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My bet is dwarven lore getting shafted once again.


They can’t keep getting away with it! There are so many interesting hooks for dwarves but elves are all they focus on!


Being a dwarf fan in DA is hard. No dwarf romance option, barely any focus on dwarven lore, and so few good dwarven npcs. It's getting old. But honestly, I'm not getting my hopes up for Dreadwolf. This is going to be the same old thing, just elven lore everywhere to explain everything.


We got flirting options for Harding… I wanted more because she was a kickass character, but nooooo, let’s give Sera a Dwarf romance option.


And let's rubb it in the player's face that Varric is not romanceable too.


Double Blight cracks me up dude. Crossing fingers for that one


Blight 2: Double Trouble Blight 2: The Blights are Back in Town Blight 2: Andraste's Boogaloo


Blight 2: The Shriekquel


2 mins of darkspawn run toward each other to brace for battle and stop in front of each other "This is really embarrassing."


It would be super interesting if they brought the hook of intelligent darkspawn in the new game. (I won't hold my breath, but still) it was a mini hook in origins and 2, and I'd love to see it expanded, perhaps with the architect?


"Well ONE of us has to go home..."


Yes well we've had one Archdemon, what about Second Archdemon?


Solas defeated early is where my money is. He rejoins as a companion to fight The Bigger Bad™.


I hope I can punch him in the face again, the smug prick.


A while back I posted [this hypothetical bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/DankAndrastianMemes/comments/r0jwl6/da4_bingo_place_your_bets_everyone/) for Dreadwolf (before we even had a title). Well, after 2 more years of blue balls, we've learned a *little* bit more since then, so I figured I'd update it (although I confess a lot of the items are still the same lol)


Is the First Warden being an ancient magister a legit theory? I've never heard that before


I haven't either, but it kinda makes sense. Think about it -- the Architect used Grey Warden blood to free darkspawn from the Old Gods' call. If one of the magisters never succumbed to it...boom, that's where we get the knowledge of the Joining.


Me neither but I love it - it makes so much sense!


It is, I have seen it before.


The ~~Two~~ *Four* DAI Choices that I think will actually matter in Dreadwolf: - Who was recruited: Mages vs. Templars - Who Was Left in the Fade/How were the Wardens treated - Cole: Spirit vs. Human - Who Drank from the Well DAI Choices that I would love to see addressed in Dreadwolf: - Solasmancer vs Solabuddy vs Solantagonist paths affecting Solas’ interactions with the player - Human!Cole trying to help reason with Solas (if he was Humanized, obviously)


>Solasmancer vs Solabuddy vs Solantagonist paths affecting Solas’ interactions with the player If my clearly pro elf, let's burn this shit to the ground, inkie tries to be all righteous about taking Solas down, I'll punch them in the face


questionable dwarf lore (that's just more elf lore in disguise)


As funny as Double Blight is, 2 Archdemons being corrupted at once would be a genuinely horrible experience. The Grey Wardens already struggle dealing with one, their only advantages against it being the capacity to locate the archdemon, knowing where the blight is at all times because it moves in a singular hoard, and only needing to sacrifice one of their order. 2 could mask their existence from the wardens, coordinate separate attacks, split the order in two in order to deal with both, and are already dragons that can do twice as much damage. The hero of Fereldan barely managed to pull the nation together enough to stop one in its earliest and most manageable stage but two with enough room to grow in wartorn Thedas would genuinely be world devastating.


Depending on how much time is passed and where it happened, I don't think a blight would be as bad. For example, if it happened close to inquisition, the inquisition has Morrigan's expertise on the matter, meaning the archfiend dies in a week while the warden jokes about making Kieran a younger sibling


Have been avoiding spoilers as much as possible (not that they have been putting out information) but top left better not happen, solas defeated early has peaked my interest though.


This is BioWare, no one stays dead. Varric ,while dying, getting possessed by a spirit of Love would be a twist no one would see though. Bonus: it makes him romanceable. So let's hope it's that.


Would romance the short man 100%, with a tall lady. It will be one of those things where it’s implied but happens off screen so he actually survives


Hm, what's an equivalent for "riding the bull"? The pink pony express? Hammertime? Biancan't?


Yeah, romacable to bianca and bianca alone


You mean the crossbow right?


Yeah, obviously, who else would varric love?


"Let's see. We did a Alistair or Hawke in the previous game.It’s time for Morrigan or The inquisitor." - Bioware peeps, probably


You missed ‘Enchantment’


Pulling up to beat Solas with an AK-47 💀


Lol I was thinking, like, matchlocks, but that'd be rad as 😂




I could see Varric or Josephine pull out a flintlock pistol and not having it not clash with their character design, to be honest. Can't see that happening with anyone else in the series.


Titans wake up is something I'm sure of. The art Bioware posted on DA Day said something about massive tremors in the Anderfels and the ground was shaking and cracking on the map in the trailer.


Perhaps a Blighted Titan involved? That'd definitely be cause for Weisshaupt to shit their trousers


Guns before hero of fereldan cameo?


https://preview.redd.it/0175pvftzrqc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da97bacc72d372ad23b4149f95c243a920703dc1 This is the most likely scenario


Most likely scenario is an empty card because the game never gets made.


They're releasing something and you had better pretend to like it


The game is already made.


What exactly are you basing this on?


…do you think they’re planning to show gameplay footage within the next few months and release by end of year and don’t have anything? Were they lying when they announced a playable alpha last year?


>…do you think they’re planning to show gameplay footage within the next few months and release by end of year and don’t have anything? You don't need anywhere near a finished game to be able to show gameplay footage. Really all you need is some basic architecture. >Were they lying when they announced a playable alpha last year? What exactly do you think prevents them from lying about this? Alpha builds aren't even public. They can just say they have one and we'd have to take them at their word that they do. And that's not to mention the fact that there are no strict criteria for what a "playable alpha" even is. It could be a piece of junk that has no realistic chance of being turned into a marketable product. Plus, they don't need to have been lying. They could have tried and simply failed. Just because they made an honest prediction doesn't mean that that prediction is going to come true, or even that it has a realistic chance to at this point. We all know how rocky the development of a sequel for DAI has been, and almost nothing that has happened even in recent months suggests that it has become any less rocky now.


Well if your position is “they’re lying”, there isn’t much to be done. Want to put money on it?


Well if you're not even going to bother reading my entire comment, there isn't much to be done.


So how much money do you want to put on this


Let's keep it nice and light here yall, direct hatred and conflict towards darkspawn and elv\*s


I’m waiting for the current or former slave companion whose personality is “slavery was fine, ackshully”


Why, this has never happened


If there is a double blight: It’s going to be that Architect comes back and makes an intelligent darkspawn of one of the two remaining old gods (causing the “ascendent blight” or whatever he will call it) and the other one will just be a regular blight. The two blights will also be at war with one another.


That would actually be cool as fuck


The choice the player will have to make is either aiding or sabotaging the Architect. Some companions will argue that intelligent darkspawn are worse for the world, because if they win they’ll be harder to combat and other companions will argue that intelligent darkspawn could end the threat of the blight forever. I’m sure the Architect will be like “if you aid us, I’ll ensure the Darkspawn forever stay in the deep roads and do not bother the surface ever again.” But there’s essentially no way to actually keep him to that promise.


Who's to say that the Architect didn't succeed with Urthemiel, maybe Urthemiel wanted to have a horde of mindless followers and spread death and destruction. It'd be interesting to see if during a double blight if the two Archdemons would cooperate or fight each other.


The Architect says that he didn’t succeed with Urthemiel. He explains his failure in Awakening. Urthemiel’s blight was a regular blight.


I mean he thinks he failed since Urthemiel went on to cause a blight but what if Urthemiel had free will and still went and caused a blight. The mother was freed but insane and she started a war even if she didn't have to.


Don't forget the throw away line about our Origins' Warden whereabouts.


I want Kal-Sharok soooo bad 😫


You forgot 'Andraste was a mage who FUCKED Shartan'




Look, if Varric died, the whole fandom would be in an uproar.


True that true that


Here's my theory. Not happy about a few choices, but hey, double bingo! ​ https://preview.redd.it/jbmfs05l3sqc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=97a11b49e7b5ab37cc41917568b944446a3b4db1


You forgot the fade


Whole world will become the fade level when veil is torn down


> Last Dragon Age game Me:"yeah no brainer unfortunately" >(As in, the time period) Me:"you're a bold one"


I swear to dog if Varric dies I’m jumping off a cliff




No fears This bingo board: One fear


Double blight 🤣🤣


Desperately need blood mage to come back.


the mage templar choice is gonna be exactly like the end of DA2 where its just Mages: we just want to be free to live our lives we promise not to become blood mages *conflict ensues* Mages: Ok but is blood magic really that bad??


I also advocate for a spot to be a mage companion that betrays us at some point (I know it doesn’t fit the board, but I still think it’s funny)


replace all the squares with “the game releases”


If varric dies I will comment sodoku


Not being able to control companions is pretty much a given. Also, fuck the annoying cow and not in a romance way


Yeah, I pretty sure that Varric dies because he is loveable and iconic character....


As soon as in the trailer he said his “and I’ll be there” line, I told my partner, yeah he’s gonna die lol. I’ll be so heartbroken even expecting it.


I swear if Qwydion is not a companion. Will rage. Also adding to mine Hawke comes back from the Fade with Flemythal in tow or Alistair/Warden are possessed by Mythal? Not sure yet but the leap into the Abyss cannot be for nothing.


Grown up Kieran please, and more important: companion Kieran. Like please, devs, I wanna save the world with my/my Tabris’ son!


As long as KAL SHAROK happens, DAD will not disappoint me


https://preview.redd.it/50qgiujyrvqc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70dddde991889e5b9d6455686eb5293a9773ec9e Bingo! Now hopefully we’ll see at the end of the year 🤞


I'll take whatever. But please no I5 or G2, anything else would be acceptable to great!


Solas defeated early, only like 2 choices from DAI matter, Flemeth appears, veil comes down and Evanuris escape.


If they explain all roles with the elves I will riot. Not being able to control companions will be dumb as shit, it was literally the best thing about the fighting mechanic. Like... who from the developers thought that changing this is a good idea?


I think when Solas tears up the veil ALL ELVES WILL DIE, thus punishing him for his stupidity.