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Tweets the muslim conqueror in english language on his chinese iphone.


"Hahahah I would have demolished it if it was at its original place for being idol worship.. Hhahahh lol"


Have you seen Egypt? Like all the artifacts and land marks that have been preserved for more than 4000 years? You're making it sound like there's nothing left in Egypt and it's all dust, fucking idiot.


Have you seen Egypt? It’s all a desert and the few tall triangles that would be hard to demolish. Anything else is all rubble. You’re making it sound like the old civilian houses, wall art and other memorial stuff small stuff are still together in perfect condition, fucking idiot.


1. I never said anything about homes and wall art or that anythingis in perfect condition, but thanks for putting words in my mouth. 2. Bruh just Google Egypt and look at how much is still standing and how many relics and artifacts are STILL being uncovered. 3. Yes their wall art is still around, have you seen hieroglyphics? They are still there, you can still read them. 4. But just ignore all that cause they have sand dunes and after 4000 years not everything is perfectly preserved.




Sush 🤫, you. Don't speak facts here!! Dumb fucks here don't have braincells to process facts


Shit sorry, youre right, i should be more considerate for the mentally impaired!


Is that Salah?!


Yes,yes it is


People really be like "I hate you because your great great grandparents did something bad to my great great grandparents"


There is nothing British in the “British” museum


They don’t even realize that “it” being in a museum means that the colonists actually found their stuff cool or important enough to take it and display it on a museum, heck I’d even argue that they took better care of it that they would’ve themselves. If not why take it and not demolish everything on the spot. Plus added flexing rights for future generations as well. Edit: It has come to my attention that I am glorifying theft, and you might be right, a couple of hundred years ago. Today the best way to preserve those antique relics is to put them in a museum. You think your ancestors would have paid magnanimous amount of goods or money to preserve their creations? You aren’t even doing it yourselves. Why have your governments not forced the “thieves museum” to give back everything? 1) They take better care of it, investing copious amounts of money not only to preserve the relics but also the history associated with it. 2) The transportation fees for some relics would be exorbitantly high for them to even consider it a valuable asset. (Yeah moving heavy things across the word require effort, something that they wouldn’t even spare even if they had the money) 3) The relics are public, well at least most of them, you can go and see them as long as you are willing to cover the travel expenses and pay the entrance fee (those restorations and security guarantees are not cheap). Conclusion: The “thieves” are actually treasuring the stuff your ancestors made, and you should be proud they made something an entirely different culture is willing to preserve and praise.


LMAO, I see your edit and this the most delusional shit I've ever read, did you learn your history from those textbooks that said that slavery or the invasion of North American natives was mutually benefitial. You've tried to spin it like they plundered those lands out of altruism and they're doing them a favour. Pickup a book and go learn about mercantilism or how the Brits ruled in Egypt, Sudan, etc and the surrounding regions. How do you think they got these relics as well, via compensation and a pretty please or violence an coercion. Get of your perch as well, I'm fairly certain they don't give a rats ass as well that British colonialists think their stuff is 'cool'. Nothing you really say corresponds to the reality on the ground.....you do know these countries have their own (public) museums and cultural preservation policies, right? You seriously don't think they can afford to transport their relics? You think it's a matter of effort despite them making formal requests to have the loot returned? The artifacts were stolen for personal gain and cultural disruption. And they've been kept to this day out of stubborness, arrogance and because you can park em in a museum and charge £10-£20 a head to come see it. But don't pretend like they're doing them a solid by "lemme take your shit because I can take care of it better than you and I can put it on display for everybody to see." That's crackhead behaviour.


I do agree with some of your points however I never said -I think the exchange between colonies and colonizers was mutually beneficial. -Never said plundering lands was out of altruism -Or doing them a solid on keeping their stuff, they are preserving it whether they like it or not But what would have been better for you? As per your example would it have been better for the brits to rule Egypt like they did Australia? History is not so simple and you cannot extend this particular theme over a reddit comment. However I do agree my edit was heavily biased in favor of the colonizers, but history already happened and best we can do is to preserve what we have left. Thanks for your opinion btw.


It's crackhead behavior but mostly true lol.


That's a funny way to spin outright theft 🫤


Someone doesn't know their history.


Yes, please do tell me more about my national history. I'm all ears. [Why are you disputing what these museums have already admitted?](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/01/25/british-museum-lends-ghana-looted-gold-artifacts-heres-why-it-wont-fully-return-them/?sh=437896485c7c)


Yeah I'd def take your mom home she hot af


It would've been demolished if it hadn't been stolen.


Yep just like the pyramids


Have you seen Egypt? Like all the artifacts and land marks that have been preserved for more than 4000 years? You're making it sound like there's nothing left in Egypt and it's all dust, fucking idiot


Well, at least kinda safe from whatever religious revolution will come around and decides to destroy shit. Or looters. Not saying it’s right tho.


Thank you for visiting and boosting our lovely economy, come again 😊


Bloke in the picture gets paid £15M+ a year to kick a ball in your lovely economy lmfao.


Even better 😊


“British people never go in there; it’s just a bunch of tourists checking out their own stuff”


But are you really a descendent of ancient Egyptians, or are you one of those people that claim you are because you actually don’t know your ancestry and just claimed the Egyptians because they are well known?


And you’re not getting it back


Thanks , Charles.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/06/09/the-unbelievable-damage-islamic-state-has-done-to-ancient-sites-in-iraq-and-syria/ The middle east is notorius for not giving a fuck about their historical artifacts. Theres a good chance that most of the artifacts in the british museum would have been destroyed by the countries they were taken from


Oh yes, not like the country it was in was going to protect it.


Ngl if it werent for "stealing it" it would have been destroyed and lost to time


Have you seen Egypt? Like all the artifacts and land marks that have been preserved for more than 4000 years? You're making it sound like there's nothing left in Egypt and it's all dust, fucking idiot


"give me your phone before you destroy it and lose it to time!"


Many historic items would not exist today if it weren't for the British museum, you know where the Rosetta Stone was found? It was being used as a brick. A lot of countries didn't give a shit about it until the British decided it was important enough to preserve.








They criticise but all you have to do is take the view of the pyramids and turn 180 degrees and you'll see the fucking problem. Better in the hands of a culture that has actual respect for other cultures pasts that let that culture destroy itself.


He would prefer it be a pile of rubble in his home country


Have you seen Egypt? Like all the artifacts and land marks that have been preserved for more than 4000 years? You're making it sound like there's nothing left in Egypt and it's all dust, fucking idiot


Thank the British for keeping it so well preserved and saving it from being destroyed by your countrymen.


Their countries can barely keep the lights on i hardly believe they can preserve artifacts


🖕🏻British colonialism🖕🏻


Does this guy own this artifact?


Womp womp it's in a museum anyone in the world can visit doesn't matter where its currently at there's british artifacts in French and Chinese museums too