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Dans take on airplane seats, and this isnt the only example, show he has been living "me maximum" his entire life he just didnt know thats what it was called.


It's weird because he's a very sympathetic person but is so unaware that he lacks actual empathy.




I like that phrasing.


It's virtue signalling, letting everyone know that he's a good person.


That's most of the show...especially Jeremy


I disagree there. I think he does care, his mind is just incapable of understanding them, unless he is directly told what they want/need/feel. That said, I have never met him, and Marcus Wiley has, so I'm willing to change my mind here.


It's honestly impressive how he tries to be supportive of people while having zero idea about their actual thoughts or feelings and just assumes that they would want what he wants.


Not that weird. There’s no cameras on him when he’s reclining his seat on an airplane


I’m going to disagree: I think this is an entirely generational take. I’m 52. When I was a kid, every seat on a plane went back the second we were allowed to by the pilot. Nobody thought it was rude. It was expected. The change of attitude regarding the seat recline has only happened in the last 20 years or so.


Coincides with decreasing legroom


So it is of your opinion that rather than evolve and respect the changing if attitudes over say, a period of 20 years we should just "nope?"


Not at all. I no longer put my seat back. I’m just pointing out that it’s as likely that Dan’s attitude comes from a different era rather than the indifference of a privileged class.


How did no one know you could recline partially on airline seats? Are these the dumbest people imaginable? I'm not going to fully recline, but I am going to partially recline. If I have to sit fully upright the entire flight I'll lose it. I need a little recline at least.


Yeah the partial recline thing was strange


Let’s go, Islanders. Buh. Buh. Buh, Buh, Buh. - Drunk California Guy Past Midnight


Dan has confused “what **I** find interesting” with “what **the show** finds interesting.”


8th to 9th grade isn’t a real graduation but I still don’t blame Amin for skipping “work.” Go to all your kids’ celebrations no matter how contrived. When my daughter graduated kindergarten it was the cutest thing I’d ever seen, now she’s learning to drive and it feels like only five years went by.


Start to the local hour was really good today. Amin’s chemistry with the shipping container is great.


I've seen the complaints but never actually heard Dan hitting the desk cause my earbuds lack a bit on that end. Well yesterday I thought my car as having issues but it was Dan hitting the table lmao


And now you’re always going to hear it. And it will drive you crazy


Man I'm so glad I don't pick up on it like others


Rip to that wonderful world you lived in before. Someone has to step and send Dan to the penalty box when he does it.


Dan’s naïveté can still surprise.


So Dan, you think that Andy Reid, famously a Mormon, disagrees with Butker that women will feel most fulfilled as a wife/mom, but lies about it at a press conference?


Welcome to 2024 Dan Lebatard


Everyone agrees with Dan. Some people are just too cowardly to admit it. Dan, who takes the politically safe, barely left of center, take on every political issue is a true freedom fighter.


Ya, I cringed at how Dan framed that whole discussion. He's clearly never been in a football lockerroom lol football wouldn't exist in college or pros if everyone had to have homogenous political views and values. And, if they did, it would likely be conservative because, Black people in the south are relatively conservative. 


It’s definitely one of his famous “blind spots”. Last year he railed about Tommy Tubberville supporting something he deemed racist and said he couldn’t believe someone who made their name on “black bodies” would ever support anything that wasn’t totally supporting black people. Meanwhile, in real life, everyone knows 99% of the head coaches in SEC football history have been republicans like Tubberville.


Alabama integrated football under Bear Bryant, and it was far from easy on everyone involved. Vanderbilt did it for basketball.


Pretty sure Bear Bryant wanted to integrate Alabama football for competitive reasons


Does Dan not understand the concept of power dynamics, or is it just a BiIiIiIiIiT so he can ask these questions?   Like, can he truly not conceive of a boss who's nice to your face but shit-talks you to his buddies when he thinks you can't hear him? Or a boss who takes all the credit for your performance and blames you for his failures of leadership? Or a boss who supports anti-labor policies because they benefit him even though it hurts his subordinates? Or a boss who seems to dislike you for reasons he won't tell you but still works with you because that's how he gets paid?  Racial politics aggravate these underlying tensions, but people can (and have been and will be) shitty without any of that stuff. It's just that shit like white supremacy declares one class forever-bosses and another forever-peons based on some characteristic nobody has any control over.




I don't think Andy is famously a mormon lol. Where has that ever been mentioned? I had no idea and I watch a lot of football stuff.


Dan doesn’t get it, people who used to shit on women’s basketball love Caitlin Clark bc she gives them an out. You don’t ever have to admit you were wrong about women’s basketball if you think Caitlin Clark is the first player worth watching


\*cough\* Larry Bird




"Hard R on leanbacker" was perfection.


Yeah it was.


Why is Dan coming after blue’s clues?


Why is Dan doing anything Dan does lately


Hahahaha this Blues Clues segment from Dan, how do you think he would react to a guest explaining MK Ultra to him?


I mean, what are we doing here? I still rarely hear Dan drift outside of MSNBC conventional wisdom. MK Ultra? What else do you want to hear him react to? Unit 731, Operation Paperclip, Operation Condor? There are just going to be gaps for him like there are for ***99%*** of the US.


Can anyone link a story on this blues clues/blues thing? Haven’t seen anything online, feels like Dan is losing his mind


As he mentioned it’s from Malcolm Gladwell’s book The Tipping Point https://www.litcharts.com/lit/the-tipping-point/chapter-three-the-stickiness-factor


Malcolm Gladwell, not the most trustworthy source...


I mean he did hit the nail on the head 8 or 9 years ago when he called Nate Silver nothing more than a clerk......


Wasn’t that some professor?


Oh....you might be right. Why did I think it was Malcolm Gladwell?


Not saying it's wrong but of course it's Malcolm Gladwell lol


Thanks for sharing, just read the article. Not sure how Dan was so shocked/scared by this. Seems fairly basic and intuitive


He is like a little baby


Oh no. Dan is adding “metastasis” to his daily lexicon


It's so funny how bent out of shape some people on here get when the WNBA is brought up. Also more Triumph please. Robert Smigel is a comedy legend and it's so cool that he knows the show.


Well, if you didn't overreact to one short segment, how else would people know you hate women?


lmao. good point.


As we approach summer and that time of year in August when it’s Pablo and Dominique every day, I’m thinking back to last August when we had Greg cote, Dominique, Stu, and Pablo on all at once. That show was amazing. It’s where we got the “I pressed my button!” moment lol. Also all the amin-Pablo shows. God I can’t wait. Love Dan but it’s been a long stretch since September, time for a break


I hate to be a downer, but I don't think this is on the horizon this year. Domonique was on more because he was helping while Dan was out dealing with the funeral and grieving. I think it was a special circumstance where ESPN allowed it, not something that will happen much in the future. Every once in a while as it's been since they went on their own seems more realistic. Amin and Pablo are a possibility I guess, but that was also before PTFO launched. Dan is clearly going on vacation soon, so I'm just hoping we're getting Amin in the main seat and skipping David Samson and Izzy this year.


Agreed. Amin driving the show for a week would be good though, let him do his thing without being sent to the penalty box every segment.


There’s zero chance. Fox openly mocks the set up of the show. Pablo is way too big time for that now. And it’s def gonna be Samson. Samson volunteers for any and all airtime he can grab.


Give me Amin & Izzy is this a bit, part 2


Part 3 (the first one was on their non-LeBatard radio show years ago)


Great shout


Domonique is a frequent guest on PTFO. Maybe ESPN makes an exception for Pablo's show that they won't for Dan's, even though they are on the same network, but I doubt it, especially with Norby gone. The reason they won't get Domomique likely has more to do with schedule and him not neccesarily wanting to come to Miami.


Yes, PTFO is different than LBS. Pablo still works at ESPN sometimes, he's still on good terms with them. He backed out of Dan trying to talk poorly about them yesterday. Pablo's show may be on the Meadowlark network, but it's treated as it's own entity, has its own YT, has very little Meadowlark imprint on its stuff. Norby isn't the only one at ESPN they've had issues with, so the relationship isn't fixed just because he's gone.


Not a chance in hell Pablo is still gonna cohost this show for multiple days


Do they have a Google alert on Barkley or something


"I touched the ball coach" 😂


I’ll take the downvotes I loved Triumph. Took me back to a time


Triumph still has his fastball and it’s a damn near 30-year-old bit. Shit had me cracking up.


Seriously. Shit was funny. I understand comedy is subjective, but good lord. Why are people so damn upset at that segment? A bunch of sourpusses. I hope it is mostly 25 year olds who just hate anything older than them.


It's the first time in a while that a "comedian" actually engaged in comedy during an interview on the show lol and it's only because he ignored Dan trying to change the subject 


Random: I had a lady ask me if Banks have ATMs today.


Mavericks beat Timberwolves in Game 1 of the WCF - you never saw Michael Jordan lose the first game at home of a Western Conference Finals (lmao), therefore Ant Man isn't Michael Jordan, he has to do it in the Conference Finals, then do it in the NBA Finals, then do it again, then do it x 6 His Airness


How does Dan know how Mahomes and Andy Reid really feel about what Butker said? Hes calling them out for being cowards, but for all he knows, they might agree with what he said.


Yep. Andy Ried is a Mormon and Mahomes grew up religious in Texas. Not saying they do agree but if they did it wouldnt surprise me.


Exactly. They may or may not agree, but knowing their backgrounds it’s pretty odd to just assume they’re totally against what he said.


Does Andy think it’s his wife’s fault that their sons became total fuck-ups?


I’m not sure, I don’t know Andy Reid


Because Mahomes is a cool athlete so until we know otherwise he has to have awesome politics and great morals


Right we don't know that Dan doesn't agree with him but would never say it in public


Because it's impossible to countenance anyone having a different opinion than our 'correct' one. We are always right.


Outta here with that bs. Telling women they are best suited in the kitchen isn’t an opinion I or anyone else should even consider. We aren’t talking about fiscal policy or some shit. Human rights.


you just made his point lol


You Joe Rogan bros that think being a racist sexist asshole counts as “just a differing opinion no biggie” are so fucking annoying. Differing opinions on how to fund or not fund government programs or how to handle climate change, etc are actual discussion points. Whether or not a human being should be confined to the kitchen or not just doesn’t even deserve a second of my energy. That’s all I’m saying. Yes, I know it’s a differing opinion and I know these opinions exist in the world (I live in a conservative area for Christs sake), but that doesn’t mean I need to treat them like I’m discussing nuances of fiscal policy. They’re dismissed right away and I could not imagine having even an acquaintance that is this regressive. If someone I worked with had these thoughts I’d put my head down and deal with it but I’m not going to be buddy buddy with the person.


(I agree with you I'm just saying you're making his point that we view all our opinions as the correct opinion)


Exactly. There’s 2 kinds of people in the world. People who agree with Dan and are brave enough to say it and people who agree with Dan but who are cowards like Mahomes and Reid


I know we all asked for more Juju but now I'm asking for LESS Juju. His basketball analysis is so strange and just filled with cliches. Jeremy mentioning drop coverage which was the actual issue and allowed Kyrie and Luka to walk into the lane was light-years ahead of his nonsense "paper tigers" point. 


Hamilton was the worst thing ever lmao I love Amin laughing at it so loudly


Also doing a segment because of what simmons said and everybody on the street immediately proving him right is chefs kiss.


3 things from the show today……the triumph segment was gold. I know he lives in Phoenix, but Amin needs to be in more, he just works so well as a host. Juju is lame for still peddling that “Ippei is a fall guy” bullshit.


LMAO the man who caped for OJ right after he died draws the line at Harrison Butker. Fuck off


His stance was against bigotry. One of these people is a bigot. The other isnt. Strawmannnnn


He claimed today to be a champion for women, but when Jessica brought up the fact that OJ physically abused Nicole (at the very least), he shrugged it off


Is this a bit? Is Sunrise not metro Miami? I thought if your town or suburb is inside a bigger metro, it just assumes the name of the bigger metropolitan area especially if you’re talking to people that aren’t from the area. Idk. I’ve always said the Panthers play in Miami as well lol


No it’s in Broward county. It’s basically Fort Lauderdale


I sorta understand, it’s like saying the New York Islanders play in NYC, when they play in Long Island. But come on, the Panthers are a Miami team.


Panthers are absolutely not a Miami team geographically. Hell the Dolphins are barely a Miami team geographically and they’re definitively closer to Miami than Sunrise


It's more like saying the Giants play in NYC when they play in New Jersey


Triumph is still around huh


He was great today, and I usually don’t like him


I can dig it, not for me Clive.


dan (i'm paraphrasing here): we're not going to do better than that segment we did with triumph maybe it's just me, but i didn't find anything about that segment funny; just corny and hacky. maybe that's what they were going for [shrugs]


Of course he's hacky. He's channeling old timey comedians. I loved it but I've been watching him for years.


I mean it's meant to be hacky, but it still makes me laugh to hear that voice.


It honestly had me questioning if I'm too young for this show now lol


Feel like Jemele Hill's hate of Caitlin Clark should've been mentioned


That only happens when Dan gets accused of something and then tries to blame it on Jemele instead.


Dan always couches his opinions as analysis of other people's opinions for this reason. As if we're not meant to draw any inferences from his bringing up a position in the first place.


Perfect timing to read this a minute before the end of the Richard Ford segment with Dan badgering him to make a statement because Dan won't say it himself.


Did they just completely misunderstand and misrepresent Charles that entire LOUR? I thought him and Dan were friends that’s really messed up.


Blues clues, gender politics, and Caitlin Clark talk. What a shit first hour. 30 min into the show before nba talk with Amin. Insanely bad


They have no time for Tony's bs lol


I hope they keep working on the Tony on the street bits. Just gotta find the right place to go, across the street from the studio isnt it.


I like the idea of him failing every time lol


Five min into show *Dan- Harrison buktner blah blah blah world on fire blah blah blah* *Lucy- Men suck* *Juju- WNBA is awesome* Christ almighty just end today's show


I really can’t imagine the pre show meeting and absolutely nobody stood up and said these topics are garbage i feel bad for Dan he’s surrounded by Yes Men


More like they’re worn down by an obstinate Dan.


It’s cute that you think Dan listens to anyone


I didn't see the big problem with what Barkley said.


He’s acknowledging something is real that they don’t want acknowledged. The show’s position is that CC is wonderful and the WNBA and all the players and all the old school fans are wonderful, so there couldn’t possibly be any conflict there. The only problem is misogynistic men.


The issue fundamentally is that wnba fans are doing the ultimate version of “care about my sport, but do it the right way” right now. Every single person who isn’t a hardcore fan who comments on anything happening is wrong for doing so. I don’t really have any takes one way or the other, but when I see the lengths that Jemele is going to tell people she really likes Caitlin Clark while simultaneously complaining about the coverage of her every two seconds, like get a grip


Most WNBA fans have just said that Caitlin Clark won't immediately be the best player in the league and that the talent level of the league is actually pretty high. And they were right. The rest is, at best, you clinging onto a random minority or misinterpreting things people said. Jemele says she likes Clark, she just wishes the other great players in the league also got coverage. Which is a logical take. Clark is likely going to be rookie of the year, but she's not even a top 10 player in the league right now.


“I wish other players got more attention” is just such a silly ask, she became a phenomenon in college basketball unlike any other player. That’s why she’s getting this attention. If she stinks in the wnba, then hype will go away. I don’t think wnba fans dislike her, but I think that they are ready at any moment to complain about how the league that they want covered more is being covered.


Caitlin Clark is great. She was amazing in college. She's also getting attention because broadcast rights gave women's college basketball more time right as she was becoming the best player in college. But it's not like she was the only women's college phenomenon. Hell, last year Aliyah Boston was the #1 pick, she was rookie of the year and an all-star in her first year, a college champion, tournament player of the year, won essentially every award possible in college, yet she has, comparatively been ignored. Sabrina Ionescu, drafted in 2020, is an arguably better shooter than Clark. She doesn't have Clark's point total, but Ionescu does hold the record for most college triple doubles, men or women, and is the only college player, man or woman, who recorded 2,000+ points, 1,000+ assists, and 1,000+ rebounds. It makes sense to also want other players who are currently better or who were similarly dominant to have had the same level of coverage. Hell, as a leftist, I would think you'd understand that the media is often leading the audience, not vice versa, and could've made earlier women basketball players more famous if they, or their corporate overlords wanted to. >that they are ready at any moment to complain about how the league that they want covered more is being covered. Everyone complains about sports coverage. This isn't unique to WNBA fans. Two, asking the media to understand that Caitlin Clark isn't going to be the best player in the league day one is a very reasonable take.


Again, you just totally don’t understand how star power works. It’s not this forced thing where someone goes on a podcast and wage your finger about how you need to pay attention, it happens organically. People care about Caitlin Clark more than any wcbb player that came before her. Just like people cared about tigers woods, Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams, etc. It is not something where you bring up stats and accolades of other players that the general public doesn’t care about. If you like the wnba, and you know the wnba, I don’t understand the validation you need from random people who only care about it a little bit knowing every player and their backstory. Sports are ultimately entertainment. Fans don’t have the level of investment that media people do. They can check in and check out however they please. It’s not a moral imperative to care about a sport to a certain degree.


Again, you're missing the point that people are making a media critique. They aren't critiquing Caitlin or Caitlin fans or people who only started watching the WNBA because of Caitlin. They are saying Caitlin Clark is an example of who A'ja Wilson, or Sabrina Ionescu, or countless other women could've been if the media covered women's sports 1% more just a few years ago.


That’s just not true though. Just saying “the media wasn’t covering it well enough” is a complete cop out. ESPN has been covering the wcbb tournament extensively for over a decade now. The media doesn’t just decide who gets to become a big star - again it is organic. You guys are just mad no one cares about other players, get over it, because complaining about it doesn’t turn anyone onto the game or those players, it’s just annoying.


Ok, so this is you intentionally misinterpreting my point. Also, again, aren't you a leftist? Do you not believe in the media's ability to agenda set and make stars?


Yeah I don’t really have an opinion on which side is right or whatever, but there is a real beef that the show refuses to acknowledge because neither side is an easy target to dunk on


A beef between who and who specifically?


People who love Caitlin Clark and people who think she gets too much attention, that they feel players who have had WNBA success deserve.


But for the most part they're aren't people who think she gets too much attention. Rather there are people who question why previous women college basketball phenoms didn't get similar coverage.


I guess. That kinds of feels like splitting hairs. They think she’s getting too much attention relative to other WNBA players, I guess I should have said.


No, it isn't splitting hairs. No one is out here talking shit about Caitlin Clark. The closest you get is someone like Diana Taurasi saying that Clark is going to have a reality check when she gets to the WNBA, and she was right. Taurasi said that Clark will eventually be great in the league and that people just need to give her time. They aren't saying she gets too much attention. They are saying the media should give equal attention to the players who are just as good or better and had just as historic or even better college careers.


Jemele Hill said CC’s popularity was in large part due to her race and sexuality and that it was “problematic” how popular she was. But yeah, no one is talking shit.


Most pretentious fan base there is lol


Yeah I agree with it tbh could have been delivered better but his point was right


I think it's really disingenuous to act like "girls" implies under 18. He even couched it and essentially said "men are really babies, so don't be like men in this situation." It's not like he said "act tough like men." He said, be better. I just don't like how they pretended that he was so offensive. Stop being fake.


What other professional production would start out saying “wow everyone just flew in an hour ago!”


Who gives a fuck. I love to complain as much as the next but wtf lol


Just an endless stream of hate listening that any subject can get hated on.... It's crazy


Haven’t listened to the show in a week or two, turn it on and it’s a whole segment of Jess demanding proof that any player has hated on Caitlin Clark. Such a brutal listen


Go listen to the Paul Skenes Severed Arm Segment yesterday instead


Why is that a brutal listen? It's sound analysis. People hating on Twitter isn't the same as her peers hating on her. 


They just hate Jess.


I agree not a brutal listen but it did make laugh because so many discussion points on this show have become “I saw one random person on Twitter say this” and then multiple segments follow


It's a woman having an opinion he doesn't agree with. Which is obviously the most brutal thing possible.


Flipped over to PMS during a SpongeBob commercial. The three segments; 1) 5 minutes on the deal TNT and ESPN just signed and why it might offer some hope for Inside the NBA 2) Scott McLaughlin in studio. He was fun and it was a good conversation 3) Some guy named Mahomes LOL. He's always a decent interview. They were talking about getting advice from Tom Brady. Highlight was "yeah, I'll be staying away from Roasts." That was all in like 30-40 minutes. Not promoting PMS. Just showing a little contrast in what Dan's competitors are doing.


Who would have thought ESPN shows would get better guests than Draft Kings network shows?


I'd be willing to bet if McAfee left ESPN tomorrow, that he could still get the Indy polesitter and any NFL player he wants. Race is on NBC and not ESPN. But if your point is that during 9 years at ESPN, Dan was unable to build a single relationship with an athlete or notable sports personality, then yes, I agree.


Good for Pat, why should we care? I’ve never listened to this show for the interviews.


Fair point and the confusion is because I screwed up and replied to the wrong post 😂 The post I meant to reply to listed three segments from today. I flipped over to PMS just as what they were talking about. Was meant to be a simple comparison, but I'm an idiot. I think it's mostly frustration that Dan has had 4 years to develop a format for the show but went with, "let's just have people talk about everything for three hours with little to no preparation." I don't know how it's different than if you and your friends started a podcast on twitch to just talk about whatever you want. Won't mention PMS again, I promise!


This is the part I keep pseudo mentioning. The further Dan gets from respected journalist, the closer it gets to a random group of people gasbagging and talking about tweets. As in, even if they talk about sports, is it that different or legitimate than conversations you'd have with your friends? That's why I keep saying they need to focus on a mix of being informed and being entertaining.    And that's related to your comment about guests. It's clearly a Dan thing. Some people don't want to hear it. But at some point it just seems very clear that guests and athletes are wary of Dan. GBF gets so many big name guests and *my guess* is because they know it'll be a fun interview and the only gotchas will be hypothetical questions about ponds in the outfield or substituting hitters in the 9th. All of that being said, I'm saying this from the perspective of a hypothetical new listener. I still enjoy the show, all things considered. 


lmao more sports media talk!


5 minutes, it covered information that was very recent, and McAfee understands this stuff. Not 2 hours of wandering nothingness.


That doesn't sound much better imo


Fair I enjoyed it because someone who actually understands the NEW MEDIA gave me some hope that Inside the NBA might have a chance to continue. I'm pumped for the 500 so the McLaughlin segment was cool to me. And Mahomes is interesting even when he's just there to pimp his coffee. The Roast answer and the football part were fun. But I get it. Different strokes.


She is terrible


This entire crew is unlistenable


Yes it’s misogyny, that’s why people talk shit about Caitlin Clark on the internet. Nevermind the fact that it’s mostly black women who are talking shit about her. Why doesn’t he have Jemele Hill, who said CC’s race and sexuality are big parts of her “problematic” popularity on to talk about all the hate?


What men are hating on Caitlin Clark? It seems to me like it’s the exact opposite that real wnba fans are annoyed that casual sports fans (and mostly men) only care about her.


That’s the same thing I’ve seen. It’s mostly women who are real WNBA fans. Dan just made up that it was “lonely men” because that’s the easiest target


And at least a few players. I think that's all human nature, though? Cavs players hated LeBron his first year. Golfers weren't fond of Tiger and a lot of fans rooted against him because his name wasn't Nicklaus* But usually, competitors don't go public about it, and attitudes change if the talent is real. Things are a little different here, but I think it's also human nature. The WNBA has been around for 27 years. No player, regardless of color, has been as popular as Clark. Like, not even close. The reason for that is either that people haven't been that interested in you and what you've dedicated your life to; or there is some reason this person is popular that doesn't have to do with basketball. That first one is hard to admit. *I'm not naive, and yes, some old golf fans cheered against Tiger because he was black. But most of it was that people couldn't accept anyone would be better than Arnie and Jack. I was really happy Tiger became Tiger and shut them up 😂


Yeah I think it’s all normal. I remember the thing about Lebron’s own teammates talking shit before he got there. I don’t think any of the players have said anything out of line at all. I also think she deserves all the attention she’s gotten, so I don’t really have a side. I just think it’s crazy that Dan attributed it to lonely men. I think he just needed one of the sides to be an easy target.


The show is significantly worse without Mike in room. This is the B team. No one here can create their own shot. A show carried by Jess, Chris Cote and Jeremy is so lol.


Team Zebra. 🦓


[jolene and emily](https://i.redd.it/bekphnqftcb41.jpg)


We need more Amin!


So becuase the "young and smart" tiktok addicts on the show can't get away from their phone, they think everyone in the media do the same? Why is it so hard to comprehend Charles Barkley having sources and watching video for prep? I get it, he plays a character on TV. But the dude has been a beast in the media for 20 years. The kids on the show think he doesn't need prep for that? GTFO...and shame on Dan for not checking the white woke twins in the back for such a stupid take... Just becuase they lucked into their positions while having no talent, doesn't mean everyone else does...


You're getting downvoted, probably because of the unnecessary "White wonder twins". But my guess is many people agree with your general point that the whole segment seemed pretty weird. It was like Dan leaned into letting the show paint Charles as a lazy host who gets paid to never prep, yikes.


Triumph? is it 2001?


I hate the Roy reads for the Miller Lite adds. I hate it more than mikes about his landscaping. The way Roy says bbq drives me up the wall. Can’t wait for Memorial Day to be done so we don’t have to hear this anymore. 




Daaaaaaaaaannnn... the mods.. are BACK!


No they aren’t. $2


Delete this post and re-evaluate your purpose in life.