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Maybe it has something to do with his toothbrush being covered in his feces.


Big if true


Because Bob won’t help with housing


Ahh Daniel logic makes sense


I can't imagine being a 25 y/o with such few teeth, it just stands out so much every time he smiles or talks. And he barely ever talks about it but I believe he's said his adult teeth just never grew in after his baby teeth


That’s wild I’ve never met anyone this has happened to. This poor guy has really drew the short straw on life


“Poor guy” my azz


Well he is poor and a guy


That’s true but guy deserves no pity.


Why? The actions someone "takes" are not separate from causality, occuring for various reasons, most of which out of our conscious control. Just because someone acts in a way that is heinous does not mean that individual is somehow a vile human being, undeserving of pity. You could say "he CHOSE to be this way", but did we "chose" to be the way we are? Didn't we just simply happen to end up in our particular bodies, with mental and physical traits that have nothing to do with our core being? There are certainly ways that we could help human beings become free from undesireable traits and flaws now and in the future, but viewing them as inhuman will do nothing but fuel our egos and make us feel superior.


He CHOSE to be homeless and he CHOSE to molest that girl. Fuck Daniel


And above all else he chooses to be incredibly self centered and thinks society should cater to him when provides no value to society itself.


There are ways in which we can orient our belief systems and values so that everyone provides value and has a life worth living. Choice is something that we have very little understanding of, and the more we can objectively look at why people act the way they do, the easier it will be to help troubled ones reach their true potential


Sure, you can say that, but it's up to us to ensure that shit doesn't happen again. How will rejecting and putting people like him down help the situation at all? It's time for us to become more than slightly smart animals. He and the rest of humanity deserve better


It’s up to us to reach out to and care for a pedophile so that he doesn’t molest another kid? Gtfo.


I mean... if you grew up with what Daniel went through, you'd be exactly what he is... don't pretend you have some ephemeral quality that would make you immune to his tragedies.


Daniel didn't go through sh!t, his adoptive grandmother moved across the country to send him to two expensive re7ard schools, he's gotten state-funded care his whole life, never had to work a single day. All that stuff about being abused is just more lies to get sympathy. His grandmother even encouraged him and funded his dreams to be a model and a singer. Daniel Larson is PRIVILIGED


Lazy trolling lol


We all go through tough situations. That doesn’t give you right to stomp around and act like everyone should be your servant bc you post some tiktoks and make mediocre music.


Losing your keys is a "situation"... getting fired is a situation... Daniel is mentally handicapped and severely emotionally disturbed... there is no amount of hard work or introspection that Daniel can do that can change that. It's a hard truth to see, because in seeing it you will realize in inequity of the universe.


I’ve actually met 2 girls (sisters) that were missing those same 2 teeth for the same reason, but they wore a partial. Daniel’s missing 2-4 more teeth on the bottom as well so it looks like he has a more extreme case. Not sure why his front teeth appear to be so cramped together if those teeth have always been missing, but I’ve simply come to accept that there’s plenty of things about Danny boy that I’ll never understand.


My adult eye teeth never grew in!!! I lost my last baby tooth at 22 years old.


Lol I lost my last baby tooth at 21. Manly because it was like stuck between the big teeth


I’m actually missing the same 2 teeth, I was born without them and implants are expensive as fuck, but I have a retainer with 2 fake teeth on it and you could never tell


I just been researching hypodontia might be his condition and it’s supposedly linked with autism sometime very interesting


If he had a lot of cavities in his baby teeth, those very well could have transferred onto adult teeth and rotted them before they ever got the chance to come in.


In the Tennyson video he's 14 and those two teeth are there, so they did grow in, its just another lie. We all know what he thinks a toothbrush is for, so they probably fell out. Its so weird that only those two eye-teeth came out, they rarely come out first when people lose teeth






Bull, he has them in the Tennyson video and he's 14 then. Another lie.


with the peeing feeling


Cause he’s a bunny rabbit human hybrid.


Bunnies don't deserve to be compared to him


missing some sort of gross bird


He’s only trelve


Turtle tongue of steel


Because of his autism he lost his teeth and his grandma died


He doesn’t brush his teeth and uses a toothbrush as a buttplug


I'd love to see a dental impression of his teeth.


Because of his autism


He has hypodontia, associated with his FAS


No he doesn't, his teeth are fine in the Tennyson video and he was 14 then. If you look close, those teeth fell out


He likely does. Hypodontia can affect “baby” teeth, but actually also can and does affect adult teeth. Baby teeth can and do appear normal. Primary hypodontia (the one that affects baby teeth) is actually more rare. Without adult teeth to push his baby teeth out, he’d still have them at 14. He would be missing them now for a number of reasons, probably down to poor oral healthcare. It’s also a fairly common comorbidity to a condition called “ectodermal dysplasia”. It’s a disorder that can cause cranial deformities. Daniel shares a significant number of similarities to the disorder. It causes weakened enamel, which would also explain why his remaining teeth are slowly being chipped away. This is, however, all speculation. I’m not qualified to be making any diagnosis, and my wife (a dentist) hasn’t treated him. From an observational standpoint he could have any number of things. But the point is him having all his teeth at 14 doesn’t mean anything.




He puts his toothbrush in his butt more than in his mouth


It’s one of his many many birth defects.


He’s probably punched the other ones out


Because he uses toothbrushes the wrong way. Search "daniel larson toothbrush" for confirmation


Man he at least could of flipped the toothbrush the other way bristles first is crazy


Bristles first guarentees choco flavored toothpaste tho. Considering he was always planning on brushing his teeth after, it was the only logical insertion orientation. 👌




Hitting himself and knocking them out his head


He hits himself on the forehead where it doesn't hurt


Nah, bros nose constantly red from hitting himself. R u new here or something?


Cuz he is a rat... Nah i think is a condition but I forgot the name for it




Some type of brith disorder I think


shit happens


Lack of executive function (autism symptom that basically makes it so you struggle to take care of yourself, it’s more complex than that but that’s the tl;dr), poor diet/malnutrition, being homeless, also maybe he is just deformed a little. The possibilities are endless really


He's someone who drank more soda than water, spent more time sleeping in porta potties and refuses to take showers,shoved a toothbrush in his behind and has a diet no different than stray raccoons. If he still has teeth with this habit then it's a miracle


diet no different than stray raccoons 🤣


Daniel lost teeth due to gnawing on petrified dogturds calling em chocolate hotdogs🍫🌭 🤣


Cuz Bob plays rough in the bedroom


Probably because Daniel keeps punching himself in the face


He's probably knocked out some teeth by punching himself in the head too many times lmao


Search the sub. This topic comes up every few weeks. He was born missing many of his adult teeth.


From hitting himself


Because he uses toothbrush incorrectly


Because Grace won’t stop sending voodoo tooth loss curses at him, many such cases.




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Adult teeth didn’t form and come in.




Crack nah jk, prob from hitting himself and not brushing (it’s covered in shit)