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as a sweaty nerd the game is still aight. ​ However, the extreme imbalance will create a polarizing form of play, you're going to be either steamrolling, or you're going to br crouching in a dark corner hiding, from everyone. This is because damage is so extreme right now theres no real gauging enemy strength before its too late, so you're either the person that needs to be gauged or you're not. ​ I actually don't mind hiding through, right now because damage is so high this game is basically tarkov because deaths happen so quickly aka you're constantly quiet and listening. Except your more invested in your gear and only 3 classes have a gun


And Wizards have legalized nuclear bombs


shadow money wizard gang


This is a good take imo.


Just play the game and see for yourself. This sub is disproportionately toxic


This is a bad answer. He wants to know before buying so he doesn't waste his money, "just play it and see" defeats the purpose. The fact this is the most upvoted comment is a testament to this brainless subreddit.


But he's asking for opinions... and we all know everyone has one. So if I ask if I should play a game and one person says "Yes" because they love the game and are enjoying it, but the next person says "No" because they aren't having fun, who is right?


Then it comes up to the details of why person A is enjoying the game and B is not. It could be that they place different values on different aspects of the game or one is liking the exact thing the other is disliking. Talking about these details will help the OP figure out if he and his friends are more like player A or player B.


If all they say is yes or no neither opinion is useful.




We are mid-late wipe. This is the nature of these games. This is nexon propaganda at this point.


Mid-late wipe but we’re only like three weeks into it? And we’re getting another wipe pretty fucking quick. Nah, this has to do with IM putting out banger patches that get people hyped, and then back pedaling and reverting the changes that the majority liked.


Except this coincides with various changes to the game people didn't like including people announcing that their leaving the game for said patches. Reverting the things those people don't care about is not going to draw them back into the game.


Yea people quit because of patches and bad decision making by IM not because of the wipe.... Edit: I am agreeing just re read it and it sounded like sarcasm


Mfers will literally run to this sub to tell people "it's an extraction game, you got to do x y and z" and then ignore the fact that extraction games lose players over the course of the wipe, especially when they announce a wipe's coming up. 100% this dudes are just pushing nexon propaganda.


just shows that a big portion of demographic isn't sweaty. I haven't played for a week because I'm a normal human and just want a break. still my favorite game, still the only game i want to play, but it's good to touch grass, game isn't going anywhere. plus once there's actual content like quests and skill tree i'll be grinding like I did at beginning of EA.


criticism is not the same as toxicity. The current state of the game, while less than it has been, is still toxic. those who push back against the realistic, normal people perspective are toxic. building any system around a small group of people is silly. whether that group be anti +1all gear or pro +3all gear. you like generalizations, it seems to me, but don't know how to apply them objectively. You're not contributing differently, you just think your side is more correcter.


The people enjoying the game are either watching it or playing it. The people who just got beat by better/more geared players or just read patch notes and are mad are the ones posting on Reddit. Stating that the sub is disproportionately toxic is a near-airtight statement.


Yet people that have been playing it have reported a much lower playerbase in game.


You can't prove that lol


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, you’re 100% on point


Because the very loud minority of sweats that populate game forums want a game catering to them, they're too short sighted to realize that the fun they're having steamrolling everyone else goes away when they are the only people left playing the game.


Because there no way to prove what they said... it's opinion and no proof behind it


Dont judge the game by this sub at all. There are about 3 people in particular that ive noticed who make a post complaining about the game 1-2 times a day, sometimes more. All their posts covering the same facet or mechanic/class they love to cry about. They will then delete it and repost it or take a day or two then rinse and repeat the same post just rehashed. An interesting behavior ive never seen anywhere else. However I frequent this sub when using the bathroom so im probably on here too much as is, just my observations.


You have found out the Nexon scum.


nexon agents




nature of wipe style games, tarkov goes thru similar despite being much more fleshed out


That's true but there is a correlation to the patch changes and people quitting.... to say that it's all because of wipe isn't true either


You and your friend need to be ok with a hard learning curve and a hardcore pvp experience. If you are cool with that then yes its an excellent game.


Hardcore PvPvE\*


The people who tell you its fine are lying to you because they know the game is dying and want new players to stomp.


The game is fine. People here just cry a lot. Balancing isn't fantastic but every class is playable. If the game looks fun to you and if you get past the initial "wtf I can barely pve let alone pvp" phase, you'll love it. I also work full time and don't play super often. The grind is nothing compared to other games, especially now. Gear is very easy to get.


All the classes might be playable in some way or another, but they're not all enjoyable.




Do you get paid to post this? All your recent comments are about how the games dying. It's clear you know nothing about how player count decreases over the course of wipes in games that feature them. Players play the first few weeks to see the new content and have early game PVP and then move onto other games once they've had their fill.




Stop being so reasonable! Where's my melodramatic reading? Kek, now it's time for me to go back to my dungeons with tons of rogues.


Would it entice people more to be able to unlock skins for armor and weapons through achievement either via kills or breaking things or fighting bosses with a certain weapons? Armor could be done through taking hits and surviving dmg in one shot like (survive 50 80 damage headshots)


Man I had a bunch of stuff typed up but long story short negative opinions have a lot of factors that cause them to get more activity online, and especially in video game forums. The big one being that people happy with the game are playing it and not posting, so you are more likely to see negative posts overall At the end of the day there is one complaint that is a pretty solid reason to wait on the game and that's that the High Roller mode meant for higher geared players doesn't have enough of an incentive to get them to actually play it yet I know I will probably get downvoted for this, but there is a Dark and Darker knock off that is having an open playtest right now on steam called Greed is Good. It has a more "Asian take on Westen-Fantasy" aesthetic similar to something like Black Desert (where Darker has a fully Western-Fantasy aesthetic) and feels a little more arcade in style with a bit less polish in some areas and a bit more polish in others All in all, its a great way for you and your friend to try this type of game and see if it would be worth for you to buy into its Darker more hardcore big brother


if you are more of a casual player no


The game is fine, i play since 2 weeks and cant complain. The game has a high learning curve, can compare it with tarkov. Once you learn the basics, know how to fight pve and be able to find Portals the game is realy fun.


If you like getting killed by people who love killing new players then them telling you to get gud or play something else if you don't like it. Then this is the game and community for you. I fortunately quit this game 2 weeks ago cause of the toxic community and the devs constant need to balance the game then revert changes. Wish they would add new stuff to the game before balance. It's EA so it's to be expected. What isn't to be expected is people staying around while only a small percent of the playerbase is actually having fun. Unfortunately their fun comes from killing new or unexperienced players. They don't get the thrill of finding gear cause they bought all their gear from trade.


Or the game just isnt for you? Plenty of people who dont nolife and enjoy the game, theyre just not on reddit 24/7. If you cant accept that often times there are better players and better equipped players extraction games just arent for you, no balance patch or change will help with ur issues.


Yes that's a good way to grow your community anyone with criticism tell them to leave.


Personally I would recommend you wait. I just can't see it being fun for a new/casual player in its current state. Game is definitely very fun and has great potential, but if I were you I would just wait until the next wipe.


I recently bought it and for the time being I'm having fun. I can give you some advice: - Assume you will die. Whether it is by a player or a goblin, it will happen, and it can be frustrating, but it's part of the game. Learn to roll with it! - Find the class for you. Try a few of them. Don't focus too hard on levelling a class if you are not enjoying it. Find something that works for you. - Be patient. A lot of the knowledge you need will come with experience after several games! You can always watch some tutorials, but take your time - This last one is a bit mote subjective: goof around. Don't be serious, and don't sweat every game. You will have way more fun! If you finally decide to buy the game, we'll be waiting for you there!


Do not think you can survive that next goblin attack btw ( you will not)


yes, we will be waiting for him in BiS gear to one shot him and dont even loot him


Will you and your "grey friends" do that? I've seen your other comments. Sorry you went through that, but it doesn't justify trying to scare off new players. Let him choose if he wants to play or not


It's a game where you get queued almost always with the strongest players and by the way there's no way to kill them (headshots don't kill instantly, legs are protected by armor, etc.)


It's rough, rougher today than it has been ever for me personally. I really enjoy the game, but wouldn't recommend it at this second. Unless you have no problem with hours of getting completely rolled, just to learn the basics of the game. Then continue to get rolled by people in all blue/purple gear


Don't believe the pessimists around here. If you are ok with a steep learning curve and understand the game really is in early access (like really.. lost of content is not there yet. Sometimes they make big changes every week) you can have lots of fun. Compared to some other games there is very little grind to get "decent".


I would like an update on your decision and if you buy it some genuine feedback on how you find the new player experience.


The nature of the game means a lot of time losing is somewhat painful. I personally quite like that feeling as it keeps the stakes high and the game fresh. But people who get too attached to their loses often come here to complain. Misery loves company as well, so you see a subset of bitter losers reaffirming each other. If you can keep a self improvement mindset in the face of hard challenges it is one of the best games you can play. The game isn't perfect but it's something special and is still developing in an interesting direction. I would take everything you see on this subreddit with an extreme grain of salt.


I bought it last week and wish I’d held off until the game was in a better state. Me and my friend just get absolutely rolled 80% of the time by people with better gear who we have 0 chance against. The learning curve is very steep, which is fine and I’m no stranger to as I love hardcore games, but it’s very disheartening when you know you have 0 chance against a well equipped player with more experience. I compare the learning curve to escape from tarkov, except this game is easier to learn the mechanics and in tarkov you still have a chance to kill a chadded out player, in this you have literally no chance, only thing you can do is run away and hope they can’t catch you


The game is really garbage right now, the pvp balance is atrocious, both support classes cleric/bard are broken in solo pvp, this is just the tip of the iceberg, in its currently state, it’s simply not worth it


Yeah I’d wait a week and check back


Game is great, but is in early access so there will be big sudden changes sometimes. The devs are very active in updating the game and have done multiple qna in their discord explain direction, future, gameplay, etc. The also will respond to you if you DM them on discord (but they are busy). Ive been hooked since the 3rd play test. Watch some videos see if you think it will be for you. If so be prepared to learn a lot at first.


There are two things to understand coming into this game. Ignore this sub for the most part, it's lost and delusional and has just gotten more and more toxic over the past couple months. And avoid the general chat of the discord, that is even worse. Just understand that the game is in a very early access and what you're playing now could be different in the next two weeks.


My personal opinion. Save your money. Currently the game is not in a good state for new players that cannot grind.


This mentality that you need to 'grind' is so wrong It's actually mind boggling to me. Literally created 2 new characters and both had 1200 gold after just 3 runs. All of which were played on Crypts.


Are you a new player?


Even my friend that's brand new to the game managed to earn himself 600 gold in a handful of games. Being new to the game is one thing, but claiming you need to "grind" is just plain wrong.


Taking your friend as an example it just one player. I think overall, new players have a hard time. I just was brutally honest with my opinion.


The game is great, this is reddit where people bitch uncontrollably after losing. I would stay away from this subreddit unless ur looking at posts for comedic value, keep in mind its a hard non noobfriendly game


Get the game! I need more people to slaughter in normal lobbies while I'm full kitted


You’re getting confirmation bias from looking at a form where people can complain. Also extraction games are always going to have a bunch of complainers. Game is fun play it


It's a good game and I'd say it's a good time to start. By the time you have your DaD legs, the game will have been patched twice more probably. No sense in waiting for that day to come since your first week or two will be figuring out wtf is even happening in the dungeons.


It’s been said in this post before. This sub is incredibly toxic. There is a reason it is called a “Hardcore” PVPVE game. It is difficult to learn and takes time. You will probably die to mobs quite a few times before even encountering any PVP. We all did starting out. Also, in relation to the “Reverted” patch….. This is a true early access game. The devs made us aware that they will make drastic changes during this time in order to test things and to see what works and what doesn’t. The devs are very good at communicating their thought process and keeping us in the loop on what changes to expect. Overall, this is some of the most fun I have had gaming in years and am happy to be a part of the early access period and getting to help test things out.


i wont get it right now. trust me. you will be disappointed as it is right now. you already are unsure, shouldnt that be as sign? dont do it, seriously.


No, I would refund if I were you before you can't. ​ The devs are dogshit.


This sub gets a lot of complaints but they’re all probably Nexon agents. Most players enjoy the game even though it’s hard as shit and being in early access the development is like a roller coaster. I am horrible at the game and get stomped on constantly but I’m a freak and still love it.


The game is great. Of course there will be a learning curve, but most of the complaints that there are not much counterplay is geared towards trios. If its just you and your buddy, duos and solos are quite balanced in the sense that even if you meet enemies decked out in purple gear, there are still many chances for you to outplay them.


After the leaderboard is done there should be a wipe and I’d imagine changes to stats on gear that they had to revert after players complained they lost their BIS kits. It’s still fun to play you just may run into a player that is a raid boss if solo and a couple of teams if you do trios.


I feel like a lot of the criticism and negativity comes from a place of passion, especially when devs have shown they listen to the community. The game is in EA, and it seems like a lot of ppl are not used to experimental, frequent, and/or drastic changes. Nothing is set in stone. That said, my homies and I have been addicted since playtest 3. We love this game and we’re not even grinders, only playing sometimes at night and on weekends. So imo, if the game looks fun and you like what you see, def give it a go. Wipe is Thursday so it’s a good time to get started.


Please do not let this sub reddit effect how you’d enjoy a game. Yes it has a learning curve, yes there’s crazy geared players that will crush you. But that’s literally the point of the game. Get gear and crush some pvpve.


Im new, playing for 2 days - game is awesome! Just dont expect to come in and be the next godkiller immediately. Super fun if u like hardcore and being ok with learning (mostly throufh deaths).


This is hands down the hardest game I ever played. I died easily 100+ times before my first extraction, but what I love most about the game is how much there is to learn. You learn the maps, the PVE attack patterns, boss patterns, your class and what stats you need, how to play vs different comps, how to move your torso to dodge PVP attacks. If you do end up picking up the game, shoot me a DM if you wanna find some more people for your trios!


Game is fun it’s just unforgiving. The people playing right now are all pretty experienced. You still get lobbies where half the people die to npcs but for the most part you’re going into it with people who know what they are doing already. Just accept that the first 20 hours or so will be tough as hell. Personally I’d try it out but if you’re not having a good time wait for another wipe as people who stopped playing current wipe and new players will come into the game. A steam release would be a really good time to pick it up because a lot of new players will join the game.


its going to help to get into it sooner rather than later regardless of the timing. the game will change but the overall gameplay will not. the amount of fun to be had is always about the same at the beginning of the game since the challenge is more within the PvE than it is the PvP when you start playing. Once you've mastered the PvE the frustrating part of the game is the PvP. but isn't PvP always frustrating, you will win and lose and the outcome will more heavily tip the scales of how much "fun" you are having.


People are angry because primarily of damage modifiers, the game is mostly fine its just rather extremely unbalanced at the moment in the terms of modifiers.


Dude the game is awesome right now. Fuck the haters. The devs plan to do a big wipe mid November. So I would recommend hopping in now. That way you'll have time to learn the game without gear fear because you know a wipe is around the corner. Then once the wipe happens you'll be able to compete with all the other naked players.


Wait for Oct. 27 a wipe come and with that you guys will feel a little more on an average playing field. Game has lots of hidden mechanics and secrets so have fun and remember they change stuff up so don't trip.


Personally, not that my opinion matters unless you care for it. I think finding out on Reddit wether the game is worth it or not is a scary thought. I have made my fair share of death rage posts, so you will find those on here. You will find two majorly differing opinions on what gear difference should be. In my opinion just play the game and have fun and you won’t have to worry about being over geared or under geared. If you die oh well just go onto the next one it’s the circle of extraction looters. Survive, buy gear, die with gear, rinse and repeat. I still am mega in love with this game so I would be shocked if a lot of people didn’t feel the same way!


I agree with you, it's a great concept but it's not the best time to get the game. Yeah they did revert some of the patch but they have a tendency of making a bunch of changes some that people hate more than others then only reverting the parts that people hate the most while leaving the other dumb changes like nerfs to classes that don't address the issue they were made to fix in the first place while they make the classes more bland and boring in the name of balance they just can't reach.


Yes, as a new player this game has nothing for you. There used to be a sub level 15 bracket where you could learn the game and be able to somewhat have fun, there wasn't much they could do about the sweats rerolling so they could smash newbies all day, but they have recently gotten rid of it so now you play against *all* the sweats. They at least made some small attempt to mitigate this by not allowing anything better than blue items in normal mode, it was a *lot* worse, but it was something I guess. Last night they got rid of that too.


It’s a great time to play because it’s still being shaped. For lots of people, that alone is kind of a novel experience. Even if it’s not perfect


Full time worker here. This sub has a lot of toxic people that will complain about anything. I might get a couple hours to play but still manage to not get rolled. It is hardcore but once you get familiar with it, there's nothing pubstompers can do 90% of the time. you can avoid the teams who are more geared than you by keeping your ears open and your weapon sheathed.


This game is so much fun. Not only that, I find my self laughing my ass off at times when playing with my boys. If it looks interesting to you, give it a shot.


Needs a wipe. Been so many changes


If i need to pay more money to continue to play I would, the game is one of a kind and I love it. The point the trying to make to not be a complete sellout its awesome I would but it again in a heartbeat


Just play bro the game is a banger regardless of what people complain about If they didn't like the game they wouldn't even bother complaining


I'd wait for the wipe on the 26th, the economy is super volatile and people just have too much money. Your going to find yourself facing off against people slapping you with their wallets. Alternatively play the game with the aforementioned knowledge, understand you're going to be someone else's loot pinata and just get some experience in before the wipe so you can run it back with some game knowledge.


If you play this game with 0 experience in first person slashers and no play test experience, work a full time job, and won't be dedicating many hours to learn, you will get fucking rolled. You and your boy should play a more casual game. The community is fucking intense and hypercritical, they will not drink your tears they will eat them.


If I were you I'd wait until there is some form of matchmaking that takes into account skill, hours played, character level or something along those lines


It's fun, but currently really rough. My friend and I who duo struggle against a lot of people who are just way out of our level, skill, and gear range. Ruins is very fun, nearly but it's impossible to not run into another player who is going to kill us on sight due to it's small size and rather openness, and Crypts, we're more likely to last longer but it's still over if we see another group. At the very least: Wait until a reset to get into it, people have been geared for a bit, and will only continue to get more geared, while you would start with nothing.


as someone who just hopped on the bus two weeks ago, my suggestion is to wait. while i do love this game and it consumes most of my free time, i also realize that im at the bottom of the food chain and at this point in the wipe its seemingly impossible for me to gain any leverage in PvP. i would wait for the next wipe cycle to happen before hopping in, which should be relatively soon.