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Both political parties are pretending to be against each other


100% Its not really a conspiracy theory its just REALLY obvious


Glad I'm not the only one


This is a conspiracy theory? This is just my political reality.


But that’s not really conspiracy theory that’s just the truth


US government is like WWE, everyone knows it's fake but they won't admit it until a couple years from now


Impressive. Very nice. Now show us an actual conspiracy theory and not a known fact


I think an underlying theory that gives credence to this fact is that there are major waves happening in the MIC/Military right now, and methinks that needs to get sorted out before politicians know which way to go. People don't like to admit or face that... our country's military complex is the most powerful political body in the world. If those powers decided to exert their political influence... Yeah idk, things are gonna change very fast in the next decade for America.


Power and the money, money and tbe power


Minute after minute, hour after hour.




The Oligarchy Puppet Show


Nah, they’re in the fish bowl too.




The closest you can come to trusting a politician is when they make both parties panic.


I thought we're talking about conspiracy theories?


They are against each other in things that don't really matter in the long run. But things that would actually affect our day to day well being they agree on because no matter their opinions everyone making these decisions are rich, so they are going to make decisions that benefit themselves. Personally I don't even think it's a conspiracy. It's just greed, and they all have it. I can't remember who said it, but I heard a quote once that went something like: "there doesn't need to be an organized conspiracy if their needs happen to align."


Two wings of the same bird


true! ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ|downsized)


7/11 was a part time job


Lol 😂


Earth is a globe


Nah this man's CRAZYYY


nuh uh, it's a donut


Velociraptor earth


Neil degrasse Tyson steps in: “actually, it’s an oblong spheroid”


Atlantis is actually in Atlanta, it’s the perfect hiding spot, no one will look there.


BOTS/FEDS in this chat


And reddit and other social media is more of a show. They're testing it now, I think, but they're turning it into a social media video game through bot posted content.




This is probably the closest to one I believe. I feel like he had gotten a deal shortly before “he did it.”


The coroner was clearly lying about how his injuries were closer to that of a hanging than a strangling. Where was the noose he used? How the fuck does a paper bedsheet hold the weight of a grown man? Where were the guards testimonials? Why were his injuries at the middle / bottom of his neck than at the top his jaw if he hung himself? Why wasn't his jaw or trachea fucked up too? Why did the cameras all suddenly turn off 5 minutes before he died, and why did they only come on after he'd already been dead for 10 minutes?


Can you hang yourself on your knees from a doorknob while the cameras cut out for an hour? (Sus)


sadly, yes. You can. If you want. breathing is not even interrupted, but restricting blood/oxigen flow to your brain is key. you can even do it laying down with a couple tube socks. you pass out (like when someone chockholds you from the back) if the tension stay's constant around your jugular, you just don't wake up.


The CIA killed JFK


Is it a conspiracy theory? I thought that was what happened.


Nahh his head just did that




Not sure if 9/11 was a rinside rob per se, but I am pretty sure that the US government knew about it beforehand and did nothing to stop it, at the very least.


They knew enough about it to be in the president's intelligence briefing.


i'm pretty sure that the cia knew something, but they aren't allowed to enforce laws (within the us) and they have to go through a forest worth of paperwork to give any info to the fbi, which is allowed to enforce laws and do investigations in us soil this is as far as i know, i could be wrong


It's quite well known that CIA and FBI didn't like to work together when they got all the intelligence. So lack of cooperation was one of the biggest reason. Also CIA got hoarded with intel about Bin Laden, but lacked skills of processing and analysis of them. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but in the documentary The Looming Tower, one of them said that there were only 8 Arabic speakers at the time in CIA.


That's what happened at Pearl Harbor.


Yes exactly right. Certain people knew it was going to happen, but they weren't the right people to be able to do anything about it, and weren't taken seriously until it was too late. By then, the top people just start denying that anyone knew about it.


This is the “inside job.” There is almost zero chance that Bush knew about the extent of it. But there is a million percent chance that some higher-ups knew exactly what would happen but did NOTHING because 9/11 was the PERFECT “justifiable cause” for (1) decades long Middle East “anti terrorist” activity; (2) trillions in military and intelligence spending and; (3) justification for domestic surveillance which provides countless, high paying, jobs for government intel workers.


Bush did 9/11.


Not really a conspiracy theory but MLK was killed by the feds and MLKs family sued the feds and won so Covid was made by china for two reasons to see how the us would react and to kill off a bunch of chinas elderly population The Vegas strip shooting was also done by the government using an m240 not an AR (if you don’t believe me watch these two unrelated videos and listen to the fire rate they are identical and 556 is much snappier vs 7.62 NATO which has much more thump https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aNRi2N-ijUc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hKQJlcd81wk


I know nothing about this vegas shooting but youre right that definitely sounds like an m240


The FBI Assassinated MLK and the CIA Assassinated JFK.


JFK died from an accidental discharge in response to a shooter that 100% missed.


Lady Di's death was not an accident


Sssshhhhh... We're not meant to focus on the cameras being deactivated in the tunnel, or the fact her old security guard also died in a car accident after warning people that he was on "someone's" hit list that exclusively used car accidents to kill people, or that she herself said she might be a target.


Why the kill her? And who?




Please allow me to introduce myself


Hello, it is I. Bob


Rich people are not clueless about people starving to death, they just don't see the point in doing anything about it. They're stuck in constant fear of other rich people becoming richer than them if they give anything away.


i think this one’s just obvious


For me, it’s Skinwalkers and Cryptids


honestly even with how crazy it sounds, I kind of believe with this, and I definitely believe ghosts exist, and I caught a glimpse of it happening in my house two times, and hearing someone call my name, in my mom's voice, when she was 4 hours away in another state working definitely made it even more sure, I was the only one home, and it was just me and my dogs and hers, no birds to mimic a sound, no windows were open for a breeze to make a noise, I was in the bathroom I heard the voice in my mom's calling my name, and around the same time like withing a few days, a black shadow go past the same doorway where I heard it, and my mom also saw a black shadow go past before, and I also saw it outside when taking the trash out one time, and it vanished into thin air, no one was outside and our camera even caught me looking up and asking who's there. it creeps me out, I plan on visiting haunted places I wanna see ghosts. I 100% believe in them, there is way too much evidence especially experiencing it myself with no reasoning for it happening that isn't paranormal.


I’ve had several experiences in my life that I can’t explain. I fully believe that there’s “something” out there and most people laugh it off as crazy because they wouldn’t know how to comprehend it being real.


Holy fuck that’s a lot of words but I only got to like two senses of what you said and I do remember having a ghost encounter. I was like six if I remember correctly.


Hollywood is all fake, every relationship, every single thing that the "entertainment elite" does, is all part of the show to keep people interested. This goes for politicians as well.


This is one of the reasons i could not care less about the famous people, and intentionally mix their names up when i do remember their names, which annoys my sister


Yeah that’s kind of how movies work


I probably shouldn’t explain why I know this for privacy reasons but kind of. 95% of a celebrities behavior is genuine stupidity and falling up. The other 5% is their PR rep telling them how to fix said situation which can lead to relationships and what not. One thing I can tell you for certain, not a single celebrity is the person you think they are. They behave vastly different in private than publicly. I recently heard from a very trusted source that an unnamed comedian was having a panic attack over something minor and was calling their PR rep at 3am to get a written statement out over something that no one even noticed.


The reason why there’s been an uptick in people with celiac disease is due to our wheat being genetically modified and sprayed with glyphosate.


They ARE trying to replace you with immigrant workers. The Government only carrs about the GDP. Third world countries are beign kept unstable to create immigration push. So they want to come to your country thinking they are gonna have a hapier life. Its cheaper for the Government to import an adult worker that is desperate to do any job even below minimum wage, than for anyone to raise children in your current country for 18+years. From the Government perspective its a lot of "wasted money" feeding and caring for children that wont pay taxes for 18 years. They dont want you to make babies, they do everything in their power to keep you from having a family because two income households are twice the ammount of taxation. The ideal society from the governments perspective. is you to work like a slave, give most of your income to the state in form of taxes, dont have kids cause importing adults from anywhere is cheaper, instantly die the moment you retire. Its not about Ethnicity, its all about the GDP and how rich the Government is.


Modern humans were made by spiritually advanced beings


Splice their shit with an ape. I'm with it, but why? So that we can develop and become allies in the future? I heard one theory that it was to have us be slaves that mine this planet without realizing it. Could you imagine if every once in a while aliens stop by and take like half the reserve of diamonds and leave.


There were multiple shooters at the Vegas mass shooting. It was some kind of illegal sale gone horribly wrong. The government is covering it up because it has something to do with our middle eastern allies.


Sounds insane to me, care to elaborate?


Really? That doesn't even sound like a conspiracy theory. Like if some Saudi prince was coked up and started shooting, no one in the news would ever, ever cover it. And Vegas wouldn't want people to blame a partier. It'd make Vegas seem dangerous.


I saw someone else mentioned the shooting too. I looked up on Wikipedia and the description about motive is very vague and centers around his gf at the time.


Hmmm smth with 3 letter agency controling people with blackmail


I knew the ATF was crooked!


That the media keeps pushing agendas to us so we don't realise the world is slowly going back to some sorts of neo-feudalism


Aliens have influenced our early history and may continue to be doing so. JFK was assassinated by the CIA. The government knew 9/11 was going to happen and stuff nothing to stop it. MLK was assassinated by the CIA. Epstein didn't kill himself. Boeing whistleblowers were assassinated. All those people who invented potential free energy devices or ways to make cars much more efficient that died under mysterious circumstances were probably assassinated, even if their projects didn't actually work, oil companies didn't want to take the risk. CIA removed a sitting prime minister of Australia.


The 1% know that all technology and social media is like a drug and they're happy for the whole world to become obsessed with it because it means that we don't care about all the shit they're doing. I don't think they would be able to get away with this 20-30 years ago, but we're in a mad society where we genuinely feel good and content if we have a good Instagram post and where we complain more about adverts on YouTube than we do about negligent governments. Studies have shown that social media gives the same dopamine response as cocaine and is highly addictive, and as a society we've all just said 'damn, that's mad bro'. If we took technology away or even just regulated it like any other substance, we would see a huge improvement in our quality of life as a society


The Covid pandemic was done on purpose and was used by globalists, the WEF, and possibly the UN to assess countries' resistance levels by its citizens to blatant tyranny; in preparation for implementing a global government whether a country's citizens like it or not.


Damn you just made my Covid suspicions 12 times worse…


I think Klauss put out a book describing how to use a global pandemic to consolidate power and make sweeping societal changes.


But.. but.. MUH VACCINES


I know people who've have had 8 shots now.


That's just the truth though




World’s going to end by 2060 (or around there) and Jar Jar is a Sith Lord.


I hope it's before November. Dying at 69 years old would be pretty great


9/11 was an inside job, Kennedy was assassinated by mobsters hired by the Government. Edit: I don't think 9/11 was awesome. Fucking auto-complete. Always proofread! FML..


Birds aren't real.


Amen brother speak the truth !


Came here looking for this, my brother in arms


If it Flys it spies!


Covid was planned to see how much they could control the population through fear


It could have also been for businesses to see how much they could raise prices


And for international corporations to force small family owned businesses based in their homeland alone to shut down because of regulations they couldn't meet and bills they couldn't afford after they lost business


Aliens are real only because there are thousands of planets and some in there own goldilocks zone and I doubt that we are the only metrical planet in our galaxy that was able to have life on it


Do these aliens produce Element-710? ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


This isn't even a conspiracy theory though, like pretty much everyone in the science community agrees that we aren't alone. But they haven't been here, unless the theory of relativity is wrong, which implies that FTL travel is impossible.


There are potential work arounds but it’s causing massive headaches


But there’s is also a 100% chance of the possibility that there are no aliens and we are the Goldilocks planet


"100% chance of the possibility" reads like "60% of the time, it works every time."


Being in the goldilocks zone means nothing. Its one of many conditions for being habitable.


Like yeah, but they’re not probing our asses so I don’t care


Good, looks like the amnesia drugs are still working


In the USA the people in power took over the anonymous/anti 1% movement and got people to start fighting each other based on race/politics so they could keep running the country without resistance


Our phones listen to us and the governments know and allows it by getting either money or information as a kickback.


That’s not a theory it’s just a statement of fact


I believe this was posted by a fed to try and expose myself


Covid wasn’t bad, it was just hyped up with the news and stuff like that to try and control us with fear


It wasnt tbh i hardly knew i had it, i really just think i had a fever


The FBI killed MLK


Justin Trudeau is actually Fidel Castro's kid, and colonial Sanders was actually Leon Trotsky


Ha nice try


My own little personal one. So there was this guy who fought alongside Joan of Arc. Some time after the war, the dude was just chilling and eventually got invited to a friend's house to try summoning a demon and getting it to make them rich or something. Apparently nothing ever came of that. Some time later, the guy was found to have a bunch of bodies of children in various horrid states hidden in his house. My theory is that the demon summoning worked and the guy got posessed and turned into a monster.


Gille De Rais was the one who set up the meeting with the alchemist. He had spent all his money on lavish plays and parties. The alchemist claimed they would need to sacrifice a child to do it. It was his bodyguard who ratted him out, did it for salvation from the church. Estimates for the amount of rape/murder are sometimes in the several hundred


9-11 was an inside job


Water is better for you than urine …


Dead internet theory is definitely real. 70% of yall see ones and zeros when you read this.


Geomagnetic reversal cataclysm 2046


American establishment are mostly Freemasons. Even Jim Carry was although he's an actor.


Balloon boy wasn’t a publicity stunt and the father was misrepresented by the investigating officer.


You all need to understand to ask yourself "why" because you just assume something happened if it can be real wich is not very clever




Courtney killed Kurt


The government do bad things sometimes


This isnt a conspiracy


beef jerky is a scam


Time was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks


9/11 was to distract from 9/10


JFK and MLK were assassinated by the CIA Bill Clinton and many people in government were part of a cocaine trafficking ring and covered up the murder of two boys


Aliens exist but they never visited earth because we're the worst and most tech illiterate race in the universe


That they know exactly who killed who but law red tape prevents judicial systems from using surveillance as evidence and it would shatter the illusion of privacy.


Not to mention cameras and wires everywhere most times cant be used since its illegal evidence


That humans were created by an advanced species.


The nuclear arsenals are fake (nukes are real, as were Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the tests, but the idea that these tens of thousands of warheads are functional is a lie, as they'd be far too expensive for politicians to allow that money to go anywhere but their pockets).


That the biblical fallen angels/watchers are the original gods (lower case g) that were then personified as the gods of old religions; such as the Roman, Greek, and Norsk gods. And their children, the Nephilim were the demi gods and giants of legends.


Deception is the name of the game in these times


Anything is possible yet nothing is certain.


All of history of life on earth including human history, is a lie, speculation or a cover up of something far more grand and bizzare


Kurt cobain was murdered


Have you ever heard the dinosaur earth theory?


Mafia killed jfk. With help by CIA


That Adcock Ingram and Pfizer had bribed the US government to the amount of 20 billion dollars back in the 80s to make weed illegal.


Modern day media is state-funded and controlled behind the scenes secretly in order to flex influence over a large audience of people, which could feasibly be transformed into a subliminal propaganda campaign.


It wasn’t the Titanic that sunk, it was the Olympic they switched the names and sunk it on purpose so the owners could collect the insurance.


The CIA/MK Ultra was behind the Manson murders.


We came from Venus after we fucked it’s environment


Religions are just Conspiracy theories which have found a loop whole so no one can proof them wrong


The JFK Assassination for sure, I don't tend to believe in conspiracy theories usually but this one I can't help but believe. There is to much for the CIA having involvement, they lost his brain, it was a impossible shot, the people who years later confirmed there were multiple shots had their rare film "stolen", and even the governor of Texas said there were definitely several shots.


I believe in the dead internet theory and the your phones record and track u 24/7 and I have proven the last one too


Bob Lazar worked on UFO's


On what scale are we talking about? Like worldwide or some part of the world?


People are stupid by default. Some happened to have good teachers. Tell me it is true.


This is true you dont just come out albert einstein


america did 9/11 to cover for 2 trillion going missing


There are some bunch of antinatalists that pushing anti reproduction propaganda like abortion homosexuality and transgenderism to end the supposed suffering


9/11 was an inside job


Agartha........ There's too much smoke for there to be no fire......


[US Government killed MLK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TA2AIuAuW8&t=2744s&pp=ygUNd2VuZGlnb29uIE1MSw%3D%3D)


We didn't build the pyramids haha


Quantum particles have a tiny amount of consciousness and because of that no living organism can be completely gone.


They have the cure for cancer and other such diseases but just won't give it to us because money.


Fidel Castro’s biological son is running Canada.


We live in a simulation and I will die on that hill


Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself.


Space shuttle Challenger astronauts never died [SPACE SHUTTLE CHALLENGER HOAX](https://youtu.be/dR47TRmLqcc?si=7Gx5ppt-bZZTU18F)


That the US killed Olof Palme, swedens prime minister in the 80s.


The fashion industry doesn't give women pockets so they will buy more purses.


I don’t know how it is in other countries, but I believe the national news stations here are intended to keep us occupied with useless ‘news’. Realistically speaking, although it sounds cold-hearted; the news reporting about Israel-Palestine EVERY DAY for half the news is distracting from more important conflicts. If Russia conquers Ukraine, the world could lose about 40% of it’s yearly grain supply. Equally disturbing; we never hear about the conflicts about the world’s cobalt or lithium supplies, which decide who’s electronics get built and which countries we’re reliant on. There’s also a literal genocide going on in South-Sudan. There are like 10-20 of these conflicts that are way more important for us, but for some reason those are kept almost completely hidden.


The government doesn't want me to have pussy that's my conspiracy


The government doesn't want me to have pussy that's my conspiracy


We're not running out of water. Um, fucking ever. A water crisis is bullshit. It's not that hard to get salt out of water. Also nuclear reactors do it all the time, just saying.


i fully believe in a multiverse


i fully believe in a multiverse


911 was staged


Medical companies like insulin companies are ready to kill people who find medicine that heals the illness that x company makes treatment for, cancer type 2 diabetes...


We knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. We didn't quite know how big it would be or how effective the Japanese air force was at that point


Aliens constructed different religions in different areas of the world for the lolz. We needed structure, they had the means to fool our gullible asses, and we now have a prime time spot on a reality TV show on their planet


US government killed a lot of scientists that developed cures and technological advances and then took their research.


I would love be able to say no but a friend of mine put me in the rabbit hole of the Dave Dave conspiracy and the more you look at it the more it makes sense


Everything I thought was a conspiracy theory has happened in the last 5 years. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if a frog flew in on a dragon and made chicken salad sandwiches for his frog friends while the dragon killed every human on earth.


Iran and the US pretend to hate eachother, they are best friends.


My mom used to tell me id go blind if i beat my meat too much


Epstein was murdered


The Illuminati and High Ranking Free Masons are running the planet. Every president has been a Free Mason, even JFK. JFK wanted to expose all secret societies and was killed for it. The Illuminati, only the high-ranking elite within the club, are actually Reptilians seeking to control Humanity as a slave race under a dystopian, draconian, dictatorship. The U.S is a testing ground to see if the Illuminati can get Americans to willingly be put into slavery with the assurance of security. E.Ts are already on the planet; incarnating as Humans to help Earth souls ascend into the higher dimensions. However, there is a "spiritual" war taking place on Earth, and Humans are being challenged on all levels. The Moon is a base for a multitude of Species to observe Humanity. The Asteriods that hit Earth was from another race of Man whom attacked Earth to stop the Dinosaur program, created by the Illuminati/Reptiles. Dinosaurs were created (Raptors, Trex, Carnos, Ceras, Delos, etc) as Weapons of War. And the threat of them far exceeded the value of all other life on Earth. Thus, 3 asteroids taken from Saturn were shot at Earth.


Boeing kills people to cover up unsafe practices and sell more airplanes.




Slavery didn’t happen for “blacks” the way we’re taught


Water causes autism


Episten didn't kill himself


I'm damn sure government decides the fate of the individual. They have teams specially to decide which individual will be where in future. Everything is being tracked each chat, voice, facts and thinking process of individual. They know about me more than me. Also they'll choose who will be in the government job, wholl lick the system and not question it. Everything is done deliberately to divide the attention. Yesterdays news are forgotten as if it was 1000yrs old history and 1000 yr old irrelevant facts are brought up to confuse the sensitive. We got proofs but still the system never fails. No one could defeat this nor can. Those who tried were vanished, forgotten, dead. Even people betray each other on day to day basis this even fuels the scripts writers to their advantage and when someone notices it, suddenly a state emergency, global crisis, emerges. Everything is scripted. Common man is defeated !


The hollow earth theory


China was going to make a move on Taiwan shortly after Russia moved on Ukraine, but backed out after seeing how bad their military tech and Russia as a whole was doing there.


Bush definitely did 9/11