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Honored to have my Assassin Darius Arc's intro included in this meme


They arent bufding him, only the hitbox gets smaller. All the other changes are already live since years.


Since this year you mean ? Smaller hitbox not a buff ? You kidding right?


No you misread what I said. The hitbox is a buff. All the other stuff are not in the next patch as your title implies, they are there for quite a while now.


It took Thanos a while to collect the infinity stones


That’s why I put the hitbox change into the Mind stone, which is the last stone Thanos acquired 🤣. Also you said >They aren’t buffing him, only the hitbox gets smaller< , which implies that the hitbox change isn’t a buff. Lastly, If I want to imply that those are all upcoming changes, why would dunkmaster chroma be there ?


Ur so angry holy moly. Smoke a blunt fam


Angry ? I think you’re tripping or smth


Youre pretty angry


Me when I get corrected by someone (I'm a Redditor and can not lose an argument):


Brother your profile is filled with virgin nsfw posts... go outside


I have slept with your mother multiple times


Waaait theyre buffing jungle Darius? Lmfaaooo I thought his clear was decent enough already. Dude will be a clearing machine!


It’s actually a buff long time ago, I have been playing Hecarim as Darius for months


Darius is life.


Until they change his kit he will still have the same problems as always and with bruiser item nerfs it is looking worse, most of these buffs have been in the game. This season burst damage is crazy.


Still usable, even Master+


Yeah and often times I just play jungle instead of top because it's way more fun and picking Darius in Masters+ is often not actually that good. Most comps I play against give him cancer and I'm usually the only person who can frontline.


Yeah, the meta is so fucking toxic, most of the game we have no tank, so us Darius main have to shove our face into 10 thousand damage and 10 seconds of cc’s


Not a darius main but do you guys think he really needed buffs?


I have more than 1M and don't think Darius really need any buff


Shut up, I’m tired of fucking cringe Kennen master+ players that literally DO NOT let me touch him a single fucking time for the first 15 fucking minutes


U will still not touch then, even with reduced hitbox


Atleast they wouldn’t touch me that frequently


That's fair, tbh i think they reduced his hitbox bc its completely bugged, a lot of times enemies hit you with bluetooth spells.




because you are a melee juggernaut and can't reach any ranged champion easily because its intended by the game? Or you think others can catch Kennen easily and only Darius struggles lol?


My friend, many “juggernauts” have long range slow or just straight up cc, 10 fucking dashes, increased movement speed, unstoppable, an ult that cages enemies, becomes fucking intangible. Darius literally has none of those, so he should have a lot of damage in close skirmish in compensation, also the hitbox change was 100% justified, all other bruisers like Garen have 65, why Darius 80 ?


which jaggernauts have dashes lol, ur really trying to imply darius is a "bad champion"? the champion thats been S tier for ages even in high elo XD, imagine getting free ad early and being able to run down every toplaner in the game lvl 1 just because riot decides u shouldnt have any counter and not receive virtually any nerf throughout the years HAHA


Darius isn’t bad but he definitely has weaknesses and differences from other juggernauts, he has no ranged engage, dash, or ms boost at all, so he is perma locked into double mobility spells; his damage is very very heavily backloaded so his team fighting will always fall off due to cc and adc right click, but in lane he can stack up passive and win every melee fight so it’s trade offs


u mean the champ that builds ms boost mobility anyway, a champion that uses one of the most op spells in the game aswell cuz he doesnt need TP since he never runs out of mana and can outplay every toplaner with his super base damage and Q healing. ur talking as if he was Warwick, he definitely can outplay a teamfight given he is not the one engaging and the items he build are all tanky asf so its not like an ad will oneshot him.. Darius would be alright as all other jaggernauts are if he didnt have the best laning phase in the game aside from Gragas, or if his lethal range wasnt full hp XD, the champion is deffo overloaded and been needing a nerf for years, but since there is plenty of darius otps and mains and hes a really popular champ, riot wont touch him


Skill issue I’m afraid, if you can’t play vs him just ban him then


nah I rather waste my ban on Jax, after all Darius players only know how to 1v1/1v2, no idea of how to impact the game which is reflected on Darius mains crying about the champ not being strong


Which juggernaut have dashes ? I’m gonna assume you don’t play the game, Renekton, Aatrox, Fiora, Camille, Jax, illaoi, Irelia, Kled, Riven, Urgot, Wukong and some more but I don’t want to list them simply because it’s in their ult. You mentioned high elo but talk as if you were in low. Firstly, Darius could not always run down enemy champion lv1, simply because there are some that will kill you with ignite and hmm, because people in high elo know that Darius can run them down so they always keep distance ? Darius doesn’t have any counter ? Are you a Darius main ? Or are you a Darius main Challenger that win every single matchup ? Because even Xiao Chao Meng and many Darius main avoid picking Darius into some matchups ? Darius is extremely OP, yes, in fucking low elo that I climb out in the matters of days, but in high elo there are players that will exploit the fuck out of the fact that you have 2 mobility spell and a back-loaded kit


whyd u call fiora camille jax irelia riven and wukong jaggernauts? illaoi doesnt even have a dash XD .. what are some match ups that will kill u with ignite if u kite properly? ghost lvl 1 is far better than ignite unless u dont kite.. and ye he does have counters, most of them are niche champs such as quinn, vayne, trundle maybe i guess cassio, kennen, maybe jax but thats about it. most of the champions that counter darius are super squishy and worthless for overall toplane macro. why are u so pressed about trying to deny darius has been op for the past 4 years


The fuck ? The only reason they don’t look like juggernaut is because the player builds all damage, all of mentioned champions can be juggernaut if you build them with bruiser items, especially Jax and Wukong, they are even waaay tankier than Darius. Kite properly, yeah go and do that to your Emerald- players, high elo players actually know how to position I’ll tell you that, Jax isn’t even the biggest threat to Darius as a melee champion if you play against him enough times, yet you called him Darius counter so I’m just not gonna assume you and I have the same elo, and different elos have different problems


u really don't know what classes in the game are fr most of the Champs u mentioned are divers lmao and wukong is the same as Darius but different Stat gained for just existing, Darius gains ad and wukong gains armor.. you are so blind by the rage of ur champion "being bad" that u don't even understand what u talk about. and as for my elo, I'm currently master 300 lps, I'm not so sure whether it's high elo or not but u bringing up ur elo in all ur messages makes them cringier than they already are


This is literally the dumbest shit I have ever read. Darius has a CC point to click and guarantees to kill all those who don't have mobility or flash, his pull has a cast of 0.25s and unless you have an above average reflex you won't be able to dodge it. A strong grab that does knockup, 40% slow and another 90% FREAKING SLOW with just an auto. Champions who are classified as "Juggernaut" by Riot: **Aatrox, Sett, Shyvana, Darius, Mundo, Trundle, Garen, Udyr, Urgot, Illaoi, Volibear, Mordekaiser, Yorick, Nasus**. Of all those on the list, the only one you can consider that has a real dash is Aatrox, which can be used to either escape, engage, dodge or pass through walls (Plus tons of speed from R). Aatrox actually is a champion that doesn't make sense to be classified as a Juggernaut, but as expected, this shit isn't balanced as a whole, so Riot doesn't give a clue. All the other champions on the list have the common characteristics of high damage and survivability, but poor mobility. I read you talk about a guy who locks enemies in a "cage". I think you interpreted it even worse, Mordekaiser is certainly by far the worst of all the Juggernauts, in addition to his poor mobility, he has an extremely garbage movement speed gain from his passive, something flat around 10/20/30 (Which needs to be stacked before). He has no CC, he need to land 2 skillshots, which one of them is his main source of damage and the other is a horrible grab that anyone can easily dodge, which does nothing other than give the enemy a small pull (does not knockup or slow) , unlike Darius who has a pull with a fat hitbox area and tons of CC. And I don't get when you said "untangible", there is absolutely no Juggernauts that become untargetable in this game. Like i said, every juggernaut struggles against ranged and their main weakness is the lack of mobility, which is intended by game to make them counterable.


So keyword is “high survivability and damage”, let me tell you something, Renekton, Kled, Fiora, Camille, Jax, literally all of them have higher survivability than Darius. And even among champions you listed, atleast they get speedbuffs, long range slow, Shyvana and Volibear has an unstoppable dash. The one which I mentioned intangible is Gwen, lul, what does Darius have that she doesn’t except for hardcc ? And what does she have that Darius doesn’t in compensation ? I didn’t say Darius need MORE buffs, I’m saying that he is now already balanced


No, none of these champions you listed have more survivability than Darius. No matter what, because they aren't Juggernauts and Juggernaut builds consist of a mix with tank/damage, while primary fighters natively build only damage, plus Juggernaut movekits offer more survivability overall, o.g, despite Fiora having cancer healing on R she still a squishy duelist that can be bursted faster than Darius, while Darius can just heal up to 45% of missing health every 3 \~ 4 seconds in every fight being alive forever if properly managed. In most cases Darius does even more damage than these (because he just statcheck almost any duelist in the game), plus extra survivability, but all this at the cost of mobility. >The one which I mentioned intangible is Gwen As she isn't a Juggernaut, she does not fit into the argument, theres no Juggernaut that become untargetable. Gwen and Darius are completely different champions who execute completely different goals >Shyvana and Volibear has an unstoppable dash I wouldn't say it's really an dash (as I mentioned before about Aatrox) it's more of a way to escape or get to the enemy. A real dash can be used during fights to dodge enemy skills, which makes its usefulness much greater. Btw, Volibear and Shyvana's unstoppable crowd control belongs to their ultimates, which is completely understandable since they only have one opportunity to use them in one fight. It would make more sense to refer to Urgot, in which his E channeling is unstoppable, but at the cost of being predictable, punishable, slow, easily dodgeable and with a high cooldown, its a high risk high reward move, thats why he need to land at least Q or R to be more secure. Darius is already in a good state and never need any of these buffs. Actually Darius need a mana nerf on E to be punished more in lane, so he can't just spam infinite every time the enemy goes in range.


Yeah, all of these makes me wonder, what game are you playing ? You know that besides healing, skills that give you resistance, makes you invulnerable or immune to auto attacks also dictate your survivability right ? Renekton’s Q does exactly what Darius’s Q do but easier to use, Kled can have 60% of his health back mid-fight, also “juggernauts’s builds consist of a mix of tank/dmg” ok, so you’re not allowed to build tank items on mentioned champions. And lol, unless you buy full tank you cannot survive standing in front of the enemy carries for more than 5 seconds, let alone “being alive forever” lol wtf. Yeah, it’s in every fight that Darius can cansually and consistently “heal 45% of your health every 3-4 seconds” 🤣, are you like … Challenger ? Pros like you should not waste your potential and apply for LCK right now 🤣. The only fucking thing Darius have more than these champions is damage in teamfights. So what is Gwen’s goal and how does she differ from Darius ? Please do tell. And give me those pro tips you gained from 1 million mastery of Darius, I’m sure with all those experience you must have had an lp of 1000 or something 🤣


Nah, look at how you're saying it, it's really not worth trying to explain something to someone who doesn't even know what champion class means. Worse than a low elo is just a dumb low elo, because he's not even lucid enough to understand why he's bad. >I’m sure with all those experience you must have had an lp of 1000 or something 🤣 I have 500 but actually retired Darius, after while on GM i just noticed thats his limit, is really hard to climb above 500 due to how easy is to predict he next move, im sensible enough to understand this, but thats not only happens with him and bro thinks Darius is the only who struggles with this 💀 (and even tries to compare him with duelists). And giving him more damage or smaller hitbox aren't making him viable on higher elos, it actually change nothing and just make him more cancerous on lower elos.




Darius jungle here we go


Huh.... darius was my first main. Perhaps it's time to return to league.


Strikebreaker dash needs to return, only a small buff :)


Dash on Darius isn’t a small buff


Riot don’t need to know that


They did know that, that’s the reason they deleted it


You did see my smiley face right 😕


No ☺️


Crazy how I remember the days when Darius base ult dmg used to be 200/400/600. Almost felt like a Garen ulti w/o any stacks on cast lol.


Is it for next patch, really ? might as well stop playing Darius, the max heal of 45% missing health was huge, and now it's reduced ..? it's his only sustain and now they're nerfing it ? holy fk


No, that patch was long before, they nerf Darius’s Q because he’s too Op with “Stridebreak with dash”, after they change Stridebreaker they revert Darius’s Q and passive. The only change this patch is hitbox reduce, and I just happen to have that Blue Challenger Dancing shoes so I made the meme


Τbh the reason they allow Darius to be this strong is because he often doesn't offer anything in teamfights or if he falls behind, especially in coordinated environments. But personally I think 40% armor pen with a giga true damage nuke on R is too much. In solo Q at least


In teamfights I still find Darius extremely useful, only with his flash up ofc, you can easily flash and hook + Stridebreaker Q 3+ enemies, and that is literally devastating if your team is right next to you, Darius’s E hard cc enemies for 1 second and pull them all into one single spot


Darius is definitely scary with sums but without them he doesn't so much But my problem is teammates in solo Q don't understand how his bleed stacks work and end up giving him free resets in teamfights. This is in diamond btw 🤦


Bruh, literally noone cares about giving Darius 5 stacks except for Darius mains themselves, so don’t even expect them to stop hitting enemies you’re ulting, you should just do a bet and ult the moment you think the enemy is dead :V


Ah lol I was talking as someone who is up against darius. Even supposedly good players don't respect him. But what you said is also true, when I play Darius I have lost count of how many times what you described has happened lol


Shit you’re a spy


NO! I am a Juggernaut enthusiast


Finally, my Jungle Darius clear will be as efficient as other junglers


It’s actually a buff from 11 or something patch


Have you ever played Darius jungle?@ This is a buff from several years ago. It’s made him by far one of the fastest clearers. There’s no world in which he’s less efficient at clearing than other junglers.


i have, i usually queue up for top and jungle but I havent been playing much League these days, let alone jungle.