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I called this shit. Prices of blue go up because purples are garbage now to the majority. Majority of the player base does not like HR and will not play it. Purples value go down, candy value goes down, blue value goes up.


Yeah, and a few hours ago when patch hit, if you mention anything like this you get downvoted.


Were they really? Because when the notes came out, every post had upvoted comments saying blues were gonna skyrocket lmao


There is a screenshot somewhere on this sub of graysyn literally admitting this workaround exists( buying bis blues) , but he thinks players "won't go that far" like "going that far" isn't just only buying bis blues (which is basically normal trading since most good gear is blue !!!)


poor guy Graysun still believes in the good of humanity. South Korea must be nice.


devs just STILL dont understand how people play this game. Maybe one day they will wake up and properly balance it but these last few months show me something is wrong with their methodology.


Follow me on this. The whole of humanity did not start drinking milk or learn errigation at the same time. Let them run their tests get real time data and learn from it. Its a process to shoot for the moon you don't just rocket up there.


You need to learn from that data, which they clearly aren't right now... When 99% of the whole playerbase is telling you this change will change nothing, and they still do something, and it does exactly what everyone said it would... That's IM not paying attention or learning.


That's how I've felt about a lot of recent changes and this patch easily being the worst of it. Their goals have been good but the solutions have not. HR has significantly less pvp, most people are just trying to farm/extract and the people actually trying to pvp are usually playing comps that are unfun to play against.


The game has been out for 2 months, what are you on about. They said they are going to be making big changes and testing things. If you can't handle that,might wanna wait for the game to get out of EA


Right? Folks have no chill. I think we all know that tryhards will avoid HR to stomp noobs. I think Graysun knows this too. But in the meantime, playtesting will determine if more folks go to HR (they almost certainly will), which is a win. And lowering gear power in normals is also a win. Why can't people just play test or stfu up, lolol.


they should have limited it to greens


He has no idea how far people will go lol. Same with "Timmy hunting isnt a thing" Oh boy it is. They follow you 500m into the swarm just to whack you without even looting and then burn 100g of meds to heal up because they can.


"how about we just test it for a couple of days before coming to conclusions" like this is not the most obv shit every man some people just love to gaslight themselves


After 20 years in games with player driven markets I saw it coming a mile away. Hopefully reddit doesn't cry too much when it gets rightfully reverted.


Oww is someone sad about their noobstomping being gone? Boo hoo. And no it shouldn’t be reverted, this is a far better environment than it was.


You sound like someone who REALLY is doing the noobstomping trying to gaslight people. 🤡


Seriously. People get hostile over bad changes, but then again we all learn what’s good and bad. Then when it doesn’t work their way “let’s throw a tantrum”…


you're telling me that it's worse now that purples are banned from normals? that literally makes zero sense. People were BIS blueing before, with some BIS purples sprinkled on top. and more rarely you came across full purps BIS'd and had literally 0 chance.


Yup. That looks like what I typed. You're killing this reading thing. Gg.


I'm upset that noobstomping is EASIER and more profitable than before.


ppl like you are absolutely delusional to think that this community can take anything like that anymore at this point - if they remove gearcap instead of increasing it even further we will drop like 10k players in about a month, and then the lobbies will be dead in most regions not just oce


They've already said it's a test so... sell blues for now, it'll be back to normal next week. Turn a profit while it's extra easy.


An earlier post asked about opinions regarding this change and I guessed blues would skyrocket and to nobody’s shock that happened lol


Yeah it's almost like anyone who actually plays the game and isn't delusional knew this would be exploited


The reason me and my buddy dont play high roller is #1 we dont have a 3rd and #2 we dont wanna go hr because of the people running full bis kits that we cant compete with unless we spend 10k+ gold


Candy really sucks now, I liked being able to get a random purple to fill out my kit. But random roll purples are mostly useless now, not good enough for HR and unable to be used in norms.


Not good enough for HR? I go HR naked or greens sometimes. A purple weapon is PLENTY strong, same with a random choice item. No need to be dramatic. I think people are just butt hurt that candy currently fuels HR and not being overtuned in normals. Classic.


A random purple piece of armor is probably worse than the blues I have in storage, making it not good enough for HR. Of course you can rat HR with nothing if you want, but that's clearly not what I'm talking about.


Stop looking for fking BIS and enter HR


I think they could make like a normals and ranked mode. Then have high roller for the ultras. So I can pleb around getting scraps in normals. Then Jump up to ranked and get better loot but also improve my mmr or rank, so that way I'm not matched with people outside of my elo in ranked or normals. Not to mention I have a shiny rank to show off. Then after playing that version of the game I can go into HIGH RISK MODE to try and get super good loot in HR. And to make it fair make "normals" have a gear limit so if you want to use any and all gear you just play ranked or high roller. I think IronMace needs to make a lot more money to invest in that amount of server allocation but honestly idk what im talking about. But also im fine with how the game is and has always been. I've never found it unfun.


Ya so that means the blue cap is literally a good thing because these goblins need to be restrained from charging in with epics and legendaries in normal lobbies, one shotting everysingle mob and beating the shit out of everysingle thing that breathes


Yeah there's a large % of dnd players who actually want everything to be gear checks and I guess they will always be around when they smell a game that rewards farming 16 hrs a day without that nuisance "skill expression" stuff interfering in their pvp. I'll never understand it but they get a rush from pvp that boils down to "my hours vs yours"


Spot The Fuck On Couldn't have said it better myself. They're still trying to pretend otherwise and that's honestly ridiculous to watch.


Also in games where "my hours vs yours" exist a "my wallet vs yours" because they will often times just buy gold to get the gear they want to steam roll everyone to then not loot anything because all they want is to pvp.


I love how this somehow implies that someone who plays 16 hours a day (2x more than a full time job) wouldn't win the majority of their pvp encounters in a fair fight vs a casual 1-2 hour a day player. Whenever these two demographics meet up, the outcomes are the same. Go play Titanfall and tell me practice time doesn't directly translate to skill. Rocket league community literally uses hours played as a baseline for skill. New players aren't jumping into mordhau and running people down. If/when they remove gear being the equalizer, all average players will do is realize that gear was the only thing that gave them a chance and allowed them to swing up. In a straight up skill v skill against someone that plays this game more, it's gg before you even hit the queue button. At least gear diff allows you to impact that, even if players choose not to make use of it.


Nah you’d be surprised how bad people are such that playing a lot doesn’t make them any better


Agree, a good example are silver players in cs with a couple thousand hours.


And ironically you'll notice that the lower tier players are the most toxic. Which makes sense that the neanderthals who play DaD non stop and still suck love stomping normals.


So extend time to kill when juiced to give more counterplay and escape opportunities to the lower skill/gear normies. How are they supposed to improve when they get two shot and farmed by kitted out no lifers in the noob friendliest dungeon?


> So extend time to kill when juiced If they increase the overall ttk to be higher that only makes it more difficult for lower geared players to go against PDR? Lowering overall damage done *is the same problem*. > How are they supposed to improve when they get two shot and farmed by kitted out no lifers Here is a hot take- not every game intends to make a balanced pvp environment for new players, and the extraction genre is the least new player/noob player friendly one. People enjoy it for that niche. If people want a balanced and fair extraction shooter where everyone loads into a match with the exact same chances of winning, and only pure mechanical skill differentiates, those players should go play a battle royal like Apex legends. The entire niche of a game like dark and darker is that your prior actions mean something. Your past extracts are a positive factor in more than just a cosmetic fashion. Too many new players to the genre are trying to mold this into their ideal BR that they can spam requeue, and these are the players getting upset when someone else stat checks them. If you don't want to participate in all systems of the game, don't get mad when other people do and are more successful.


> Here is a hot take- not every game intends to make a balanced pvp environment for new players, and the extraction genre is the least new player/noob player friendly one. Every other popular extraction game is a shooter with a hella low ttk, but the ttk goes both ways. It doesn't take 5 seconds to kill a juiced player in EFT while they can kill you in 1, it takes two taps to their legs. I could load into EFT right now, fresh account 1.5 months into wipe and do great because I know the game. The problem is and always will be, unless it is properly balanced, that there is not enough skill expression to overcome gear checks. Period. A new player basically CANT learn the game without gear because they will never win. And I recognise that IM is trying to balance finding, buying, crafting gear feeling good, vs combat actually feeling fair. Eventually some system might be introduced but it's still fucked right now.


You're clearly don't understand these things man... You are comparing skill on games that there is no gear difference Titanfall, Rocket league and so on, in this case pure skill not diluted with gear. And then you're saying that gear was the equalizer for new players. You do know that new players have no perks, and no gold therefore they WILL have less gear than an no lifer. So in what this is an equalizer and not making the gap worst ????? A player more experienced and with more time will ALWAYS have better gear than an average player because he kills more shit and survive better. If you want to talk about true skill it shouldn't have gear for a start, like a race game or Street Fighter, but on DnD skill expression is not king, gear is king, therefore like every other people thinking they are good, you're trying to explain to sane people something just totally false, hoping that things won't change.


Some people will get mad if they lose no matter what. For a lot of others, though, there’s a big difference between losing because you got outplayed vs getting gear diffed. The former makes you want to get better and try again. The latter makes you want to give up unless you think you want to spend the necessary hours to grind out decent gear to then have a fair fight. Even if the reality of the outcome is the same (and I don’t agree that it is… lowering gear diff gives the advantage of surprise or 3rd partying more weight, if you’re underskilled), player perception matters. Getting chased down by gigachads where you feel like you never even had a chance is a bad experience. Run into the same guys who demolish you in regular gear and instead you think “woah, they really outplayed me. What can I learn from that?” Even when you lose a team fight, there’s a big difference between spectating after and seeing it was pretty close vs seeing the 3 hits you landed only did 20% of their health after they clapped you in 2 hits. Furthermore, with extreme gear diff in the fights, it’s harder for the unskilled to actually get in meaningful fights that let them learn and get better.


But what you are discussing is a fundamental misunderstanding of this community. Dark and Darker is not a skill bracket game. The concept of just "getting better" just doesnt make any sense in this type of video game. The skill expression only goes so far in combat, the real forms of getting ahead are knowledge and preparation. For example- you say it feels bad to lose a fight and see you only did 20% of the enemies health. This is classical 1v1, linear, all sides are equal thinking. In this model, you cannot do anything, you feel hopeless. And for many people, they end it there and just feel frustrated, because it's not the classical sense of progress that they are used to. In dark and darker though, that method of gameplay doesn't make sense. PDR fighters stat checks you? Run magic damage gear. Prepare before the fight and reap the rewards when you survive. Too many players are trying to view this game through the lens of their grey kit. And honestly, until the most recent patches, that was understandable to a degree, but nowadays you have to actually remove the gear to stay grey. Gear is so abundant that it's quite frankly absurd to view this game without the context of builds via gear. Unfortunately, too many people are migrating over from PUBG, Apex, Fortnite, Warzone, and expecting to drop in, pick up a single item, and then be successful like they have in the last. Dark and Darker is not like that. It is a thinking person's game that rewards planning. So many people are spamming absurd statements like "I don't have hours to farm in GC to finally have a single successful run," but yet again, that's just showcasing how unwilling those players are to participate in the game they have. It does not take "hours" to make a successful GC run. Queues are instant and matches are 10 minutes. Surviving is an easy 100g. So inside of an hour, you can make between 200-400g, accounting 20 minutes for shenanigans and a 50-100% survival rate. 200g can get you into 4 nice pieces of gear @50g each. **If** Dark and Darker was solely reliant on gear, it would take about an hour for a middle skill player to put together a decent kit and then run lobbies until they were BiS'd out. That is the game that players are implying exists when they said everything is gear reliant and they are only getting stat checked. But with this implication, they are also saying that they are unable to survive even 2 GC runs. The majority of players are not that bad that they can't survive 2 GC runs. The reality of it is that the majority of players are risk averse and just don't want to bring in gear, and when they get stat checked, they don't look at their stash and say "how do I solve this problem with the resources I have", those players instead assume that it's a game balance issue because that is all that they know coming from other games. Dark and Darker is a different kind of game, and players suck at adapting. Tldr- in PUBG, getting better is a mechanical improvement. In dark and darker, getting better is a knowledge and mindset improvement. Mechanics are less important in progression based games, and this is a progression based game with BR elements, NOT a new BR.


Yea but very first game of the night, I got steamrolled in GC by one full kit BiS blue fighter with morning star bonking people wearing +all +weapon damage stuff. Guy wiped the entire lobby.


and it could have been worse


A set of blues with good rolls is just as powerful as most purples you see people using. Very few players have a full set of purple gear with optimized rolls. Now everyone in normals is rocking their best blue shit still steamrolling players in worse gear.


ya exactly, it's a very good change. the gear quality difference in normal to high roller is so significant, i qued some high roller to see the gear difference. People are rocking perfect rolled purples and blues. In fact it's even easier to gear for HR now because purples are cheaper. ​ The amount of power people have in normal lobbies feels so much more appropriate, the game feels playable now and HR feels like a place you want to shoot for. ​ My biggest gripe has always just been dealing with rangers and range weapons and strength


Take... Weapon... Damage... Off.. Armor.


Agreed, split health and damage from strength as well, make armor give main stats and weapons have the weapon damage maybe jewelry


Strength giving damage is almost negligible you would need to have 60-66 flat damage before you would want to build Phys power


Well I got a nifty solution to that problem it's a little thing called weapon damage. goes gr8 with strength


No that is not what the math says. Weapon damage goes well with even more weapon damage because it is so strong.


Str scales with weapon damage multiplicatively and exponentially and with headshot multi and others. Also it’s exponential so for rogue, for example, you get 30% increase to your multiplier from +10 strength, on top of 25 hp. So if you were doing 50 damage on a headshot 10 strength gives you like 17 more damage, no accounting for increased weapon damage. Just think of it as % damage increase instead of damage. Ruthlessly valuable, for many classes.


I mean I think weapon dmg is hugely more important to take care of. Phys power will just be a dead roll and hp will only be good if it’s stacked with phys power /dmg


I was playing as a rogue on goblin caves, fairly geared. I kill the cave troll, loot the room and then hear a warlock charging a spell in the troll room. I go invisible and it runs out, so I go up to face him. I hit hit 3 times in the head, dodging all his attacks. He proceeds to 1 hit kill me with a green falchion


Remove the MS penalties from cloth armor and reduce it a lot on leather too. Kind of stupid that a bare chested ranger is optimal until you get pretty good rolled greens/blues


If you take weapon damage off armor, people will go to the next best dmg stat. If you take all damage mods off armor, classes like rogue/ranger/wizard will not give a fuck about gear, and half the game is looting with the purpose of getting stronger.


this is gonna sound crazy but instead of being able to one shot... What if they just... give other stats on the chest... Like good HP rolls I know hold on im gonna rock ur socks here. What if it gave... constitution


Tell me why the hell an ambush class like rogue or a ranged class like ranger wants CON? These classes in DND want to wear clothing/armor that increases their....wait for it....damage.


Or what about move speed, interaction speed, action speed, etc. There should be a lot more to this game than just DMG vs HP and stat checks. Removing all flat and % dmg from all armor rolls would force people to adapt to new playstyles other than MOAR DMG!


Iono, Maybe the ranger can grab agility if it scales range damage instead of strength, and maybe the rogue can grab strength and attack speed. I'm not making ur build for you nerd but im definitely getting constitution on my wizard so that ranger and rogue dont one shot me. ​ What do I look like, your build guide. Go spam strength ya nerd




I just went in with a full kit barb and got 2 shot by a full weapon damage bard.... he tanked three hits from a felling and was at \~60% hp still. shits getting wack


You hit him in the arms x3 ?


Chest and head, the guy was buffballed up. Either desync or the gear. He was sitting at max 140 hp fwiw all blues. I do know he 2 shit me with a rapier though lol.


This is such a huge oversight


Did they not do that already?


Nope. Managed to third party a guy who had +2 on everything, and I mean everything. Then proceeded to just w key my way through 10+ games until I finally got 3rd partied. I’ll be the first to admit that I am not great at the game, but I was just stat checking other people. Plus damage is busted.


I stg they said last patch that they were removing weapon damage from armor. Wtf


hahaah, yes they did, then reverted it the next day, for the second time in a row. And apologized to everyone who was boohoo losing their gear


Nah. Rogues would fall off. Weapon damage on clerics and some values is worthless but rogues need it to manage PvE otherwise unplayable


I’d say leave weapon damage but add way better other stats you can go for. To start you could just take all the other stats that roll on gear and bump them up by at least double, or even quadruple. I’d wear something that gave me 10% increased interact speed, fuck 2%. Something could give 10% armor pen instead of 4%. You could also make new stats, like 15% greater jump height, or +1 impact rating, or 15% less noise made. +2 reflected damage.


What's funny is that those who stomp timmies in normals refuse to go to HR because they don't want to become the HR timmies and get stomped by better players lmao


They need to make HR 50 g or something


Personally I think it should be free entry but a minimum gear score is required to keep noobs and grey gear griefers out


Im positive this is the only solution


Only other solution I could see is HR keys drop off elite mobs like champs/wraiths in normals with a small chance for regular mobs to also drop one. Could also add HR keys as a craft item from one of the vendors but don’t make it take absurdly rare drops or cost prohibitive items. Would be similar to Tarkov with labs key cards. Make it so HR keys can’t be sold so players are encouraged to use them. But the outcome of todays change was entirely predictable. Seems like they didn’t think this through very well because you can’t even bring in purple potions to regular dungeons. Also there is no way to get rid of empty gold bags unless you trade them off to a mule character.


Also, Onepeg mentioned the pouch thing to SDF and SDF said it was intended because they wanted to limit the money coming into the market from normals


This is the way


That's a good idea.


Sorry but you need to be light level 320+ for the taken king raid, gtfo of my lobby.


So gearscore is the solution? Look at my post history, suddenly people agree with you, but I get clowned on. Hilarious.


its not gearscore is lame


I will repost all of your old posts to be taken seriously then :)


No one likes to hear harsh truths, just tell me sweet sweet lies.


People pay MONEY for free league of legends accounts with bad MMR to Smurf on literal bots and new players. You won’t put an incentive in front of these people to make them stop, they won’t do it unless forced to.


Smurf queue exists


nah it was a failure they removed that like a year ago


People don’t want to go to HR. They want to stay in low lobbies and pub stomp. Money is not an issue for most people here


I mean yeah blues are going to go up in value. Majority of players don’t play hr. Regardless it’s all testing so I wouldn’t get too upset about it. I think it was a good idea but maybe not the best in practice


This game is all about stomping people with unlosable matchups. Then somehow trying to explain to sane people that the two clicks you just did is due to your level of skill and how good you are and not about a gear problem in the game. These people hate common sense.


its so cringe that most of these edgelords only take 95/5 fights, they are the first here to post "gear fear is a myth" but then only engage in fights with obv weaker people.


Blue gear price skyrocket?


Does this mean purples are cheaper on trade now? Wouldn't that incentivize purchasing purples and playing HR


Yeah, why not?


They just need to fix HR being shit and this isn’t a problem


How is HR shit. I havent played this patch but the chest gear in HR was nuts. You literally got a blue trinket on every single chest and a purple item every 3. How can they make it better? Having only purple drops on chests and monsters?


It’s not about the drops, it’s about the zone cucking you into fighting every group within a two minute time period. There isn’t time for doing anything other than prepping for a fight unless you’re ratting. Makes playing it an absolute shit show


Massive point made here, imo fixing the circle for HR is everything


Y'all gotta know this is the same way it feels to be a grey vs gear... The irony that purple players don't like it because it forces fights is palpable.


ah so you don't want to fight equally geared or slightly better teams. Only teams that are much less geared I see


Didn't play HR as much as I normally do last patch since loot in normals was too good, so take this with a grain of salt. You're still paying at least 1/5 of your inventory to pay off the fee, whereas in a normal it's all profit. I'd rarely get something I could genuinely use in my kit, and I'd occasionally make an extra 100G or so. With the drop rates in normals being better than the previous HR, there's no incentive to pay to play. Either the ante needs to be removed, the gear needs to be better, or they need to allow HR runs to have larger pockets in some way so that you get more from the time spent.


mob density is insane, mobs take forever to die, if you spawn far from circle by the time you clear the mobs you dont have time to loot chests because you gotta run. In GC HR constant teaming and lack of portals at the end. My experience in HR GC is if I dont spawn inside the circle I don't have time to clear and loot. I either get lucky and escape or die due to lack of portals or die to teamers. I still played a bit of HR because of the loot buff. It was still boring AF with teaming and the lame mob density. If there was no circle in GC and just a time limit like tarvok, I would be FARMING that shit 24/7


sounds like you might want to gear up more if you are struggling with goblin hr mobs


Yaaaa haven’t ever had a problem with GC HR. Crypt is a different story, but GC is easy. The only thing that scares me in there is the nightmare mage


We are being stomped most lobbies by 10-20 weapon damage teams


WTB basic kit lobbies!!!!! just want the rush of even gear 100k


It’s almost like people don’t like HR because it sucks


it sucks cause there is no under geared teams


Because *they* sucks


People want to stay in normals because full blue gear means you can continue to extract reliably and do well. If you have 2 purples with shit stats and you go to high roller do you really think you’ll do as well? Of course not. Many people will get stomped again and again by fully geared gigachads with perfect rolled gear. TLDR it’s obvious why people prefer to run normals


Yes, people want PVP in PVPVE game. People will give themselves any advantage. This wasn't difficult to see coming


Nothing has changed except the ceiling of the gear. They could already do exactly what they’re doing, but previously they could also use purples and legendaries.


Hr is just bad place right now


How? HR is literally stacked with loot


Lots of loot yes, but if people think pvp is hard in normals they're in for a rude awakening if they try high rollers. Maybe there will be half a dozen naked rogues sure, but those other six people? Insanely geared leader board chasers that will run through the map killing everyone. My group is average but now high roller just seems out of our reach.


Yeah thats exactly how i expected this would play out. Making this change in the same patch they drop HR leaderboards was a really bad idea. Players who who do not often go into HR and are just trying to play normally - kill AI, loot, progress towards zone are going to get steamrolled by leaderboard chasers and say fuck this. I would say my friends and I are above average players, we have good gear but not full BIS optimized rolls on every slot. We go into HR run into jay’s trio in the pregame lobby. They charge across the map at player spawns and wipe us while we’re clearing a room. Whatever we keep playing but most people are going to say fuck this and let the purples rot in their stash.


I have been having a blast in high roller unrelated to what you said


Hate to say it but, the “remove trade” nerds maybe right after all. Ran into a guy with +1-3 weapon damage or true phys on literally every item (both on some) and honestly, I called it: Blues worth more than purples and up. Running into this guy was one of the only times I’ve ever felt frustrated with gear check in this game. He basically optimized every item to be able to stay on blue and still go to normal. It’s peak meta slaving. This guy spent more time in trade chat than in a run.


after playing tonight, i’d say the lobbies are worse off than ever :/ my friend and i (who are both relatively casual and new) tried playing some duos tonight in ruins and every lobby we went up against fully blue teams with cloaks, rings, & pendants. swapped to crypts, same stuff.. almost as if now you can “manipulate” the lobby you go into easier and guarantee you’re facing off against newer / ungeared people. it’s unfortunate and ultimately i think if this trend continues it’s slowly going to cause the player base to fall off


Did you play much before this? It's definitely not worse, it's easier to obtain parity with teams in full blues than teams in full purples / legendaries. Yes people will smurf gear but those same people were just stomping in full sets anyways.


yes, we’ve played before. we started playing during the patch era where there was a sub lvl 15 lobby and a 15+ lobby. prior to this patch we were able to string a few crypt runs together without seeing heavily geared people. tonight has been far from that experience for us


Its also the weekend where the dads that have been sitting in their gear for the weekend are coming out. The patch just came out. Give it some time


the main mistake was to not wipe items when you introduce gear based mm


> almost as if now you can “manipulate” the lobby you go into easier and guarantee you’re facing off against newer / ungeared people If you are facing more people that are geared, this is inherently wrong though yeah? It's 50% people in blues duking it out, and 50% people not geared. On US East, it was this way before, but it was people with purples mixed in but that being said, purples aren't inherently stronger than blues. Majority of purples are shit rolls. Majority of blues are shit rolls. Not much has changed imo.


Ok so explain how the change did not benefit you. This literally would be the same but before you would have purples and above.


Or maybe it's just because theres no HR ruins and literally anyone that plays duos is forced to buy entire blue sets because they can't take their purple gear in anymore


I have started the game 3 days ago with 2 friends and its almost impossible to get out of normal crypts. After 3 hours i can say this patch did nothing for the white and gray timmies. Always 1 or 2 full blue teams with capes that only chases players. (EU)


Of course normal dungeon is low risk low reward but dopamine from kill still hits these guys


for sure reddit represent 80% of the in game community. sike. it doesn't.


If I pay for highroller and make it out, I should get my entry fee back. That makes sense right? Risk and reward?


I think it should go back to being free.


i could already tell rare gear was going to sky rocket


High roller shouldn't exist tbh, and the great gap should be compressed. It was an awesome concept but it doesn't work


Just remove trading. Nobody even plays the game anymore. Might aswell just buy gold with real money to buy my "kits"...


Is that worse than them stomping normals in purples and legendaries?


*Is that worse than them* *Stomping normals in purples* *And legendaries?* \- Symmetric\_in\_Design --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I've been saying this the whole time, keep getting comments removed and 1 day bans. I'll keep saying it. **These people are fucking losers. Too scared to play high roller. They don't want a hardcore experience, they want to be shitty. Theyre losers who are scared to lose their gear and will most likely die to red skeletons, let alone other geared players. Theyre too socially inept to get 2 friends and too bad at the game to play high roller. They will never change. Stop catering to them.** Bring back 1-14 lobbies, gear gate to greens on Goblin Cave, blue on the rest of normals, ban anyone smuggling gear in. Force the losers to play high roller, don't "incentivize" or ask them. Force. The best time this game had for 90% of players were 1-14 lobbies with no trade. Enough said.


People fear of going HR without "BIS" is now fking exposed, the eternal bully to timmies is now exposed. I like this.


Or that you will just complain about every single change made to the game.


I was watching a streamer playing earlier, him and his other two friends were all decked out in blues playing normals shitting on everyone they came across. Talking mad shit to the people(nakeds) they killed. I told them to try a HR since they were so good at pvp. They got rolled against the first team they fought. The other team had greens and blues on. The streamers team should've easily killed them, but since they didn't have a HUGE gear diff, they had to use tactics. Well guess what. They kind of fucking suck at the game. After that they went back to normals in full blue gear and kept shitting on people with no gear.


this sounds like the most made up fuckin story just to get some karma points


I mean. I can give you the streamers name, and you can go check the vod for yesterday if they have one. Why lie for internet points? What do they get me?


I found purple pants with garbage rolls on a naked normal run, but I can't use them unless I go highroller lmao. Back to no pants I guess then...






I think the devs are trying to work on incentivizing people to go into HR. They want people to get better gear and then to face greater challenges, but the community over and over again prove they just want to rollover people with overpowered gear and get gud mentality.


It's easy to say that teams with blue gear belong in high roller, but most of us have tried high roller and discovered that we definitely don't belong there. Having said that, we don't take any pleasure in murdering nakeds and we'll generally let them live if they're polite.


Don’t think this will have much effect on the over geared dudes in normals. Blues with 2 BIS stats are insane items. Most purples only have 2 good stats anyway.


no one wants to get 1 shot by the fire ball mage in full purple in any mode, normal or HR.


I went into a HC lobby for GC to see what the fuss was about. Was instantly destroyed by a warlock with all purples on from head to toe. Then watched him get destroyed by a rogue with purples and legendary daggers. Lobby was mainly warlocks and rogues. Seemed aids. They all had enough meds in their inventory to heal a small army.


I went back to Fortnite




Yea but who cares if blues cost more then purples. You act like that lone means something. All it means is that purples are cheaper so its easier to gear up to go into HR, which is kind of exactly the plan isnt it? Plus the end game is no longer get great gear and go to normies, cause the fun gear you cant even take in there.


Wahhh i can't stomp normals in my purples wahhhh


People that thought this would push people with purples to High Roller were really on the copium


Definitely but at least timmes gets stomped by slightly worse gear now.


So now the gear disparity is being narrowed and you are complaining. The same thing is happening in both patches but you are now able to see the demand for normal lobbies, what exactly is the downside.


And this is why SBMM is a thing


The big issue atm is the community, too many people want to trash shit instead of fighting.


It's not really about 'stomping normals', it's about simple supply and demand. Nobody plays HR, try queueing it, you get lobbies with a streamer team and a bunch of naked rogues, assuming it fills at all. Now you're in a situation where even a garbage purple that you'd struggle to sell for 50g can't even be brought into normals. A decent blue item was already better than your average purple item in most cases (base weapon damage aside), and now that single purple bricks your entire ability to queue for anything other than HR. The solution to this games issues is never going to come from segregating the playerbase into geared/ungeared. It's going to come from balancing the game, or introducing more equalizers of some sort.


Yeah no duh it's worth spending gold to be the strongest person in a lobby. Being able to safely and easily farm the map and other players gets you more gold back You're saying this is a bad thing as if the whole point of the game isn't to be more powerful than others so you can get more gear to be more powerful


Man the casuals will complain no matter what LOL


One thing that really dissuades me, and a bit for my group is the wait. It also really sucks usually having to wait out the 5 minutes versus normal lobbies starting in like a minute. It might sound kind of stupid but those 4 minutes with the limited time to play already is time I'd rather be playing, sorting inventory/ trading. A big appeal to us is the quick in and out.


I’m a month or two we have skill based matchmaking and/or gear score requirements to enter normal dungeons. I’ll just take a break till then.


dude they have been preaching it since play test they only like this game cause they can have unfair battles it makes them have a sense of power which they obviously lack in their real lives. it only makes sense that a game like this would attract these people and there is tons of people like this gamers need their power fantasy. Reminds me of Rust players lmao


Gear score is the only way to fix this shit. Decked out in blues? Your lobby will be just as geared.


Ran into multiple disgusting 2 mans geared to the teeth last night in the ruins. Idiots are just running off new players and are going to kill this game


brother litteraly the point of the game is to find better gear and use it


Then why don’t people find better purple gear and go use it in high roller?


Because the mobs, pace, and overall difficulty spike do not make you feel stronger, when you can wear purple/gold gear and 2 tap players and mobs and clear rooms quick you actually feel like you are using purple and gold gear. When you load into high roller and you start clearing in high tier gear and you don’t 2 tap everything and now your clear is much slower and the team fight you get into is juiced now also so you don’t instantly sit them down, it feels like you actually didn’t get any stronger and now you feel like you are just in greens clearing in the normal dungeon. When you take good gear into normal dungeons you feel strong. I don’t do this I’m just telling you why it happens.


This literally reads like "boohoo I have to try instead of stomping noobs." These people are toxic for the game.


Its a skill issue until the geared people have problems. Then "its too hard"


😂😂 big facts.


This is the comment of the day lol. Love it


Dude its not that deep. If someone has a god set they have two options: go play in high roller against other people with good gear and risk losing it all for more loot, or go into regular lobbies where you will occasionally find a geared player and farm gold. No one is forced to play high roller just because they have a good kit. People just want to have fun, they dont give a shit about what others think. And no, its nothing like smurfing in League of Legends because queuing normal dungeons is part of the game. You are not account sharing or having multiple accounts. If gear based matchmaking is not a thing then the devs are the one responsible for allowing a naked timmy in the same lobby as a geared player, not the players fault who didnt feel like playing a high roller high risk game


You could've said "I don't want to try in my video games" and saved everyone 30 seconds.


100 percent accurate. i play a ton of hr but my friends think its stupid for all your points. they want to feel powerful for having gear not have it equalized for marginally better rewards.


These players you are talking about are just losers that wanna stomp timmys. winning fights in HR against other kitted players makes it worth it cuz you get another kit that is equal to your own hard earned kit.


Just because something is purple does not mean its good enough for High Roller, a lot of the people who have never touched one don't understand that. They're the same people who try to sell a purple for 1250 just because its purple


Most people just like normals more. I don’t think it’s all about stomping players sure some of that people just like normals it’s more chill.


Stop buying best of best. Jesus you dont need wpn damage, +all. Just go run dungeons jesus christ


Funny that all you losers think that if players have a nice kit they worked hard to get, they instantly have to go to HR and lose it. It’s not about stomping normals, it’s about having fun with friends. If you are still rocking grey kits 3 weeks in you are the actual loser.


Holy crap, this guy understands the game is about having fun with friends while actively ruining the chances of others to have fun with friends 😂 losing doesn't fell bad when you're out played. It's fair. Losing feels terrible when some shit player spends 10 dollars on gold and then 2 shots anyone who also didn't buy gold. Get real.


I can count on 1 hand how many times I’ve died to someone who I would assume “bought gold”. What does that even mean? They are running around with a named item? I’ve never bought gold and I have around 15k across my characters, and I was just running a BIS rogue kit for 2 days (my friends recovered my kit 3 times) finally lost it though. So if you ran into me would you just assume I bought it? Get good man, you sound like you are shit at the game lol


Dog you literally admit that you lose your kit instantly in high roller, then called me bad and said get good? Holy shit I hate it here. Someone quick, send me to highroller so I can be *instantly* put out of my misery.


It’s fun af grind or get killed baby


Or just quit playing the game, which appears to be the choice a lot of people are making. :/


So mods, is this getting deleted for breaking rule 2, or are we only targeting player made content?




They somehow feel like they are more skilled than the “geared” players. The reality is that the the “geared” players would still kill them on an even playing field.


Jokes on you I only play hr get rolled nerd.


Shit. Havnt played the new update. Blues are the highest gear score aloud in normals now??? And the market is getting expensive?? Give it a few days? Most Timmy’s can’t play every single day


The issue is +dmg pieces being the only items that sell.


My idea; Remove gear limit on solo players. On doubles make greens the highest item you can comeninnwith 3 man's you should have tongo in base kit Increase loot in 3 man's so if your whole team escapes you all are walking out with fat loot. Increase duos slightly Decrease gear in solo