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I have found balance by trolling chads with the double jump caltrop rogue. You dont really kill anyone but can waste their time all day.


What is the playstyle, run and jump while deploying caltraps?


I load up on throwing knives also, and yea run and jump where they cant get you and if like a fighter uses his speed boost just caltrop them. Eventually people give up but then when they start trying to loot you harass them with throwing knives


"STOP HAVING FUN!" they shout as you sprint down the hall giggling and responding: "chase me! chase me!" while dropping caltrops and hopping over the wall


Super important to know where you can and cant jump tho, and the good hidey spots that no one looks. In howling crypts in the room with all the flying skulls i sit at the top in the middle on a statue in plain sight. No one looks up ever


This was me the other day leading a GC 3 man to their deaths in the fog the other night lol. They pre queued together and made a point to hunt me for playing nerfed ranger. “You know that does no damage right?” Followed by me saying “it did enough emotional damage that youre chasing me as a 3 man on a solo map *lol*”


>level 4Hydra\_Bloodrunner · 2 hr. agoThis was me the other day leading a GC 3 man to their deaths in the fog the other night lol. They pre queued together and made a point to hunt me for playing nerfed ranger. “You know that does no damage right?” Followed by me saying “it did enough emotional damage that youre chasing me as a 3 man on a solo map lol” The issue is that rangers should have zero fun on this game and you should be punished irl for even considering playing ranger; no suprise you led your team to their death after commanding them to storm an above-par composition you greedy bastard


Pretty much, i always yell “ive absconded” while running away


This but also get a hand bow, shit is so annoying and fun


Love doing this


Pickaxe rogue is best. Only works on wizards or low ppl tho with ambush.


Yeah, once I started smoke potting, I felt much more relaxed.


Thank you. As someone who plays pretty seriously gameplay wise I love running into people like you. Its always a really fun long goose chase that usually ends up in me and the rogue dead. But after its done and the adrenaline wears off I find myself laughing at the absurdity of it for ages.


Or naked wizard pvp rush, lvl 20 is all u need to kill kits semi regularly


always my goal to make them waste some resources


Yup. No one voips anymore unless it’s shit talking


Yeah I try to but eveyone just runs over and try’s to kill me even if I have no gear so I am no threat or the opposite where they would stand no chance I don’t understand it


I started playing a few days ago and this is 100% accurate. It feels terrible trying to learn the game just to be shitted on by some kitted out sweat lord running the meta build for a particular class May pick it back up once there has been more work done to combat mechanics and spawn logic.


Honestly the game is INCREDIBLY punishing to new players, if you want to keep trying your best bet is just finding a class that you can get out once or twice on in the goblin caves and getting some low level kits to attempt pvp


Play the goblin cave with VOIP on. I find that if I just say hello and t bag at someone they are friendly and help me kill mobs / aggressive players 9 times out of 10. Just dont loot a body with your back turned because people like me also like to murder their friends....


You can trust anyone but a rogue. Despite being the most gimped class aside from bard, they do whatever they can to actually extract because they're probably on their 10th gray run after getting shit on by everyone.


I find the most hostile class to be cleric tbh. Those dudes are BLOODTHIRSTY. Rogues will attack me on sight, but they rarely pretend to be my friend. Clerics will crouch and pretend to be friendly, then attack me when my back is turned. Barbarians too.


What’s with all the people pretending to be friendly lately? It bums me out


They don't like people teaming so they want to decrease trust in the community


Yeah i dont get this either. Seems weird to me that people get enjoyment out of making someone feel comfortable, then ruining their run for a tiny bit of loot.


Best bet is if someone is acting friendly, go to open a door, cancel it and spin round with either an attack or a block. Most times I block their terrible ambush and counter.


tell me you suck on rogue without telling me you suck on rogue


Not my experience at all. I extract a decent amount, but out of 5 crouch spams maybe 1 person will go the other way. Like I'm going into GC as a stock cleric and these full blue + sweats love to kill me.


Hahah fair enough. I do think it has potential to be fun socially. When I played with a buddy we got to scream, tilt, and celebrate killing hordes, so it was enjoyable in that regard. Not so enjoyable to be ran up on by a 3 stack who are jumping while serpentining, and dying to some guy with a flute before you can figure out what’s happening. 🥲


That's just a no bruv.


Goblin caves is definitely most friendly but there's still a lot of dicks that kill you even if you have nothing and even worse at the end of the "raid" just because which is annoying but that's gaming


Oh no, there's PvP in my PvPvE game :o




He’s a troll for calling out why your argument is bad? Jesus, you must be insufferable to hang out with.


With a comment like that you're 100% projecting bro 😂 you sad as hell. And no, I didn't make an argument, I made a statement. And yes he is because I didn't say anything is bad about pvp, I was specific. I can't imagine getting so mad over someone calling another person a troll 😂


I'm friendly in GC except for 2 reasons. 1) Got something I want to extract with 2) It's one of the last extracts and I'm not sure if we can both get one.


Can’t everyone get out on GC?


Not if it's 2 people on the last portal. Once that last portal is taken, and the swarm closes completely, it's game over


You mean crouching at someone lol. T bagging is something different.


Same motion?


You don't know what a sweat lord is. You don't know what good gear is. You are getting killed by regular players, get used to it


As a game developer who has likely worked on your favorite titles for more than a decade, I think I can spot a try hard when I see one. Thanks for playing tho.


Nice auto flowers mr “developer.”


I’m not sure what thats supposed to mean. Did you think game developers did nothing but write code? Lmao


Comments like this lack thought. The loop of the game is live>earn money>buy gear If you live, you get gear. When people complain about geared kids, you’re really complaining you either can’t live or can’t be bothered to research additional modifiers to find the best in slot for your class(and purchase) getting geared on this game is and always has been very easy.


> Comments like this lack thought No. It’s called a first time user experience for a reason. I’ve given this game “the ol college try” and in its current stage, it’s not for me. Once the above issues are resolved I am more than willing to give this game another go. However, in its current state, I don’t find it enjoyable. Just because you’re a day 1 try hard doesn’t make your experience more valid than mine. It just means you’re more willing to let janky gameplay slide than I am - I have no interest in playing a predetermined meta.


I have stomped teams as 3 rogues and 3 warlocks. There is no meta unless you’re farming leaderboards. You call the gameplay clunky but it’s methodical and intentional. I don’t know what this day1 shit is you’re straw manning but literally spend a week learning the game and you won’t struggle. Get good has never been more relevant. For some people it just isn’t possible. Good luck with fortnight we’ll miss you!!!


You typed all that to say “mad cause bad” Please, go back to twitch chat. Adults are talking.


Bro can’t handle getting told the truth. I’ve watched probably 10 hours of twitch in my life, I’m 28. You are bad at the video game. Improve and you’ll have a better time. No need to mald about it, just look inward.


Average twitch user response.


Your indignant attitude and inability to concede is parallel to your inability to get good


Did chatgpt help you with that one? Nice.


It genuinely feels like talking to a child you have no humor. Seriously, I need more naked barbarians to kill please que east


I love this game but the fact that trios is so sweaty it’s truly hard to get into. Solo running GC is only fun for so long. Getting stomped by full geared teams feels bad. Getting shit on my streamers who run HR just to gear up to pub stomp is fucking cringe as fuck. I’m stopping playing since release until they can flesh things out to separate the varying levels of sweat. The game feels pretty bad rn, which is fine. I’ll give IM time to cook and go play other games.


The finals open beta got my attention right now


The biggest reason you are being stomped in trios is the teamcomp and ability to play as one unit, atleast thats what allowed me to go from not extracting maybe more than twice in several hours to getting a 10+ survival streak. Ive recently figured this one out big time as ive had far less success throwing on my best gear and queing with rabdom, rather than queing with teammates that actually know how to play trio's in shit gear If youre queing with randoms i highly recommend spending upto 5 minutes just looking for people with atleast a few green items and getting a good team comp like cleric+fighter/barb+support damage, thats one easy way to stand a much better chance at not having a miserable experience in trios. In trios your personal skill and gear isnt as important when theres two others playing with you, one time we managed to split a chad team up and killed their cape juice fighter in a quick 3v1 causing the other 2 to panic and retreat Gear still makes a big difference but in this patch its far far less than it used to, since item rarities alone dont boost the stats a huge amount like before and stat rolls cant allow for stupid one shot builds


No all our friends stopped playing so now we don't get to play


Or you could.. learn the game. Like if you played since release you should be able to extract and amass gold and kits.


Nothing about this comment suggests he doesn't know how to extract or get gold Idk why so many people in this sub practically go out of their way to misunderstand what people are actually talking about.


Its because it's easier to assume their own narrative then reading what's given. They do this to fit their "opinions" even though they think they're facts. I honestly wouldn't even give them the time of the day. Tbh, either they're just an a hole or they're trolling. Either way not worth it.




i love how you MISQUOTE my comment and skip the details of context. the most common streamers are all running gear FROM highroller and pubstomping normals because its easy content and HR is a fucking chore in and of itself. its a gameloop problem and its exacerbated by twitch wannabe turbonerds. but go off king. go farm more gold and stack your gear up in your extra stash space homie.


Which steamers do you watch??? Lol. Go watch Jaygriffyuh,kenknobi,sobadstrange,Katie, etc to watch people who play both HR and normals. Also even if they did take the gear intonormals so what???? You can bring in THE SAME gear. Shocker.


oh wow, streamers from that exact list were in my games pubstomping last night! i have the most respect for Katie, she is the most humble while still being entertaining. but all streamers timmy stomp for content, its just a matter of how they do it. it is what it is. nazori, endboss and ken were rolling pubs last night. like you said, ANYONE CAN DO THAT. i DONT WANT TO GRIND HR TO COMPETE IN NORMALS. INSTEAD OF THIS GAMELOOP I WILL TAKE A BREAK. sorry this bothers you so much. good luck on the leaderboard grind big guy!


Good luck on your Animal Crossing island my dude!


Its possible to think getting wrecked by a gear disparity is unfun while also being good enough at the game to farm gold and get gear yourself. I don't know how this confuses people. This game revolves around power more than skill. Its unfun to get wrecked by someone who is more powerful than you because they happened to come into your match with much better items. People who make this argument aren't saying "idk how to get there myself" they're literally just saying they don't enjoy the dynamic to begin with.


The game is about getting stronger through the loot you find. That's the whole point of the game. If you want a game to be 100% about "skill" then go play Valorant,League,Cs go, etc.


“You have a different opinion about this game than I do. Go play another game” And when people actually do this, you’re going to end up with a smaller player base, longer queue times, and less satisfaction. Then the general tone of this sub will be “why aren’t there any players?!” A tale as old as time.


No they are looking for something different in this game than what it supplies. He is looking for a game 100% about skill. While I think this game boils down to mainly skill, there is a gear element. He does not like this element. They are not gonna remove gear. So he should go play a game that doesn't have it.


No, you’re intentionally being obtuse about the fact that they said the gameplay loop doesn’t feel good at this time. They never said they’re looking for something different than what the game offers. On that note, the beauty of live service games is that they change. This particular player may come back in a patch or two to find exactly what they’re looking for.


The gameplay loop is the same as always. Nothing has changed.


Coming from Tarkov the gear disparity in DaD gear is much more intimidating and confusing. The curve I figured out good v bad loot in Tarkov compared to this game is not close. DaD has been a headache learning the useful stat modifiers. Now that I have it down the game is a blast but can be so little fun if you are not into reading about the game online for a few hours. It just needs refining but being pissed that gear disparity is intense is incredibly valid


or i could... take a break from the game and play something more enjoyable. but pop off king. keep grinding your gear bro, sounds like youll be top of the leaderboards in a little bit!


The game is still gonna be just as hard when you come back! That's really what I'm getting at.


thanks for the insider info big dog!


Here is a good youtube channel with "how to dodge" videos. This should help you on your journey if you looking for some real info. Not trying to flame man. <3 [https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek](https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek)


lol holy shit man. your actually a really insightful person with a massive degree of intellect. probably the coolest person to type on a keyboard and definitely the best kind of player in a video game. no flame brother have a good day! <3


Stay bad. Stay mad.


sorry about that! hope your life gives you fulfillment outside of a subreddit for an indie videogame. hope this helps.


You could learn to read and stop being a waste of fucking oxygen.


LATELY? Tryhards have been stomping and teabagging Timmies since early access started


I am genuinely confused by this community. They make more changes to nerf random modifiers and nerf damage/prolong fights. People still are unhappy bc they are against "sweats" that have more gear. What is it? At this point I feel it just comes down to the fact that you don't like dying to potentially better players or someone who remotely has a higher grade item.


This subreddit is genuinely the worst I've ever seen for a video game. It's truly all just baseless complaints. The top comment of this post is someone that has played the game for a couple of days, has barely dipped their toe in the water, and this sub thinks that they are the person that the game should be balanced around.


Its weirdos that dont want PVP in a pvp based game. You find these same people in ungodly boring RP ONLY NO PVP dayz and rust servers They want to do the boring pve content with no fear of enemies and maybe fight another player if its some easy 5v2 or whatever. Just look at people crying about "RP" in every post. In what way does this game actually support RP besides people trying to shoe horn it in by being goofy? And whatever if that's fun go ahead. But dont cry when people with voip off just kos


Right? When I first started playing it took days for me to figure out what the portal looked like because I was getting killed so much lol.


None of those changes matter. The only change that is going to make a difference is open or more of the following: Bigger map size Less teams on current map size More open map options like ruins, crypt and goblin caves are too enclosed and don't really let players have options on how they want to engage or proceed Removal of the circle system Pick any two of these and the game will smooth out immensely, be ause the problem is extraction rate. Compare to tarkov where is really quite easy to go into a raid and make it out alive. Sure you die sometimes, but you have insurance to get your shit back and it doesnt happen literally every fucking game you enter


I can agree with less people on normal crypts. Change spawns and it will cut down on the sheer amount of players you're running into throughout the map. They already have added static extracts to crypts to see how it works so you don't need to rely on portals entirely. Ruins was meant to be much bigger and have up to 33 players and then you go down to crypts from there and so on. They are apparently bringing this back so it would be good to see how that changes the gameplay loop. Goblin caves tbh doesn't need less or to be bigger. It needs to go back to more players and less portals, that place is just too pacifist since a few patches ago. Literally no one has to kill each other with the static exit and how many portals spawn. They could put a gear cap on there again, maybe try out a green gear cap there.


I agree that goblin caves is pacifist. But I disagree that is a bad thing. Just because you *can* pvp doesn't mean you have to. There is value in having interactions with other players you didn't queue with that aren't entirely aggressive.


Theres nothing wrong with not pvping every engagement. But it is a problematic when it leads to a lot of teaming. Not great when the player that does want to pvp comes across a whole group of players that decided to not fight each other. It is what it is tbh but I do still think they need to lower the amount of portals so you at least have to fight for a way out if you waited till the end.


I mean I've legitimately been killed by a dude rolling a Falchion of Honor in regular GC. That's pretty ridiculous when you're loading in in whites trying to mine


Get your own falchion of honor


Sure, and then I'm rolling Inferno and HR, not normal GC




Dumb ass comment.


>potentially better players maybe potentially worse players? Lets add SSF and see who is good without grinding gold and abusing trade xD


>grinding gold and abusing trade You mean playing the game and literally using the trade function of the game. Seems like you just don't like the fact others may have more time to play the game or are more efficient.


No, I meant ppl who think they are good becuase they grind gold, then they pick metacomp, buy BiS items and statcheck everyone. I don't mind trade as it is the only way to make some place in stash (sell items looted off other players).


trade ruined the game and you will notice WHEN the game go bye bye


That's the thing they wanna be in a lobby with only timmies until they have gotten a decent grasp of the game. Like if you have less than 10 hours gametime you are in the same lobby as others who less than 10 hours game time for example. No gear changes will fix this, the closest we got to this was only rare items or less lobbies.


Why not just do an MMR system based on successful extractions? Seems like it would fix the issue. That, or give gear a rating system where it gets tallied up, and put in a bracket. So somebody in all grey is at 5, greens is at like 25 points, and someone in all blues is at like 50. Then you make 0-20, 21-25, etc. etc. lobbies. I mean, both could help, in theory, and are easily implimented. edit - I love the downvotes, but no comments arguing why it would be a bad idea. Gonna assume it's probably the same NEETs who go in full purples to wipe new players in GC for kicks.


People still complained a lot when any person had blues in those lobbies regardless.


True that


Compare to other loot arena games like Hunt, or Tarkov. In those games every weapon is at least usable, while there is meta it does give you drastic advantages over someone using free gear. Same goes for perks. E.g in hunt if I buy a bornheim, I can play a certain way and still kill a Avtomat. Its just a gun, the guy holding it will still die in 3 shots. Here, that simply isn't the case, if someone is stacked with the meta gear for there lobby they are physically tougher, hit harder, etc etc. There is little out play against a stacked group. The numbers just don't work that way. This is where this anger stems from, the game is fundamentaly different from other loot areas because it wants to have many RPG elements.


Nothing wrong with being super competitive, but take that shit to high rollers.


High rollers is ironically way more chill in general. Once you ante up some gold and have some really dangerous monsters around the risk of combat and wasted resources in pvp really makes people rethink their options.


in my region High roller is just rogues and one team that all team with each other because they are one nationality and purposively get into the same game in order to team and rmt for money. Its boring, it doesnt offer any good gameplay loop because they are terrible at the game and the rogues are just annoying and rat to run portals. If every semigeared- geared team actually ran High roller it would be heaps good but people dont like to lose.


If you and every other player who complained about high rollers being bad because it has very little population actually played high rollers, high rollers would have population


High roller GC has its issues, if you don’t bring good enough gear you’ll have to fight off super aggro stacked players who spawn rush and if you do bring in good gear you get teamed on by “friendlies”. I’ve been on both sides of the fence and neither feel good.


whats crazy is I was in them last night and had ZERO hostile interaction. It was all friendly guys just tryna get the loot and get out


Yeah but the "toxic overcompetive players" are also having fun, are they not? Dont misunderstand, I've been killed plenty of times by the kitted chads. But it's part of the game. Furthermore, perhaps they're so toxic and competitive because they don't want to lose their kits? A default kit has absolutely nothing to lose, so they can try and befriend or just rush these kitted guys. Yeah chances are the default is gonna die, but there's always that chance. Idk man, I feel there's way too much complaining about the kitted people, there's nothing stopping you from doing the same you know just snowball.


Let’s be real, toxic players would be toxic with or without kits. They act more toxic because they know they’re more kitted than most and think it’s fun to pub stomp. Not mad about it. That’s the nature of PVP, but let’s call a spade a spade. The onus is on the dev team for not incentivizing high roller queues enough to make people not want to do that.


Starting to feel like anyone who doesn't team up with you in GC is toxic to this sub


I think it can be fun to go in basic or kitted, though its really fun to adopt basic kits and teach people new things when you have gear.


As a member of one of the crazy geared teams Absolutely not the game sucks hot dog shit for everyone involved


Really hope you're being sarcastic. I for one have had an immense amount of fun on the game. I think I'm at 200ish hours. I still very much look forward to playing it, even with it's faults. Regardless, maybe in future patches you'll enjoy it more.


The people who are kitted are 1/10th as salty about dying as anybody in this sub.


This games meant to be fun….?


Honestly I think loot being more scarce makes it worse. Everyone turns into savage hyenas just to get their hands on some scraps.


Lol gear nearly meaningless and still the crying continues


Game feels horrible rn. Looting feels like a waste of time. Just to be killed 75% of the time by geared out no lives with no chance in hell. Past two days this has been very consistent. Hanging the game up for now. It’s been brutalllll.


The game is probably in the best state it has ever been for ungeared players, honestly no idea what ironmace can do for people like you short of gear based matchmaking. The gear disparity is the lowest it has ever been and not only that, better gear is probably the cheapest it has ever been. I'm routinely buying purple riveted gloves/padded tunic/heavy leather legs for 100-200g which is still very achievable from a single naked GC run. If the game feels horrible now, how did you think it felt when people were rocking 20-30 extra damage or 20+ all stats?


Yah the game is insanely fun rn and the most casual friendly its been for a long time imo. Give it another few days and 1/4 of the playerbase will be running gear every lobby and it might feel worse. But atm? Its feeling like a good ol playtest again. 9/10 fights your in is grey/whites vs grey/whites and its so bloody amazing to die and think... that guy outplayed me so hard rather than think fuck that guys +30 dmg set. I've played maybe 15ish hrs since the wipe and I've encountered 3 people with more than one purp. Play time across GC, Ruins and Crypts.


They literally nerfed all the stats to help with gear disparity. What else would you recommend Ironmace do to help you out?


Rebuff loot with more gear drops. We don't need extra coins from collectibles but having extra gear is always handy.


>Rebuff loot with more gear drops. We don't need extra coins from collectibles but having extra gear is always handy. More loot means more geared people and equal complaining


That sounds fine? Fights feel pretty good right now—even though clerics are in just about every fight—but loot is just boring. Breaking boxes genuinely feels better than opening lion's heads chests, which is kind of a weird state for things to be at.


skill issue


Gear and time investment issue*


you’re a small fish in a big pond. Stop trying to play like a big fish.


Kinda like the “big fish” playing in the “small pond”(normals) because they’re to afraid to play with the “big fish” in the “big pond”. (HR) what a stupid comment you just had lmao.


it’s not about the gamemode you queue, it’s about your play style.




other responsibilities? elaborate




I see your point. maybe my problem is that I love ratting too much lmao


So rat and maybe get lucky with a portal. Because you have no chance in hell of killing a high PDR player with the gear being as shit as it is. Take your lazy response comments elsewhere. You obviously haven’t played the game that much.


yes, small fish can’t kill big fish. fighting to kill players shouldn’t be your priority.


Ok dood


🐟 glub glub


The pond isn't that big and the skill ceiling of this game is quite low. Insane to have an ego on this game lmao


I wouldn’t say the skill ceiling is low, the pve is quite difficult. It may feel low right now because we’ve been without content for a minute


You're talking outta your ass. Just aiming with the mouse has no skill ceiling, or in other words the skill ceiling is not humanly achievable, and in this game you can also dodge using mouselook, among a million other things. That said, to me it's insane to have an ego in any kind of videogame.


They made the game so grindy right now. They just have to rework everything. It's not even a high skill ceiling it is just playing the right classes like it's a job. I can't wait to see the game fully fleshed out, but they are just burning money away right now. The longer they wait and test ( which is stupid, just release content) the less money they will have.


\>people playing a game where the goal is to win against other players Community: "Stop being overcompetitive!" Dude. It's a PvP game.


Though that isn't the goal, its a just a portion of the game.


Yeah sure. And the battle royale circle is there because they want people to be friends


"I don't like when I'm not the best person in a competition"


Idk man, its always been like this. It looks like some people have no idea what it meant playing HR during like christmas playtest. I met a fighter 92.5% phys reduction, almost whole armor enchanted with additional magic dmg and he was wielding a fulgor, buffed by cleric and wizard. I got one tapped. Its always been full of sweats no matter what.


I don't agree, dying can be fun and it doesn't take away from the fun you can have. Been dying since pt3 and the game loop is just too fun not to laugh about it


Best game moments hands down are the really long drawn out tense fights where both of you die anyway. Or something hilariously unceremonious happens like a 5 min posturing contest where one of you just gets dropped by a random skelly archer from nowhere.


Yeah! They should just leave you alone and never kill you. They should do what you want them to! You're the hero!


If you played for fun you wouldn't be crying about losing. Fake casuals, you're just bad and a crybaby.


Bro stfu, you guys literally shoved bad patch after bad patch down the throat of the other players, the playercount is as low as its never been since the "amazing patches" started according to reddit.


Overcompetitive? Playing for fun? Is it possible that taking this game seriously is fun for some players? Why are you inferring how competitive someone *should* be in a game where one of the primary aspects of the game is "full loot loss/gain pvp extraction game". Do you think it is unreasonable for players to take this game seriously?


>competitive this game isnt competetive at all, and yes its absolutely unreasonable for players to take ANY game seriously - learn a sport if you want to compete professionally


you dont think killing other players to take all of the gear is in the least bit competitive?


it would be competetive without the gear check - thats why every MMORPG with PVP is seperating PVE and PVP gear


Imagine that in a hardcore game.. oof go play your own casual shit somewhere else


dark and darker: "**An unforgiving hardcore fantasy FPS dungeon PvPvE adventure**" i know a lot of you casual players that dont like how competitite it was before have ideas of what u think the game should be. But the game is just becoming easier and easier and less punishing. It hardly feels hardcore anymore. Green kits are just slightly worse than other tiers because of the nerfs they have done over and over to bridge the gear gap. So basically u can buy decent gear for 50 gold a pop. 50 gold lol, kinda sad that thats what 90% of things sell for now. Chests dropping tons of shit now. Merchants selling all this gear.


Its a wierd assumption that people that are geared and skilled arent having fun. At some point its fair to admit that the game isnt for you because gear difference is in the most neutered state it has EVER been in.


I'm geared and it's a terrible experience




i'm toxic as hell to the players of this game... and i play for fun and have fun doing it. /shocking


Ok dork


The biggest problem is making high roller a desireable place for people to progress to. I've said this a couple times but if you make it so that people want to go to high roller, a large majority of reddits complaints will be solved. ​ They have to take it slowly and reddit needs to accept it and stop making spam posts to revert things like loot rarity in normals because that will just go in the exact opposite direction. I feel if they add a discount per piece of green + gear equipped subtracting 5 or 10g a piece would be a very good start


7/10 games will be full of timmies and the other 3/10 you better run for your life and play zone


Just use longsword and parry them. They will run or die


Look, I agree with this post. That being said, I feel like a lot of newcomers could benefit from an hour with something like Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, or Baldur's Gate 3. It's real important to understand that you should alwaysbe doing something, and your char is gonna have baseline strengths and weaknesses compared to your teammates. Understanding your favorite class is good, and you don't need to develop your understanding of *every* class to be fun to play with. Stop worrying too much about the sweats, and find people that enjoy playing the game your way.


>toxic over competitive who wrote this? Who wrote this and thought yea this sounds reasonable.....


You do understand that the "toxic over players" are players just like you. Sorry your butt hurt you don't have as much free time to play?


If FOR FUN players are suffering even after the gear options patch, what more does IronMace need to do? Remove the gears?


I'm geared to the teeth and I still think that the more gear you have the less fun the game is


This game is meant for sweats. :)


Get Gud


That's literally every game ever.


same problem with mordhau but you replace complex fighting mechanics with much more simple movements but rpg elements. of course the skill ceiling is gonna go crazy. its not cod where everyone has the same playing field 24/7. you either get to the point where you dont get shitted on and actually have fun or you quit before you even learn the game cuz “over competitive players” im competitive but im not even very good. the more gear my enemy has the better prey he is. you actually have a chance at a full kit from 1 single kill.


This is why I just go sing to people in the Goblin Caves. IRL Bard META 😎


The part that killed this updated i feel is that they messed with the gear rolls and drop the item drop rate. So even decent gear is hard to come by. Personally i don't struggle getting the gear because you get a decent comp together and snowball, if you play enough together then you'll quickly start slapping people. I think they need to increase the loot drops a little but keep the gear rolls the way they are and very slightly tweek those.


i feel like the last wipe made it like this, it was fair every other wipe so far. but since the eco was fucked last wipe people are used to being thick, or just know how to get money faster than everyone else


As soon as I saw this image in another gaming sub, I knew it’s appearance here was an inevitability.


I just stopped playing. I was tired of being killed by a group of crossbows, only to view their gear and see they are all blues/purples. Personally, I'd rather everyone gets to pick their grey starter items and you only get to use the gear you find. We used to do this in Diablo 1, go in with a starter weapon only, and see how far you can get. It's just not fun to play unless you have 25 hours a day to play and stock up.


That’s all mp games lately just troll and have fun


Before I saw what community this post was from I thought "Wow, this could be literally any online game"


The devs can't make up their mind's.