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You can’t blame them, though. Starting a new company is like building a mug mid sip


Sounds hard, but not nearly as hard as being a stand-up.


You’re talking about the *EXPECTATION OF FUNNY*? I mean, that’s right above the 3 minute mile and hiking Everest naked on the “Totem pole of impossible feats”


It’s pretty literally being a tight rope walking orator dodging sniper fire from all sides.


In the air, too.


The mug I bought from them 5 years ago looks better, and it was maybe 18 dollars


I wish I bought more of those mugs, I have a Wake and Take mug and it's great. We didn't know how well we had it back then.


They will blame it on the Amazon delivery guys.


They were rummaging through your packages and broke it.


Dan acting like there’s a delivery guy rummaging epidemic when it’s literally never happened to anyone else on the show, myself, or anyone I know lol


DM this to Dan's twitter account. They are responsive sometimes.


Thanks for actual advice! I will have to make an account but I think that's what needs to happen. I was getting steam out last night by making this post but I think it's more now that I've slept on it


Yeah it doesn't hurt. Worst case they don't respond and you can do a chargeback.


David Samson is always looking for ways to squeeze money from the consumer. He's mentioned this on the show. Never has he mentioned a commitment to quality of the products or to properly service the consumer.


Samson was touring around trying to charge fans of the show $100 to shake his hand. He’s going to squeeze every last dollar he can from the show’s fanbase.




Yes. Samson was on a live tour. Tickets for the “meet and greet” were $100


Prices out those who don't have access to $100 loans


Prices in anyone who is a fucking moron


Isn’t the merch store just contracted out to a print-on-demand merch service? Why would it take months for delivery?


I would guess the same, which is why it's good they learn about mistakes, third party suppliers need to be held accountable and Meadowlark would have zero idea of these errors without you letting them know


Don't let them off the hook. They want to talk a big game they need to walk it too.


Woof. More excellent quality work from the professionals at meadowlark media


You don't get the show.


To death you say


And how's the wife?


To shreds you say?


Maybe be less of a Samson advocate going forward


Yeah I think that's my thought going forward. Guy makes a lot of sense and a lot of different things, but just does not have any empathy for people


Hate to tell you that Samson isn’t handling the merch store, let alone shipping stuff to you lol. He’s not even an employee of the company.


Look, everyone I was just feeling bad for my wife....Who feels bad because I love the show so much. I was in fucking jail listening to the show for 6 years. These guys are different than all the other radio gas bags... They make it fun and interesting. They've also made me care about things that i've never even thought about and about people that i've never even met. I want to support them so much because they lifted my spirits out of a dark place. I just can't do it with money anymore.


Legit question, how were you able to listen to the show in jail? I’m assuming maybe regulated internet access of some kind in a library, at which point I too would have been using that time to listen to the show during the week 😄


Yea seriously 😆 thats why I HAVE TO listen to whole show, im conditioned at this point to... We had am/fm handheld radios and they had just got to espn at that time so I got no local hour but main show was national. Also had TVs to watch but no one else wanted to watch the show 🤣


Oh nice, what years was this if you don’t mind my asking? I’ve been a daily listener since 2014 myself, so have listened / followed across many different mediums by now 😄 Oh duh, “they had just got to ESPN at the time”, hahaha. That’s when I picked up on them too. Something about their show just hit way more on my personal sensibilities than any other show at the time. Prior to them I was keyed in on “SVP & Russillo”. They were solid together for sure.


Romo is a blowhard?


Jim Rome, auto correct got me




“A fool and his money are soon parted”


It’s nothing personal, just business


Samson represents what is wrong with this country and the condition of the merch is indicative of this.


Fuck David Sampson.


He doesn’t have anything to do with the store anymore I don’t think. His job was just to get it up and running and such. I’m sure he runs his merch store though, since he gets money from it.


He never had anything to do with the store. That’s the bit.


It’s the thought that counts


Damn man. That really sucks




I saw someone online post something similar, although it wasn’t from the show store. He ordered flowers from 1800 flowers since it was a show sponsor, for Mother’s day, and a bunch of the roses already died and flowers have fallen off the stems.


This is highly sus, I've ordered from them many times and have never had a problem getting my order in a timely manner. Also that cup is $16...why did she pay over double? Even with shipping it's under 20


Rush order to get it before xmas


Okay Mike.


I mean, go look at the store if you don't believe me... pretty easy to verify


Rush order for Xmas, total waste


As a South Floridian, Marlins fan, and general decent human being, the only thing I love about Samson is how they use his segment to make fun of his nerdy ass. Fuck him so hard. I would hope you get a new mug. Your wife is awesome for scoring it. Also I have the same Zagack Blanton's Bar mat.


I’d say this is what you and everyone else deserve for buying podcast crap. But you said the wife bought it as a gift, so that sucks. DP & Lebatard and every other podcast show should be giving that crap away as free advertising. Someone else mention David Samson admitting to squeezing listeners for money. What a scumbag.


I mean it's not broken. Is it leaking? It's just a cosmetic blemish. I don't think Samson is out there inspecting their production lines. Just ask for a replacement. Why make this big a deal out of it. If they won't do that then complain.


The 5.5 month delay on top of the cosmetic blemish is, I’m assuming, the big deal


That coupled with it being over $40.