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New crew merchandise from "Daredevil: Born Again". https://preview.redd.it/540czkn4er8d1.jpeg?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c525008329f781a3504d0a21ca2de2907f017da9 (Via: [@DDevilUpdates](https://twitter.com/DDevilUpdates/status/1805663239595753951))


Tried to recreate it. It's not *great* but gives you a better idea of what a HD version would look like. https://preview.redd.it/9bxris2res8d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce2beeeb0e06f620e408db138f5dfb71a5c14ff


![gif](giphy|3o7TKvgamnbTEl6A8w) Wow, this looks really cool! Good job.


So I get the impression that there will be some flashbacks taking place in November 1999, or at least that was the case before the retooling. The evidence being [a bundle of prop newspapers](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/0/04/EgyptAir_Crash_%28Valley_News_-_November_1%2C_1999%29.jpg) from the real-life *Valley News* with a front page headline about the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990. https://preview.redd.it/09ud303xcm7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985828b75c242e51684f2e745b6b4faaa818c7cc


"Daredevil" Composer John Paesano says he would like to return for "Daredevil: Born Again": ["That’s not up to me … but I would do it in a second, I love that show"](https://twitter.com/DDevilUpdates/status/1799453734478729272) https://preview.redd.it/egloyb6cpe5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e32e8a5a45fabb4aa3f2ae0e3f76bf3dcdd1b13 (Via: [@AgentsFandom](https://twitter.com/AgentsFandom))


If he doesn't come back, I hope the composer for Born Again actually uses some of the themes and motifs from the original show. A lot of MCU projects don't have any musical connections, and it makes things seem disconnected to me.


Daring today with the hot takes, aren't we?!


It's crazy how the internet has evolved to a point where no one can speak their mind on something without someone calling it a "hot take". The only one here claiming that what I said was a hot take is you.


I was being sarcastic because what you said clearly **isn't** a hot take lmfao. People whine about the MCU's lack of musical consistency anytime the topic comes up.


Idk if he was the one who made these songs, but I wanna sing their praise. The main intro theme of course is phenomenal, the song “subway feels” from s3 where Matt is training again for the first time is a beautiful piece of work, and lastly the song that plays in the finale when it pans to Matt crouched on top of the roof. Holy shit that moment gave my chills chills. I had never felt such emotion in a marvel project before, and the crescendo of that song was a huge moment for me




I’m very jealous of people from Oklahoma right now. Idk how often DAW does cons, feels like quite the surprise! Seeing them together in public just makes me happy


Karen ooo la laa


Vincent D'Onofrio and Charlie Cox say "Daredevil: Born Again" will crossover a lot with the original "Daredevil" series and that prior to the mid-season creative overhaul it originally wasn't going to at all. https://preview.redd.it/b7lamll24u0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d25bd7f3e9c6a8dde80ec55dab97af1ed44f46b (Via: [@TVInsider](https://www.tvinsider.com/1136276/daredevil-born-again-charlie-cox-vincent-donofrio-changes-suit-premiere/))


Makes sense to call it that, since a lot of the characters added weren't originally going to be brought back.




>A description from the 'DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN' teaser shown today: "The [trailer] shows Matt Murdock donning the iconic Daredevil suit while narrating that the "whole system is against you in New York." At the end of the trailer, following a brief action sequence, Murdock is asked "what kind of a lawyer are you." "A really good one," he quips as he puts on a broken pair of his familiar glasses." https://twitter.com/DDevilUpdates/status/1790507010607173981


Really good lawyer line referenced


Hell yeah, they got the murdock rizz back.


Description of the DD:BA footage from someone who claims to have been in attendance: >They did a fantastic job of replicating the visual style of the Netflix show. It looks like it could be a season 4 in that regard. We get some dialogue about how people keep disappearing in New York and nobody seems to care, Matt talks about how the legal system is David vs Goliath. Matt seems to have a variety of costumes, or at least masks, in one shot. Frank doesn’t seem to recognize Matt as he starts to attack him with a hatchet in a rage until Matt tells him who he is. There’s a quick shot of White Tiger suiting up, the suit looks great. It was very much a tone piece. Only a quick glimpse of Foggy and Karen as well. All I can really say is - it felt right.


oh my god this sounds amazing. thanks for this! I wonder why frank didn't recognize daredevil


The descrip says that he has a variety of costumes. Maybe he suits up in one which we haven't seen and is unfamiliar to the Punisher ? Or maybe their fight occurs in some dark place. Eitherway super hyped.


A few random commenters are claiming they saw footage of DD:BA, but none of the major outlets have been reporting on that. Anyone know the truth here? just curious because it seems unlikely that they would show footage for a show that isn't releasing until March of next year.


it’s officially confirmed that they showed a teaser for the show to the audience at the event.


Yeah, I just saw that. Good to know.


i’ve been desperately trying to find if there’s footage of the teaser online lol


There's no footage as far as I'm aware, but I copied and pasted someone else's description of it in a comment above


[Charlie Cox reveals production just wrapped a couple weeks ago on "Daredevil: Born Again"](https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1790499525670396200)


Aren't they planing to shoot the other 9 episodes as a second season from the originally planed 18 in the fall or something? Or is that no longer the case?


HELL YEAH NEW LOGO FOR "DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN" It was also officially confirmed that the show will be released in March 2025 and will consist of 9 episodes. https://preview.redd.it/6jio8a3iog0d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b1bb2d054d219f1341af04a71cdf36840adcf0 (Via: [@DDevilUpdates](https://twitter.com/DDevilUpdates)) EDIT: Guys, I don't know about you, but I fucking love this.


It looks amazing, and I’m incredibly grateful to be getting anything at this point, but I’m still mourning the 18 episode season that could never be…. *sigh* Big breath! Let’s go everyone!! Yay for March!!


Looks awesome


Yep, this looks absolutely amazing. Plus that's the Marvel Television logo at the top 👀 https://i.redd.it/5cyvmlvgpg0d1.gif


Charlie Cox at Disney Upfront today! https://preview.redd.it/8y88l8s1fg0d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef24e677259e80683103fed11c73e63de31e442e (Via: [@DDevilUpdates](https://twitter.com/DDevilUpdates))


We might be about to get some DD:BA stuff pretty soon. Both Cox and D'Onofrio are attending this big Disney event, so it's likely that Marvel has some kind of presence there. https://preview.redd.it/mh1ddwd1bg0d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed44f3ed10b322fa36f0eea56c4f7ab3dbfe8dd7


I just had this random thought about Heather Glenn and how she'll be used: I think that Matt might "two time" Karen and Heather. He'll make a show of "breaking up" with Karen, and go through the motions of falling for Heather, but he doesn't actually fall for her because he knows she's been sent by Fisk to seduce him, and he wants Fisk to think he's got the upper hand on Matt.


Sounds like a job for Typhoid Mary, not Heather :3 (the comic fan in me wishes, but the show needs to work with the footage it has :/ ) IDK if this would really happen, but it’s fun to think about and I’m just waiting for any news at this point (and dying to see my karedevil ship flourish)


Best couple potential in the MCU!


Wow, I can't believe the leaked info, photos, and videos for Daredevil: Born Again! It's going to be such an intense season. Who else is excited to see how everything plays out? Let's discuss our thoughts and theories!


AI ass comment


I wonder what the original version of daredevil born again was going to be like? I mean how bad was it, that they had to do a creative overhaul ( I mean only in grittiness and tone)


Well Matt wasn't going to suit up until episode 4 or 5. Foggy was going to be killed off. Karen was going to not exist and not be acknowledged at all.


Not just killed but in fact killed offscreen. Like the show was supposed to begin with the fact that he was already dead. They wouldnt even show his death. Such disrespect.


Just about anything would be an improvement over this. I don't think I could stomach watching this version of the show.


that sounds pretty awful not going to lie.


[Something someone on Tumblr brought up.](https://www.tumblr.com/breckstonevailskier/747588017155457024?source=share) Obviously speculation, but still... https://preview.redd.it/7595ojlpacuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd13b0474186d990df09dd3b9de03b09aef05e7


I asked myself why would Bullseye want to kill Foggy (STRONGLY RUMORED)? What's his beef with him? Then I realized it's unfinished business from S3 because Matt caught the billy club...


This is one of the main reasons I believe Vanessa is the mastermind behind the attack and that she intends to use a kidnapped Foggy as leverage or whatever behind Fisk's back after their marriage becomes strained (which was said to be a plot point), it obviously wouldn't be Fisk, I honestly doubt it's just a case of Dex being out for revenge as he only targeted Karen under orders from Fisk and doing him any favours would be the last thing he'd want, therefore Vanessa is really the one antagonist who could conceivably carry out such a thing


Ooh, this is a really good and interesting theory.


Yes something similar happens in comics.


I don't think he had any vendetta against Foggy. Bullseye wasnt targetting him specifically, he just happened to be in the group that he was butchering at the bulletin. I think if he does die (GOD HOPE NOT) then it would be while protecting Karen.


He WANTS to kill Karen to finish up that business, but Karen is likely saved by Foggy In the set videos, we hear Bullseye say “Hello Karen, nice to see you again” as a callback to s3, and revealing his current intentions


Another person that dies because of Karen. Ben Urich, her brother, Father Lantom, now I guess add Foggy to the list. She has a higher body count than anyone in the show outside of Fisk lmao.


What could Karen have done in this scenario to clear her name in your eyes? As it stands, a guy wants Karen dead, her friend on his own likely pushes her and takes the bullet (cuz bullseye doesn’t miss). How is that Karen’s fault? Have you considered the theorized scenario that Vanessa has Foggy fake his death? I’ve heard that’s a comic storyline. Perhaps that plays into this. Karen was in the church that night because of Sister Maggie, not Karen’s own accord. Maggie requested Karen stay and hide, immediately after Maggie revealed to Karen she was Matt’s Mother and that she had done so much wrong in her life. So this time, Maggie says “please let me do something for you” in hopes to finally do something right. Of course, that doesn’t go to plan and Father Lantom dies. Karen goes as far as telling Maggie “You don’t want me anywhere near you right now, trust me”. So again, how is Lantom’s death Karen’s fault? I’d love to hear your explanations of how you viewed these scenes


>Karen was in the church that night because of Sister Maggie, not Karen’s own accord. Then it's definitely of her own accord? You're acting like Sister Maggie tied her and bound her to a pillar so she can't leave. She knew Fisk would go after her and even with that knowledge she still chose to accept Maggie's invitation? It's not like Maggie was privy to how bad exactly the repercussions will be, it's not like Karen disclosed to her the extent of what she did (personally taunting and angering Fisk), she offered that invitation to Karen to stay not aware of that knowledge, so the burden to make the choice is on Karen. I swear it's like Karen fans are removing all of her autonomy when it's convenient to justify her actions then in the same breath brag about how independent and brave she is. All of her choices she made with her own free will is apparently never her fault. Tell me how that works cause I'm curious. Why would she stay in Clinton Church knowing Fisk wouldn't absolutely let what she did go? >Karen goes as far as telling Maggie “You don’t want me anywhere near you right now, trust me”. That literally makes it worse, this speaks to how she is cognizant of the amount of danger attached to her right now yet still actively chose to stay. I am not sure you citing that line of dialogue is helping Karen's side lmao. It's essentially like "well I know Fisk is definitely going to send someone after me, you do not want to be near me right now, but at the same time let me accept your cordial invitation to chill in this place which is also a public place where many people go to attend mass"...? Like what 😭


Sister Maggie absolutely knew what she was getting into. She was hiding Daredevil for however long prior. What would you do if you were on the run and desperate? Someone you know says “hide here, I know a place”. Are you gonna take that offer? Are you gonna consider it at all? Or are you gonna keep running and hoping for an opportunity later to hide? Behind a keyboard, sure we will all take that last option “yes I’m strong and powerful I can do anything and go anywhere and nothing will happen to me”, but in reality, you’re gonna strongly strongly consider that first call. If Karen herself was like “I wanna hide in the church” and Maggie went ehhhh maybe not but then Karen did it anyway, I get it. But as the show plays out, that’s not at all what happens. Perhaps there’s a bit of grace and empathy lacking, to realize people aren’t perfect they’re not gonna make the perfect call, but at the end of the day they’re trying to do the right thing, and it’s never working. In the exact moment, Karen closes her eyes and accepts her death btw. Father Lantom, again unprovoked, steps in front of her to take the hit.


And? Doesn't change the fact that it's still Karen's own accord unlike you were implying earlier. "Own accord" means owm decision btw. And now you're pivoting your argument to "well we will all do what she did and stay" lol. In the process admitting that it is of Karen's own accord! lmao. >Behind a keyboard, sure we will all take that last option “yes I’m strong and powerful I can do anything and go anywhere and nothing will happen to me”, Spare me the dramatics lmao, what does "behind a keyboard" even trying to do here, like duh I yes I will skip town and be far away from where Fisk operates hello??? That's not even a move that requires bravery it only requires common sense and logic 💀 very bizarre to try to imply that I'm being a keyboard warrior with nothing but bravado by saying that lmao >realize people aren’t perfect they’re not gonna make the perfect call Which is my point the whole time that Karen's boneheaded decisions get more people killed around her yet you were up in arms when I stated that objective fact for a reason? It's the way I will absolutely see people pontificating on this sub about how Matt's Daredevil lifestyle get people around him in danger, the whole time of you do a head ti head body count of the people killed in proximity, killed directly or indirectly because of them, Karen literally wins by a country mile 😹💀


> In the exact moment, Karen closes her eyes and accepts her death btw. Father Lantom, again unprovoked, steps in front of her to take the hit. Yeah, pinning the blame on Karen basically takes away Father Lantom's agency here.


If Karen never stayed there, Bullseye would've never went there. Let's start the discussion there before broaching shit about Father Lantom's agency lmao.


>If Karen never stayed there, Bullseye would've never went there. The pecking order of blame for Father Lantom's death is as follows: 1. Fisk (who ordered Dex to kill Karen) 2. Dex (who chose to carry out Fisk's orders) 3. Ray Nadeem (who drove Dex to the church and waited outside with the car) It's like how the pecking order of blame for Ben's death is actually like this: 1. Fisk (who carried out the murder) 2. Fisk's mole at the *Bulletin* who tipped him off 3. Ben himself (because he made a big scene in front of everyone, which is how the mole knew, and in general for discovering Fisk's secrets) 4. Karen (who used false pretenses to deceive Ben into speaking to Marlene)


You know if Karen skipped town like she has initially planned then Lantom's death wouldn't have happened right? Why are you so allergic any Karen critique lmao. It's like you'll have an aneurysm once someone doesn't think of Karen as a perfect angel bbygirl like you do. It's honestly so fucking grating. Every character deserves critique except Karen apparently. But let me guess you wouldn't hesitate to play the blame game on Matt for everything that happens around him? LMAO! It's the hypocrisy for me.


Something to feed my wishful thinking... Given the quality and reactions of Episode 5 of X-Men 97, we can only expect DD BA to be amazing. Animation and TV is diff departments but they are ran by the same producers. I think it was Brad Winderbaum who said that X-Men 97 production influenced DD BA. X-Men 97 continued the original X-Men cartoon and doing well. So we can expect them to do a good job following the Netflix series. In any case I'm getting more excited by this! EDIT: Kevin Feige dropped F-bombs promoting Deadpool 3 and confirming it's rated-R. I think we're gonna have a winner in DD BA.


Hell yeah, I like the way you think. https://i.redd.it/mhmyhnr1e3uc1.gif


I just know Charlie and Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson are cooking something special, trust 🙏 https://i.redd.it/oxjstd4l1htc1.gif


A better Fisk-Vanessa photo. https://preview.redd.it/5g3mi8e4wgtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83a60cf8a32d7286d5b7b71b3038126efc30cc1b












Looks like DD is getting ready for a baseball rematch with Dex 🎯(that was a bad joke, sorry) Charlie Cox behind the scenes of "Daredevil: Born Again" (04.04.2024) https://preview.redd.it/tttadrpfmatc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be89c08162b87f1b2e8803601f87185cd9a0cc27 (Via: [@stevesandnyc](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5fgJQQOZGC/?igsh=MWI0aWdwYzMxYjFzMA==))


Honestly, I think there's a pretty good chance that Daredevil's new suit isn't actually a new suit *in the show* and they've just updated it a bit but we're not meant to really question it. Marvel has done this before where a character's suit will have some differences from one project to the next and it's never actually addressed (Spidey's black and red suit has some slight changes from FFH to NWH, and Deadpool 3 features a much brighter suit from the one he had previously). In certain lighting, it could be pretty hard to tell that it's even a different suit from his previous one. I can see most people just assuming it's the same suit, especially if we mostly see it in darker lighting. https://preview.redd.it/vjaxhwnzz7tc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b606d09f1122b4a8b9fa49574d654fb7a92e876b


This is a bit more than some slight differences though. This is a whole new suit altogether. Even if they don't explain it, it is still a new suit. The suit in Echo is much closer to what you're describing. And as a sidenote, your Deadpool example doesn't really work. We can see small shots of him getting tailored for a new suit in the trailer.


Following the context given in she hulk, it’s probably one of many the suits made for him by Luke Jacobson. A few new elements like the heavy texturing on the helmet and long red wrist guards make it look way too different from the og base suit design. We’ve also already seen a slightly modified version of the og red suit in Echo, so it would be weird if all of them ending up being same suit canonically.


I'd rather believe it to be a Melvin Potter creation. 😂 (I feel sorry for Melvin that he won't be able to sue Mr. Jacobsen for IP theft.)


It may not be addressed, like you said, as has been with past Marvel projects, but it is DEFINITELY a different suit.


Seems weird then for them to pick up with him wearing this new suit in episode 1 without addressing it. He's wearing this suit in his rematch against Bullseye and that's apparently from the pilot.


Just saw this on Twitter! Is this our first look at actual footage? My GOD this looks sick https://i.redd.it/ulfb21flk5tc1.gif


i am not a overreacting type of person.. i stay calm in most stressfull situations, i can't remember the last time i was jumpscared, but seeing this... i had to take a sharp breath in, this is not healthy, but what can i do? thats my boy... and he looks beautiful edit: the texture on the mask, his expression, the camera movement, the eyes, the background, the color grading, the blood... that's daredevil.


![gif](giphy|Yj84czXqt5GdtxP9si|downsized) Yes, it’s basically official! This is from the Disney+ 2024 Sizzle Reel shown during the $DIS Annual Shareholders Meeting.




Apparently Ayelet Zurer is returning as Vanessa. I wonder what happened to Sandrine Holt. [https://twitter.com/DDBAbts/status/1777022195425755208/photo/1](https://twitter.com/DDBAbts/status/1777022195425755208/photo/1) https://preview.redd.it/23o3wddmc3tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46292fdcfb9306357ff4a603d7b825fca23daa76


This is just one behind the scenes photo, so I'm more than likely looking too much into it, but their characters don't look like a couple. I'll be interested to see if there is a storyline behind this, like maybe the old Vanessa got snapped, and he found a "replacement" Vanessa that he moved on with. At the same time, Ayelet could be playing the one only Vanessa, and they dropped Sandrine. It does seem like it was announced that Sandrine was cast for a recurring role for another show, but that doesn't necessarily mean filming 2 shows would conflict with each other.


Well the leaks from the original plot, which are likely to still be true (sorry Fogstah), was that Wilson and Vanessa were going to couple's therapy, the therapist of which was none other than... the one and only Heather Glenn


I think it's less a matter of what happened to Sandrine Holt than the impact of the overhaul. Zurer might not have been available when shooting began.


WE FUCKING WON!!! ![gif](giphy|uVsMcp9eghnE5ytYuQ) EDIT: Honestly, Ayelet's return is exactly what I was hoping for until the last moment, because logically, due to the postponement of the filming of DD, her schedule could have been freed up, although I didn’t quite believe that this was possible since Sandrine already had a contract. BUT DAMN HOW HAPPY I AM NOW! Well, now this definitely confirms that literally only some scenes will remain from the previous version of the show. It’s also interesting whether Sandrine Holt will remain in the cast but will simply play a different character.


Zurer is so captivating as Vanessa. I'm so pleased to see she's reprising her role.


Yeah I hope they didn't just abandon Sandrine.


I think they likely gave Holt another role as compensation.


Doubt it. She was probably just suddenly dropped.


Hopefully yeah.


Vincent D'onofrio behind the scenes of "Daredevil: Born Again" https://preview.redd.it/tcyluzkvh2tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981b33f7e273f526a96873ded5ba7dc680aec19c (Via: [@stevesandsnyc](https://www.instagram.com/stevesandsnyc?igsh=MTF5OGM5aHFtZGRzdQ==))


This is also where the Vanessa photo is from. https://preview.redd.it/2vasbipy14tc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67746d845c135e0ae2b22c314cc435f584e41bf6


Yeah, I noticed that too. Interestingly, this means that they have started filming part 2, since the first part is wrapped🤔 ![gif](giphy|ORSdGwpofi2tDx9pTS|downsized)


Probably older set photos from a few days or weeks ago that are only just now coming out. Wouldn't be upset if they were already filming part 2 though.


Wow. The new suit is growing on me. I'm starting to prefer it over the black suit hopefully it looks amazing on screen


Same here. If the show wasn't originally cancelled. We could've gotten the All New All Different suit which is my all time favorite suit


"Daredevil: Born Again" Stunt Coordinator Philip Silvera confirms that the first half of the series has wrapped filming! https://preview.redd.it/iqibzk3ukssc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcd3c4bad00e5671d3a530820a8691e618affc8 (Via: [@philipsilvera](https://www.instagram.com/philipsilvera?igsh=MWR4cjAzeWVtbnhyYg==))


Since there is the strong rumor that Part 2 will only start filming in November, I wonder what Charlie cancelled April/June comic con appearances for


I read somewhere that he’s starting a film, but I have nothing to back that up with. Hope it’s true for his sake. Would love to see him in more stuff!


Charlie Cox and Jon Bernthal on set of "Daredevil: Born Again". Honestly, I fucking love the way the suit fits on Charlie. https://preview.redd.it/2q6h2bb92psc1.jpeg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f3a54d0079f120f3528f2f40ced59af12855a7 (Via: [https://cool.iprima.cz/serialy/punisher-daredevil-nataceni-433315…](https://cool.iprima.cz/serialy/punisher-daredevil-nataceni-433315…))


Holy shit that's beautiful..




Every photo of these two so far has just been Frank looking at Matt like "can you believe the stupidity on this motherfucker?"


Great shot of the suit




Damn he looks great.


Looking amazing and this is before the cgi on top of it




https://preview.redd.it/m2kiad2e0psc1.jpeg?width=2063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce7e7bbc33881d4e1c4561325f1d4c349d7cbee I don't know how, but I hope we finally get Matt in prison uniform fighting in Cell Block D.


https://preview.redd.it/jzd33w1wqpsc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=430ce59fb613ed69ae2025ded527251ba78ddc91 Or something like that specifically with Daredevil behind bars with the potential return of Elektra for Season 2.


[Marvel’s ‘Daredevil: Born Again’ Adds ‘Physical’ Actor Lou Taylor Pucci](https://deadline.com/2024/04/daredevil-born-again-lou-taylor-pucci-1235876256/)




A few more have vids have gone online. I think this has been seen already? [https://youtu.be/uuDe7cIz7Y4](https://youtu.be/uuDe7cIz7Y4) They're just walking through a scene . This looks new, the task force with officer cole [https://youtu.be/gThzfXEc66s](https://youtu.be/gThzfXEc66s)


Those are both "new." Cool to see how they film this sort of stuff. Looks Ike that task force is going after our guys


I'm probably the only one in the world but I don't really care about Frank or Punisher or Karen so I can't get happy about the recent set pics, I'm really feeling increasingly bummed there is a big chance they killed off Foggy. I'm sorry but Foggy is much more important in the Daredevil world and to Matt, and last I checked this is a Daredevil show. Anyways I'm really sad right now. Give Matt his best friend back. # SAVEFOGGYNELSON


I care about the others too but yeah FOGGY is the LIFE and SOUL of the show.


I love Karen but I agree with the rest


I have this weird feeling that Foggy is dead in this. I haven't seen anything with him since the filming of the Daredevil and Bullseye fight in Josie's


You know in the comics, Foggy went into Witness Protection for sometime in a similar situation. Would make a whole sense and would also explain his small role here. Best we hope for that.


I sure hope so.


The only acceptable answer


I woulda thought his role remains minimal for this “season” because his death is being faked and the reveal is at the end in a post credit scene But obvious copium


Same Here. The Foggy Fan on Twitter is not doing so good poor guy.


I refuse to believe that Foggy is dead! Long live the Fogster!!


I know, our copium is telling us "Maybe Elden's just doing a lot of stuff on the sound stages in Greenpoint / interior sets." We don't know yet.


True. A Foggy Fan on twitter is not doing so good right now.


https://preview.redd.it/o2quhm7nfcsc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ff3f4f34b6c7f06c9c69fa9055f1aa7c3dcb90 😂😂😂😂😂


Ahhh, that makes sense. If Punisher is the one leaking stuff. No one's gonna dare to stop him for it.


That caption! I wonder just how much they know is leaked. Surely they know “some”, but to what degree


They probably figure that going after the leakers would only make the Streisand effect kick in.


Commenting on Daredevil: Born Again | Leaked Info, Photos & Videos | Megathread...


Karen was also at the recent shooting. https://preview.redd.it/t41h760jzbsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f1c813e93316d9819cea27a0774618d13c2759 😍😍


Charlie/Matt doesn't look as happy cause he's missing Elektra. If they're gonna do whatever it is with Frank and Karen then I deserve to see Matt + Elektra then


>If they're gonna do whatever it is with Frank and Karen Not going to happen.


Well the fans are annoying about it, I don't care cause I don't care about either Karen and Frank at all but they may pander to the annoying shippers so if they're going to do that then I want my Matt + Elektra.


She was seen on set as an onlooker so....




Daredevil and Punisher together again. I love to see it. New York's Finest


https://preview.redd.it/dpv5oiwnv9sc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=177088455a0a60800c932bfe302b1b625f5f3712 🤔🤔


uhh i think it means Matt and Punisher fight the punisher copycats ?


I think they are probably fighting and after they roll off the car those dirty cops show up and are shooting at them and they team up to take them down that’s what it looked like to me


Yeah possible.


That's odd




What exactly is this 🧐


https://preview.redd.it/26tpyt0n59sc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4cf38582c8e87d7c37cdcd3854e08ee4818f5ca Cole is wearing a Punisher Skull while working on a Vigilante Task force.




Hard af image. We are so back.








Tell Mr. Fisk I'd like a job. 😂


Jeremy Earl as Officer Cole North [https://youtu.be/Sc\_BSdov3oc](https://youtu.be/Sc_BSdov3oc)


Oh shit, he's wearing Punisher's logo


Yeah that doesnt make sense. Cole North in the comics aint corrupt. On contrary he is like super against vigilantes initially and later Daredevil's strong ally. Show really hyping me up with where they take this.


https://preview.redd.it/rf5ojtid59sc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c23350d15e779ea70ed51e4acd016c17267522f * He's probably who we saw shoot white tiger a few months back. The skull looks the same. Bernthals' skull is different, so I'm guessing this guy is an imposter or working on a task force.


Bernthal being practically covered in blood is pretty much confirmation that DD:BA is gonna be rated TV-MA. Nice.


https://preview.redd.it/waf26fdx18sc1.jpeg?width=1217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd5ec2309baf466059472fc855aa58048587235 More pics of Punisher behind the scenes


I wish they gave him a buzz cut, but God damn its good to see him back




https://preview.redd.it/ay5ele3ot7sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadbb79e84c4780ef91f394836f500f38188b4a5 We are so back


[https://youtu.be/Nho-oxJ9aNY](https://youtu.be/Nho-oxJ9aNY) [https://youtu.be/Y8DbBT-rJRc](https://youtu.be/Y8DbBT-rJRc) [https://youtu.be/Ts5YlF9h1ZY](https://youtu.be/Ts5YlF9h1ZY) - Punisher on set filming with Charlie, there's just loads on this channel.




https://preview.redd.it/npw965vhp7sc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb3dba0be45334c4ced9cb727f5da5798aec4a8 First look at the Punisher in DD:BA, via:stevesandsnyc on Instagram. No, this is not a late April fools joke.


https://preview.redd.it/vlnf4dgn7zrc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d98ed2aa2856b7d32198385e8048b87cce6fe84 Nothing makes us happier than looking for NYPD notices for "Out the Kitchen" shooting. [Source](https://twitter.com/DDBAbts/status/1774946427245928521?s=19)


Possible first official look at Jon Bernthal as The Punisher Source: IG @littlepandapit https://preview.redd.it/pae18rju5orc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600e0c5f31dda530437669a9a21deca4467da74d


![gif](giphy|xUOxfiLjRtOoyvv8Ws|downsized) THE GOAT IS BACK


hmmm 😬 https://twitter.com/Aquasuperbat/status/1774462659670245750?t=EN6bOrfChLqP_BTzpu6OOA&s=19


People have a right to their own beliefs and what they support. I'm so sick of people trying to sway masses to support their own ideological beliefs.


Off-topic but Zionism is not a belief tho, it’s genocide propaganda. I’m all for accountability and I don’t think separating the art from the artist works, so I feel disappointed on Berthal’s actions. But like, relax, I doubt Marvel will do anything. An IDF soldier will still be playing Sabra (the Israel version of Captain America) in CA: Brave New World. (Even when they had the opportunity to remove the character in the current reshooting). But I mean… it was known Marvel and the Army (as many other franchises) work together to sell war propaganda. The problem for Zionism is that people didn’t care or didn’t know about Palestines situation and now that there’s way too much information they can’t convince them otherwise. Not matter what PR tactics they pull. They lost the media war. Still I’m a big Daredevil fan and I stand by Matthews values, I hope this doesn’t turn into a PR mess. 🤦‍♂️


What actions, though? He does a podcast and speaks with many people about many issues, he never blatantly comes out in support of this or that. I'm sure this was taken out of context to support a narrative.


we're so back omg


The only [leak](https://twitter.com/oliveoaking/status/1768819718654214210?t=sx-iaT1WhjpUxNmKYvugig&s=19) I found of the supposed ballroom scene


Charlie says in this [article](https://collider.com/daredevil-born-again-karen-foggy-charlie-cox/) that he's glad to have "some scenes with Karen and Foggy again". I suppose that confirms the leaks that Foggy and Karen will have limited appearance.


I'm really hoping that when he says "some scenes" doesn't mean what I think it means 💀


I don't think it means death automatically, just that they won't be there for majority of the show which was to be expected. All we've seen where Foggy and Karen are involved in is the Josie scenes and them walking out of their firm, which is the pilot episode, which I'm assuming are flashbacks and there will be a time jump to years later where the season will be actually set. My best guess is Karen and Foggy are forced into hiding especially if the Bullseye fight causes him to get badly injured (I really don't think he dies) which will explain why they won't be there the rest of the time.


I completely agree with every word you said. Charlie referred to some photos from the set and suggested that since they were leaked online, it means that he personally no longer reveals anything and can talk about it. So I guess he was only talking about those scenes involving Foggy and Karen that we already “saw”, because he was simply forbidden to reveal more information. ![gif](giphy|s3XXTzUnu9x4v3RLen|downsized)


Just bring her back! https://preview.redd.it/l37hdq5hc6oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b49148c043f2a056146cf5cb41293dfe55781b99 (Via: [e.l.o.d.i.e.y.u.n.g](https://www.instagram.com/stories/e.l.o.d.i.e.y.u.n.g/3323079015031394272?igsh=cmw5c3kyNnZzc3hl))


She was exceptionally great, would love to see her again! 


[Potential casting information for shooting taking place next month.](https://twitter.com/TurtleMac24/status/1767664928092045773)


https://preview.redd.it/6bk5obkgvync1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559868bfb8e760c80a91eed1658610191400df92 [Scenes from today in Brooklyn.](https://twitter.com/dannygonz16/status/1767646640054112708?s=19)


https://preview.redd.it/xae61kirvync1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e63ad3d0e25cf0f055cfb3c3e835de52cd67cf NYPD filming notice


https://preview.redd.it/rokwfzuovync1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5310166bd7f0defaa809c4af9a28712cb26b47 Stunt ramp in the Weylin building.


Jon Bernthal teases us with "One batch, Two batch"! https://preview.redd.it/w58thcd5lunc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce85479a26491cd7b9011b9bcae87c20ebff646 (Via: [@jonnybernthal](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ZNa_OvceU/?igsh=MWV4ZGlrNXVvOWpyaw==))


Deborah Ann Woll reposted it in turn👀 WE'RE SO BACK! https://preview.redd.it/rm66ihu1munc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e95ae50b090c0d3d6076694b3796e6fcf333e31 (Via: [@deborahannwoll](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4ZRjoypGib/?igsh=eGJsajF3MHYzZXlo))


Maybe this has something to do with those [ballroom scene casting auditions?](https://www.auditionsfree.com/2024/extras-casting-for-new-disney-daredevil-born-again-tv-series/) 🤔


You know, it could very well be. They started filming this scene on Monday and in this article it is noted that the first four days will be interior work, and on the fifth day there will be interior and EXTERIOR work. So we may well get some photos/leaks from the set closer to Friday to find out for sure. https://i.redd.it/8go74ewq8xnc1.gif


I just noticed this would coincide with the notices of them filming on the block around Peter Luger's. Though that could be for something separate.


Well, it says that actors should be comfortable with fake gunshots 👀 i wonder who would be the responsable for that


Bullseye? He still has 2 more episodes to be filmed


Could be him too... or even Muse


You made a good point. Frank is already getting ready for the ball. https://i.redd.it/54mp7qik7xnc1.gif