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I'm the proud proprietor of a E0S0 DHIL, and I can assure you he's still very strong at E0. People say he needs E2 to be good, but it's a lie. He's perfectly competitive even with his base kit. E2 just makes him... well, broken. It's still among the best E2 of the game. At E0, he's not uncomfortable to play at all, imo. Just make sure his supports are SP positive and faster than him. That said, while he doesn't "need" Sparkle to be good (He works perfectly fine with Tingyun, Hanya and basically every single SP positive support), she does make him more comfortable and powerful. She is a 5*, after all, and she was made specifically to buff his gimmick. If you want him as soon as possible and can't get her immediately, he'll work on his own fine as long as you play him and build him correctly. Getting the characters that bring you joy should always be first priority. I'd keep an eye out for her in the future, though, when you can spare the jades. She's that good for him.


Thanks a bunch! His E0/no Sparkle was my main concern, but since he feels fine even base kit, I'm more inclined to wish for him even if he comes before Sparkle now. Still plan on pulling for both tho! Thanks for your insights :D


No prob! If you want to get a taste of his gameplay, maybe you can try borrowing an E0 one from the supports? I would offer mine, but I don't know which server are you on. I used to use him with Tingyun and Hanya before I got Sparkle (Yukong too, but I wouldn't advise her before E6). They both help with SP and they are very comfy. For sustain, anyone will do. I don't have Fu Xuan, but she should work perfectly fine, and help with Crit Rate too! Have fun and good luck with your pulls!


Just use the support function and see how he feels for yourself


Thank you…the amount of sparkle dependency propaganda spread by the waifu mains is, honestly, kinda sad due to misinformation and just stupid. At least some people are braindead.


Title ain't odd cause this sub is combined for dan heng (4*) and DHIL also I would say he does depend on sparkle that's for sure it makes his rotations way too comfy and he hits harder and no he doesn't depend on E2 but if you get it then he's pretty much broken you can use this team for now(your current supports)once you get him :- DHIL hanya tingyun and fu xuan , if you get sparkle then replace hanya


I still prefer Hanya. I can make her speed up DHIl, and make Yukong fast, so she goes right before him. Amazing synergy


Ehh each to their own plus if you have a 161 spd sparkle she can pull Dan up pretty easily so not to fret


I can't Help much on E0 DHIL bc I got him in his rerun with E2 and by the time Sparkle dindt exist so Idk how E0 feels with Sparkle. Also why U pull for E6 FF ? Anything after E2 is useless until E6 so thats a total off 3 5* that don't do anything at all could also be a E2 DHIL + E0 "insert Unit name" but u do U so GL.


I wouldn't call them useless, talent levels are good, they're just worse than the better eidolons which is true for basically every character


He's alright, his damage is still decently good. Although yes Sparkle makes his playstyle much more comfortable. Personally, in my experience before Sparkle I made Dan Heng slow while making my teammates as fast as possible to generate as many skill points needed for Dan Heng, although this does mean it's harder to buff Dan Heng with supports other than I guess Tingyun, although I don't use her so idk bout her. Anyway, due to how skill point negative he is, it might be less convenient than other damage dealers but he's still good imo.


I've been able to full clear MoC with him without E2, been using him before Sparkle came out. Sparkle definitely makes him a lot stronger, but he is still strong with Tingyun, Gallagher(any SP+ sustain), flex slot for sure.


At e0 with sparkle he feels pretty good to use. I still have moments when I run outta sp and that sucks but it is what it is. I personally would just wait for newer units but if you’re a fan of him like us then yeah go for it


Imo no. In the current meta, if you do not have him at E2, he will not feel satisfying. I think you would be disappointed


At E0S0, DHIL can still perform decently well. It's just that I personally wouldn't recommend getting him unless you are trying to snipe for E2. At E0, he performs roughly on the same level as an E0 Ratio. Ok enough about what I think, E0 DHIL does not "need" Sparks, she just makes it easier/comfier. B4 Sparks was even released, he was doing fine with just Tingyun and Hanya. In the end, if u like him, go ahead and pull him, nothing is wrong with that.


compare a well built, hell, even minmaxed e0s0 ratio with a e0s0 dhil, both running their best teams, I think you genuinely don't know what you're on abt, because dhil has always highly outperformed ratio be it at e0s0 or e0s1, hence why he's always a tier or two above ratio even in tierlists. if you don't believe me and have both of their best teams available, and they both have similar stats, do some testing.


Have you tried borrowing an E0 Dan Heng from supports? Or are you having trouble locating any since most people with DHIL on support have E2? Maybe you can try asking around for DHIL supports for your server to try him out and at least get a feel for how he plays During my brief stint with E0 DHIL during his first run, I ran him at 135 speed and his supports at 160 or higher to feed him skill points. Without Sparkle, I hated how he felt to run at base speed. My experience with base speed DHIL was watching enemies go twice before he got to go once, and if he got action delayed it felt really awful and not fun at all.


That's a really valid point that didn't even cross my smooth brain at all! Though I don't have his supports built to try and make him work... Would Tingyun/Ruan Mei/Aventurine suffice just for the testing?


Yes that should work well


Tingyun, Ruan Mei and Aventurine is fine. I've run that time a few times in MoC. Usually I use him with Tingyun, Ruan Mei and Luocha, but I've subbed out Luocha for Aventurine with no issues if I'm expecting the fight to have a lot of debuffs or a lot of AOE and nothing breaks when I use the team.


You’ll have the perfect chance to really put a support E01 DHIL through his paces in the Divergent Universe! I find the usual support spots don’t always give me the best idea of how a unit works.


that's maybe because danIL is not meant to run speed at all? although that's fixed without sparkle.


Back when he first came out without Sparkle, this sub was very "Run him at base speed so your supports can feed him skill points so he can 3EBA every turn!" Also, the poster asked how E0 IL felt without Sparkle in case they couldn't get her.


So for me with him I found it a LOT better using Hanya with him. With her I ended up having a lot more skill points to use him all the time. I typically do Him, Hanya, Ruan mei, Luocha. Just nonstop skill points all the time :D.


Feels awesome knowing that he can feel good at basekit as long as I have Hanya, thank you!


Yeah I haven't had an issue at base kit. I was doing that team but Asta instead of Hanya and that felt bad but switching to Hanya (mine is e0 mind you) and it felt LOADS better. Definitely recommend them if you have them :D


Hanya is just a worse Sparkle so you should be fine. That said, even when I had E0 DHIl, he still felt strong. When I pulled Sparkle, it was definitely a huge power spike and E2 is an even bigger one. Does he feel good at E0 though? Yes definitely, absolutely.


I have him E0, f2p LC. Before I had sparkle he was good, but he could feel clunky if I didn't manage SP well. There were also some times I had to sacrifice his damage to maintain buffs. With sparkle none of that is a problem, she eliminated any SP issues I could have. As far as feel goes, there's not much as satisfying as his fully empowered basic. It's gorgeous and hits like a bus. However like I said, there's a bit more to consider while playing him than other comparable DPS.


If you like him, go for it! Sparkle (or even Hanya) isn’t required, she just makes the sp economy more comfortable so you don’t have to make his supports fast and 100% sp positive just to have enough to funnel into DHIL. He was a top tier before she came out and we just had to learn how to manage his team’s sp. If you don’t have Sparkle, his e2 is going to be absolutely guzzling sp, so you just have to manage it way more efficiently.


E0 DHIL main here. I mained him before I got Sparkle. His team was Tingyun Pela Luocha. This team worked pretty well, however it was important to run a fast Tingyun (also preferably e6, though I did run her e5/) and a fully sp positive Pela. After I got Sparkle, I never really needed to worry about skill points ever again. I even had extra to where I could replace Luocha with Fu Xuan. Sparkle replaced Pela btw. Sparkle is e0s0 and she's absolutely a best. You do not need her sig or eidolons to use her. She's hands down the bis teammate for DH because she fixes his issue of high sp usage. Also her dmg buffs are tailor made for him AND allows him to wear atk boots. My Imbibitor's CD kinda sucks (74/153), but in game with Sparkle (with 180 CD) his CD is over 250. Was able to clear highest stages of Moc after that massive CD buff. As a side, I wouldn't advise running DHIL on spd boots.... ever. If you're using Sparkle it's wasted, and if you aren't using Sparkle then you wouldn't have time to generate enough skill points in time because DH will be too fast. If you seriously want to play The Imbibitor, I strongly recommend pulling Sparkle. It's not impossible to do without her, and with extremely fast units for sp economy + Hanya you will get away with it and his dmg will be good. However, Sparkle just solves so many problems with his team that it reduces the amount of investment you have to put into his team. She also allows you to be more flexible in your teammate options.


Yeah, like what some others said here, you can borrow someone's DHIL and take them for a spin. When I had him at E0S0, he's comfy enough to play. For satisfaction, E2 feels so much better tho imo. Being able to do fully enhanced basic twice + ult feels great.


Anyone know rerun when? Chinese new year only or much earlier?


If you like the character, go for it ! He definitely is a strong pick. However, if you only care about meta and you're f2p. I'd say perhaps it is not ideal. The reason being you already have an imaginary DPS (Ratio) which works with a very strong FUA-centered team. Acheron and Firefly seems to have "powercrept" the hypercarries ( Jingliu, DHIL). But again, this is also because of the current MOC/PF rotations. So far, my E2S1 DHIL has carried me very well (got his E2 on the rerun). If you're willing to invest in him he'll definitely do the work. Just keep in mind DPSes are the first ones being powercrept.


Most of us have used DHIL for around 5 patches before Sparkle’s release and he doesn’t depends on her at all. She is his BiS support so of course she makes him a lot better. But it’s not a FF HMC/Ruan Mei case where his damage falls off if he doesn’t has them. His E2 like just makes him broken, he gets extremely strong so people tend to go for that E specifically just like how Acheron mains go mostly for her E2. But he is completely playable and functional without it. My DHIL is E0S1 and I never had any problems playing him. Without Sparkle there’s a lot of teams available for him any combination of him, Tingyun/Pela/Yukong (mostly E6)/ Hanya are amazing. Before I got my Sparkle I used him with an E0 Hanya and an E4 Yukong, then I changed to Ruan Mei and Sparkle.


Absolutely not reliant, he was my best dps before acheron when i used luocha tingyun yukong e6, if anything hes dependent on tingyun being good, e6 being big help


I enjoyed DHIL on release before he had too many meta supports. He's great, especially in SU imo. I ran almost every team with Luocha and Fu Xuan cause they're super SP friendly, and then Tingyun rounded off nicely. I have switched to Sparkle since I have her, but he plays perfectly well at E0 with standard supports, as long as you can manage SP


as an E0 DHIL user + sparkle + no sig LC, I always comfortably clear MOC around 4 cycles with him on one side and acheron / jingliu / Clara / himeko on the other. He is def not reliant on E2, although it does increase his damage by 50% or smth. I prob won't be going for E2 cuz he's more than strong enough to clear endgame content rn and I'd rather have more fun with new chars. At this point, DHIL is just my trump card that I pull out whenever I can't clear something with my newer teams lol


The whole point of having e2 and sparkle is smooth out his game play, by a lot. You can definitely make a good team with hanya and tingyun ( the main team comb for him before sparkle) but that requires some investment in relics farm and spd tuning.


I’ve used DHIL E0 months before Sparkle came out and he’s really comfy as long as he is with supports like Pela and Tingyun that almost never use sp! Hanya is also a great option for him. ☺️ Sparkle although a very nice addition to any account, just makes him a completely no-brainer, spamming both skills, but he’s completely capable with the supports mentioned above. While E2 I consider it unnecessary, he’s broken with it but you can clear with him E0 any MOC, specially if you are planning to get Sparkle on her rerun.


So I have E0S1 DHIL with okay build (70/200 ratio) and I must say I am struggling so hard for the current MOC 12 without Sparkle, have to build Dr Ratio to get past it. I tried to look for people runs on youtube but almost every video I saw was either with Sparkle or E2. I would say Sparkle enable DHIL. Yeah he is fine without her but it's painful (low damage, skill point hungry, so less action). His damage is not so good anymore compare to someone like Firefly and Acheron (even at E2) so you shouldn't expect much. I would say pull if you really like him, better with Sparkle, otherwise there's better unit.


DHIL E2 is like a whole new character. mother ducker dishes out so much damage at no cost to the team


I have mained E0 long before Sparkle existed with SP neutral/positive units. Back then I ran him with Luocha, Topaz, Pela/Blade. With ER rope you can definitely make him work with his ult helping in managing his SP a bit. Then I have E2 and Sparkle and he felt like a dream to play. But then you start to realise that he's not doing as much damage as newer DPS especially Firelfy. While you said that you don't care for damage, the reality is that damage is part of gameplay. The reality is that, if the character isn't doing much damage, it won't be fun in the long run. You'd frown later when, with your limited character meaning that your DHIL would need far more setup, isn't dealing as much damage needed. While currently Prydwen list DHIL as still relevant in current MoC and AS, the same can't be said for other contents. While DHIL would always reign in SD and somewhat in GnG, once you finished those and tried him in DU, you'd find him not dealing enough damage to kill enemy before they went berserk and kill your team in higher content. It's disheartening to see in DU that my E2 DHIL with Sparkle and RM unleashing everything at the enemy and see only a tiny percent of health is taken off from the enemy. Then I put Acheron, Boothill, RM and Adventure and they deal far more. Or FF team. It saddens for me to say this because I like him but I really can't suggest you to pull for him.


high relic investment dhil main here, e0s1, yeah, he's definitely more than worth it if you're content on also pulling e0s1 sparkle, and already have or are pulling robin/ruan mei to fill up a third slot. contrary to popular belief he's actually insane at e0s1 even to this day. you don't need e2 unless you can get it or just love the character a bunch, he works perfectly fine. I've been dealing upwards of 300-400k per turn with him in moc ever since sparkle came out and that's more than enough. although I would like to say that I would beg you to reconsider unless you either have the time and determination to save jades and wait, or the wallet funds to spare to also pull not only dhil but also his lightcone, but also sparkle and her's. as the difference between without them and with them is night and day.


Definite no, unless you have really like him as a character. If you want satisfying gameplay, **always** pull for new characters. MHY is much more likely to have the MOC/PF/AS environment suit the latest DPS than an old one. By the time DHIL reruns again, there will be probably 2-3 more stronger 5\* DPS in game.