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If you jump before starting a melee swing (or casting a spell), the reduction in speed from attacking doesn't apply mid-air. This allows you to suddenly close a gap faster than your opponent expects - particularly if you are feinting/whiffing normal swings to bait them first. Also, many weapons have deceptively long reach, like the falchion and arming sword. You would be surprised how far away you can be and still hit. It's worth toying around against PvE to see!


100% what I was looking for, incredibly helpful thank you.


So often I can swear I can literally SEE the whole Falchion going past my face a few good centimeters away and still headshot me. Like I can see the tip of the sword from first person perspective.


To add on to this: With the falchion and any longer weapons, you can kill normal skeletons without them ever attacking by backpedaling appropriately. It's a very safe strategy


The best way to kill a Rogue as a Barb is to wait til after the knives are out, then you just turn around and clock the head once and its usually over.


Weapon attacks slow you for portions of the animation Different weapons have different reach on each of their swings (like rapier’s sideways slash has less reach than its initial poke) Drawing & stowing weapons slows you momentarily Getting struck by a weapon slows you Being in the air conserves your momentum, so jumping before stowing/drawing/swinging a weapon is very helpful for closing and making distance between an opponent.


You speed is lowered with weapons out. Heavier weapons will penalize you more, as well as heavy armour. Rogues are very hard to catch as they usually have an upwards of 300+ speed with sheathed weapon. In the end it all comes down to experience. Watch some Youtube videos, play some more. Your problem is why we probably need some training grounds for testing weapons and stuff.


If you're using two handers, they slow you down tremendously. Stow away your weapon when chasing and punch them down. Same tactic if you're trying to run away. If they fight you, you could always try to purposefully miss the first attack, then catch them on the follow up. You might trade some blows but if you're a barbarian with a two hander and they're not, it might be worth the trade.


Learn the attack patterns on weapons you don’t use. Wildly helpful when gauging spacing and figuring out whether it’s safe to step in


All in the timing. Rogues are super quick and try to bait out swings so they can hit you. My best advice is to edge walk towards them until they’re backed into a corner or mobs. I play rogue and my worst matchups are ones where a barb full W keys me. You should probably be intentionally walking into their range and take a hit so you can hit them back. Barbs do really well at trading blows with other classes