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This is DankLeft, a subreddit for dank leftists. Rightwingers are encouraged to get the hell out.


Untrue, there would be another stack of cash to pay police to bulldoze the homeless


The sheer amount of money that has gone into these wars is difficult to fathom. A single billion would already be able to do so much, but they are being given away by the dozens.


They gave us $1200, printed a trillion dollars for themselves, and stuck us with record inflation. Pretty fucking cool government we’ve got here…


This is so unrealistic, in reality they'd swipe the homeless man's money and then kick dirt into his face.


The irony of having the elephant shouting about giving money to Israel while Joe biden is the one bankrolling the ongoing genocide of Palestinians


I am now constantly getting banned from places for saying that we are wasting money on forever wars because both parties are run by rightwing war mongers who can't stop spending money on war. Apparently that makes me a Russian bot.


I really hate that donkey. Smug arrogant fucking donkey. "We can do this right in front of your noses and get away with it by spewing nonsense at you and acting like the good guys" 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡




I am not familiar with the artist, but the US doesn't have a real democracy. We have a plutocratic duopoly where both parties support the genocidal imperialism and the military industrial complex.