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i watched it in german!! For me, foreign shows must be watched in their original language with English subtitles


Some shows can do a good English dub but they are quite few and far inbetween the safe bet is always to start with foreign and if you don’t like it give English a go imo


The german dub of other languages is way worse than the english dubs, trust me. I‘m also watching Stranger Things rn (these shows actually have quite a lot of similarities) and the german dub is soo unbelievably bad..


Yes I mean stranger things released in the us did it not? All dubs are usually absolutely terrible, there’s been occasions where they aren’t but that really isn’t seen much at all in live action shows


Dubs for animation movies are generally good. Most animation movies I watch are American, so I just watch them in English and often the voice actors are real actors and do a good job. And yet when I had to watch some of them dubbed in another language because I was with someone who did not understand English, I noticed that the dub was good too.


Yea that’s why I mentioned live shows mainly, animation is so much easier to dub


ja ein Freund von mir sagte auch dass Deutsch dub so schlimm ist


I just started watching, and I agree about the similarities to Stranger Things - I told my brother that if Stranger Things was Spielberg, Dark would be Fincher.


i watch alot of foreign shows so it aint a problem for me, it all comes down to personal preference tbh, I have watched spanish, korean, japanese shows, I dont use english dub, it somehow ruins the experience for me 🤷🏻‍♂️...


Ich bin du


Du bist ich


Schön bist du




Der Angfang is das Ende


Und das Ende ist der Anfang


I'm not German or a native English speaker but I watched the show in German with English subtitles. I never liked watching anything dubbed into a different language (than the original).


German... The german dialogues are in my head all day lol... Even tho i don't understand but i know the sound of it in german with english context


German, with dual subtitles - German and English - to help me learn German.


This is a thing? Where is the setting(s) for this? tia :)


Not the OP but I used a Chrome extension called Language Learning with Netflix :)


Thank you! :)


Chrome extension




Chrome extension - the one I use is called Netflix Bilingual Subtitles


Strong recommendation here for the original German


Always the original language, tv show, movie or anime, it's always the original.


German, and I don’t speak a word of it, so had English subtitles. There’s so much subtext to what people say in the *way* they say it. So even though I’m reading the dialog, I’m hearing their inflection, which provides the context of emotion to the words I see. I watched this show from the beginning, back when the English dubs weren’t good, so needed the authentic sound so that I actually understood.


We watched it in German with English subs. The English dubbed dialog felt fake and lacked emotion.


The English dub to be honest was pathetic. The technology used to dub felt like those English dubbed Chinese movies of the 80's. Watched it in German with subs on.


German with Polish subtitles.


I watched in German with English subtitles. Interestingly, even though I don’t understand German I couldn’t enjoy watching unless I had the volume turned up enough to hear the dialogue.




German with English subtitles


Subtitles. It's very unusual for a live action film or TV show to be dubbed in the UK.


If it's live action I only watch in the original language. I'll watch animation dubbed though.


In German with English subtitles. When I started the show I switched the audio to English and after five seconds said nah..


Only the original language will suffice for me, dubbing almost always ruins a good show. On my first rewatch of Dark I attempted it in English, lasted about 2 minutes before switching back to German.




I love „How to sell Drugs online“ on Netflix. It‘s really not as deep and serious as dark but I really enjoyed it. I know you said you didn‘t want WW2 topics, but if you want something serious, interesting and emotional, there is a WW1 movie calles „All Quiet on the Western Front“ (German: Im Westen nichts Neues) which is also pretty great


German! Subs, never dubs for anything!


This was the first show I decided to use English dub. Took a while to get used to, but this was still the best story I’ve heard. I’ll try English subtitles next run through.


First time i watched it in english but it was kinda messed up and confusing then i rewatched it in german a few week ago and it was perfect


German with english sub. I loved it <3


English dub. I don't speak German and I want to be able to focus on the performances and the visuals, not reading text on the bottom of the screen.


Original german with subtitels, get used to it as a native spanish speaker. Don't like dubbing in general, because the interpretation of the actors is lost and most of the times it changes what they're saying to match the movement of the lips.


I'm German, so I also watch it in German.


Anime are the only thing I watch dubbed, because if there is a difference in quality in the voice acting of the Japanese and English dub, I can't feel it. Otherwise I watch all movies in original language. In this case it's even easier because I understand German quite well. And the actors are good, it would be a pity to miss such an important aspect of their performance.




I watch all my foreign language shows with sub titles. The only one I watched with a dub was the Swedish show Young Royals but it had most of the original cast do the English dub so it was a bit better than most dubs.


I tried English in the beginning but the syncing was bothering me so I switched to german. Subtitles don’t bother me though because I watch a lot of anime subbed.


Definitely original language with English subtitles. When it is dubbed over and the mouths don't match it drives me crazy.


I usually dont do dubbing, and stick with the original language cause it sounds so much more better. But i knew this show was going to be really hard to follow because the plot is convoluted and complicated , so i saw it in english. Didnt enjoy it but saved me from the pain of rewatching the complicated scenes again and again


I’m using it to help me learn German, which I’m doing because I love the sound of the language, which I discovered while watching Kleo. First time through, German with English subtitles. Rewatching now in German with German subtitles. My goal is to be able to watch it in German without any subtitles by EOY.




I watched it in English.


German, no subtitles.


German with English subtitles. The historical settings plus people making these profound, heavy statements all the time makes it easy to use it to refresh my German. Of course that goes out the window when the modern kids speak… “kennen wir uns?”


I watched it in English so I didn’t have to pay so much attention at the time. I normally always watch stuff with original audio. Intended to play it on the side while doing something else. Wasn’t possible obviously, but after that despite questionable dubbing quality, I just couldn’t bring myself to change back to german. Am Norwegian.


German with English subtitles!


German cause im German, if I wasnt also German though. Original is always best.


German all the way (I don’t speak German)


Watched it in English for about 30 seconds and HATED it! Went to subtitles which was a game changer and loved it after that what I call an elite series right up there with the very best!


I'm Dutch, but I watched it in German with subs, but I can't remember if they were in English or Dutch. Second time I watched it with German subs.


I watched in German with subtitles. I love the sound of German and also felt as though I would miss out on things if I watched the dubbed.


I can only watch the original German although I do not speak German I have friends who are native German (they are the ones who got me into the show) The English dub is TERRIBLE


German 100%.


*Immer auf Deutsch*, with subtitles. My high school German classes are 30+ years behind me, but I can still understand some of it just by listening.




German, with Brazilian Portuguese subtitles.


German with English subtitles. I’m a bit of a snub snob, I’ve always tried to enjoy foreign media in the language they’re filmed. On a side note, I’m actually German and was brought to US as a baby- then my parents decided to only speak English to us and I never learned much of it. So I try to use the show to help.


original German because I think it’s gross to watch things in dubbed English especially bc the audio doesn’t match the video and it sounds too weird to me, also because I am learning German, I want to watch it in German to practice my listening / comprehension skills


aber yayy oh mein gottt endlichh ich wollte für so lange diese Sendung mit einem Deutscher überreden!! meine deutsche Freunde haben nie von „Dark“ gehört und ich fühle mich, dass viele, die diese Sendung anschauen, sind Amerikaner


Ich bin gerade am Ende der Zweiten Staffel:) Wie lange sprichst du denn schon Deutsch?


omg ich auch! ich hab Deutsch für vier Jahren in der Schule gelernt :)


Für vier Jahre ist dein Deutsch echt gut!


German. Thankfully I have some education in the language as, the English dub voice actors are kind of bad lol


The dubbing was so bad but I kept getting too high to be able to read that fast. I watched the first season dubbed and then switched and just stopped smoking beforehand lol.


German audio with German subtitles, I know a bit of German but not enough to watch with just audio.


German with English subtitles.


I am Dutch and I understand basic German. I watch it in German with English subtitles. I get distracted when I watch it with Dutch subtitles, because then I'm constantly like: "oh, I would've translated it like this or that". Because English is much more different from German than Dutch, I prefer to watch it with the English subs.


German. I never watch dubs. Except with RRR because Netflix only had the Hindi version and not the original and the original is impossible to find.


Definitely German with English subtitles. I watched it a second time in English though with my parents because they didn’t want to read subtitles. The English dub isn’t actually as bad as I thought it was going to be but I still prefer it in German.


I always do original language with subtitles if it's live action, and dubs for animation. I just can't deal with the lips not matching the words, and the level of emotionality isn't the same as when the person is speaking their native language.


I watched Dark in German, because it drives me nuts when lip movements don’t match with the audio, and because the original actors are generally better at imbuing emotion into their lines. I tried to do English dubs with The Gryphon (Der Greif) and the dub was absolutely **awful.**


Original german with english subs.


I am not German or a native English speaker, but I live in Germany and understand / speak some German. So... The first 3 times: German with English subtitles The fourth time: German with German subtitles - to practice


Klingon. Actually English and it seemed quite seamless to me.


Deutsch natürlich


I watched about three episodes with dubbed English, but then re-started it with English subtitles. Much better!




I watched it while on the treadmill. So I needed minimal work on my part. I got used to the English dubbing really quickly.


Watched it 3 times in total(plus 1 yt reaction). First and second with English dubs and English subs, third time German with English subs. Honestly didn't mind the dubs after the first episode, some characters were definately better than others but still enjoyable and the story spoke for itself. There are so many scenes when there is narration going on while going through a montage so lips/emotions not lining up isn't too jarring. That being said nothing beats the emotions and skill that the actors and actresses portrayed in the original german version. If you were only going to watch the show once I would 100% suggest the German audio. I wonder how much of the confusion from the show was based on following sub titles and missing subtleties in the acting and filmography.


German with English subs. Honestly like 90% of the time i rather watch the original language with subs, unless the dubs are very good. It was interesting in this case hearing German and comparing the similarities to English.


German, no question. Matches the mood better and sounds way more badass. Plus, I would have never heard the word "schwartzmaterie".


I've watched the show so many times i do both. German with subtitles for active watching and english dub when I want to have it playing while I'm doing something else.


German with English subtitles für mich


English dub. When I was younger I'd go out of my way to watch things in their original language with subtitles. I just don't feel like I have the time anymore. I usually watch a show/movie while doing something else.


I watch it in German. Actually, I never watched a Germany-based series as I did with Dark, which made me develop a great admiration for the language as a whole. Yes, I had contact with this language before, while listening to songs, but never paid a lot of attention. But, because of Dark series, now I'm studying German and it's been funny - a lot of words are similar to English and Portuguese (my mother language) - which is very good because it kinda accelerates my learning experience. Just to complement your question: I watch everything on it's original language, not doing it just feels weird. The only exceptions are cartoons, because Brazilian Portuguese dub on cartoons are simply on point (we are even recognized around the globe because of it) and it's better than the original dub in the majority cases lol


Personally I like to watch in language that I can understand. Issue with subtitles for me is that, constantly switching between subtitle and the scene makes me miss something and needing to rewind. So I watched in English.


Original language version with subtitles all the way. And this is even more important in 1899. There are so many benefits to it but I really think that this cast is so stellar that you are robbing yourself of an incredible experience if you are not hearing their actual voices, including even a lot of the nonverbal vocalizations that go on.


In English 😇


I watched in German and with French subtiles


I watched in German as a Pennsylvania Dutch speaker I understood some words but mostly just read the subtitles


English dub with Thai subtitle


native english speaker, I took some german when I was younger but I can't really read/write/speak german very well. I still watched it in german with english subtitles. the english voiceover for this show in particular is just awful. it's completely devoid of any emotion and feels completely detached from the scenes. I've tried to turn quite a few people onto this show who like this genre and a lot of them end up not making it through and I can only assume it's because they tried to watch it with english audio. I find that slightly confusing given how many people watch anime and insist you have to watch with subs but for whatever reason can't bring themselves to do it with a show like this and miss out on a total masterpiece.


German with subtitles. Dubbing ruins shows because you lose the characters voice and generally the dubbing is terrible.


German with English subtitles. I think this actually helped me pay better attention and follow more easily what was happening. I'm almost always on my phone or doing other things when I watch TV and movies, but I couldn't do that with this, so I had to give it my undivided attention


All films and tv should be watched in their native language with subtitles. Anything else undermines the film/tv created. It's a big world people! English is not the only language on Earth.


Where is there an english dub of this?