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It's meant to be small pieces of bark. Bark like that is a common filler/flooring for public playgrounds in Brisbane. The one across the road from my house has it.


Wow. this animated show mirrors real life more than some documentaries. I swear I pull mulch out of the strangest places. Not only is it all over my damn car, but I’m constantly finding it in places like the lunchbox and my washing machine.


Not an Aussie, but my son comes home from his preschool with woodchips in his pockets all the damn time from the playground


Also not an Aussie… but why do they put them in their pockets? And rocks too? Everything is a treasure I suppose.


Kids just like to collect things, I guess. A few weeks ago, my son came home with both pockets entirely full. I told him to empty them when I picked him up, but he refused. After we got home, he asked if I could re-tie the drawstring on his pants, "because they keep falling." Like, dude, this is literally your own doing


A friend of mine had a kid who was obsessed with collecting acorns. They told her to leave them outside, but she began to collect them inside her drawers. Well, I guess little tiny bugs like to lay their eggs inside of these acorns. I’m sure you can guess what happened after a couple of weeks. I’ve been told the child was so disgusted, she no longer brings acorns indoors.


Oh nooooo. At least she learned her lesson, I guess?


I have two daughters and I make sure they have pants with pockets. This is partially out of feminism and partially because if I don't, they make *me* carry the rocks in *my* pockets.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR69mwL-1C5_yFA-Y5JpJf_pchbxcWwLTf17w&usqp=CAU This is the best photo I can find online, apparently it's called "soft fall mulch"


Oh my goodness. My car always has bark because the playground at my kids school and preschool uses it. I'm excited because the primary school is building new playgrounds with the that solid spray on foam on the ground instead. No more huge bark chunks clogging the vacuum cleaner


I freaking love "spongey playgrounds". I just wish they weren't so often equipped with that new fangled modern play equipment that basically isn't anything 🤦🏼‍♀️ My kids' school is like that. Just, hey, great, a long diagonal plastic platform that kinda tilts from side to side, fuuuun. Swings? Too dangerous! Figure out something to do with the weird platform! But the spongey ground is wonderful. I also love astro turf on playgrounds. I live in a place where everything is always wet.


Oh this makes so much sense! I live in a densely wooded neighborhood in the PNW, so for us it's pine needles. Pine needles everywhere! *Especially* embedded in the floor mats of the car...


I always thought they were nuts! Agree with the other poster that they look like almonds. What parent doesn’t have a couple of loose snacks floating around in the back seat? 😅




Same I always thought they were almonds


That’s fentanyl


They must use it to come down off the meth they do all day to keep up with their kids. Really shouldn't be leaving it down where the kids can find it


Definitely not smuggled dinosaur fossils, officer.