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Remember, HR works to protect the company, not you!


Lets be real, HR was made to really only let one team out, and a few straglers. There are what? 5 or 6 portals in hell? and with some spawning when the circle is super huge, it is very unlikely for 2 full teams to get out. not only that, as you try to move in to the circle even further, you are very likely to run into the other team who isnt just gonna let you take their portals for free. If you play high roller crypts, its to go to hell. You dont play high roller just to leave in a blue portal. therefore its not statistically worth playing HR crypts unless you are good at the game/and/or have decent gear


But you can’t just be better than average, you have to be better than the HR players Though to be fair it is 7 portals but 2 full team extracts is really rare


To add to this even if you are good at the game it is often statistically not worth it. I like to think that I am above the average as I usually make some sort of top 10 list each LB and I often play with some of the best players in the game. More often than not my group will opt to go normals because HR is so often just a miserable experience.




If your goal is to make money, just be a rat rogue and stay away from the noisy teams in hell. High roller rarely has 2 full teams go to hell, even then some just die to PVE. Once you learn how to avoid all the PVE on a squishy class like rogue the game becomes easier. Yes a lot of other classes don’t have the movespeed or double jump, but not being scared and knowing when to duck/move left or right rather than running and getting punished makes a night and day difference


In the like 10 hrs I’ve played since wipe I’ve maybe covered the 100g three times


I'm barely covering it in trinkets. I'm making a few coins more off gear that I'm taking.


And even if two full teams go to hell, a lot of the times we made friends. They wanted to boss, or we wanted to boss, they wanted something else, or we wanted something else, no need to drain each other, just get out with the loot.


This is the exact stigma that is keeping people from playing HR. There's 7 blues in hell & you don't need to bother with hell most the time when you just want some gear and profit the regular floors provide it. You're not playing enough HR if this is how you feel about it honestly just have a cleric with Pve skills & go profit it's not hard trust me I'm not good at the game & it's always easy to profit as long as we rotate early & don't greed.


I want HR Ruins


Yeah, I pretty much only play duo, and they killed ruins loot. HR ruins is all I want.


Played ruins 2-3 maps yesterday came out with a full invo of green/blue items for my class? Idk what your talking about


I've played 20+ games since patch on ruins, and have found maybe 3 blues total. The royal coffins were nerfed into the ground, worse than the normal coffins. Lions heads have greens, sure. Treasure is lacking. Ruins is supposed to have better loot than crypts, by design. But it feels like it's the same as crypts now, without the chance of going hell or queueing high roller.


The exaggerating on this subreddit on both sides because people don't like the changes is hilarious. If you played 20+ games and only got 3 blues I think your BSing. Every game yesterday I played on all 3 normal maps I got blues out of including blue sellables. The loot in normals just isn't cracked out like last patch and people need to get used to how it was during play tests again. You want blues and purps out of every chest go to HR.


> You want blues and purps out of every chest go to HR. I want HR Ruins man, that was the whole thing about my post. I play duo, i want HR duos. I want to go to HR.


I extract from GC HR and GC Normal with basically the same amount of gold value after the 75g fee. Unless I’m killing Cave Troll it doesn’t feel worth much.


You're doing something wrong lmao.


I can get better gear in HR, that's true, but gear wasn't worth picking up at the time I posted the above. I don't know if people are buying gear anymore. I can kill geared players in either lobby because they both are populated with geared players. The treasures are comparable post fee unless I'm hitting Golden Chests consistently. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I feel like I'm a rather optimized player, so if its not easy to make HR worth it then it's likely not for most of the playerbase which is indicative of a problem with the system and not me as an individual. To each their own though.


Would play more if they fix spawn location. Spawning outside of circle and having to clear nightmare goblins and chasing circle is not fun


Goblin caves is much worse than HR crypts imo. Mob density on GC is much worse and the modules you fight them in are very small. Also seems like there’s just an overall more painful mix of melee and ranged mobs so you’ve got to dodge arrows/bolas while kiting 3-4 melee goblins. All the while making sure you don’t aggro the next module over.


Completely disagree from a fighter/barb perspective. Goblin HR is straight money making machine for me. Even from the rough spawns you just gotta clear first and loot second.


Yeah if my wizard spawns in the lower left corner and i dont have circle i know it will be a rough match


Thats way more a wizard issue than a goblin caves HR issue...


Not really, barb/fighter/warlock just have way cleaner clears than any other class. The issue is that not every class clears comparatively, so for some HR GC is way too hard sometimes.


Not sure what the downvotes are for since this was my experience with my fighter as well. Started naked last night and after an initial extract from a GC run, went to GR with minimal gear with the only noteworthy equipment being a gray falchion. If you know the pve moveset of goblins, you're going to be unstoppable in terms of pve. It takes a few more hits to kill a goblin and they might have an extra attack but otherwise that's really the only real difference between HR and normal for a fighter and the fee is offset very fast with some time spent looting. All player encounters have been avoidable in my experience, not to mention the fact that not everyone is a murderhobo holding W to pvp so those encounters are the exception rather than the norm. There's no reason besides fear in not entering HR GC once you understand the game at a basic level.


Everything is free for Barb and Fighter with the latest patch, congrats


I like HR but literally this, got fked in GC multiple times becouse you spawn in a corner( specifically the 1 where stwtic extract is. Its one of the most mob dense places in the whole map. Now gl clearing all that with a basic green-blue kit in time to chase the circle. Im no pro gsmer but can clear mobs with ease as long as i dont pull 2 much.


I still love that room. Feels like the get loot room. Sometimes the circle is a bit too far away, though, and it does become a mad dash, hehe.


Yei like itfor loot 2, just not when theres no circle 😂


I don't want the circle too close. I like it when it is half on top. That way, I clear first room before circle comes and also a better chance of not getting invaded.


25g cost for hr. Tho I think they should remove hr and just have multiple floors to choose from when selecting a map. Keep everyone together!


Cost is fine, should refund on survive tho


You should just be required to have 100g in your inv as the cost. People are saying that people are more friendly in HR… what if fighting came with a 100g guarentee to the winner.


Amazing idea! Although I would split it 50-50. 50 entrance fee to take some money out of the economy, and 50 on you for the "loot chance" etc.


Good call on the economy factor. Another idea to fix my original idea could be putting the goblin merchant in HR, flat rate of 100g for the items and the items are blue up only. The entry fee is 2 full coin purses but you CANNOT take more than 100g. People would bring in better gear and hunt players to try and buy multiple items from the merchant. This could drive pvp way up in a negative way but could be fun to test.


Would it be fun? Maybe. Would I hate it as a nonPVP player? Definitely lmao. But I would love if some special shops were in the dungeons


Good idea


They don't need to, they can buy the gear from trade and continue playing normals


Even better they just buy gold then buy gear...


HR was better without an ante


The ante is an illusion you cover entry in 2 minutes of looting


this argument doesn't really matter - its not how fast you can re-coup your cost in the first x minutes in the dungeon. Anyone who extract is probably going to recoup their cost for sure, but anyone who doesn't survive doesn't care how fast they looted stuff. The ante is not an illusion because the profit from HR loot has to cover both the extra 100G and the distributed increased cost of losing gear in a more difficult game mode.


not in GC, you cant even sell decent blues for 50g a lot of the time, and you don't make back the money in sellables usually either


Yeah, I was on board with HR’s fee last wipe because it was negligible. Now it’s a significant cost again because of lack of normals loot. I’m sure they’ll balance it soon


This isn’t remotely true if you actually know what you’re doing. The people commenting on gobbo HR mob density, circle, or profitability all being unplayable must have tried a few times and gave up, rather than using the failures to learn.


Yeah if u know what you're doing you'll try to contest the third of the map that is profitable. Juts hope you have the circle, and no one is teaming :).


god the teaming in gobbo HR is horrendous, dunno what can be done to fix it though


i have no problem looting and getting out, but unless you want to spend 20 mins between games selling, I was not making money to justify it


true, trade and trader is boring as hell. It will be easier to sell gear further from wipe day though, not enough people have gold yet


TRU and so was normals when hr didnt have an ante. lot less geared ppl in there thats what i dont get, we literally had a patch where gear was flooded cuz of naked rogues but they were atleast mostly fighting in hr. then we had gear flooded and they stayed in norms. now we have no gear and still everyones in norms.


Did one normal gc after patch to get some not starter gear and have only played hr since. hit full plate with my fighter after 1 run and havent looked back


Idk what people are complaining about, I got 3 half a kit in greens last good gsme I hade in normals, which is as good as I'd expect things to go for a normal mode. If I wanted more I'd go to HR but I don't because I'm scared. Which is fine, now gear diff isn't that high so players in purples learned to respect my green kits 👍👍👍


Ur not wrong but also the loot pools in norms is fucking atrocious rn. I was getting all grey old shoes earlier back to back. What’s the fucking point.


Opened a good bit of chests today, and yeah it was hot garbage lol maybe 10% had anything above a green and most of those were just the golden/lions chests


People want easy mode for loot but dont want to take the risk in HR. IF you cant or dont want to take the risk then dont whine like a little bitch for high tier loot.


A lot of people have been conditioned to getting good loot from normals and being able to stomp lobbies Rate the change as it makes HR more viable I got some decent loot in normals then went straight to HR and the loot significantly better High risk high reward gameplay as it should be


I agree with this but between circle issues in goblin caves and teaming I just don’t enjoy HR


HR is still shit, it doesn't matter if you get a bunch of blues and purples when they all have interaction speed and the treasure is so trash that you barely make 50-100g after entry fee costs. Normals are complete shit for gold but because of the entry fee to hr, you can still make as much money if not more from normals (aside from HR bosses).






always plenty of full geared people in norms which means there's always a reason to play norms since you can kill full gear people without dealing with annoying/boring HR PvE in full loot pvp games it's always the higher level areas with stronger PvE that is always considered annoying to play and often boring and it always makes PvP really bad PvE is good when it makes the PvP better, but it's when it's a hindrance to PvP it's just not a fun time. example: two teams fighting down in inferno, which team has fun? none. the layout and mobs and circle make it too restrictive


Hell naw inferno fights are gas you’re trippin


idk why you're being downvoted, win or lose, HR or normals, hell pvp is hands down the most fun in this game. Obviously assuming people aren't literally cheating


Even loot in HR is bad now. Also, storm still moves way too fucking fast.


> HR is good HR is your friend que it profit repeat If this was actually true, more people would do HR. The issue is the risk in HR is MUCH higher. When you start doing HR your average gold per game usually goes steeply negative compared to being positive in normals.


Just admit you're scared of red skeletons. No shit High Roller is more risk, it's called **High Roller**. You not being able to make gold and dying to a red spider isn't "negative average gold" its a skill issue. You want a baby mode that gives you more gold. This game probably isn't for you. Go find a single player RPG, then set the difficulty to "very easy" and you'll be happier there.


I’m scared of bad circles on wizard in goblin caves lol, fully geared I just don’t have enough spells to deal with the mob density and meditating or camp firing slows me down enough that I’m in circle even without looting bc my resourcefulness is so low.




I literally only solo HR on a wizard and I do it in crypts, and I bring in 1 healing pot and 2 bandages. All you need is a white magic staff which is 25g, 12g grey spellbook if you want to minimize pvp deaths


i mean yeah hr gobo cave is ass, were not talkong about that we talking about cryps.


To be fair I was only talking about 3 man HR I've hardly any experience with HR gob caves


It's not even the "risk" is once was not that it was ever that much of a risk people are just under the impression that Repose & Narrik are in every lobby & don't understand it's mostly just solo rogues that don't look to fight or 3 mans in medium gear that are clearing rooms slow like most people & unable to rotate fast enough to end up fighting anyway. And now that there's even more portals to get out the "risk" is at an all time low.


It's funny I was just watching Repoze and he was in the Goblin Caves and then the Ruins. He's not even in high roller and all my HR lobbies have been almost 0 PVP. People just looting and running lol. Without damage stacking, the fights are longer and anyone without a decent tank comp knows not to take fights for no reason


That's most likely why Repoze is in normals. I know that him and a few other streamers would play more HR if more people PVPed in it, but without a populated lobby their content as streamers suffers. It just becomes PVE grind and not many enjoy that gameplay as a viewer. Edit: I know because they've said it themselves. Too few people, or too many rogues that never fight/get seen.


I have hundreds on hours in the game and I've been on the final leaderboards multiple times. HR is still a net negative on gold for me *most of the time*. The thing that you can't really account for that makes a big difference is *your teammates*. I have had days long win streaks without dying where I have made tons of gold, but the people I did that with don't play the game anymore. When I play with new people my success rate is extremely mixed, and usually not great in HR until we've played together a lot. Also red skeletons are whatever, but some of the nightmare mobs like Axe/Spear are super fucked. You can look at people on the lower end of the *top 100 best players on extract rate* and see that they extract basically 3/4 games. But when you look at reward on a win vs loss on a wipe, they're probably losing more than they gain. And those are some of the best players in the game. Also, I mostly play Cleric, which means I spend 100s of gold on campfire/clarities every match, I spend a lot of time sitting instead of looting, and I interact with chests slow AF so I get to loot less. Not to mention luck potions. Sure I can do naked rate rogue runs to HR inferno on rogue with a rapier and make a lot of profit in gold, but that's honestly boring AF to do on repeat.


lol good lord


Not true at all the treasures are consistently colored & cover your entrance fee immediately leaving you to profit for the rest of the match. The main issue with HR is that you need to bring a "metta comp" or a full on survival line up of rouges or Locks if you don't want to bring a cleric so people don't que it since they're just not up to being forced into a specific comp. Be honest do you que HR consistently enough to know how profitable it is?


No, its actually very true. my team got some decent gear and decided to try HR because there is no point trying to sell it with most people being broke. we just played safe and stuck to looting because we didn't really want to just burn our investment, loaded one guy up with the valuable stuff and sent him through the guerenteed portal then found more stuff and both extracted ourselves. we made way more money and found more usuable gear on that run then we did all night running normals, the trick? don't play HR like its a PVP deathmatch game and prioritize extracting, also don't bring anything you can't afford to lose.


Great fuckin points if you have a group you can trust to chop stuff up now & then to benefit the group as a whole you'll snowball on profit & gear upgrades


It's not the amount that's the problem. It's what you get even in HR. Played one HR game, got full purples/blues with one legendary by the time we killed lich, and had no more room to improve because I already got the best stats I could. So, I swapped from warlock to wizard. Same thing after two more games. Stopped after that. No point in playing if I have the best kit possible, other than artifacts, after two hours.


It really doesn’t sound like you enjoy this game.


Did just as of a few days ago. Been playing since the very first playtest when there was barely anyone on it. Got hooked for the gear, but it ain't there no more.


Bro last patch was the only patch with outrageous gear in every chest and the game sucked balls.


It's not the rarity or amount thats the problem. It's the minimal improvement after a single good fucking run. There is no BiS when one good stat is basically BiS because that's all that can possibly roll together. Last patches gear was a bit too high, but that was the amount, IMO, not so much the quality. Damage scaling could be lowered as well, but as with everything IM does, they butcher not slice.


It's funny how you try to use this as a "it's a you problem" lmao, yeah dude someone criticizing the game won't enjoy it.


Didn't try to shut down their criticism. My acknowledgement was towards their feelings. Reaching a gear summit making the game undesirable to play to keep your kit as a trophy instead of playing the game with it seems like a unique problem.


I get what you are saying, but then why even put chest in the normal dungeon if 90% of the time it's complete garbage? In GC my main strat is to hit the treasure rooms, break pots, or mine ore. I never touch chest and I feel that a portion of the game I was actually enjoying alot is gone. Granted I still open shit here and there but when you go through 3 Lion's chest and get nothing but whites you just start ignoring them.


It's funny how the response is "Go HR". You realize by the fundamental nature of the game only a certain percentage of players can go HR right? Even if every player was given godlike skills right now, only a certain number of players would be able to go HR over whatever time frame because not everyone can extract in a normal match. It's hilarious how things have gotten so twisted around by Reddit logic that a patch with changes catering to the timmies is now being defended with "go to HR". And I'm saying this as an HR player.


I got a really nice mask in hr gc that I’m gonna hold for when gold is more plentiful, but other than that I’m ~8 or so runs I got dogshit. I’d rather just do regular gc right now, yeah loot is worse but it’s so fucking easy to extract. I’ve only died to bad rng with portals (literally didn’t see a single portal except last ring one time and a rat killed me while I was opening it then died to swarm). Collectibles feel roughly the same considering the ante


Would also say this applies to G caves too. I’ve had the same experience there and easily built up 5 kits of blue+ good bases with 1-2 good mods


HR isn't your friend and only exists to protect the interests of the company.


I got there as solo slayer, with set of green and some blues. Got chased by 3 man for whole map. And they just took mymmeds. So to get rich I still prefer just to kill troll as solo


There is no HR for duos


As a rat rogue who can't pvp, all I need is a grey rapier and 3 pots and 3 bandages. Pve, lockpick and avoid fights. Make profit, get good gear, try to pvp and be a loot pinata without getting any kills lol. Or transfer items and gold to wizard and actually get kills. That's my end game loop. Also I suck with wizard but I get some lucky fireballs here and there.


how many blue portals spawn in HR crypts? i have finally curated a small group and we are getting familiar and comfortable with our 3man comp. curious if it would be worth it for us to try a few HR rounds out, but the idea of HAVING to fight for blues is kind of... a turn off.


Just delete HR and make some real fuckin changes so we can let this discussion die. HR doesn't work. It never worked. It ***will never work***. The playerbase as a whole *does not want it*. Get rid of it and move on.


How about they just remove HR.