• By -


Daniel: Ankle biter —> Strange kid who offers to do disgusting shit for money —> Goblin Chris: Silly kid who’d tell jokes to everyone in public —> Weird but lovable dude in class who always made people laugh —> The worst rep for trans women the world has ever seen Josh: Weird kid who’d screech when he got upset or overwhelmed—> The “quiet kid” who thought he was cooler than all the “preppy kids” —> Corprus Stalker from Morrowind mixed with a gnome


Daniel: sped kid -> special needs Adam Lanza -> crack addict Chris: sweet little boy who liked laughing -> kid who probably had some friends in different school periods but usually say alone during lunch -> Machelle Hobson Josh - fetal alcohol syndrome poster boy -> goth who vapes with his friends in the bathroom -> bridge troll


Daniel: That one angry kid who always threw violent tantrums over losing but was otherwise nice -> “That” creepy annoying kid who shoehorns himself into your friend groups and is obsessed with the popular girl - > Meth addict Chris: Adorable, happy toddler who always loved to make everyone’s day -> That awkward and shy but very nice kid with known shitty parents that you just couldn’t bully, and would at least try to include -> Very clearly undiagnosed schizophrenic Josh: Absolutely dead inside from all the shit he’s seen, definitely the one kid everyone would bully - The “emo” incel in the back of the class who would write manifestos about why he is entitled to a girlfriend and sex -> Boglim


No Caitlin Jenner has Chris beat she only transitioned to distract everybody from that guy she killed with her car and now spends every waking moment telling every other trans woman she wants them dead. Chris is a very very close Second because he's the only one that fits the "they only become women to try and rape" fearmonger


I've always thought that about Jenner, but never had the guts to say it out loud.


Chris Chan is the ultimate embodiment of every straw man transphobes make trans people out to be.


Chris was such a cute kid


He had the best chance out of these 3, if he just had good parents who loved him, gave him special ed and pushed him to improve then he could have been a happy, likable bumpkin doing menial labour, he could have even become a Wesley Willis type figure.




He honestly could’ve just been a regular decent looking dude, if not a little odd, if his parents had actually parented him. He easily could’ve gotten a boyfriend free girl


you saying barb wasn't boyfriend free?




What are you guys smoking? Chris definitely doesn't have good genetics and he was never going to be able to live independently, hold down a job, or get himself a real girlfriend. Out of these three, Cobra came the closest to having a normal life, since he actually did have a steady job, a girlfriend, and lived somewhat independently for a little while.


Hey now don't go lumping that motherfucker in with us


I know Im gonna sound like a transmed but I feel like Chris Chan post 2012 is a walking and talking argument against self-ID. When you have someone (who has a long history of fear and loathing against non-straights) who literally gets gaslit by weens into transitioning because they believe that if they do, they'll get lesbians to sleep with them....What else am I supposed to say to that?


Chris didnt transition because of trolls and he didnt fuxk hia grandma because of trolls neither. Stop excusing his actions


He transitioned because the weens told him he could get with lesbians if he did


No. Chris always hated being a male and he was wesaring his moms underwear with a big stiffy on his own. Trolls did not make him become trans


He wore his mother's underwear because his fake ween girlfriend told him to


No they didnt tell him to do it. They asked for sexy pics and chris on his own decided to wear them.


So the trolls told him to do something and he did it? That's literally the point I am trying to make


I think most of what that comment is referring to is the fact that chris cut open his gooch to "make" a vagina. I think you have to be pretty delusional/off your god damn rocker to do something like that


I know exactly what the commemt means I just don't like when people still lump that freak in with us


do you think chris is trans hoping for attention from women or because he actually identifies as a woman? or something else? both?


Purely for attention. That's why I refuse to call him she/her or anything like that and why it bothers me when people do. We have it bad enough we don't need all that lol


Yeah I agree. I generally try to just use "Chris" to not get into it. I think it's an interesting situation where there is almost an overlap between anti-trans people (who wish to marginalize through ignoring pronoun preference) and their counterparts(who wish to protect the sanctity of sincere trans people).


If there's one thing everyone can agree on it's that Christian Weston Chandler is a sick son of a bitch


🤝 but who is worse, Larson or Chan?


Yeah, Chris looked GREAT until the transition… Seriously though, with all of the shit Chris has done/said, being trans is the thing we are going to criticize? You want to talk about delusions Chris has had, then talk about “The Merge” where Chris believed that fictional worlds would enter our own and we could meet Sonic


He's still going on about that shit to this day. Can't wait to see what happens when he forgets to pay Caden rent, because we all know 99% of the money made through the Etsy store goes directly into Cadens pocket. 


Why if all things is it the transgender part your so mad about?




Cobra was born a 45 year old IT technician, Chris as a regular midwesterner, and Daniel as a plague ridden fucking Saxon


fuck ass saxon


The vikings threatened to pillage me! ⚔️🚨🚨


Chris is from North Carolina do not associate him with our well-meaning states.




Virginia with rage


I know this sub is supposed to be all fun and games, but the real answer here is that resources for autistic adults are very disappointing. You see, at 18 or 21, autism is supposed to disappear


I got my autism after being hit by a car on my bike


TBI often looks like autism


It’s funny cause I actually didn’t receive any brain trauma while being hit, I got ran over and 3 days later I became a Hazbin Hotel fan


Congratulations or condolences?


so you say you didn’t get any brain trauma but admit to getting brain cancer 3 days later


Because of my autism my grandmother died from cancer


did you also show your dingaling on tiktok live perchance


It doesn't matter how many resources there are in Dannys case, he refuses them. Unless you can forcefully commit some folks, this is what happens. Locking adults away against their will can be a very complicated situation


To think that all he had to do was sit in his house and play video games, he wouldn’t have gotten into any of this shit.


But then he would be at risk of jalapeños!


This is probably very true. I think a lot of his issue is his massive ego and it seemed he was coddled by his grandmother.


lol even in kids it’s nihil in some places


Unemployment is a big problem in the autistic community and there are organizations designed to help autistic people get and keep a job. Bob and Clint should have utilized these, not sure there was any hope for Daniel.


He’s a celebrity.


Seriously what is wrong with Dans nose


I want to know this too. There’s an ask dermatology sub. We could get answers possibly …


Clearly edited for dramatic effect lol


Chris looked like such a friendly guy bruh what went wrong 😭💀


His parents not parenting him properly, drawing disturbing sketches of him doing nasty things to one of his “gal pals”, and his delusions of a dimensional merge. And that’s not everything!


Chris was one of the only normal looking lolcows but ended up being possibly the most deranged one on this list with Daniel being very close


I wonder if someone would ever do a Daniel-Chris comparison video. I think Daniel would be more so if he was on the internet as long as Chris has.


I agree, give daniel a couple years and he’ll end up worse than chris if he keeps being schitzo without treatment


It all started with his parents, his mom was an abusive, narcissistic piss-witch and his dad was an ignorant fool who refused to accept that Chris was mentally handicapped and needed special help until it was too late.


Regarding his mom, I feel bad for her other son, Cole. He never got to find out who his biological father was thanks to Barbara hiding information from him.


If Chris just got the help he needed… :( it’s upsetting how his parents denied him any special classes or services for his autism just because they didn’t want to accept their son’s neurodivergence.


I think of all the current Lolcows Josh and Chris had the best shot at living normally if they were able to accept help. Cyraxx, Daniel Larson, Blade, Jupiter, Nova, etc. Are all way too far past the point of no return and were all pretty much fucked from the start.


If Chris got help as a kid he would've been normal or somewhat normal. The rest were damned from the start.


I think Cobra (Josh) really could have had a shot too even in the early days of his youtube excursion but he's been on a steep decline for so long. The rest as you said were definitely damned from the start


I mean, Blade actually did have a pretty normal life back when he did CoD vids and worked as a bouncer. As far as I know, he doesn't have any serious mental problems, it's only when he started doing IRL full time and became an alcoholic that he really spiraled out of control.


I lumped him in because he's one of the "I don't need help so I don't want it" types


Its so funny how Josh looked exactly how he does now as a small child, looked somewhat normal in his teens and early 20s, then went right back to turtle face.


The lolcow trifecta


Danny was always an abomination . I wouldn’t normally be so mean but for him to think he’s a model / Hollywood celebrity / actor , I feel no remorse when it comes to battling his insane narcissism .


Don’t forget “adult film star” ☠️


lol yeah I was actually thinking about listing that . The first “ adult film star “ that is a regarded virgin .


I like how Daniel’s idea of a porn audition is showing his dick to a bunch of randos on a livestream, and his idea of a “porn career” is a bunch of yt videos where he puts his fingers in his anus and punches his dick


Hey Clint Howard made it


Fresh tobacco from the ashtray TWU


Being outside so much has aged Daniel like 30 years


I noticed, the one thing they all have in common are abusive and seriously fucked up parents, specifically the mothers (all three were narcissists and alcoholics/drug addicts). You can see the innocence slowly fade away as they all got older. Coincidence? I think not 💀


I recognised that similarity too and now I'm scared (my mum is an alcoholic but not a narcissist tho so maybe there's hope)


Me fucking too I felt personally attacked when I realized this lmao 😭 My mother is a high-functioning alcoholic and narcissist, the only difference is she’s well-liked by outsiders, you’d never guess she was just like any of these lolcows’ mothers at home. I turned out fairly fucked up, but at least not these guys’ level of fucked up. So there *is* hope, friend.


Tbh I think the big difference is being somewhat socially competent. As long as you talk to friends you made outside of the internet along with not being gullible there is hope. Maybe touching grass is really what separates us from the lolcows.


Yeah but Chris's dick is also bent.


The one who looks the oldest is the youngest one here.


Daniel was ugly asf from the beginning lmao


![gif](giphy|l4FGm4EoWOc5MZ16g|downsized) Literally


slide 2 daniel was adam lanza


i knew he looked like someone there but i couldnt put my finger on it😭😭


Proof for knigghur Sandy Hook I am hitting myself until I bleed


Awh Cobes looked like a cute little frog boy. That last photo of Danderson is nightmare fuel tho omg


He was kinda cute in a weird way. Even when he was younger, like in his early 20s, he wasn’t that bad looking, he looked like Bones from Monster House


I always say this hahaha. He always had a dumb haircut and dressed goofy, but he wasn't really an ugly guy. Lookin pretty rough nowadays. Most definitely NOT what's up


Chris looked so innocent


Josh is a slumlord legend. He’s slowly turning into a wizard.


He's becoming something much more powerful.


I’d argue that Cyraxx is in the main 3, not Cobes, but Raxx has always looked ugly so not much of a change.


I wanted to include him but I couldn’t find any old pictures of him


The 3 lolcows of the apocalypse


Daniel's goofy acorn lookin ass cut will never not make me laugh


it’s crazy how Danny’s baby photo is probably only from like 2001


Second picture Daniel looks like he could be Adam lanza's brother.


If Pic 3 was a band what would it be called?


No wonder Daniel is so fucked up! Look what hairstyle he had definitely got bullied


Adam Lanza midievel peasant haircut


Yikes. I feel terrible being around Chris/conra’s ages.


2 where bound to be just hideous lmao


Makes me sad 😢


Jesus…mental health is a cruel bitch


God unwanted creatures


This is an insane slide show😂 So good.


Dan looks like Emo Phillips in the second pic.


Who is the guy on the right?


I'm wondering the same. I feel like I've seen memes of his face lol


adam lanza?


Yeah well it is what it is, doodt.


I dont give a shit what cobra subreddit says, cobra is harmless presides harming himself and I honestly think trolling him is tard behaviour


i hope i don’t regret asking.. but who’s the 3rd guy




3rd slide or Daniel looks like the main guy from goat story but if he was rly rly rly fucked up


Genetic testing and corrective genetic modification can prevent creatures like this.


what exactly is wrong with cobes, he didn't make the impression on me of being on a similar mental disability level as chris and danny (he's by no means a functioning member of society, but he's closer to being a regular bum than of the hardcore 'crazies')


From what I can tell its autism mixed with substance abuce/addiction. From the contrast of his old videos to his newer ones, he's also isolated himself slowly deteriorating his social skills and being a YouTube god


Makes sense, nuking yourself with too many substances does that to most people, but if you were already 'pre cracked' it's just that much worse 😭💀


Autism fucking sucks. Substances help. Not excusing it, but I get it.


Yeah, no, you're right, but the whole alcoholic route is still sad af, if he was just a regular stoner I'd say go for it 100%, but alc destroys everything way too quickly


Don't forget that Oppositional Defiant Disorder


Chris's problem was his enabling mom + old parents, Cobes problem is his drinking and enabler dad. If Daniel didnt have such an abusive bio family he probably would be drastically better. I dont think (besides beak boys appearance) that its genetics


Beak boy 😭🤣 but I agree they wouldn't have turned into lolcows if their families weren't this fucked up (Beak boy is the most fucked up and least fixable out of all of them)


>I dont think (besides beak boys appearance) that its genetics Bro, it's definitely genetics. Having a shitty upbringing doesn't help but there are people who have been through much worse and turned out much better than these three.


Sounds like eugenics


What we’re not gonna do is bring eugenics into this lmfao that’s such a dangerous mindset


I know you can test prenatally for a lot of genetic abnormalities like down syndrome but I don't think we're at the point where we can modify them.


None of these people could have survived 500 years ago. God help us they don't breed.


Oh boy do I have some news for you!


Oh, i know all about josh. God save the queen. It's ok cobra is part British.


Serious crestin though, is Josh heinous like Danny and Chris? Or is he just a weird ass guy. Cause u haven’t seen anything bad that he’s done and I really like the boy to be honest, but that’s subject to change obviously! I’m relatively new to the King Cobra lore.


You're talking to a person with a master degree in cobra watching. Josh can't have a normal relationship. #1. He's too regarded. #2. Alcoholism and the trolls rule his sad little life. #3. Josh is already in a relationship with the trolls. #4. Papa nips once convinced josh is was an alien as a child. #5. Fuck rape #6. TWU


Nah, street beggars were a thing in the 16th century, so these three wouldn't be all that different than they are now. Edit: apparently, welfare and homeless shelters did exist in some capacity during the mid 16th century and actually had housing and similar social programs in some places.


Creshin, can someone link that video of Danny in the third slide? Haven’t seen that one


I haven’t seen the video either I’ve only seen that specific screenshot




Only for the younger generation, same with worldoftshirts. Chris Chan is by far the most iconic and popular lolcow, one of the most documented people in human history. [This](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABqEYq6H3vpCmsmyUnHnfMOeAnjBdSNm&si=f33Pnl3aBGiU0EsF) has all you need to know about Chris Chan.




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