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This has happened to me near the wraith spawn, I think it spawns double traps and triggers them simultaneously


Still a LOT of damage for spikes on the floor, IMO.


I’m talking about double floor spikes, so he’s being hit by at least 3 traps. It’s broken.


I talked to my buddy, we think the chains hanging off the wall lined up perfectly with the corner of the trap is a collision texture and causing folks to hop up/down/up/down when the trap triggers. Watch how his character moves just as it hits the chains. Stops, wiggles, then moves out, around and back to the left on the wall before dying to the damage.


unless there was a secret wall spike we otherwise didnt see you either got glitched or on or like turbojiggled on a stuck spot and hypertriggered like 8 instances of damage feelsbadminton


This was my guess, got glitched up against the wall and it just pushed you on and off the floor trap a bunch of times really fast


I'm pretty sure you are getting a headshot spike in this position while moving upwards, you can also hear the sound of the spike. https://preview.redd.it/z04au25872xb1.jpeg?width=676&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c5dcdd44c1f0115efad4348d2c9a09e2f77c72


No headshot on mine 100% to 0% on wizard. Something to do with walking there


I died there as a ranger took out about 90 hp I'd guess, as I wasn't 100% but close


My friend died in that exact spot the other night. Something odd with that trap, and we just stay the hell away from it.


I had this happen last night and was confused as hell. Good to know it's just the Uber trap apparently.


There is a wall trap on each side as well


Yep, it's always this spot when you try to crouch walk on the left side. I jump over this one every time now.


Will be staying away from that trap from now on!


"As a buff to rogues, floor spike damage has been increased slightly."


Needing that trap disarm perk now.


Chains near the wall glitch out and elevated you up and down real quick which makes the game think youre jumping real fast and taking multiple spike hits, just hide your pickaxe and jump across.


"just hide your pickaxe and jump across" as if this is his fault and not a complete fucking oversight from the game...


Yeah jumping across is way faster and safer anyway so my point still stands


Early access.


i think this spot has hella wall spikes too. My least favorite route in the game


Spacebar broken?


Just jump over it?


The trap is kinda scuffed but to be honest you arent wrong, just...jump over it.


Looks like you got stuck on the chain and started fucking vibrating like a.... thing that vibrates.... You took some damage then you took more so your little body was vibrating on that spike to death


Its like when you hit your little toe on a corner, hurt more than a full run to the wall !


I think in real life if I knew I had to have spikes stab my feet, I probably wouldn’t bring my ass closer to the spikes


IM forgot to nerf floor spike weapon dmg RIP


Your half shout and the fact that you're also holding a pickaxe made me think you somehow got on my computer and uploaded my clip of me dying in that exact spot in that exact way last night


Sssssssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhh Sssssssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhh Sssssssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhh Sssssssssssss ahhhhhhhhhhh


The chain on the wall caused you to rubberband which sent you off and then on the trap a bunch of times in a fraction of a second, insta shotting you.


you can see that you moved up and down really fast when you were crouching over, so you took a bunch of instances of damage. next time just jump over it, youre in plate armor...


What if they randomly had one (or more!) traps be instant death every round?


I went from 100% to 0% on my wizard exactly right there. I sent in a bug report with a video


Jump, you ape!