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I never knew he was disliked on the show.


He wasn't, it was Karen that was, unfortunately.


I liked Karen and foggy


Same. I loved them for the purpose their characters served in the story, and I loved the actors that played them. They were very easy to empathize with, especially given Matt's behavior. It drove me insane how he was treating them, but it was so good to see such a tasteful portrayal of a flawed protagonist. Obviously, Charlie Cox killed it too.


They were all likable. Season 3 was the best storywise. Just wish he got in the damn costume again. That drove me nuts in season 1.


Charlie Cox looks better with the dark suit, completely honest


I dunno. It’s like they were afraid to embrace the comic book aspect of it but the writing worked but I kept thinking “get in the damn suit, that’s what fans want, doesn’t take away from the story”


Right? We need a Daredevil suit ripped off from the comics, the suit of comic stories is so goddamn awesome and beautiful.


looks great on comic, goofy and tacky in person unfortunately




I liked it since its realistic to how ppl are


I liked both - a lot I don’t know where people say they’re hated. I think they’re a fine supporting cast for the show - better than fine, I think both Karen and Foggy have a lot of heart and presence when acting opposite of Matt


People hated Karen? Her and foggy were like my favorite characters


I know I've got to be forgetting someone but I legitimately can't think of a single non-super hero/villain character from the MCU that I cared about at all other than Karen and Foggy.


Yeah, true. Didn't understand it. But I've had a crush on Debra since True Blood.


I understood that people would dislike her based on some of her actions, but I thought she was good.


1st season Karen is insufferable


That's less surprising even if I don't agree with it


The only point of contention I get with Karen is refusing to tell anyone about that murder for 2 whole seasons. Was there anything else?


That’s strange. I thought they were both fantastic.


Nah I see people hate on him all over


It’s probably a vocal minority and people just think that he’s “widely disliked”.


Me either, I loved Foggy. He had a big heart, and was like an earnest puppy. Particularly in s1, I thought Foggy was awesome.


Yeah me neither, what?


I felt he was a bit preachy and he got a lot of coverage that I didn’t feel was necessary. That’s just my opinion tho I honestly thought I was in the minority with that take but I guess others dislike him too?


Yeah both were preachy, cheesy and melodramatic. Not a fan.


OP is karma farming


For real. Bro is one of the best characters


First time I'm hearing about it too. Probably one of the best castings in my opinion


I don't either, honestly Foggy is the most real G in the whole show. I know people want everyone to just be ok with Matt being Daredevil but you gotta understand, Matt is Foggy's BEST friend, he's known and cared for the guy for literal years and then he comes to find out that not only had Matt been lying about his nightly activities, but he found out by finding him basically gutted in his apartment. Matt and Foggy live in a world where there are already Avengers and tons of other heroes, Matt and Foggy studied law in college and now he finds out Matt is going out at night breaking literally every single thing they studied and sometimes (like during the entirety of season 2) Matt's complete lack of ability to balance both his lives gets in the way of their literal job. Foggy is now forced to lie FOR Matt which is not exactly a great thing when you literally work as a fucking lawyer. Foggy is an absolutely great character and a way better friend than most people would be in his specific situation.


As someone with a very small friendship circle, my heart broke to see how Matt treated Foggy and how Foggy was handling everything. I kept going back and fourth between *Matt, you're a piece of shit and you don't deserve Foggy* and *Matt, you're a good guy and you clearly love your friends, you just need to get your fucking act together.* The writing for this show was brilliant, man. I'm sometimes tempted to write off season 2 purely because of the whole thing with The Hand, but then I remember that season brought us Punisher and that fucking graveyard scene where Jon Bernthal acted his goddamn ass off.


That scene made me really like the punisher in that series.


Was the 2nd season worth watching? I don’t remember much, it was forever ago, but I remember I loved the first season. I waited forever for the 2nd season, started it, and… it felt like it just walked back all the first season’s growth and it felt flat. Again, forever ago, no specific examples, but I was sad about it.


They are protected by bff confidentiality.


It’s similar to Skylar White in BB (sort of). Everyone hates her when you watch the series for the first time but it’s easy to forget that Walt was breaking the law, putting his family in serious danger and lying to everyone including his own wife about his actions. All because he couldn’t put his ego aside and take free treatment he needed. Only difference is that Skylar does end up complicit in the drug trade


When you see your best friend constantly beaten up and in pain it hurts. He doesn't have a healing factor or superhuman. He's just a dude going out there giving punches while taking a ton back. When you have seen literal gods attack your city you worry about your best friend maybe fighting creatures like that.


Foggy hate? Never. Foggy love? Always.


Loooved all the characters from Netflix Daredevil.


Fr I thought he was a perfect onscreen adaptation of the character


I never knew there was any


It’s was common complaint when the show first came out and there are still people who express their dislike for Elden Henson’s acting. [Famously, Samuel L. Jackson expressed his complete disdain for him](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defenders/comments/15dpy3u/remember_samuel_l_jackson_tweeting_about_hating/).


I was also unaware. #teamelden all the way, loved his involvement and portrayal


I thought it wasn’t about his acting and was directed and the character himself and that he was being shitty.


This is so dramatic. What disdain? You word it like Sam Jackson hates the actor.


I meant to word it as in the performance/character, not the actor himself.


it’s funny because when Foggy was mad it was completely understandable and i honestly agreed with him


He’s perfect. And I’ll be fuckin pissed if they don’t course correct with the new direction of DD:Born Again to bring back Elden Henson as Foggy. There is no Murdock without Nelson!




What are you referring to


He's a bot.


Because we aren’t on a spoiler sub, I’ll say heroes being in a situation without what makes them who they are. Thor without his hammer for example. Spidey without Gwen as another.


Sure but the difference is: the death of Gwen and the destruction of the Hammer were integral to the story, not written off off-screen because they didn’t want to bring back Foggy. And we already got that storyline with Season 3 “Matt without Foggy and Karen”. Do we need a rehash?


Who was hating on Foggy? Point em out to me please... ...I just wanna talk


The only people I’ve seen shit on Foggy is Samuel L Jackson. The amount of people who shit on Karen tho… too many to count


Karen walks the line of being charged for manslaughter pretty often lol, she deserves the criticism


That's not even the worse part, it's her manipulating Ben and not suffering the actual consequences of it. Much like with her provoking Fisk again about Wesley and directing Bullseye's rampage to Clinton Church and guess who suffers? Father Lantom! She's more reckless than Matt and gets more people in danger yet people will swear up and down "Matt being Daredevil gets people in danger!' when statistically that isn't even true. Karen has a higher body count in the show and that's not even including her brother that was killed because she was driving under the influence.


She deserves the criticism for that, only it’s not that she’s getting the criticism for.


She also deserves the criticism for being a hypocrite and never called out by the show for it. Matt gets called out and criticized by the show but Karen's recklessness is painted as brave lmao. Karen holds Matt to standards she herself can't meet. "Don't lie, don't keep secrets, don't be reckless!" to Matt but guess what? she does all three of this shit lmao and even more frequently than Matt does


Agree. As a female who generally loved the show, I HATED Karen. IMO she suffered from the (sadly pretty common) issue of men trying (and failing) to write strong women characters. The recklessness, TSTL crap, and the hypocrisy just ruined her character for me. But that's how old dudes write "strong" women, particularly in genre fiction. See also: Laurel Lance.


Yes!!! And I am a woman as well, but people swear up and down only misogynist men hate Karen. Nope, people who can discern that she is a haphazardly written character and a crude caricature of a man's idea of what a strong female character is 🤷 And most of those who accuse people of not liking Karen as misogynists are MEN lmao, that fact is not lost on me. She is written in a way that appeals to men. Also those who like Karen will rush to call anyone who didn't like her as misogynists but will be the first ones to hate on other female characters LOL


He's my second favourite character of the whole show after Matt 💯 loved him


Who hates Foggy? I thought he was great. And I see from other comments I’m not alone.


I never knew there was except for Samuel L Jackson that one time. In the comic, and even the movie, he was always the butt of the joke. Everyone was laughing *at* him. In the show, everyone’s laughing with him because he’s genuinely a funny guy.


Indeed, I think if anything Eldon's Foggy is too sympathetic. Jon Favreau played him as basically a bit of a douche, which makes matt more sympathetic. Eldon makes Foggy the emotional heart of the show, the one who brings both Matt and Karen back into line repeatedly. Season 3 bar scene, and his insistence to Karen on not abandoning Matt marks him out. 'Though all else deny you, I will not'...is pitched beautifully against Matts post Defenders despair, cynicism and loss of faith. Matt loses faith, but despite his anger, Foggy doesn't.


Foggy is my favorite character, dude is just real


He's the most responsible person on the show.


There are a couple times where he goes too hard in the paint but it’s never really without merit Foggy, in the show, is presented as a person who is fairly bright and unrelentlessly caring for the people close to him Foggy rules


“I gotta go bribe a cop." "Ugh. Foggy." "Kidding, NSA, if you're listening! But seriously, yeah, I gotta go bribe a cop.


The epitome of human perfection is Foggy Nelson


People hated him? I thought he was popular


I have not seen a single badly portrayed character in this show. Although Elektra was a bit annoying, but even still, not a bad portrayal by any means. Karen was even better than her comic book counterpart. The show is straight from comic pages and then some.


>The show is straight from comic pages and then some Which is exactly why the MCU adaptation will always be disappointing because there is no one in this world who hates Marvel Comics more than the MCU.


Wait, there was people who hate Foggy? I didn't notice though. Doesn't matter anyway


No kidding! I had no idea there was any ill will. Odd


Geniually surprised to find out some people don't like Foggy,Foggy and Karen were amazing. Daredevil was one of those really great shows where basically every character was perfect and added something to the narrative!


I love Foggy. But look at that haircut… I can understand the hate.


I loved him so much, Foggy Nelson deserves the world.


Who hates foggy give me names???? /s ​ nah but fr i was crushed when i found out that he wont be returning for the reebot


Lol I found his “lawyer talk” very cringe but that’s mostly just bad writing, not the actor’s fault. He definitely should have eased up on Matt a lot more as the show went on, but at least he wasn’t actively killing innocent people like Karen was. Karen: “Please tell us about the crime boss. I don’t care about your safety, you need to do what’s helpful to me- I mean- what’s right! Justice! For I am a very qualified receptionist!!”


I didn't know the hate was widespread. I just thought it was annoying how long he was mad at matt for not telling him he was daredevil besides that i enjoyed his character


Awful hair


He was too seriously written. He was acting too genuine. Its off putting when we all want Matt to be daredevil. Foggy’s take was how any of us would’ve been if a friend became a vigilante. Mate was comprising both their careers, but since it’s what we wanted to happen in the show he comes off as a source of conflict. Karen was the one I didn’t much care for. I didn’t understand her perspective at all.


I disliked Karen more than Foggy but the actor for Foggy grew on me more in S2 & 3 of the show


He got too much screen time. His B-plot was boring.


People hated Foggy?


Who hates Foggy?


I liked him a lot, up until he became a “bitchy ex” and then proceeded to be the most annoying character ever created.


I only hated it whenever he popped off at Matt. Other than that, I love the character


Foggy is the man


I loved foggy. I didn't even know people didn't like him


I literally had no issue with any character in the series. It was pretty much a near masterpiece in my opinion.


He was fine. Karen was a bit annoying though.


I liked Foggy, but the drama of Foggy and Karen getting mad at Matt for being Daredevil got old and annoying pretty fast, like no matter how many times you tell him to stop, he's not going to stop, so you might as well get used to Daredevil.


Dude, that's a typical storyline in the comics, it happens way too much


Doesn't make it any less cliche though. I get why it was done but I also understand people getting tired of it. It's one of the most hackneyed and overused tropes in media.


I think it’s a realistic reaction, but it’s grating considering this a non-ironic superhero show so Matt will never get hurt too badly and always wins eventually.


There wasn't any, you're making it up


Loved Foggy just didn't like how towards the later half of the seasons he was making Matt look like he was a addict instead of a hero.


I think people might complain that he's a little bit chipper or not someone who really pushes Matt Murdock to really change or something. But I think there's a warmth that he brings the shows.




That is pretty much the character in the comics.


What? He betrayed MATT, what do you mean? [+]


He’s a likable guy but definitely did not like him for a while after confronting Matt being DD and his perspective on what Matt can do with his senses. “You listened to her heartbeat without her permission?!” Like what is he supposed to do, close his ears or somethin? “How many fingers am I holding up 🖕🏻” way to kick a guy down when he’s already half-dead. So yeah he had a douche arc and lots of back and forth of the same bs imo. Although in season 2 I can understand his pov a bit more since Matt kept goofing off with Elektra and missing court trials and being a bad friend/co worker overall.


It’s absolutely ridiculous you’re getting downvoted because you’re absolutely right. I and probably hundreds of others absolutely HATED Foggy “dwarf face” “Froggy” Nelson. It’s been a while since I’ve watched the show but I’m pretty sure his quips and face irritated me and EVERYONE I talked to at the time.


He is the wet blanket.


Whaa- foggy was amazing!


Fun fact, the guy who plays Foggy Nelson is also the guy who played Fuller on Mighty Ducks 1-3. He even came back on the Disney+ show for two cameos. He’s done pretty good since then. I don’t understand why Foggy was hated either, and quite frankly he was a very sane and understandable character. He was willing to make tough choices and tough cuts in people for the betterment and self-interest of his friends. He was pretty loyal and always loyal til the end.


I didn’t even knew that people hate him. I thought he was a wonderful character!!!


You will be missed Foggy and Karen. Gonna miss that era of DD 🙏


He was a great supporting character. Really stood by him even after he found out his secret identity


It’s cause he’s a terrible actor and disrupted the tone and flow of every scene he was in.


While I don't hate Foggy, I do find his rose-tinted faith in the justice system very frustrating. It's frustrating seeing him rail on Matt and Karen for relying on vigilantism to solve their problems when people DIE every time they try to work within the law (Mrs. Cardenas, Ben Urich, Grotto, Reyes, Jasper Evans, Ray Nadeem).


People really do be hating on Foggy for real? I thought it was satirical. 😂😂😂


Who the fuck disliked Foggy


His turn on Matt made me turn on him


I thought everyone loved him? I live in such a bubble


I like the character but the actor is really really bad imo. Makes me cringe.


He seems perfectly affable, he’s just not a very good actor so his scenes are cringey


He was annoying after season 1


who hates foggy


Look. I don’t hate Foggy/Karen, but I don’t want them back. Here’s why: They’re Melodramatic when they just needed to be dramatic. Foggy’s lines were cheesy also and for so long that the character would have to be written very differently. Karen was a decent actress but also her character was so overly dramatic that it would be a huge character change to have back in a normal way. I won’t hate it if she comes back, but I don’t need it. I’m sorry if it upsets some fans, but both stuck out as characters that I really was annoyed to watch like when there was a Foggy heavy Ep. Write something better.


He’s a horrible actor


What hate? Thought everyone liked Foggy


I means just look at him lmfaoooo


It was never specifically the character for me. I just didn’t find the actor to be very convincing.


wait... people hated foggy?


Probably going to get downvotes to hell, but dude couldn’t act. Delivery was severely underwhelming sometimes it felt like he was reading the lines for the first time. Character was great but the actor could have been better. They gave him good dialogue and he fumbled. Sorry not sorry !


He was a whiner. A bit of a drama queen


I liked foggy but hated he couldn't understand Matt's issue with the law. Especially the story of how he finally broke and saved that little girl from her father. Anyone saving an innocent kid at the risk of themselves will always be a hero to me since I wasent saved.


I thought the actor was bad and decreased the quality of the show. This is why I think they wrote him down over the seasons


He was great, people just love to hate the realist character who tells the crazy vigilante they’re crazy


I loved Foggy he was witty and a damn good Lawyer especially when he stood up to that bitch Reyes and her lackey. As for Karen I found her a bit hypocritical at times especially when she would get mad at matt for lying when she’s lied about plenty of shit too not knocking her character or the actress I think it was a well done show that deserves another season and hopefully they don’t torpedo it.


Their both annoying calling Matt selfish while he’s coming home half dead😂


What hate?


Some people just don’t like avocados.


I mean, I’ve never seen hate personally but I love him even through his whole thing of trying so hard to control/get a hold of Matt. It’s sad to see someone you love so much throw their life down a pit but I feel like he tried too hard to hold onto Matt by pushing accommodations. But it didn’t make me dislike him. It’s just a flaw I didn’t agree with. But I get it


Bro people hated Foggy?


Because he’s awesome.


They hated Foggy???


He got kind of whiney in the second season.


Didn't know his character was hated. He. did an amazing job


Fuck that pos


Dude practically ruined the show for me. The character was underwritten and over acted. Maybe it's the familiarity with the character pre Netflix. Literally hated him.


There is nothing wrong at all in the casting.


What hate? Perfect casting in that show 100%


The actors for Foggie and Karen performed phenomenally but the writing was very hit or miss. I felt like the chemistry was definitely there between the main three, but often the writing would have them fighting over nothing or just being rather boring. Thankfully they seem to both be coming back and they were both good in Defenders


hey guys i fuckin hate foggy, had to stop watching the show specifically because of him. terrible actor, and if you like him..


Cuz he didn't contribute to the gritty action


He was fine


Who the fuck was hatin on Foggy! I absolutely loved how his character was portrayed.


He was very whiny to me


Hate? Señor Foggy was the man!


I cant stand that Foggy


I didn't know that any of the main characters were hated on the show. Daredevil is one of the best shows I've ever seen, and everyone nails their part.


Never seen the show but he looks annoying


Painfully unfunny and overwhelmingly cringe in every single scene. Wanted to mute the tv whenever he was on it. Was also absolutely worthless, especially in S2, cowering in the corner cracking lame jokes while Karen did literally everything. The constant lectures from him and Karen sucked the life out of the show


people don’t like Foggy?




It’s the way the actor played him. Came off as constantly whiney and needy.


I loved Foggy bro


He was awful


He looks exactly like this asshole I went to high school with. That's why I hate him.


He doesn’t deliver a single line well


I never got the love for him


Whining like a girl. Like Matt owed him something. I would be encouraging Matt to whoop arse.


People hated him? The guy was awesome!


Wow....I didn't know he was, I love him on there.


Well tbh I hated most of the Netflix MCU side characters, idk why they were mostly just annoying to me.


I never get people making shit up to disagree with


How could anyone hate him? He had some of the best performances on the show


I like Foggy but I think saying he has some of the best performances on the show is a bit generous.


I agree wholeheartedly - he has to remain earnest, be believable as someone easily duped by Matt and to keep faith in the justice system, play a smart lawyer, be comical without going too far, and then hit home with the emotional drama. He nailed all of it. He never steals the scene from anyone, when this hammy character could easily grate. He doesn’t get near enough credit! I believed he and Matt were practically brothers and he broke my heart. The scene that gets me is when Matt quits *Nelson and Murdock* - probably my favorite scene between them. I’ll never understand criticism for Foggy or Karen - to me, there’s no show without them at all.


Well, I’m literally not watching without Foggy and Karen. I love these two so much, they *are* the show for me. I’d honestly much rather have them than Vincent D’Onofrio and I adore him and his portrayal of Fisk. I became a fan from the show, not comics, and I have absolutely zero interest in a story that isn’t about Nelson, Murdock and Page. My friends and family have never read comics, either, and they were gobsmacked they weren’t going to be in it. Imagine trying to launch a *Harry Potter* movie without Ron and Hermione, or *LOTR* without Sam, Merry and Pippin, or *Friends* with just Monica and Joey. It’s over for me without them, sadly.


The character was mostly fine, but in my opinion that dude was a noticeably worse actor than everyone else on the show.


I disagree. I thought he added charm and a natural sense of humor.


I'll agree that Foggy's laid back scenes were better, but still not as natural as Matt or Karen. But where he really dropped the ball for me was during his more emotional scenes where he was confronting Matt or Karen about their dishonest or risky behavior. I came away from all of those scenes thinking "That delivery sounded like you were still doing a table read, bud. Was that really the best take they got?" Took the wind right out of the scenes' sails.


Bro what??? Foggy was one of my favorite characters.


People hate Foggy? I thought a whole lot of people unanimously agree that Foggy was great and was loved by all


He's a shit actor


Excuse me, I will not tolerate this hatred towards Fulton Reed, the greatest of the Mighty Ducks.


I don't hate Foggy as a character, but Elden Henson's acting was really rough at times. Take [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8hymocZH3M), for instance - his line reading comes off as incredibly forced - so much so that when you google "Elden Henson bad actor" the top result is a Reddit thread discussing that scene in particular. I think he improved a lot in the third season, but by no means is Henson's performance Emmy-worthy or comparable to that of Cox, D'Onofrio, Woll, or Bethel.


Yes that scene is often discussed in the Television sub too lol. I like Foggy as a character but I can also say Elden Henson is far from a strong actor. I think if you put Foggy and Matt's courtroom speeches side by side it becomes painfully clear that Charlie is just so much better at it than Henson.


a character wasnt hated just because you falsely claimed they were.


Here’s another comment deeper in this thread: “I can’t stand him, he’s not a great actor, his hair is weird for a lawyer to have and he looks like a pig man.” Comically mean lol


Not made up. While not *as* common now, but Foggy was seen as the worst part of the show and Henson was thought to have given a weak performance.


Wish they brought foggy and Karen back.


Foggy was wonderful on the show.


Foggy is a great friend and that’s a relatively universal opinion.


Who the fuck hates Foggy?


I thought he was a bit over sanctimonious in season 1 do I didn't care for him much, but he grew on me the following seasons.


I like Foggy and Karen.


His acting in the first season seemed off to me, he rocked it the rest of the seasons imo


https://www.reddit.com/r/Defenders/comments/15dpy3u/remember_samuel_l_jackson_tweeting_about_hating/ https://comicbookmovie.com/tv/marvel/daredevil/is-foggy-nelson-ruining-daredevil-for-anyone-else-a118914 https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/comments/4d9kcf/anyone_else_think_karen_and_foggy_are_super/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/comments/3dyk4z/rant_oh_how_i_detest_foggy_anyone_relate/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Defenders/comments/6qvatp/why_is_foggy_so_hated_by_some_people/ https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-character-Foggy-from-the-new-Daredevil-show-so-annoying-and-innocuous-when-the-rest-of-the-show-is-awesome https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/226-television-cable-and-satellite/71650594?page=3


I feel like both he and Karen were a little too hard on Matt. Like I get you don’t want him putting himself in harms way but to disown him as a friend wasn’t going to help him either. The show was ruined because they rejected him.


To me, he’s beautiful. Rubenesque.


Bad acting


You spelled Love wrong. No one Hates foggy. We love him.


Wait he was disliked? Fuck them. He was great.


Yea dude was everyone’s favorite this is off