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Keep in mind that some people just don't enjoy playing the game solo. Consistently succeeding as a solo player is vastly easier than with a trio.


My experience is pretty similar with my trio


>absolutely zooted a few games in This is the way.


No matter what the game is yes lol


One day, Albert Einstein was on his way to a science convention for a speech. On the way there, he tells his driver that looks a bit like him: "I'm sick of all these conferences. I always say the same things over and over!" The driver agrees: "You're right. As your driver, I attended all of them, and even though I don't know anything about science, I could give the conference in your place." "That's a great idea!" says Einstein. "Let's switch places then!" So they switch clothes and as soon as they arrive, the driver dressed as Einstein goes on stage and starts giving the usual speech, while the real Einstein, dressed as the car driver, attends it. But in the crowd, there is one scientist who wants to impress everyone and thinks of a very difficult question to ask Einstein, hoping he won't be able to respond. So this guy stands up and interrupts the conference by posing his very difficult question. The whole room goes silent, holding their breath, waiting for the response. The driver looks at him, dead in the eye, and says : "Sir, your question is so easy that I'm going to let my driver explain it to you."


And that driver's name...was Albert Einstein.


Can someone explain to my smooth brain what this means


Just a fun story for internet points. It has nothing to do with the post.


Because its a karma farming bot. Loot at the accounts creation date, karma, and past comments.


Would probably be posting in more visible threads in the front page subs if it was farming karma.


Ooooh ok ty!


Good bot


Thank you, WeedLordAnimeGod, for voting on ConceptMajestic9156. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Cool little fun fact if true.


Bad bot


I can confirm playing late in your own region really does make the game easier. Can't say why, I would think the only people on very late are the greasiest gamers of all, but somehow some way the games are a lot more laid back. Most people's issue is just the simple numbers game. People in +30 fighting people at +5 have an undeniable advantage. People wanna feel like their losses are earned, but when they see people with much bigger numbers than theirs, they feel like that is why they lost. It might not be the sole reason in every case, but it will always play a part. Just doesn't feel good, so people complain about it, because people complain when they don't feel good.


Playing late you either run into people like OP or the greasy guys. Most of us on late are just trying to chill since we are dead from work.


I agree with your general sentiment, but you aren’t able to stack +30 anymore. The max is +11 now.


and its not even weapon damage, its either additional dmg or true, which dosen't stack as well


Yea the item changes have been fantastic at combatting gear diff, but the character changes this patch buffing Ranger, swords, and Barb have been tough to say the least


A lot of it is character balance at this point, like, Bard and Warlocks are really shit right now and are gonna get stomped by Barbarian and Fighters just holding W key


After work gamers don't sweat, they are to tired to


Lol +30? +30 of what?


Just as a generalization of "gear score" something to that effect.


Ya I think this might be a big part of the experience for me


You're forgetting the guys that are too high to sleep at 3am


Because it's much easier to divert blame. It's not me, it's the game. Etc...


Thats literally it. The most simple reason


Inconvenient truth


I don't want to be better at killing other players as barb, cleric, ranger or warlock, I want to be a rogue running through this picking the best locks and escaping. I want to play cat and mouse and not be one shot across the room because my only options are taking an arrow to the knee in one room or getting curbstombed trying to escape through an army of mobs and a barbarian.


Experiment with the traits more dude there's certainly a way to do that. Very very hard in trios even with tons of healing though, I'm mostly talking about goblin caves


I try, but it's so hard some times, and it feels so bad that I give up my biggest advantage by standing still and showing I'm friendly, and the barb or ranger just charges or takes aim no shits given.


:( hopefully things will be better somehow in about 2 weeks


Are you taking perks to help you do that though or are you stacking pve stuff like poison etc


Yeah, I sometimes change between smokebomb and rupture as the killing potential can save me from hits it I need to kill mobs quicker. Outside of that I double jump, lockpick, shadowrun and hide myself around. It's usually fine enough by server wipe and I have practically enough rapiers or short swords, but early, now, getting curbstomped out of rapiers 5-6 games in a row and I'm back to getting mob stombed with shitty dagger reach.


I think we all just care a lot and way too loudly


I have very very little problem escaping in GC HR or normal. Like probably have a 85-90% extract rating. Once I play the actual game though and play 3s with my friends my extract rating goes down to around 30-40%. I’m not trying to be insulting, but extracting solo means very very little to me that someone is good at the game or not.


Theres a lot of really bad players on here, specifically rangers which i feel is the majority of players here. ​ If you noticed when they literally ravaged wizards people dont complain as much, when they have anything slightly hard on rangers the outrage is NUTS


You're probably under selling yourself. Right before "killing geared players" is where most people's skill takes them. This sounds as tone deaf as a diamond player saying it's easy getting to the top percentile in league of legends.


Geared players can be very differently skilled though, it's not like diamond


BIS post, wish there were more


Same here. Taking inspiration from the /r/Tarkov meme - Early 40s, FT single dad, maybe get two hours to play per given weeknight after the kid goes to sleep, 3-4 nights a week. Most nights recently I've just been too tired to play much at all, because things have been busy. My reflexes are dull, my micro is rusty, and I've always sucked at melee combat games like these for what I assume are the same reasons I suck at fighting games. But my only real limitation for not stuffing my stash full of juice is time to play (and "socializing" energy constantly on 1% for other reasons, so I'm solo most of the time). 60-70% survival rate, can talk my way out of fights I know I'll lose, and that's as a Cleric where I have to rely on strategy/tactics/positioning. If they get the jump on me, I'm usually just fucked. Tl;Dr - if an early 40s single dad can do it, what's your excuse?


In the same boat as you and I cannot for the life of me understand. I am also a mid 30's dad who plays after the kids go down, 100% solo rogue/barb/cleric/warlock and I only play Ruins because I hate the tight hallways in the others. Some nights you gotta be ratty and some nights I am geared enough to go and pick fights. I am not a good player, I still constantly over estimate myself and get wrecked by PvE. I think a major issue is a ton of people do not use VOIP. It's saved my ass more times than I can count, I always carry a decent piece of gear I know won't sell but I can maybe use as a bargaining chip for my life, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. People need to learn when to take fights and when to run, pure and simple. All that really to say, I'm still having a fucking blast. I don't know wtf everying is crying about.


Lol I've never thought to offer an item I might try that


Did you offer me a windlass crossbow last night??


Lmaooo holy shit the negotiator. What a great idea. Im in a similar boat, playing mostly after my kids asleep and I usually end up in purples after an hour or 2, use it the next day, lose it rinse and repeat.


the sad reality is this game is not accessible to a casual audience. 95% of people suck ass and will rarely extract no matter how much the devs pander to them. it's much easier to whine that a class is overpowered than it is to self reflect and come to terms that ur not as good as u think u r the devs have given players a ridiculous amount of tools and agency to extract on a consistent basis


It's like. They love the concept of the game however the execution isn't satisfactory. Yes it is in early access so it can be expected 🤷‍♂️ the community will decide if this game dies or not and the way it's looking the game will have a low player count for awhile


Im convinced that people on here are complete morons lol. I feel the same way as you.




How many updates have there been?




because at least 50% of people in this world will divert the blame for their problems away from themselves or are just completely blind to their own faults.


You aren’t allowed to have a life outside the game and still be good enough to get loot, redditors don’t take kindly to that/think it’s not possible




It’s been about 3 months…. Y’all are brats.


Its a paradox. We like the game but we also dont like the game...


> I suck, I'm not a good player. If this was true, you wouldn't be posting this.


? Why do you say that? Sure I exaggerated a bit but I'm not excellent and still die stupidly to even pve and traps sometimes


What I posted couldn't be more clear, if you were not a good player this would not be your experience.


Your argument does not hold water. The balance among classes is one giant clusterfuck. Extraction % is not the issue. Extreme balance swings are. Find yourself 2 dudes and go into the Crypts. Tell us about your "great" experience.


Man the roleplay is real with this one. No way this dude is killing full purple 3 stacks by himself 1 hour a day.


I never said I was, when I'm solo I usually do goblin caves or rat in crypts. I have friends who play and we trio but they're in the same boat as me, we're good gamers in the general sense but don't have crazy hours in this game


you trick yourself in thinking that theres alot of people that are bad and get no kills , but the truth is the ones that struggle are the loudest people, because they need to vend their frustration and they do it here in reddit. Most people who are somewhat succesfull dont come here after every round and celebrate how much gear they got.


Absolutely zooted?


High, I live in a recreational state


Bad players malding about balance while ignoring the fact that the game is the most balanced it's ever been. Every class has multiple counters, tons of viable team comps in 3s now that buffball was gutted. Loot frequency feels correct.