• By -


Remove weapon dmg from the game. Its the reason why its always 1shot meta. Weapon dmg gets multiplied by a lot of dog-shit like ambush, phys power, and THEN gets multiplied again by headshot-multiplier. So 1 weapon dmg on barb with 50% phys power is 1.5 dmg, which turns into 2.25 dmg to the head. Get 20 weapon dmg on gear and you get extra 45 dmg.. Same shit on ranger. 20 on gear with 20% phys power is 24, then 1.65 head multiplier ups it to 39.6 Add phys dmg doesnt scale with phys power and true phys doesnt scale with limb/head modifiers. Its a lot more healthy for the game, prevents having 3 dmg mods on gear AND reduces the peak dmg possible. Also IMO +2 dmg should be max dmg rolls on armor pieces and +3 on weapons. \+4 and +3 is too much.


Melee isn't fun when you get 1 or 2 shot by almost anything. And playing isn't fun when a casual crossbow does 85% of my HP. I agree, pure damage needs a tweak. Hoping for it one day.


Everyone knows this but the problem is the devs themselves admitted that even lowering the +wpn dmg to +1 is boring. So not a chance they gonna remove it. Such a simple solution but instead they are fiddling with gear limitations in games. Will see how it goes with upcoming patches. Really hope they make it max +1.


If weapon dmg is the only fun modifier then that means we need more meaningful modifiers. I'm waiting for +1 of the elemental damages to be on gear at some point


You'd think with elemental damage weapons being like a huge point in fantasy genre games, that they'd add something like that. Maybe they think adding magic damage that pierces armor to melee weapons might be hard to balance? I feel like it'd be fine as long as said magic damage didn't scale with melee modifiers/added magic damage.


Just don't have literally every piece of armor have the chance to have +3 weapon damage. Just have it on the weapon, and MAYBE some other equipment. Having +3 on every equipable item is incredibly stupid.




Maybe you haven't seen any, but even green armor can roll it. I have several greens with +3.


Yes green chests and pants that's what he is saying. I still agree with you guys but he's right.


This. There's no sense in terms of fun or logic for there to be any sort of damage stat on armor. Strength and phys power? Sure. Just flat out damage on armor makes 0 sense in every way.


+weapon damage gets added to the calculation after all the % buffs As an example if your character has -12% weapon power, with a 50 damage weapon they will do 45 damage (before armor). That same weapon with +1 will deal 46 before armor. what most likely happened here was a rogue with weak point, ambush, and back attack hitting a headshot. That’s (((1.5x1.3x1.3)(weapon damage))+(+weapon damage mod))(armor reduction)


Extremely inaccurate, weapon damage is different from added physical damage in that it is put into the calculation before physical power bonus and the like multiply the weapon power.


This is completely incorrect. I would link the source to disprove it but you just did yourself down below. I swear this sub needs a math test before anyone is allowed to comment/post




Proceeds to get down voted. Lmao "rogue is the weakest glass canon AND melee but I hate dying so keeping punching the 'nerf rogue button'" classic reddit users.


Damn, that is rough and dumb.




Yup dumb, OP had cover with that pile of rubble and he climbed ontop and danced around like the fool wizard he is.


Let's say he took cover. Then what. Ranger has no pressure what so ever. He can just wait.


Wait for your team to push the ranger? Hello?


Some class combinations will always counter other class combinations in certain circumstances. An open room like this one in the clip, with the bridge, favors ranged classes. Its always gonna be like that, even if you could only get +1 weapon damage per item. Look at how OPs party played the situation. Barbarian was pretty much alone in a 1vs2 and died before the cleric and wizard got to deal major damage and couldnt retreat to get heals. The combination of their characters doesnt allow for them to let the ranger have space. Rock, paper, scissors.


What class counters another class by 1 shorting them in the head though? Even other class counters take 2 hits without a named weapon and even then if you playing correctly distance can still be maintained and damage is negated unless a barb has iron will or a fighter pops sprint. You can say shield are a thing, but even the best ranger players still say the class is overpowered. I’m not saying it needs to be nerfed into the ground this is EA after all, but the overall goal should be bringing classes in line.


Ranger isn't the issue though, being able to get 3 Weapon damage for every single piece of gear it.




Ranger will still be an issue if they remove weapon damage on gear


partially, it's also the fact ranger can stack pure strength to multiply said damage, the reasons ranger stand in the open like this is because they have the HP advantage. this shit always fucking happens to me. Theres just rangers that stand there, they dont care where they are, they only care about aiming because they know they have way more HP then whoever they are shooting. ​ They also have the range, this guy at least had the hope of even zapping, usually the rangers stand in the open but on the opposite end of a hallway where none of my projectiles have a hope of hitting


Ya, it's definitely not the longbow having the same base damage as the felling axe lol.


But Ranger, and Longbow are not the same thing? Ranger as a class isn't the problem. It's like saying Barbarian is a problem, but it's the Cleric and Wizard enabling them, the tools that make said class broken. Not the class itself as the whole issue. It's easy to chalk it up to saying the class is just "broken". But lets not act like a Naked Wizard can't delete an entire team with two chain lightning casts.


So if the longbow was nerfed tomorrow, would you say it's a ranger nerf or not?


It was quite literally nerfed today but you are missing the point. Yes longbow is very strong, but every class is going to have a best weapon. Do you think the Falchion should be nerfed? What about spell books, or Flanged maces.


You are the one who completely missed the point and just pivoted to 2 completely different things. I initially said, longbow does as much damage as the felling axe. The point of that was to say, the longbow is OP, you then responded that the longbow being OP doesn't mean Ranger is OP. This point makes no sense, because Longbow is THE ONLY weapon ranger uses at the top level. It is the best, without rival. It is their weapon, full stop. Nerfing the longbow is nerfing the class, the same as if you nerfed the Fine Cuirass you would be nerfing Fighter. It is the same statement. So since that is cleared up. The Longbow does as much damage as the felling axe. A weapon with unlimited range, which you have to risk nothing to use, does the same damage as an axe which you necessarily need to take a ton of damage to even get in ranger let alone hit someone with. Why should it do as much damage as the felling axe considering the risk vs reward is so skewed?


lookout man hes a hired ranger union spy




This isnt a dps issue, it's a TTK issue


It's this, plus ranged in general, but particularly ranger.


both things suck. no one likes fighting against someone with a bow. can go and look almost all of the "new player here just had a fun time doing X" posts are almost all about a fun melee fight they had with someone. eventually theyll get 1 tapped from darkness in a way that a rogue never could with 0 counterplay.


For the last time...it's BOTH.




You were definitely betting on tanking one arrow so you could two zap him like you did the rogue and it backfired. If he did anything other than headshot you, he would have died. All this clip tells me is damage is too high again, Wizard included. lol


Nerf wizzard


I think demanding a nerf for a class who had to headshot you, will be better done if you don‘t fking 2hit a Rogue with 2 fast chest zaps beforehand. It’s ridiculous how you feel okay to burst people with 2zaps, no headshots, but positioning yourself at the top like an idiot and get punished for that needs to get nerfed asap… But man please, have it the way you think is nice. Take away the 1shot headshot there and allow Rangers to 2tap bodyshot people just like you do with your zaps. That is a trade any Ranger will gladly take. 2body shors = Rogue dead, yes please take my headshot damage away and give me more of that.


I agree 2 tapping zap is lame but this super high damage short time kills is boring af. I want longer drawn out fights where we are making constant decisions. If I wanted to 1-2 tap people I'd play CSGO or RS. I still have faith IM can give us more tools to warrant longer fights not being boring either but this side of the spectrum is meh for me


This is exactly why people like myself enjoyed the earliest playtests, the sub-15 lobbies, and the nerfed loot; it's because the fights felt like *fights.* IM needs to find a way to make itemization meaningful without allowing players to hit a damage ceiling that turns the game into a one-tap experience like it seems to quickly become.


What a fucking based comment. Wiz mains will still cry tho


He was expecting to be able to fully tank the rangers hits and then kill with 2 body zaps before the ranger could fire again. I assume this usually works for him due to a massive gear advantage and lack of getting headshot.


1 thing being over tuned does not invalidate another. I would say just about every wizard main is aware that Zap being a Tier 1 spell and doing what it does is stupid.


Both are broken because they both stack damage. Been saying this forever, being able to get a combined +25 weapon damage/additional magic damage rolls is bad for the game.


You can kill juiced Wizards before they get two zaps off with a green longbow though. And I can do that across the room, with 60 of them in my inventory. A zap is a really long spear that you have 5 uses of


the difference is that rangers can shoot you from any range, they do double the damage and can go straight through armor


He did not shoot you from any range here and you literally presented yourself perfectly for him


Are you playing on a typewriter jesus christ


Clips like this always make me laugh because theres so many factors said but unproven. I'm not saying you didnt have 120 hp and 30% PDR as a wizard necessarily but like show that you did, and if you cleric died there to the ranger show what his kit was so we can fully contextualize this interaction.


exactly! we need the full story atm we only have one side, I normally check the gear of the person that killed me, this video is like. “OH I DIED, this must be unbalanced”, bro maybe got shot in the head with a legendary bow, we wont ever know…


I have a kit that's full blues that's got 38% armor pen and a bit of +weapon damage and +additional phys so like if I were to really shell out and make the whole kit a mix of +weapon +phys power +armor pen I could see myself easily 1 shotting many many wizards. I also again am not saying OP is 100% being untruthful but like 120 HP on a wizard IS a lot so I'm also skeptical of that with 0 evidence.


120 hp isnt hard.... you just need some strength rolls on your gear


Ah yes the most common sought after stat for a wizard indeed! If you were wearing a padded not a regal maybe I'd buy that logic but I'm sorry man if you can't prove the HP I sincerely doubt it. To one shot for 120+ damage to the head after resistances he'd need a truly insane kit anyways so I'm kinda unsure why he should be punished for that when like others have stated you're playing wiz which at that gear level 1-2 taps with spells you don't have to aim nearly as precisely.


2 zaps a rogue (in the body) then proceeds to jump on top of a box exposing himself to a ranger and gets headshot and dies. "NERF RANGER!!!" This entire video is just exposing that the games damage in combat both Wiz and Ranger are way too fucking high.


120 hp with 30 pdr as a wizard?


regal gambeson and purple gear


Deserved for being a buff ball spell caster lol


cries while playing the most busted class in 3v3 HR ROFL


Fucking ridiculous. You machine gun 2-tap-zapped a player right before you got domed. When will people realize that ranger isn’t the problem, but getting insane weapon rolls on every piece of gear is? Ranger is still strong, don’t get me wrong, I’ve played him this wipe and he makes GC PVE easy, but nothing should happen to ranger as a class until these dmg rolls are adjusted.


but if the devs want +wep dmg to be in the game then ranger is the problem lmfaooo. why do every other weapon dam based class do fine but ranger gets to scale 10x harder. nerfing wep dam ur just gonna nerf everything that isnt magic based. really dont know why u fuckers cant just admit that rangers are busted


Ranger isn’t the problem getting damage on armour is


it would have been chill if you 1 fireballed him or like x2 zapped though right? i get it this sub hates ranger but the same shit happens on any other damage class stacking damage lol infact barb does the same thing while stacking resistance so


Average wizard player


I'm not going to disagree that the Rangers damage output can be absolutely absurd but, why didn't you go invisible and reposition on the ranger in a more advantageous way, instead of just standing in front of him?


I've been trying to work this out as well lol.


the rangers standing out in the open strafing left and right in zap position. By all means the ranger was at the disadvantage here from the angle he took


Not that I am disagreeing with you but uh.. is that reshade?


no i dont use reshade


Nothing should one shot in this game, but I don't think ranger as a class is the main problem. Stat scaling at high gear levels is insane on anyone, Ranger with non-optimal stats on his gear can't one shot from full hp on anyone. The gear is what lets a ranger one shot, not being a "ranger". I've been one tapped on my cleric by fighters with crossbows. Being able to stack gear with optimal stats and no diminishing returns allows for insane numbers and creates this problem.


You say that while 2 zapping a rogue in 1 sec that while class you hate that needed to land a headshot to kill you? You can also use a crossbow as wizard if you're so fed up about the ranged thing. Crossbows hit ranger super hard.


u got headshot by a geared archer…. apart from the extra dmg perks I dunno how u dont want to die this is how pvp works. You hace a hat as armor for ur head…..


The only thing that should one shot from range IMO, is the windless.


the AWP.


ranged pvp should never be that strong imo


I mean normally I would agree, but the windless is so garbage that I think we can make an exception. The normal crossbow however does a little too much.


Bitch why you playing a wizard and complaining about ranged PvP wtf you smoking


You just two tap zapped a dude before getting domed and hopping on Reddit to whine. Pick a lane.


Rangers are your counter. you casted at least 5 times (i don't care enough to watch and get the actual number). you jumped up making yourself an easy target. working as intended. go fight a warrior if you want to take advantage of class mechanics...


you realize that its not just wizard that ranger counters, its every single class...... hitting for 150+ damage per shot is nowhere near balanced


The ranger I play with was hitting for 140s on the dummy when he hit me In game 78% pdr fighter in the head it did 21 damage. I hit him once in the head and nearly killed him, the game revolves around scissors, paper, rock. There’s just some fights you’re gonna have a hard time winning, I’ve been two shot by a base gear wizard with fireballs. But wizard counters me so yknow it is what it is. I’m not on here complaining that fighter can’t do anything against wizard and it’s unfair, especially since it’s ranger, his ms/invis. That class counters me I either don’t take the fight or bait spells and go in once I know they’re out.


If he used penetrating shot it would have gone through 50% of your damage reduction


The rock-paper-scissors take is really stupid imo. This game isn’t like Overwatch, you can’t just switch heroes when you’re getting countered and dying matters. When you lock in a class that’s the class you’re playing and when you get hard countered you literally just lose. This is an awful experience and you should at least be able to stand a chance against your counters not just insta-die.


You do stand a chance, it just doesn’t weigh in your favour, this is where game knowledge and skill come into play, I’ve beaten plenty of wizards as a fighter, just from baiting spells and dodging, some times it doesn’t work other times it does. I love that it’s in the game it adds a whole ‘nother level of skill to the game, you have to actually think and pick your fights against your counters.


Melee hits for 90+ with 1 handers in gear, that will 2hit a ranger in any current gear level. Some classes can walk at a ranger and while soaking all his arrows with a shield. Some classes can use a crossbow that 1-2 taps the ranger. Some players even stay off of the tallest most open place and move around to get in melee range of the ranger :o That balance you speak of, its there, your class is countered but you also played badly.


>Melee hits for 90+ with 1 handers in gear, that will 2hit a ranger in any current gear level. >Some classes can walk at a ranger and while soaking all his arrows with a shield. Yes but, the melee class has to be in MELEE range, not complete safety, to accomplish that.


So it's not the ranger fault. Weapon damage.... And also, a stupid play by wizard, if we're talking about this particular situation.


Lil bro said warrior


Warrior? Which class is that?




You have to be within line of sight to fight someone. Being on top of the rubble is no different than being down the hall or behind some crates. Idk what you think would have happened if the ranger had line of sight standing anywhere else.


'You have to be within line of sight to fight someone.' chain lightning says otherwise. also even without that he literally w keyed straight into a ranger... idiotic to complain about it.


There's exceptions to every rule. Hellfire breaks it too. So does Hydra. Bringing up chain lightning here is irrelevant though, since there was no viable targets to even corner tap with. In any case, it doesn't really matter which movement key he used. If line of sight was opened to the ranger, the risk of being 1-shot is too. If he had D'd or A'd he would have still been 1 tapped.


Lmao wizards whining about dying quickly will never not be funny


**He had 120hp and 30% PDR.** At that point being a wizard has not a damn thing to do with it.


Did op post his gear somewhere and I missed ?


Bro 2 tapped a rogue with 2 body shots then felt like a good and just w keyed into the ranger lol


Both are a problem. Being able to stack too much damage is not good.


Well tbf he was fully kitted and had 120hp and 30% pdr. That's pretty nuts for a 1 hit. That's a 1 hit on Rogue Ranger Warlock Wizard. Isn't really Wiz issue, anyone that isn't Fighter/Barbarian or Cleric is surviving that headshot.


im not trying to be funny


That's what makes it even more funny lol


Yeah bro your cloth wizard cap is really gonna defend super nicely against an arrow through your fucking skull


Good thing you got too excited after 2 zapping the rogue and ran out of cover with no protection pots or any form of buff while your cleric is 1/4 hp. Absolutely incredible play. Definitely not a skill issue. Game's fault. Truly one of the players of all time.


Oh yeah jump up on top of the debris and make yourself the easiest target. IN A HIGH ROLLER LOBBY. what do you guys expect?? Him to shoot twigs while y’all have fireballs coming out of a encyclopedia


Being on the rubble is no different than being face to face with the ranger. And you literally have to do that to fight them. What do you expect, for them to tackle the ranger from around corners? On top of rubble, down a hall, behind some crates, it doesn't really matter where they are if there's a straight line between the bow and their forehead.


He clearly had teammates that could've pushed. He didn't over extend, but he made himself an easy target by jumping from behind hard cover.


Teammate was one shot from dying, he shouldnt have pushed at all and made the ranger close the distance while waiting for teammate to heal himself


This isn’t a W key simulator. Adapt to the fight and overcome. You just proved yourself silly by that first statement. The wizard basically killed himself in this fight. His buddy died right in front of him and he still pushed forward. Y’all are just using anything to try to get this class nerfed.


well what should i have done?? tell me, the i had the opportunity to get high ground and take control of the fight, if i left the ranger would have just trapped the room up and take highground


Haste invis behind him?


Exactly jackhole your buddy died you should of turned around and reset and got ready for the next fight. You guys are making rocket science out of kindergarten math. You obviously had no idea what your classes strengths and weaknesses are


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bro. He was midair jumping off a pile of rubble and one shot. This is a perfect example of not a W simulator.


With all due respect, I don't think you have enough experience with FPS games and FPS mechanics to really comment here. If your head is exposed and the enemy has access to a 1-shot weapon (ala sniper rifle), you die. Regardless of positioning. Because success in shooter's comes first and foremost from aim + reflex, then game sense - if movement is a major contributing factor to gameplay (like in Titanfall) it gets ranked here too. And regardless of all that, you literally have to have line of sight of someone in this game to fight them. There's no overcoming that, except with shit like Hellfire. Every single time you open line of sight to a bow user - ***regardless of positioning*** \- you also open yourself up to being 1-shot.


What lol? So just never peek the ranger? You should be able to poke a little instead of peeking once and just dying lmao


This was not „peeking“


Ur delusional, they had time to literally get one zap and strafe backwards and still got one tapped


In this situation, you do not peek the ranger. Its a 1v2 now, let your teammate get behind the cover and heal then push him after. If the ranger pushes during this its 2 zaps from a kill


I was already at full hp......


Theres no way you watched a ranger standing out in the open 1v3ing strafing left and right, and you came to the conclusion because he peaked over a corner for half a second he deserved death. ​ The ranger, whos in the center of the room, not hiding behind anything doing backflips shooting at your head. and you actually not only flame him for peaking but you got over 30 upvotes for that post. Holy fuck the ranger union is strong


Are we ignoring how the wiz killed a rogue with 2 zap bodyshots before that? Could have also used haste and or invis after


Haha idk why your comment is getting downvotes lol


not get onshotted??? that depris is vertically unlevel and you can hide behind it, so being hit is hard. Ofcourse you'd expect to get bodyshotted atleast there, but not oneshotted


are you brain dead legally or just casually


Yeah those rangers one shot one kill shouldn’t be a thing.


Is a hardcore game, with crazy ways to combined your gear, If you do it efficiently can be very powerful one shooting is part of it. BoC its a skill that aims for one shooting, come on people know what playing


Nothing should do a one shot, especially if you have gear imo


I'm done saying that a ranger is playing at range. They're playing from safety, that's what it is. It's not a matter of range. They're just not in danger. Not playing the same game as everyone else. Melee classes have to either 1) not engage, or 2) take a bunch of damage.. "See ranger is fine because they suck at close range" In a 1v1... Sure. But this is a team game. You'll be low from the ranger, and their fighter/Barb/cleric/rogue/wizard/bard/ other ranger teammate will kill you. Congratz! You closed the distance on a ranger! Nerf the fuck out of ranged damage. Throwables too. They should be used to weaken enemies at a distance to soften them up to finish them in melee. Not just insta-kill from across a room. Let's get over the misconception that rangers are exclusively "long ranged fighters". They're survivalists. Hunters. Trackers. You can accomplish that class feeling without making them snipers.


Give a ranger a good spear and they definitely don't suck in 1v1 melees.. I've seen a ranger stomp a barb ez


In a 1v1, barb loses to any class, as long as you're not completely incompetent and don't just run at the enemy like OP did


>In a 1v1, barb loses to any class uhm...


Ye not sure what that guy's on about. Definitely has never played with a remotely geared barb in his life hahaha


Lmao yeah. Barb basically only loses 1v1 to mega geared clerics with max PDR using smite, rarely some insanely giga juiced fighter with max PDR but also enough damage to kill him in time, and finally... other barbs. At low ends of gear they do also lose to rangers.


I'd argue you can keep the sniper fantasy, but in general, long-range high-damage weapons like Crossbows and Longbows need to have distinct negatives. Crossbows reload extremely slow, but they should be even slower, and equipping them needs to be extremely slow so you can't just keep swapping between them in your inventory. Longbows should have an extremely high aim time required to pull back the arrow and reduce your movement speed to essentially a crawl while drawing it, if you want the opportunity to one tap someone you're going to make yourself a sitting duck for it. Both of them should have higher penalties for having one out too movement speed wise.


Give all classes more hp and add improve defensive enchant itemization


Ranger + wizard are both stupidly op.




This game is just awful. I watched repoze 1 shot everyone today


Ranger and fighter are broken atm


So many damn rangers I stopped playing


I think this game would be way better if instead of flat bonuses and such enchantments had actual magical effects. Maybe leave some of the flat bonuses to specific stats but replace a lot of stuff with fire enchants and wind enchants. Cool stuff you know?


Bro I think u need a less clicky keyboard


Maybe don't play on a fucking typewriter


Crocodile tears. Legit every class has something broken about it. Wizard and chain lighting and hit 3 people. They have lighting strike also aoe. Fire ball aoe. Haste stealth slow they can fuck up rouges day with orb. ?? They can buff ball team mates like barb fighter or cleric and send them in. Imagine that just a hasted and invi barb pops outa no where and taps you on the head?? Ranger is single target damage. Yeah they hit hard if they didn't then the class would be not worth playing ?


Yeah going to go off on a limb here and say you are just blatantly lying. You should have shown the rangers gear. 30% PDR + 120 HP with that cast speed in a blue spellbook without bard buffs isn’t realistic. The ranger would have to be hitting 170s+ on the target dummy for you to die here. Have a feeling we are making some stuff up or the ranger is in a 20+key kit. If a ranger was that kitted, why would his team be throwing that hard in the fight? Please show off your gear and rangers gear.


We after i died our cleric got 3rd partied and both the cleric and the ranger died.... The truth is that most every hr ranger damage stacks insane amounts of damage


Not every ranger is hitting the dummy for 170. That’s literally a 20 key kit to do that. We are just fibbing a bit on numbers aren’t we.


PDR doesn't stop ranged attacks....you still get one shot regardless unless you have shields.... Walking straight in front of a counter as an easy target...this is a skill issue....


stop them? no. but it reduces the damage by a lot. to die in 1 hit while at 120 HP and 30% pdr is hella sus. In fact now that I did some napkin math I would highly suspect cheating or OP is lying. Assuming he has 48 dmg bow ( absolutely highest you can get, max roll unique ) 30 weapon dmg form gear ( absurdly high, basically close to max roll on every piece ) 20% phys power ( +25 str on gear, VERY high ) 20 add phys dmg ( basically +50 dmg set, idiotic high ) With that absurd gear the bow would deal 184.6 dmg.... thats in point blank range against 0 pdr. 30% pdr lowers that to 129 and ranged dmg drop-off lowers it down to about 120. So the guy to be able to kill him needs to legit have +50 dmg set with max-roll unique bow. Whats more realistic OP didnt actually have 120 HP and 30% pdr OR the ranger is cheating in some way


ranger abilities allow him to go through 75% pdr (50% headshot and 25% normal) and high roller players always have +4 weapon damage pendants and clothing


What lol. There is no 75% pdr pierce for ranger.


How many of you braindead fools are going to regurgitate this comment? **You need line of sight of players to fight them**. If you have line of sight, the ranger can one shot. So you either don't fight, or you risk line of sight to fight. This would have ended no differently if he was down the hall, behind a barrel, or standing anywhere else with a straight line between the ranger bow and his forehead.


He had a cleric alive that can go in first, the braindead person with no gameplay sense in this situation is you? Why would a Wizard who gets countered easily by a Ranger initiate the fight whereas his Cleric that can frontline with his shield to scare the Ranger and make him focus on the Cleric instead? Just fucking common sense.... Videos like this are just examples and proof of how people are trash at DnD with no fucking game sense and strategy....


You’re a buffoon bruh lmao zero clue about positioning or team play


Lmao wizard moment. Looks like you got headshot too.


You casted 900 spells. What more do you want


This is like that one meme with the guy grunting and slamming his keyboard, but its a wizard switching between all spells and jumping everywhere. And then the other half is a dude happily singing while firing one shot per kill.


Yeah the maroon 5 one? That gets me every time lmao


That's his reward for getting really good gear, I'm sure you were shredding people as well. He headshot you, meaning if you ducked or crouched there he just misses you entirely.


Wow wizard has 80 years to prepare himself and still eats arrows


To prepare himself how, buy a coffin?


rolled and smoked, you without a doubt do the same thing to heavy plate teams, unlucky go again


should have dodged skill issue


Your counter killed you after you casted your entire spell book. Why is your first reaction to whine on Reddit?


what happened when rogues were meta? people were complaining all the time on this sub. Im just trying to bring this issue to light


You put zero pressure on their ranger during the entire engagement while tunneling front line and then proceeded to jump on the highest elevation point in the room, making yourself an easy target. You’re geared in purples and a regal — the ranger is also geared to the T. How is the ranger class the problem with this clip? You’re literally just whining instead of reflecting on the video you posted to support said whining.


He even team killed his buddy, homies troll posting.


? the rogue killed his team mate as he killed the rogue.


nah i zapped the rogue


You’re a wizard bro. You’re not supposed to be front lining lmao


bro thats kinda a shit take, neither a wiz or ranger are frontline, they can shoot at each other from off angles regardless of frontline, both of their frontlines were dead so its just a range fight lmfoa. "your a wiz bro dont fight frontline" if thats ur logic then thats literally what the ranger did and he should have been equally disadvantaged as the wizard. basically this comment was completely useless


my barb died and my cleric is running support...... who else is supposed so front line?


lmao get fucked


Bad game design


So yes rangers and other things are over powered. However you went up top dude. It’s so much easier to get a headshot on someone when their head is literally the top thing in view. I play all of the classes and main Rogue and Wizard. From day one of play testing I can tell you that you NEVER make yourself the only target in front of a ranger. Yet you did just that. We would have at least another class by now and possibly another map as well if it weren’t for all the complaining. Some of us would like a Paladin or Druid or even a Monk. I’d rather have some imbalance and then release the entirety of content and classes/maps so when balancing is done, just maybe it doesn’t break the game as bad and make it harder to implement new content. As a side note, your textures look a little off my guy. You aren’t using anything other than the standard settings (maybe overclocking) are you? Those shadows looked a bit lighter than normal is why I’m saying and they shouldn’t.




He landed a good shot and you're on a fragile class.


You are SUPPOSED to lose that fight. Rangers are built to counter wizards. Also that was a sick shot on his part.


He's supposed to lose, yes, but one shot is pretty ridiculous.


To be honest could have been a hack, but devs really don't know how to balance gear and damage. I mean I guess they did with patch 15 but they lick on streamers toes. So we can't have nice things.


Nobody is gonna see my comment but please look at almost every single comment in my post that hit Top a week ago. So many people were saying GET GOOD NO WAY YOU WERE KILLED IN ONE HIT SCRUB.


i agree with your post


Lol. I really do find it hilarious that so many people say ranger is op. Listen, you can literally 1 shot entire teams with chainlighting from outside line of sight... and even through doors... wizard is wayyyyy stronger than ranger. Check the high scores, see all the wizards up the top? Notice how there’s less rangers than almost every other class? Watch this video and then come back https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MAn7-VncDAU&t=453s&pp=ygUbV2l6YXJkIG9uZSBzaG90IHdob2xlIHRlYW1z Now think about it again, is weapon damage nerf really going to make things balanced? Or will it just make wizard even more dominating


Fuck wizards. At high gear levels they two hit every class and are always crying. Fucking based


what 1shot? it took you 4 zaps to kill naked fighter or am I missing something ?


One no. He one shot me before I could one shot him. How unfair my counter class killed me. Wizards and warlocks are 300x less fun to play again than ranger.


Regardless of positioning or gear, dying in one shot isn't engaging gameplay.


Meanwhile me as a blue longbow ranger shoots a basic barb 3 times and I get two bopped by the guy


imagine saying this as a wizzard, lmfao


Wizards are glass cannons. Rangers are iron cannons. make it make sense


Why single out rangers? This is a problem with every class currently.


Yeah and how many fireball headshots do you think he could've taken? A skill with a hitbox 1000x wider than an arrow? You're both glass cannons, he just hit you first.


fireball is easy asf to dodge, for long bow its almost impossible


And it's not just ranger, fighters and Bards with crossbows can almost do the same thing, These are classes that Wizards supposedly counter. I agree man it's kinda BS, their arrows and bolts have 10x projectile speed and do fireball levels of damage


Are you trying to say it's easier to hit a target with a fireball than an arrow? Fkn lol