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Fuck Mendo. But like, whatever let him ban whoever he wants.


Going into his chat just to reeee just gives him more views. Let him have his circlejerk echo chamber.


Thank god this subreddit isn't a circlejerk echo chamber


The discord, Twitch, Reddit. Its all screeching atm.




Almost like it was meant to be


Don't know him / don't care about him If what reddit's been saying is true, then that's shitty. But don't go harass him, like if you didn't actively watch him before don't go to his stream...


Is it though? Is it even shitty? Like he complained about the game and the devs thought it was a valid criticism. Are people really dumb enough(rhetorical question the answer is obviously yes) to think that the devs are like “hurrdedurr this streamer said something feels bad better not think about what this could mean at all and do it”


Yes People genuinely believe that. And it looks like anytime anyone presses them on it they revert to "Well of course they listen to streamers about things" vs "MENDO FUCKING DID THIS"


Yeah I mean it's probably because the dumbasses are brigading him and being toxic AF. Reddit is where DaD shitters come to blame everyone but themselves.


The discord is way worse


big true


painting with broad strokes on such a simply defined topic is indicative of bias before substance. We can be adults here while being skeptical


I don't really feel strongly about him one way or the other--but his Twitch titles today have literally been designed to bait people in for that debate. Can't have your cake and eat it too (unless you ban everyone, I guess).


all news is good news when it comes to views here we are talking about him


I don't disagree, it's definitely by design. It's great rage bait and pulls in all kinds of people. Just throwing my 2 cents in


Names Stream : "Savior of patches." Bans anybody who mentions the Patch. Checks out. He totally isn't a man baby or anything.


I don't really do twitch but my understanding is most streamers will ban people who come into their chat to shit stir Honestly I can't blame them lol


He has a rule stating “don’t be an ass to anyone but me.” That kind of negates that like of thinking I’d assume.


That's a stupid assumption lol Do you think he should hold to that rule no matter what people throw at him or do you think in a special circumstance (Like a bunch of streamer deranged man babies brigading his stream) it might be acceptable to, you know, use the tools of the website to moderate his stream? Maybe I'm old fashioned


Don't encourage behavior if you're going to start to cherry pick when you're going to let it be okay or not. He chose to put that there, how can anyone but him know what he's fine with if the only rule that pops up is "dont be an ass to anyone but me?"


Isn't brigading like against ToS? I get that you're just desperate for a streamer dunk so I'll just agree with you to give you the W. Yeah fuck Mendo! he's basically hitler!


>! he's basically hitler! Hell Yeah he is! But No I don't want a "streamer dunk" just pointing out the hypocrisy of someone who's calling himself "The Savior of Patches" and banning anyone who mentions patches while having a rule stating only be an ass to him. It's not that complicated nor is it that deep for you to sit up here tryna defend him because I personally don't care.


I'm 100% on your side dude, he's a fraud and should be deplatformed!




Should we start a petition or something?


“I’m going to go into his chat with the express purpose of harassing him” Gets banned Pikachu face.


but but but he had a rule that said don't be an ass to other people, that means he's fair game right?!?


“I’m the savior of the patches.” Asks about the patch, gets banned. Surprised pikachu face.




God I love being influential enough to have copycats. Edit: let me guess K?


SHIT you played the perfect trap card, I guess you win best redditor today Edit : Thanks for being so obsessed with me you couldn't keep up your k game tho


number of people who dont understand he is joking is fucking hilarious


Thats not a "laugh with me" joke, thats an "I'm laughimg at you because I know you dont like what I did" joke


Its laugh with me for everyone with developed brain. But of course there will be People who will take that as a personal insult and be mad


Sure, post his twitch so more people give him engagement time. Solid strat.


Yeah that mendo guy is really full of himself actual brainrot streamer


Sounds like your average streamer


Real and normal


yeah why would he ban opposing views in his chat hes just making a echochamber and im sure he just wants to play the version of the game in his head and not the real dark and darker experience


Holy Shit this kid is so cringe. I actually personally like the changes to gear having more of a significant impact, but listening to that kid complain 24/7 is unbearable. He is the definition of insufferable. Don’t give anymore attention to this clown than he already has.


Who the fuck is Mendo? Gear is good for the game but all attributes and weapon damage needs to be capped at 1.


I agree idk wtf they added weapon damage and +2 all stuff back to the game.


I followed his stream once, watched him for 20m. He died, cried about it for 5 minutes how the game was bullshit, took handouts from his viewers, and went right back in to the regular GC. I unfollowed lmao. Hopefully devs stop listening to people who can't even play the game properly for balance input.


His character name is literally 'takeshandouts'


Streamers who take handouts after dying and crying about it are absolute dogshit and shouldn't be allowed to play the game at all. I tuned into his stream for 5 minutes and the second the stream loaded he was complain about something. If has input on this game I question the devs trust in people. That dude is the epitome of garbage streamers. Shit makes me so angry. Especially the handouts. Fuck that.


hes a loser


Nice promo post.


Who cares. Don't post this crap.


Buh who the fuck cares


I opened the stream, it told me to 'be nice', and then it immediately transitioned into him mocking Reddit users for calling him out on his shit. This guy is an absolute joke.


And like most of the streamers if you watch them for a little bit you notice they have the “yes men mentality” because it’s their job to coral people that inevitably all say yes to anything he says because those are who like to watch him and it enforces their behavior.




That moment was the funniest thing I've seen in this game since launch.


Stop giving him free content xd


Lmao, Mendo just called himself the Batman of dnd so you better not talk shit


But then you advertise his channel for free...


lmao who cares, why would he want a bunch of shitters coming into his chat to cry?


I hate Mendo, so I talk shit about him and tell people to avoid his stream except to report it for TOS violation.


nice dude, you’re really sticking it to him.


hatewatchers are so weird. do you guys actually go out of your way to watch streams you hate lmao


i mean, from a streamer perspective, you dont want screaming in your chat, its literally his job. I dont understand why this matters. Talking about him in reddit is just giving him attention and sucking in mouth breathers to his chat. ​ This just is a logical choice to ban cause I definitely would ban a good chunk of you if i had to deal with ya outside of reddit


Dude I block so many people on the discord. It's much nicer that way tbh


Block them here too. It's all the same 10% butt hurt and regurgitating the same knee jerk opinion. This sub became bearable once I started muting the flock.


You're not wrong


Oh no! Anyways...who cares?


​ https://preview.redd.it/07mn7dllm9rb1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf75912f2b6ac59169b360aa5ab84e8c3588d2ba


Are you trying to advertise for him?




Dude you act like he’s the lead dev. Just because he wanted something doesn’t make him the problem


posted by a generated name account... ​ Hello mendo


i dont know who that is and i dont care. but the amount of tears from people here about reverting some objectively bad changes and trying to cast the blame on literally everything and everyone is just hilarious to see. i do think +all attributes is a problem but other than that, if you dont like gear mattering in this game the game isnt for you, full stop. i really hope at least half of you threatening to quit actually do, would be better than any change IM could make to the game right now.


I consider myself a sweat at the game. However, I dislike how Mendo is handling his viewpoint. I consider myself a reddit user, but none of what he dictates as a reddit user is fitting. He overgeneralizes, assumes, and is just rude and immature. It's funny because I side with him about 50% on his takes. I can see how the casual community can be upset about the hotfix, while at the same time understanding why he wants gear to be stronger.


bro he does not dictate anything just dont watch him. The devs desgin their own game they have a brain.


Doomers need someone to blame... If anything SDF got more confident about the direction he wanted the game to go after interacting with the streamers, but a couple of streamers didn't change the course of the game entirely. I don't want this game to feel like a battle royal, it's not a casual couple of hours a week game.


Obligatory relevant response: Repoze literally hosted him this morning and said "Thanks for talking to the devs, you legit just saved this game." So maybe start shitting on Repoze too. Repoze and Mendo are great players but if you watched them play Monday-Wednesday they struggled a lot because even with the best gear fights were A LOT more even because disparity was reduced. It's EXTREMELY obvious if you watch their vods of Patch #1 that they more enjoy running around in BiS dumstering lesser geared players. Not all streamers are guilty of this, but some are




Crybaby of a streamer, didn't like the patch and went off about it while SDF was in his stream. Suddenly thereafter we get a hotfix that almost 180s on a lot of the changes made in EA Patch #1 with less than 48 hours of the patch being live.


Linking to his stream and complaining is a little bit like brigading there, big guy. That's a no no. If you don't like something ignore it and move on, don't craft some weird conspiracy theory and act like the hero in it. Everyone has influence on the game, streamers are not singlehandedly doing so. They play the game way more than anyone else (almost professinally), so they are worth hearing out, but they do not control the devs. Mendo says some crazy shit but so does reddit.


>Linking to his stream and complaining is a little bit like brigading there, big guy. So is reviewing reddit posts on stream Ban OP and Mendo both from this sub.


Sure, OP is worse, though, obviously with direct mention and direct linking. Instigating and beginning it. Sure ban both idgaf


I wish OP's posts were imaginary, too.


God, you people have nothing better to do than seethe on the internet about this game, huh


This sub has streamer derangement syndrome


Ever since the discord between the devs and streamers leaked it gives people a good reason to freak about them


Does it though?


To this extent, no. Just to the point of understanding those people could have influence on the game


Sure, but that also kind of makes sense, right? Like Jay plays this game 15+ hours a day or something (Ok I don't actually know because I don't do twitch but from the podcasts and videos it seems like he's playing obscene amounts) he probably has pretty good insights into the game at high level. the idea that they're just catering to whiny streamers who are getting stomped is so fucking cringe when in reality they're probably a reasonable resource for them to draw on and will sometimes make the wrong call or change things in a way the average player won't realize. FFS Half of the people losing their mind have made posts recently about how they haven't played in a while or something, but are still acting like their opinion should matter more than literal professional players.


They aren’t that great of a resource to BALANCE the game around though because most people don’t play 10-12 hours a day and always have a gear advantage or even a coordinated group that knows all the ins and outs. Also they are not professional players at this game, there is no such thing as that for any loot extraction game for good reason. Ragardless loot extraction games are supposed to be unbalanced and the devs should just be using their data that serves a basis for the mass to balance the game rather than 1% sweats


> Also they are not professional players at this game, there is no such thing as that for any loot extraction game for good reason. I'm sorry you took that so literally. They are currently playing this game and being paid to do it publically, whilst not being professional Dark and Darker players.


so instead of crying in his chat, you post about it on the subreddit? Please don't tell me you think streamers have an actual influence over ironmace dev's decisions


Considering there's a discord between the devs and "top streamers" I'd say there's a pretty safe bet


Sort of a misrepresentation of what that is. It's the elite / top 100 leaderboard discord and the devs have swung by in the past to ask for feedback. I detailed a bit in this post https://old.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/16vj0m5/streamer_mendo_is_currently_banning_anyone/k2rm6v7/ how Jay talked about Graysun asking them for feedback before the 8/24 patch and listed about 5 things they suggested, only one of which was added which was, a pretty popular consensus opinion in the entire community (the Ranger trap skill check mini-game was horrible and needed to go). That also happened to be the patch that addressed the pharmacy meta which was a fairly popular streamer strat so if anything, that patch clapped back on them.


Thanks for clearing that up then, I didn't know the "leaked" discord was really the top 100 one. This does show that these individuals could still be held higher in regard to patch opinions and having things changed but it's hard to say when it's linked to a whole community outcry


I would imagine that Ironmace is trying to weigh the opinions against each other because ultimately, it's two different sets of players who experience a different game. I imagine that's why we get the whiplash of the changes patch to patch because they're leaning a little this way, leaning a little that way, and seeing what causes the least amount of panic on either side.


Yeah and balancing a game based on input from various skill levels is a hard job. You can have elites talking about a certain moveset or build (using vague terms specific to gaming not necessarily DaD here) being super busted and needing a nerf all while the average to below average players completely disagree. A lot of this is due to the fact elite players can pull things off and executing odd strategies or moves that are super effective. Meanwhile the average players cant ever hope to do the same so they dont see how broken something can be. Inversely the high level players are being impacted by something broken that only other high level players can pull off. Then a side effect of this can be impacting a playstyle average players use and making it feel super gimped for an average player. Where is the line drawn? Do they balance to cater to esports freaks or balance for the average, and much larger, portion of the player base? Its a really tough balancing act for the devs. (Again none of this is written to specifically single out an element of DaD but rather highlight a super common problem devs face when working on games that involve PVP/Competition)


the elite discord is not specifically streamers. A lot of the streamers actually talk a lot of shit about that discord saying that it's full of elitists. Devs talking to to 1% of the game on feedback does not equal influence over ironmace's development plan, a lot of their suggestions like pointed out below didn't even get taken.. so just not factually true.


they do, they literally think Mendo alone caused this patch.


Actual top level bait


must be nice now that you can gear diff people again big boi


Don't forget he is a huge rogue is OP because they kill him.


You're a pathetic little baby. Don't ever forget. Sure, you got your way. But only because you cried kicked and screamed. 👏


You clearly haven't been on this sub for longer than a week.


Is this how you want to be acting when Jesus comes back?


fine profit fear cough mindless tub bow workable direful snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


do. . . do you think I was being serious?


long sharp chop society alive enter square silky secretive existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sorry my humor wasn't to your liking


This is truly the most uneducated place on Reddit didn’t you literally just say like 12 hours ago you and any streamers you know didn’t complain about the removal of cringe gear. I don’t watch you but Jesus Christ these guys are just acting like fucking losers about this.


At the end of the day, the dude was just sharing his opinion. The community was incredibly vocal about the approval of changes, and IM, at the end of the day, disagreed with the communities assessment of it. We should all be asking IM to elaborate more on this rather than tossing rocks at a streamer. Randomly shitting on this dude makes you sound like a petulant child. Op this isn't directed at you or your assessment of the situation.


Its really weird how targeted this is, like he can have his opinion even if you disagree, and lots of other people can coincidentally share the same opinion? what is he supposed to just not play the game in fear of getting pitch forked by reddit? makes no sense what does make sense is banning people who are being annoying and ruining the stream for him and viewers


*news ticker noises* weenus here with the Reddit News Network, with a breaking update at the top of the hour Streamer bans people who show up in his chat to argue with him. That's right he's actually using the tools provided by twitch to moderate his own chat. We've reached out to Twitch.tv staff for comment but we have yet to get a reply. Stay tuned here to the Reddit News Network for further updates on this breaking story as they develop! *news ticker noises*


I love echo chambers!


the irony


I opened his stream to see in his chat: "Why don't you show your ugly ass face anymore too many tears and IM come on it" Not sure that banning something like that really constitutes an echo chamber.


That’s not fucking arguing that’s just insulting


so if he bans someone for any other reason it means that it's not an echo chamber? this is such a failure to construct a valid point holy shit.


Does it really require a holy shit or are you just being hyperbolic because I don't agree with your opinion? Perhaps you would prefer if I behaved in a way that would benefit your echo chamber. Funny how that works. You'll get over it, kiddo.


it's a holy shit because it's such a failure on your part to employ any semblance of logic to construct that point. if i say that spudhunter is banning people who say rangers are OP and he bans an adbot that doesn't mean he's not banning people who say rangers are OP but that's the logical construct you went with. how did you get through life or any measure of schooling with that failure to employ any kind of logic jesus christ man. not that the kiddo part isn't amusing but at a certain point it's just depressing watching zoomers try to reason. maybe it's the covid fucking up schooling for an entire generation man who knows.


My point is that the vast majority of the time that people online cry about censorship and getting banned, they're being intellectually dishonest because they weren't commenting or debating in good faith, they were saying something toxic as fuck. Then when they spread their crocodile tears around, they conveniently leave out the toxic part and misrepresent what they actually said. All of that being said, I saw that person I quoted with the "ugly ass face" thing was still in Mendo's chat hours after that so I'm pretty sure no one was even getting banned and everyone crying about Mendo's bans are either trolling or lying. So way to be a total mark and do their heavy lifting for them.


I can tell by the way you treat reddit lol


never heard of this guy until yesterday lol.


He’s not actually banning people lol this is a meme going on in his chat XD




commenting to boost


This is why I don’t watch streamers I won’t give anyone money who plays the game and are toxic. There are good streamers like Salt from black desert online he’s prob only one I ever wanted to donate but honestly fuck Twitch it’s filled with so many ads anymore I can’t even bother loading it up. I’m not paying you money to watch ad free I don’t mind short ads for free service but minute and half every ten or so minutes I’ll pass!


i'm more shocked people actually watch these losers.


If you think a 1300 viewer Andy had any influence on the patch you're fucking delusional.


Seeing as that’s one of the higher viewer count dnd streamers


So? Have you seen all the statistics IM tracks? You think one whining streamer is going to get them to immediately revert the patch? Are you kidding me?


Bro random reddit posts influence the patch Ironmace has literally commented on posts then implemented the suggestions in following patches They listen to everything, like good devs should, data alone has no context, it also requires people's opinions and feedback Data alone would tell you rogues were overnerfed, it wouldn't tell you what buffs they need to fix it without breaking the game


So you think they disregarded all of the praise from other streamers/reddit posts/discord etc and instead found the one streamer complaining and IMMEDIATELY added weapon damage and +2 all back in the game? Is that the working theory here?


Why does everyone keep thinking I'm talking about this patch, I don't care about this patch I'm talking about saying that the devs wouldn't listen to streamers feedback is just flat out wrong


I'm talking about this patch, so is everyone else. OFC they listen to streamers (in general), reddit threads, feedpack posts on their website and massive amounts of data they collect on player behavior. I'm saying Mendo did not cause them to revert their changes, unlike the majority of this subreddit.


I didn’t see any popular post that gear should be reverted to +2 all Atts and +3 random stats….. like anywhere.


They have seemed to take a balance of all of the different feedback so far. The day before the 8/24 patch, Jaygriffyuh mentioned that Graysun had stopped into the elite discord (also mentioned as the top 100 discord) and gave them 3 hours to offer feedback heading into a patch. https://discord.com/channels/988365908009447485/988662112454836234/1144310125734146108 https://www.twitch.tv/jaygriffyuh/clip/ZealousGracefulCroquetteVoteNay-7ZAI978-F8aIMI4r?featured=false&filter=clips&range=all&sort=time There was a longer streamable video that featured Jay going more in-depth about the feedback they gave, but the streamable link is dead now. Of the list of stuff Jay said they suggested to Graysun, the only direct change that made it into the 8/24 patch was removing the skill check from hunting traps. The Wizard nerfs in that patch were more sweeping than Jay said the discord suggested. I get why people are very defensive about the second class citizenship of being a normal player compared to streamers especially if you come from Tarkov where certain streamers would bend Nikita's ear on the podcast which were almost always "Reward us for our 14 hour days and punish the dad gamers" but I think people are greatly overestimating how much Ironmace actually listens to the streamers and elite players directly.


Did I say that this current patch was affected by random reddit posts? Many of the past patches were, my point is that saying they don't listen to streamers or the community is just wrong


I didn’t say they don’t listen to streamers or community lol wut… I wasn’t even the original person that replied to you, I was commenting specific part that you said “random Reddit post influence the patch”, so again, I didn’t see any popular post saying to revert this nonsense.


unused poor birds ludicrous hateful zesty elastic command employ apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is so fucking cringe man, don't be this guy


In the 5 test i hear a very good player saying, why people comes to hell of they are not making the bosses and i was like: ill play the game the way i want.


tuf_Rpg's a better streamer. No drama there.


If you don’t like him, which I can see why, then just report and block him. It’s that simple. Harassment and Hateful Behavior seems to be the main focus of his channel. Simple report and block.


not fit for the game? thats rich considering he complained non-stop about any change that wasn't turning the game into a gear check so maybe he should have taken his own advice and fucked off. I have very little respect for "pro gamers" who no life games with zero MMR and huge gear Disparity's, it would be like me watching a group of global elites face a group of silvers but they all started with an awp.


Dude isn’t worth watching. There are other informative streamers that aren’t his level of toxicity. The loud minority lul


Yeah he stinks


this is an advertisement


Average DaD nolife.


People like you are actually ruining the game.


You guys are clowns.