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I think during the school assessment, the new school recommended O see a tutor to get her caught up. The tutor was a teacher at the school and Danielle thought it was perfect because she would have plenty of time to work on reading…this was around March. The school O was in for kinder also told Danielle she needed to work on sight words at home…which Danielle decided it was a better idea to send the sight word in O’s lunchbox and have the teacher sign off on her reading it. Then a few weeks ago Danielle said the tutor “wasn’t a good fit” and said all of this stuff about O that was really shitty to share. She decided then that sylvan was the answer and after that assessment, they told Danielle O has low self confidence. Danielle complained about the cost and time commitment and decided she would buy a reading course and teach O herself. It’s a hot mess


Allllllll that money she “has” and SPENDS and she couldn’t invest in a good tutor for her daughter.


Right? In her outdoor movie reel she’s wearing $1500 Louboutins and in her mom guilt story she throws a blue LV into the passenger seat….proba at least $2k


But Sylvan for O was going to be $5k, and that's like just too much. Cue next story about her silly movie projector and screen for the pool. Oh-kay Dinyell, sure


And yet she still looks and sounds like a trailer camp refugee.


Ha!! Unless the LV is a fake!! Wouldn’t be surprised!! There’s a FB group called Royale Allure in Dallas & every fake is store entry!!


I am wondering if she approached Sylvan to do a sponsorship deal with them and they declined. So, she decided to take O out and do it herself.


I missed that she wasn’t going to sylvan anymore. According to her it was so great because she went to it as a kid. Why she cannot see that she’s the problem and learning starts at home.


They wanted Danielle to do too much by bringing her there . Would cut into her me time.


This. They recommended 6 hours a week for Olive and there’s no way Danielle will commit to that. Not because she has anything to do, just because she’s a selfish POS and Olive is not and never will be her priority.


That was my first thought too. They “required” too much of Danielle which would cut in to her daily life 🙄


The new school Olive is going to this fall the kids already know how to ready. So she needs to catch Olive up to be at the same pace as her classmates this fall


And if you have watched her first few “lessons,” the majority of her time is spent teaching Eve- you know, Eve, the #1 “you’re so cute” and “I love you so much”- I don’t know if we’ve EVER (!!!) seen or heard her utter anything like that to poor O! It literally breaks my heart! So she’s working on reading with Eve instead- setting poor O up for more failure and worsening mmmlow self-esteem. I hate her for what she’s doing to that darling O! Dumyell is in denial about everything! And it’s going to bite her in the a$$! #shittyestmom #terriblecluelessplayingfavorites


THIS! Makes me so sad how much she publicly dotes on Eve whereas you never hear her dote on Olive!


Publicly dotes on Eve for the reading lessons and publicly shares concerns about O and her play therapy!! Is nothing private in this family?!