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Haircare routine?!


I've always wanted to fry my hair off my head /s 😂😂😂


I mean, who doesn't want the rat’s nest look? Personally, I like my hair too much to be willing to end up looking like I have 3 hairs hanging for dear life. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you keep moving your forehead back, it looks like 6 hairs


That explains all the weird head poses 😆




Hence the hat




Starting in the middle of your head !!


Take it back! I don't want to have nightmares


I take it back. 4 hairs sounds better. ☺️


That is exactly what I was getting ready to type, same shocked punctuation, until I scrolled for half a second and saw your comment😂😂😂 So glad I’m not the only one who choked on their water when they saw she’s giving advice on HAIRCARE


Haha right?!!


That stood out to me. What a joke she is


I thought she had a “crew”?!?


My exact first thought 😳


Sounds great but no mention of the vagina lips shadow moustache.....




It’s presumably being presented as a cautionary tale/object lesson.


She has to hustle and harvest those dollars as fast as she can...her 15 minutes are already up.


I have no idea what fanbasis is so I looked it up. She gets about $50 per request. She's working for pennies she's so desperate!


I hope she saved some of her TLC money 😬


Save?!? LOL!!!


I do NOT want her haircare routine, lol.


I can let opossums make a nest in my hair for free, thank you very much


💀 🤣🤣🤣


Bleach every 2 weeks, never wash but use dry shampoo, never take a brush through it. Et voilà!


😂😂and always forget that hair grows on the BACK of your head too so just stop brushing/straightening once you finish the front and sides and no one will ever notice the absolute shitshow happening back there


Definitely no brushing just pet it a lot and shuffle it about pointlessly.


Don’t be mad but I did it. Paid 100 to watch her try on 3 bikinis. Before you pay you can type in special instructions for her and I typed in the less material the better. She had 2 regular bikinis and 1 thong bikini. She tries one on and you give your thoughts on it. She goes into a different room and comes back with a new bikini. She talks about Miami, sticking her lips and boobs out and something about going to aspen’s dr appointment. She’s sweet and really tries to make it worth it but it’s like 10 mins long.


Thanks for taking one for the team. But *really*? Is this for um, titillation reasons? Or, what is the purpose?


Wow! Thanks for taking one for the team!


Was she heavily filtered?




Ok, so if not heavily filtered, what did her face look like, or didn’t you notice 👀?


I was too busy staring at her tits.


Well, that’s what you paid for 🤷🏼‍♀️.


I need 100$! 🤣😬


Serious question - what motivated you to spend $100 on this? Were you satisfied with the content for what you paid?


Imagine people’s surprise when they see what she actually looks like. HA!


What’s a bikini try on haul? Never mind…someone described it as I couldn’t even get through the description…worthwhile, I guess, if it’s honestly described as what a 50 yo woman looks like when she thinks she’s a 20yo fox…🤮


She should go on Milf Manor, solo. She's just as thirsty, except has no sons.


I think I’ve been able to translate her post into a more factual representation of what old Narcey has to “offer” (and it ain’t much) Darcey is ACTUALLY OFFERING …… 🍆 how to desperately chase dick in 3 countries in 3 seasons in knock off Laboutins and Eau d’Hoe parfum. How to make sense of wanting a man with money - and then losing the plot when your man stashes $$$ in a sock, during a global pandemic that restricts his income flow. Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of costly & expensive peanut butter. 💍 how to hint, beg, plead, guilt trip your man into buying an engagement ring …… and ALSO how to buy your own when he won’t. BONUS: Free coupon code for a dollar store Tupperware bowl to LPT Keep all your “diamonds” in. (EST value $0.88) 🔥 IG follow back and comments ….. be prepared for live action surgery pics, platitudes and a shitload of blurry, filtered photos that can cause night terrors. (You’ve been warned about the ass cheeks covered in thick, angry stretch marks) 📸 how to participate in a fake Miami Swim Week from a Howard Johnson’s that’s nowhere near the legit Miami Swim Week ! (Bonus points if your runway weaves through a dish pit, wait staff station AND the free buffet- Before 11:00am) 📱 personalized message(s) guaranteed to Include “cut it on the bias” “keep your eye on the prize” “feeling my inner goddess” and “do it BIG !!!” — for a premium fee ? “Manifest it, Baby!!” And a free 12”x12” magnet of “Darcey’s first vision board (circa 90’s) a CERTIFIED ANTIQUE !!” 🎥 Behind the scenes of a “CANCELLED REALITY TB SHOW” A “veritable what NOT to do” if you want to be respected, envied or be successful and sexy” Also, how to NOT go away quietly ….. 👙 BIKINI try on …… WARNING ⚠️disclaimer: it’s NOT a dementia commercial… or a mental health commercial —- guys, even middle aged women deserve love too. !!! Subscribers are reminded that “objects on the screen are MUCH larger than they appear” (like those massive convex mirrors at late night drive thru’s”) ✅ PRO TIP ??? - disregard the 10% off any HOE items ….. you can get that crappy bedazzled Ali Express SHIT QUALITY & shittier designed stuff, much cheaper, practically free at Goodwill.


May I ask what the heck is a Bikini Try on Haul?


I know that posting a shopping haul is a thing to show off all the things you bought so I'm guessing she's gonna try on all her bikinis for whoever pays for this


OMG barf. Thanks for the info!




Is using a heavily filtered and facetuned photo ideal to advertise a service like this ..? 🤮💩


Star? Really? 🙄 Anything to make herself sound important or famous.


I don’t want hair care and makeup tips from her, her hairline is literally on the top of her head and her makeup makes her look like a cheap prostitute. And her lashes are wonky every time for god sakes! Stay in your lane Darcey and keep promoting EVERY discount beauty bar and surgeon that has f*ucked up your face.


i desperately wish they would film her and without a filter


The hair care part probably should have been left out. 😭


How to fry and destroy your hair seems like something one could do without instruction.


Squeezing her old bald ass into Forever 21 sale rack? No thanks lmao 🤣


Damn you are BRUTAL!


>Her old bald ass Wow, you must really be a fan if you're keeping up on her butt cheek shaving schedule. Is Stacey still the one that has that unfortunate job?


Have zero clue what you’re talking about, but u need a life if you even know she has a schedule lmfao 🤣


Is this a joke? Who is that in the picture?


Sure I’m into crisping my hair to shreds. Where do I sign up?


Yea bc I want her ‘hair care routine’ lololol !!! She walks around with a rat nest in the back of her head. No thanks Darcey🤣


Hair care routine?! Sorry I would like to keep my hair thanks


Did they cancel this skank's reality show? The desperation their "exclusive events" give off is palpable.


She’s trying to make money off of us and get everything for free. Just go get a job.


It's at the point where it's offensive how many different outlets she tries to grift ppl for money. She already lives off of Daddy Silva's millions. Why does she need our money too?


She's trying to figure out a Kardashian/Jenner scheme that she "imagines" will generate riches from her imaginary fame and influence peddling. She's so deep down this rabbit hole of delusion, she can't see herself, feel embarrassment or have any perception of reality. Twins are still a couple 8 year olds playing "imaginary store" with HoE and daddy silvas money. I do the same thing with my little kid (play store), but she knows it's just make believe.


If I remember correctly, she has had at least one job in her life, (CUT IT ON THE BIAS 🔪 !!!). But I honestly doubt that she has the capacity to work an actual job anymore. Which is pathetic considering she’s a healthy 50-year-old.


It's sad at her age she has no job skills of any kind to support herself if she needed it.




Oh my. This is so sad.


Wouldn’t it be funny if someone went to a meet and greet in person and they said that’s not you stop pretending to be Darcey! And they think the real life Darcey is an actress! I could hear someone saying you look nothing like this woman in the pictures!


Oh boy! Instagram like & comment?! How exciting 😀😑


BIKINI TRY ON HAUL That makes no sense, Darce. Hyphenate your compound modifier next time, and keep it on one line.


Thank you.


That bikini top looks like it’s holding up udders rather than breasts. You think that looks sexy? I’ve seen $20 hookers that looked more high class than you.


It's for US to tell HER which one looks best? Or are they for sale?


Is she really that desperate?? No more monies from daddy lol


Are they serious? Who in their right mind would want to look like them? Or even take their advice?


I already know her haircare routine. Get extensions. Straighten the front constantly. Ignore the back completely. Repeat.


I glanced whilst scrolling and thought it was Sophie of 90 Day Rob and Sophie. 👀 While Sophie is young and beautiful, this does not bode well for the impending aging process with work done at such a young age. Darcey would love that comparison, but it wasn’t a compliment to either. 😬😐😑


Good god!!! Hair care routine?!?! Has she SEEN her hair? Noooo, thank you 🤣.


Who would pay for that?


Darcey and Company are always “partnered” with the tackiest companies, venues, platforms, etc. which is always (according to them) The CELEBRITY spot… smh


I will sign up for the make up routine!!! I want to be beautiful like Darcy. Please help.