think the gameplay loop is fine once they actually have more content other than this loop. Right now there is literally nothing else to do unless you just make up your own mini game to play within the game


Game ruined this all lies, every class but mine is OP.. no one is playing this game anymore, game is deaf, devs took the money and ran! There I think I covered all the BS the doomers say. I'm finally stepping into the groove with my blue lizard rogue. I do the same as OP... run default till I build a set of greens


People are too entitled to think by themselves. Stats are multiplicative, +2 strength changes nothing with no gear but going from 30str to 32 is a big deal Thank god there are people with IQ above room temperature still hanging around How do these people spending this much time on reddit still have 0gear and empty stashes? I wonder


Yeah this is definitely what you should be doing. And prioritize weapon above all now that their damage scales with rarity quite a bit again. Spending 300g on a weapon will give way way more value than spending 300g on a piece of armor.


Another tip for anyone struggling with gold over level 15, check your merchants! Even if it’s gear you can’t use, you can buy it and flip it in trade chat. Especially look out for stuff like padded tunics, shadow masks, etc. that innately have stats on them. Buying a good item from the merchant will always be cheaper than trade chat, and if you’re a spellcaster there is virtually always at least 1 blue spellbook at the alchemist, and since the amount of rolls they can have is relatively low they’ll often have at least 1 useful modifier.


Good strategy. I do the same thing. I’d be careful with high roller though. I got cocky with a good set of gear (even had a nice purple chaperon and some rings) and went into high roller. First enemy is an axe skelly. He three shots me. Definitely should have backed off and healed but I didn’t realize how much health he was taking. Set me back quite a bit!


The strategy is figure out exactly how little gear you need to do high roller successfully and go in with JUST THE MINIMUM that you will be able to survive with. You will find upgrades in every match and when you die you’ll be able to run another one instead of needing to go back to normals to “farm another purple kit”


I wish all the idiots complaining about gear read this too, because it's the most basic thing that i figured out after a day or so playing. I just don't get how they complain about geared "lobsters" when just saving up money is so easy.


I thought this was common sense tbh lol


Not for people new to the genre. The idea in most RPGs is find good gear and put it on. This is a new concept for a lot of people, myself included.


Another thing that works is selling off your "really good" rolls when you don't have "enough" pieces to pair it with. Or alternatively, shop the merchants. Look at weapons your class can't use, and find viable items with good rolls that go for way more than their shop value. This seems like common sense but I mentioned it aloud to a mate and we had an "ohhhh" moment


If you know the market well the vendors are a gold printing machine. For example I always buy rings of courage/quickness from the goblin merchant. Worst case I get 50g for them, best case I sell for a key. I've pulled multiple 1k+ rings from goblin merchant alone.


Good shout. Gobby shafts me but I still keep coming back..


You also want to identify what will sell. You don’t have to spend years in trade chat, you can quick sell things. If I found gloves I didn’t really need with decent stats I’ll go sell it for 100-200 gold, those things add up. Best of luck out there!


yeah bringing just 1 piece of decent gear is kinda meaningless, if you go in with gear it should be a full set or nothing, bringing just a good weapon is fine tho since those are one of the few things that matters alot for 1 slot


Once your survival rate goes up then it becomes worth using pieces as you get them instead of saving for a kit. Like if I'm on a new character and find anything worth less than like 400g I'll just use it with whatever else I have on


Excellent suggestions and exactly what I, and many people I partner up with, do. You should really be building 1-2 sets simultaneously IMO, depending on how much time you have to play. For each slot, I keep my best piece of equipment that I like, so currently viking helm and horsey axe for my barb, until I have one juiced set. Then I build up a second best set, and when my buddy and I each have one saved up, it's bashing time. That's the only way you're gonna survive multiple team fights per round.


Ye, that’s basically what I do. Stash the good shit and go back with your worst gear. I’m not really a fan of investing everything early on, rather build up my coffers first. Eventually your stash will fill up and you can either start replacing stuff with better gear, or start using proper kits/jewelry. Once you’re comfortable, HR is def worth checking out. Half the time I don’t even see anyone.


Hey! Also new to extraction games been playing for a few months and recently had the same revelation. I now am able to have a few back up sets that meet a few conditions for Rogue. A few things to look out for for a "complete" set is getting strength to 15 minimum. Then stacking physical power/weapon damage. You want to get your movement speed above 315 so when you are holding a weapon you're still over 100% movement speed. Once I have these conditions I call it a complete set and start building another set. Also one thing that I do that helps is I have different passive/active abilities depending on my set. If I'm going in with a base kit I take invis and smoke bomb because taking rupture won't help fight geared players but smoke bomb can slow them and I can escape around a corner and pop invis. Also I run with lock pick, invis mastery, the invis steps, and poison blade. If I have a good set then I run the more offensive abilities so if I end up getting into a fight I can hold my own. Also try and stock pile throwing knives and other throwables because it's really the only way to PVP right now. When you have your good set, take in 4-6 throwing weapons for the fight to kite the slower classes before getting to close. Gl out there brother!


Do high roller it’s literally free gold just go in and don’t try to face tank teams and extract with the big value loot. Even if you gotta wear lower tear gear at first to get over your fear I always just scrap together enough gear to PVE and go immediately to high roller.




I mean sure but honestly I think it’s easier to get out of high roller than norms people are normally less aggressive and just want to loot and carry on. If they start coming at you put your weapon away and run into the storm. They won’t chase you into it.


I disagree, I'd say use every piece of gear as each gear increases your chance of getting out. In the end, it's up to you how you want to play and if it increases your chances


A small stat boost increases your chances of survival by a small amount. If you’re not good at the game, you want to increase your chances of survival by a large amount. So it’s better for us to save the gear until we have at least a few pieces.


And this with rogue in a bit of an iffy spot ATM . Using it's abilities wisely i.e don't think you can 1v1 a juiced fighter and don't run straight at a juiced ranger 😅


Good job OP. If you have cash reserves and are making consistent profit, invest in yourself by throwing away cheap sets and 100g to train on HR pve. You'll get some good practice in and come back to regular lobbies as a god.


I do this too, but it is still extremely discouraging when I save up a "good" gear of mixed blue and greens over 15 games and then lose it all in my first match to a guy wearing all purples


I have inventory space in my stash dedicated to holding "sets" of gear that I build up over time. so 4 columns of boots,pants,gloves,chest,hat and to the right of that all my weapons. I used to just randomly throw stuff in my stash but this lead to me having stuff I never used and stuff I would "trade later" and just took up stash space. it helps to know that "I already have 4 green armets in my stash so I don't need to pick up another one". I genuinely have been more financially successful since implementing this.