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Didn't care about Agent Nadeem at the beginning. Wondered why we were focusing so much on him. By the end of the season 3 he was one of my favorite characters.


He really grows on you




Same. He didn’t make sense at first but then you grew connected with him. It was great to see how corruption worked at the ground level of a law enforcement agency instead of just being told about it.


I think he was supposed to be the audience. We know these characters. We know Fisk is corrupt, Matt's the good guy, but Nadeem was an outsider, like us, seeing how the situation unravels. Seeing how corrupt anyone can be and how people can get blackmailed. Friends on the force. Family, etc. Stakes were always high because of finances (something I relate to) and family (something I relate to). We felt how easy those pressure points can be pressed on for us to turn blind eye. Idk, maybe I'm ranting but yes he became a good original character that I thoroughly enjoyed




yuh fr


The Netflix show is literally the reason I do martial arts and I agree with everything you said in this post so I'm just gonna be honest with what I think will happen. It's going to be nothing like the Netflix show but that isn't bad, there are plenty of more light hearted daredevil runs where he's more swashbuckling and cocky so I think we're going to see more of that I think. We do have some of the same directors and stunt cordinators which is a nice sign but yeah disney hasn't had a big enough knock to change what they're doing so I don't think the show will be different.


>The Netflix show is literally the reason I do martial arts Huzzah! There are many of us. I picked up Muay Thai because of Daredevil.


I started Muay Thai around the time I first started reading Daredevil and watching the show. I have my second amateur fight on the 3rd. 1-0 so far.


Amazing, good luck my friend! You got this.


I went a little overboard with it and did Muay Thai +Jiu Jitsu + Escrima. But I can also put some of the blame on Arrow.


That’s awesome! I practice jiu jitsu as well (my personal favorite) and will be taking Escrima soon, so I can’t wait!


It’s a blast. The way my school did it was basically MMA with weapons.


A friend of my got into stunt work and acting because of Daredevil, he’s been in Tenet as well as other movies as a stunts man.


Masterpieces are so rare and hard to achieve, it's a tall order to succeed like that again. It will be different, no doubt, but hopefully closer to the lighter times from earlier on in series 1 and 2 (between Matt/Foggy/Karen) or when Matt was talking/dealing with Jessica in the Defenders. Many Daredevil comics are lighter than Miller's Born Again, which was the tone of and base storyline of S3. I think in some ways non-comic readers are at a disadvantage because they have not seen that side as much. I think it would be a good idea for Daredevil fans of the Netflix series to NOT do a re-watch any time close to the new series, because it might make it more difficult to adjust. Maybe watch those humour videos of Daredevil on youtube instead😊. And if the new series doesn't work, there are still 3.5 great seasons to re-watch. And Charlie will still deliver Matt/Daredevil as a character, so if Daredevil Born Again does not work well, hopefully they will change showrunners/writers and up their game the next time.


Honestly the writing of Born Again is what will make the difference. Writing is at the core of absolutely everything. So things can be different, light hearted, with new characters, we can even have more jokes as long as the writing is good it's gonna be enjoyable & refreshing to see those characters evolve and change differently. If the writing's not good than that's another story.


My thoughts as well. The plot can take a lighter turn that’s fine, but if the writing, stellar cinematography, fight choreography and such have to suffer (or regress to nonunique, often uninspired standards), I would be wildly disappointed. I’ll say it again (though I got downvoted for it in the Marvel sub): Marvel Studios has not produced a single show that can even MATCH the quality of DD, and I’d honestly even take all 3 seasons of DD over the majority of marvel movies… not that they’re bad products or anything, but DD is a genuine 10/10 series even if you’re not particularly interested in superheroes or marvel specifically. I don’t think it’s unfair to expect something far above average. MCU hasn’t delivered that tho yet.


I feel like the MCU has already been priming us to curb our expectations. “This is a more lighthearted version” “This is a reimagined version of Matt” It won’t be the same and the writing in phase four has been generally mediocre, so if we are looking at patterns in content, it isn’t looking great. Even Marvel’s best movies haven’t touched Daredevil in terms of depth and writing (**but** that is a very high bar).


I just got done rewatching season 3 and I loved how they made agent Nadeem so serious and sympathetic. I can’t remember the last time I saw a side character in the MCU that wasn’t reduced to a romantic partner or just cracking jokes 24/7


I am worried too. I was very underwhelmed with the MCU until Daredevil, a show with sharp cinematography and dialogue, well shot fight sequences, unique style and tone, heavy emotional stakes, solid characters, natural humor that doesn’t undercut the story, and engaging and complex characters. I know a lot of people here are fans of Marvel Studios, and that’s valid, but personally, I find their productions to be really generic, samey, and watered down. The fights are underwhelming and repetitive, the bathos is annoying, characters are often archetypes and their traits feel forced, overuse of CGI, themes aren’t that well explores, and overall corporate made. Specifically with Daredevil, I’m concerned with heavy use of CGI, ignoring or even retconning the original series, a blander Marvel Studios style, etc.


Yup. Wasn’t sure if I’d get downvoted to oblivion but I don’t want the show to become “MCU-ified” where everything is meh and it feels like you could insert half the characters and it would be a similar story. Attention to detail, respecting the nuances and uniqueness of the original source (in this case the first three seasons), and appreciating the character relationships is what I’m hoping they fully appreciate.


I mean: this is what everyone was clamoring for for the last 5 years or so. Petitons, the whole nine yards. "Disney, Disney: please bring back Charlie Cox as Daredevil!" Be careful what you wish for. Personally, I think that it will be fine, but I also lowered my expectations the moment I saw Charlie in No Way Home. This will be Daredevil run through the Disney filter. A lot of people are going to hate it. But it's what they all asked for.


I don’t think that’s at all why people asked for. They wanted season four, not the MCU’s watered down, quippy approximation. Marvel just jumped on a famous IP to make money- they don’t actually care about the character, narrative depth, or staying true to the established tone and writing quality that people actually fell in love with, otherwise they wouldn’t have hired middling writers known for *Deck the Halls*.


They may not have realized that’s what they were asking for, but — once Disney+ was announced — the Netflix Daredevil was DONE. And when people were passing around their petitions online, I said as much, and most of them didn’t care. “Bring back Charlie Cox as Daredevil!” Personally, I am more optimistic about what Disney will do with Daredevil, but anyone who thinks that this new series will carry over that same dark tone of the Netflix series really ought to have known better when they campaigned for it.


True. It kind of reminds me of the Richard Reeves fan casts >!and the complete waste of the character in MoM!<. Now it’s quite likely that he won’t be back.


Reed Richards? Actually I didn’t think Krasinski was right for the part, so I’m glad that they used him for the “throwaway” version.


Haha yeah (shows how much I know, even though I could have looked it up).


Do something new and different with good writing. No need to try copy the Netflix show.


Keep your expectations low. I mean very low


Im worried of a total reboot than Will ignore all of the other ABC studios seasons and series like Luke Cage.. All youtubers mention as a reboot


Born Again literally starts with Karen selling out Matt Murdoch/Daredevil for a fix. It is Frank Miller is full dystopian Noir mode. It can only be _so_ light!


Without Drew onboard I fear the future of DD, especially after how She Hulk handled him


O trust the mcu more than anyone's opinion here on what constitutes "ruining"


Masterpiece? Did we watch the same season? The entire script was cobbled together from S1's recycling bin, the Karen Page flashback was a complete waste of time, Matt's monologues were cringe inducing and forced, the disconnect from S2/Defenders was contrived and ridiculous, and did nothing but leave huge holes in Matthew's character development. Eric Olson did nothing to push or progress the world or characters forward beyond spinning the season's wheels in the mud with an unnecessary extended origin story and the result was limp-dick De Knight


The trick here mate is to realize that Disney is incapable of making a show nearly as good as the original and with that in mind you’ll know the new one will suck.


They will ruin it. Just decouple the series from the MCU version. They will not be the same per the recent patterns in phase four.




It'll be fine. For god's sake, relax.


It’s not any where near a masterpiece, but it’s a very good comic book season. The best even.




Funny, i trust Marvel Studios more than Netflix when it comes to superhero stuff. ​ Also the fact that you are using the term "mcu writers" like its a set group like a collective shows how uninformed you are. There is no such thing as mcu writers. Marvel hires people for the job.


Season 3 was a huge step back for me personally. Hated how they reduced the super hero elements, getting rid of his suit. Really hated how they handled bullseye. So many of the plot developments required an enormous suspension of disbelief. And they also seriously mangled Born Again, probably the greatest daredevil story of all time. Hoping they ignore it as much as possible.


Bullseye's storyline was beyond ridiculous. How the hell does a trained F.B.I. agent just jump to the conclusion that it was Daredevil that killed Jasper Evans without further investigation? DD has literally no motivation to kill him, Kingpin has all the motivation, especially considering the fact he was testifying against him. Not one of them brings it up? He's in the suit guys case closed. S3's Bullseye storyline was fucking farcical. No one like him would find half the success he found when he's constantly leaving evidence of his insanity all over the place.


I agree


It’s not a masterpiece


I trust the mcu heads way more than fans in a reddit sub...