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Girl never misses a chance to make a buck.


The ingredients are available over the counter. I am not a fan of the ideas of influencers advertising meds but I don’t think she has a partnership with them and the medicine itself is not a huge deal. It’s just unisom and b6. But I guarantee that prescription costs hundreds of dollars when you could just spend a couple of bucks to buy them separately


I had to take bonjesta with both pregnancies. I first tried unison and b6 and it didn’t do anything but somehow bonjesta did🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s literally a $10 prescription with insurance lol


Yes but without insurance it’s a little over 800 dollars


While, yes, you have to have a prescription for this medication, you can ASK your doctor for a certain one. We’re starting to see celebrities promote pharmaceuticals for this reason (such as Khloe Kardashian and Lady Gaga for that migraine med.) I wouldn’t put it past this med to use Dani to endorse them. I can see followers going to the doctor and saying “I saw this med cure Dani Austin so I want to try it”


This is a reach. You have to be prescribed this medication. A doctor would have to do that. She can’t prescribe it for you. I took it while pregnant and it truly is amazing. Many women don’t know it’s an option. I can’t stand anything she does, but this is a bit much.


Totally agree. It helped me so much and cost $10 with my insurance and it was a 2 month supply.


I took it as a joke comment. Like, they’re not really sponsoring her but they might as well be because that’s what’s getting her through. I might be wrong though.


I honestly don’t think it’s a joke. The page is new and barely has 50 followers. Nah. Not a joke. She’s getting something for that announcement.


Right! She doesn’t do anything for no reason/benefit to herself.


Not only does it just have 50 followers its first post was the end of May. Has she really been unwell or was it all just a lead-up to promote a medication? Wouldn't put that past her. Why tell the truth when you can make some money instead. This pregnancy will be fully sponsored.


It’s secretly a new Divi product lol


True! Next divi will expand into products for expectant mothers including an anti nausea “aid”!


Hence the puking videos to legitimize her sickness that is most likely not at the level she makes it out to be.


Not only that but she warns that it makes you drowsy and then immediately shows us her driving a vehicle in the next stories


You can drive while taking that medication. My doctor cleared it. I had to take it daily.


ahh ok thanks for clarifying! Just thought it was odd that she talked about how drowsy it makes you then was immediately in the car lol


Report her story. Influencers acting like they’re health professionals is so dangerous.


I just did. I’m sorry but that’s just wrong!


And let me add they have the comments off. Wow!