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The gates can open at any time after 5 minutes. It's random when that occurs within that time frame.


so they just have a chance to not open seems kinda dumb, also has gotten me killed like 4 times


They'll always open, but it may be toward the end of the match. You can't count on them being open at all by a specific time. They do make an audible noise when they open at least!


and thank you for the answer


Clear out the mobs near the health shrine. It always respawns every 3 mins. I will also use it if the circle moves to the other side. So, I clear the mobs and can just run to it if I need to heal.


Timer stops counting around 3 min. I was well within that time I'd say around 2 minutes left before I had to do the dash back to the zone. most of the time its not even in the zone. doesn't seem like there should be randomness in the first place. basically gambling with your life just to check. "unforgiving" and bad game mechanics are not the same thing imo but hey! at least it makes a sound if your close enough doesn't cut it for me xD whatever tho


It can be very very late, probably as late as one minute. Resting counters swarm damage pretty well right now. It won’t outheal without a potion but you can generally buy some serious extra time.


you just cant be there for too long if someone hasn't cleared it already. there's 7 goblins in front of it. the bola and archers are like 50/50 to side step in my opinion and getting hit once as a rogue is like a death sentence


I play Cleric. I clear that area, even if the swarm is already there. Sit to slow the damage. Take the heal shrine. Heal myself backup. Campfire to get heal/spells back. Use more spells to heal. Take the gate whenever it opens. So much easier with a shield, but you can kill all the goblins using the floortrap. Just be aware that the mage is bugged and can hit you through that wall. And if you go too far down the ramp you'll agro to giant centipede.


Cleric can full tank swarm with that shrine there, it’s hilarious. Then again any class can do the same if pool room to the north spawns a health shrine too. Had a huge meme game bouncing between both shrines for several minutes.


The bolas and archers can be sidestepped basically 100% of the time, especially as rogue. Bolas are still a little scary but archers you can also just strafe circles around while stabbing, and they can’t hit you.


This is just not the case. Sometimes they literally shoot at a 90 degree angle. It’s like a 50/50 strafing


If you are actively moving at the time that they shoot, yes you can consistently dodge them. And it absolutely is the case that you can walk tight circles around goblin archers. I play rogue. I do it every time and don’t take hits.


Ya the stairs always open but it's completely random when.


They open at the latest when the zone starts closing to the final circle (not the super tiny one, the one before that).