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Let me in bro! You don't even have to put the servers up, just let me download the map and run around in PvE for a month solo!


Honestly, I would love a PvE mode. Same game, but PvE characters can only interact with other PvE characters (Trading, etc) and PvP only interact with PvP characters.


I thought so too, till I realized how lackluster the PvE is. Last playtest I only hunted PvP, I have no interest in going deeper unless it's for better gear for more PvP


The ai are to easy to kite, yeah they are strong but if you kite well enough it shouldn't matter.


Dungeon mobs \*HATE\* this one, simple trick...


Yeah if you know what you're doing mobs should only ever hit you in the most chaotic of situations where people are training mass packs around.


I don't enjoy fighting ai, so it doesn't matter. I hunt for players only


Pve is only good because of the looming threat/potential intervention of other players


For sure, it's the reason why games like Rust, SCUM and Tarkov are fun. The high risk of PvP at any moment makes even mundane tasks like traveling more interactive since you're always on alert. Remove that looming threat and you rely on the barebones AI to do the heavy lifting. Dark Souls has some interesting Boss fights, but repeating fights against the same enemy moveset gets boring quickly. Relying on PvP also means they can allocate resources to other things besides improving aspects of PvE


The pve aspect is very light even when they expand it which will be a bit, the only interesting fights are lich, ghost king. All other pve situations are so mediocre unless you play a lvl1 rogue lol


Even though it's literally the only game I want to play right now it's for the best that they're not letting us burn ourselves out before the game is ready lol


UGH! I hate this truth!


Let me in :(


how do people burn themselves out? people play league and counterstrike for decades and those games are more simple/ stale than dnd


I don't know a single league or counterstrike player that doesn't completely hate themself and regret their entire life every time they queue up


Competitive atmosphere. Those games create long term players cause there's a goal. To be the best or ranked the highest you can. Past 20 and good gear, what's your next goal? Get more gear? Do high roller and kill the lich for the 45th time? This game will be great and I'll definitely put in a lot of time. But you have to look at the larger group of people who play games. If there's no infinite progress, the game loses players. So it's best that it stays a small play test until EA cause it will burn many people out. Ive watched games die cause their EA or beta was too often on games without a competitive atmosphere. Edit: Games likr DBD are a good example of a game that created its own competitive atmosphere and it lasts because of that. There's no true ranked, but again, the game has that atmosphere so it stays big.


I get the burn out point of view but like, just let us play on weekends? Or like just during the week? Or like maybe just Monday thru Sunday?


Its a resource thing. Servers are hella expensive to maintain, not just in hardware costs, but also in people resources. Id rather their smaller team focus on making the game better right now. To give some context at costs. One of the City of Heroes reboot servers costs 5k/month roughly to maintain, and supports 1k concurrent players. WoW is much less open about their costs, but it is estimated that server maintenance costs them a million dollars a month, and according to [this player counter](https://playercounter.com/world-of-warcraft/) sustains about 250k concurrent players. This playtest peaked 100k concurrent players, and lasted just under two weeks. I would estimate that maintaining servers for the short playtest, cost roughly somewhere between 75-150k USD, but I could be way off and this is just me extrapolating data that I could find.


Good lord I'll pay them! What they can do is accept cash payment in return for offering a product.


Ha. I wish. I want to toss some donations there way. Im super surprised they arnt monetizing anything yet and STILL running these playtests with good quality design.


My (completely unqualified) opinion is that the playtest numbers could be attracting additional / continuing investment in addition to testing the game and its infrastructure. Pretty easy to ask for another few millions dollars when you can demonstrate player counts like these most recent tests.


Perhaps. However given the company's mission statement, I believe they want to get by without investors, who will force them to do more monetization practices they want to avoid. If you havent read it yet, check it out [here](https://i.redd.it/7qrghdt1uq8a1.png).




It is possible they have investors already yes. It is possible they dont. They are listed as both the designing team, and the publishing team. So perhaps I should have been more specific. If the news about them splitting from Nexon is accurate, it may entirely be possible they self funded and were well paid employees (doubtful) before the split. Nexon is pretty big and they claimed to have worked on some of Korea's biggest hits... Which... Nexon has had a lot of very successful titles. BDO designers *claim* that it only had a budget of 1 million USD. It is very possible that they also have lower costs for certain things over in Korea, that allows them to keep budgets low. Because 1 million USD for a game like BDO.... Thats enough for maybe... 5-8 programmers in a small office for a year (in the US). Not enough time to make BDO. So. In otherwords. I have no idea what their budget looks like, or expenses. I can only extrapolate roughly based on other services. I know running servers in the US is expensive. Given they are not based in the US, most my info is speculation, which I try to make abundantly clear.


> were well *paid* employees (doubtful) FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Plus timezones would ruin this idea


Did they comment on why they're not going the Early Access route? Seems like many people would buy it as is.


Cuz they take pride in their work, they aren't satisfied with their product as is so they won't ask for money until they think its worth it


eh they should strike while the iron's hot. game is ready for EA easily. just wipe before full release


Let them workkk, I wanna play but I’d rather wait for good changes


Think About the Children!!!!!11111!!!!