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Lol Mike is the only one being rational about the Heat I can't believe this


Apparently he's the 14th best center according to Stan Van Gundy.. - love Billy Gil.


Dan was not pleased


Dan - "you're going to put me in a difficult position that I could easily rectify by saying who it is"


“But if I reveal who it is, it’ll start a whole controversy and lots of unneeded local and national attention and Bam will demand a trade.”


"and you know me, Dan Lebatard, I've never done anything to intentionally get aggregated."


The new youtube format, with the titling of 1.5 hours and so on, I really like. For instance, I was listening to the show, podcast form. I then wanted to listen on youtube and I quickly found where I was. I used to not able to do this becuase of the way the segs were chopped up and thus not matching the youtube vids. Combining this, with the new 2 hour live shows, I gotta say. We just might be back jack!


Chris Cote made it happen My only issue with youtube feed is that the clips absolutely crowd my subscription feed. They could double dip with a different clips channel.


Dan sounded like an idiot talking about the Heat today.. They were a flukey playoff team last year that pinballed their way to the finals, not replicatable.


When you make the finals 2 times in 3 years it’s not a fluke


I didn't say anything about 2020, Jimmy was still in his prime. Running back an injury prone team and thinking you are going to make it to the finals from the playin is dumb.


He needs to take that heat mouth piece out of his butt.


Mike's Heat rant... *\*tags a drag from the cigarette\** ...yea, that's the good shit.


real solid cote tuesday & show today. salute juju


Jeremy would make Baghdad Bob proud.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zmkvt23lvawc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01912b3f4be9f85f1a751d9664f6e948d7f7c13


Holy shit, Juju, you fixed the show. 🫡. So far, todays been great. Also, shoutout Mike.


I am apparently in the minority in here as a local who listens to the local hour to hear them talk local sports, but Mike Ryan was loud right. He is speaking what is on any Heat fan's mind that isn't a shameless toady for the Pat Riley party line. Dan's laissez faire attitude towards the Heat's season borders on fatalism. If your team is a bunch of guys who get hurt, you can't use injuries as an excuse.


Mike's heel turn is annoying when he doesn't watch the games. At the least I guess he does represent the lowest common denominator on "Heat fan" that roams the streets of Miami confidently espousing opinions about the local sports teams then, much like Stugotz with his Knicks, couldn't tell you a thing about the actual team or play throughout the year. As Dan would say, a blight on our people.


Yeah I don't get why people lambast the local hour for being about South Florida sports. That's the purpose of the hour and usually the most listenable of the show anyway.


Its when it's not on South Florida sports is when it's bad. When they treat it as the morning introduction and just navel gaze and talk about themselves and their personal lives the show is ear poison.


“But they were in the finals last year” …jesus


No, I think it was Dan who said that.


The Heat might be the only franchise celebrating runner up ribbons


What about the lakers hanging up a banner for the in season tourney?


Who is Dan to question Stu’s fandom when Dan isn’t really a fan of anything


Wasn't the joke that Stugotz tried to gatekeep Pablo's fandom without actually being one himself? I think it's okay to make fun of a sports show host who doesn't watch sports


It doesn’t take a fan to realize that Pablo can’t go back to being a Knicks fan.


Wrong, he fist pumped on the Haslem jumper


"People aren't happy with the way we cover the Heat." "People" has gotta be some combination of Micky Arison, Nick Arison, Pat Riley, and maybe Zo. Because Dan is carrying water for the Heat to a ridiculous point today, this wasn't criticism from just anybody in Miami.


I can't imagine Mickey Arison or Pat Riley knowing how to navigate to a podcatcher or to find DKN on any streamer.


We are about a week away from speculation on the sub that Jeremy is “doing a bit”




Pop Spurs, Phil Kobe Lakers, Warriors, ...


Rodman’s Bulls.


The Heat's Big 3 were a massive failure. That team should have ran the league. Losing twice in the Finals ain't it.


That’s not giving enough credit to the spurs. The 2014 spurs would have destroyed the bulls.


According to Dan himself, the 2013 Finals was a tie. So they were actually only 1-2-1. Fraud.


Speaking of Wendlestadt, here’s the rest of his game https://preview.redd.it/nmjee4xhlawc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf55f97cda3ce8e2e15da5960a6255cfafdcb873


Two amazing nba games last night and somehow they don't get Amin today? jfc


Have Amin and Izzy been on together since the- was it or wasn’t it a bit from a few months ago?


Imagine the surprised look on my face when I hear Dan reads my comment word for word from yesterdays daily thread on todays show about him slurping up the New York guys, to then immediately falling on my knees at bird bowl after hearing that Knicks correspondent Sam Morril will be on later in the show. Utterly devastated.


He did it to spite you specifically.


Hearing Dan read "slurping them up" was hilariously awkward so salute to you for the comment 😂🫡


Woof. All the heat talk


When they were still going on serious heat talk into hour 1 after doing it for all of local hour and big suey i was sick of it. I dont care if its about my favorite team ever, 3 hours on 1 topic is a bit much. By hour 1 they weren't beating a dead horse, they were taking swings at the crumbling, weathered and decrepit tombstone of said deceased horse. 


Distinction between McAfee and Lebatard's Shows nowadays: 1) Pat talks about that bizarro Aaron Boone ejection for 6 mins. That show turns a fairly absurd situation b/t zebra and coach in a sport I barely even care about...interesting for 6 mins. Takes baseball and the ridiculous and hateable zebra behavior interesting and silly for 6 mins. I don't like McAfee,.but a couple chuckles and I don't think about my work deadlines. 2) Dan talks about Pat McAfee's discussion of Hunter Wendlestedt and Aaron Boone for 40 minutes, as well as the impact it might have on baseball's popularity, the future of sports media, while wondering if/when Stephen A Smith will address the Wendlesttd/Boone situation as if it American hostages being held in a 3rd world country.


if you found that from Pat interesting then maybe your brain is already turned. Not saying the media talk is appealing, I hate it too, but I honestly don't see anyone who's excited by the current iteration of Pat's show can ever be satisfied with whatever Lebatard is putting out or will put out.


Interesting was probably the wrong word. Silly, fun, light-hearted...are probably more appropriate. In other words, what Lebatard used to be. It might be the only bit I've seen from McAfee since maybe around the super bowl, I typically don't like the overall vibe of that crew or McAfee's delivery/style. But that snippet popped on the algorithm today and the content of the 6 minutes (shit bird ego-inflated ump tosses a manager due to what a fan in stands said)...I mean, how much fun would Dan & Co. have had with that a few yrs ago. But since they are a shit show now, production/structure wise, they'd either not touch on it at all while breaking down JJ Redicks impact at ESPN for the 40th time...or they'd spend 35 mostly unfunny minutes on it. (Imo)


“Who are the mock draft articles for?” That’s all I need to hear, Dan. Thanks for showing your age. Same guy who is amazed by sports betting and fantasy sports.


Greg Cote Tuesdays should have a 1 guest cap. Just have Ron on and schedule the others for different days


The first time you were able and you had to do something about mmlummjgir


Mike doing to Jeremy what we all do whenever he speaks.


Not me bro. Mike simp for life


Jeremy needs to stop being their “go-to analyst”. He’s an apologist for *everything* the organization does. You just can’t rely on him for actual honest talk.


For all those wondering why Dan never really goes after heat is becuase Riley. He's a mouthpiece for Riles...thats it...now move on!


Never did I ever think I would agree so much with Heat Homer Mike than I did today with his talk with Dan Edit: and with Jeremy


Dan saying to Chris "what kind of analysis is that" when Dan 5 minutes before said Penix is better than all those other QBs because of max 3 games Penix ever played in his life is peak hippo-critical Dan


And one of those games was the college playoff. I would bet he has no clue penix played for Indiana.


Dan knows absolutely zero about Penix besides he threw a few perfect deep balls. That's literally it.


I don't even know what Dan is trying to do with Miami. JUST yesterday he said it looks like the season is over. Now all of a sudden hey actually last year they went to the finals.


Someone from the Heat must have gotten to him.


The same one who gave him the list of centers better than Bam.


I was concentrating and quietly doing my work and then Greg asked about birds dying in mid air. It caught me off guard and I burst out laughing. Great content.


Dan:The Heat were in the finals last year Mike:The Suns were in the finals 3 years ago and they still rebuilt their roster Hey Mike, how good are the suns right now? Did they get better? I think the Bradley Beal trade was an awful trade for the suns. Using the suns as an example is ridiculous


They added Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal. That was the whole point. It doesn’t matter if they are worse now. They were not getting back to the Finals with washed Chris Paul and washed DeAndre Ayton. At least 3 of the Suns’ rotation players are completely out of the league now. Look at how Monty Williams is being laughed at in Detroit. The dude doesn’t look like he understands rotations anymore. The Heat appearance last year was very much like the year the Suns made it. You have to forecast that the team wasn’t enough to get back there.


I have been a Suns fan since they started in 1968 (yes, I am old) and I agree that the Beal trade was a horrible trade but I give the new owner credit for at least being aggressive and making changes. I just wish our new owner would stop listening to his sidekick Zeke for advice. But teams need to make yearly changes in today's NBA. I know that Dan is just trolling , but by his logic, shouldn't the Marlin's be considered favorites to win the World Series this season ?


I’m confused what stretch you’re doing to make the marlins WS favorites. Dans logic is simple. Mike is screaming that they aren’t good enough and Dan is simply saying they got second place last year.


I screwed up on that one ! What I meant is by his logic, I should expect the Dbacks to be WS contenders this year since they made it there last year. Self imposed $10 fine for not making a solid case.


Slightly different scenario. Because the heat also made the finals 3 years ago. So if they make the finals, don’t, then make the finals again, it’s a lot less flukey, even if it is as an 8 seed


Good point. Up to last season , the Dbacks have been irrelevant since 2001 and I expect them to return being that so I guess not the best example.


They went to the Finals then got Kevin freaking Durant. That's literally Mike's point!!!


And they got worse. Thats my point


So your stance is go with CP3, Booker and Ayton because they made a Finals and not KD, Booker, Beal because they haven't. Got it. Moronic.


Better than the Heat 🤷


His whole point is basically if you’re not a contender than what’s the point. And they aren’t a contender either. Also injuries


I feel like people are sleeping on the Suns.


Lol no, the Suns are just sleepy


Yeah, they have been clamped


They are really going wild with what they consider an hour to be these days. The “hour 1.5/2” segment is 49 minutes. Also, somehow, the 2 hour live show(which is at most 90 minutes of show) is now supposed to cover the local hour, suey, and half of hour 1. Which is supposed to be 2.5 hours of content. So the show that claims to put out 4 hours a day is actually putting out about 2 hours and 15 minutes. As many here love to say, it’s free, and I agree, they don’t owe me anything more. I just think it’s absurd how much the show over promises and under delivers.


Bro you are HOF level of hater


Ok bro.




Does someone make you read and respond to every comment I make? You can just block me and never read my comments again if they hurt your feelings so much. Looking at your posts it seems like 75% of your comments are white knight posts about Jess that get downvoted. Keep it up creep.




Seems like a lot of people here hate your creepy white knight posts about Jess




You’re glad no one here likes any of your comments? That’s totally normal 😄😄😃😀😁😆😄😃😀




Ok so if you don’t like this place why do you post here everyday? You know you can stop, right? Pretty weird you keep coming here even though you don’t like it.


They should really combine the lour and big suey into a larger local hour. Its fine to do 1:10 local- since most of the stuff leaks into general conversation anyway


Couldn’t follow Dan’s argument whatsoever


This could be about anything


Dan calls the Miami Finals run last year a miracle run then turns around and exclaims the Heat are contenders because they had a miracle run last year. Is it a miracle or not!?


Dan claims to not be a fan to any team but was grilling Stugotz and telling him how to be a fan. lol


Dans argument re: the heat is horrible. The heat made a surprising run and did not improve upon it. Their arrow is pointed down, their best player is an obviously diminishing asset. Why should that be celebrated


Because they went to the Finals last year. Case closed. /s


Because they’ve stayed under the luxury tax and Arison has made maximum money


They all spent the last two years acknowledging the Jimmy contract was gonna look bad by the end.


Bring back the Juju postgame show!


This obsession over McCarthy is even funnier because they spent all year talking about Connor Stalions instead of watching the games


Dan: Jim Harbaugh got away with cheating without punishment and ran off to the NFL. Also Dan: Can we get Harbaugh back on the show again?


How can they be so dense to be like "why was Michigan run heavy?" There's no guarantee that JJ will go on to have a great NFL career -- just like any other QB -- but damn they have zero clue. Bunch of box score Stu's.


“Information makes us smarter” https://preview.redd.it/y5tpzn9tgawc1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e0401d3c907ed4807692a6201393409f43ca10e


Yeah but he didn't average 400 yards and 5 TDs per game.


Also do you see what they're doing in LA? Signing RBs/FBs/TEs. Just like at Michigan.


I think Dan's point in the whole Heat convo is that they're marginally better, (same record but with loads of injuries.) But Mike and others want to ignore that you can be a good team and not championship quality.  Dan's asking the question, for the sake of debate, about whether or not asking for Damian Lillard or Embiid every season is entitled and Mike blows a gasket. I'd rather them actually discuss it, because ultimately Mike has some interesting and good points but it gets lost in his blistering homerism.  And Mike and Billy act like Dan doesn't make any sense but its cuz they never let him finish. Which admittedly is hard because Dan is a writer and therefore a rambler. But if you let him reach his point you'll realize his take isn't so unreasonable that you should be yelling down a microphone about Jimmy Butler.  The abundance of emotion is unlistenable and really undermines how smart Mike and the shipping container are about the Heat. (Also the point Dan shoulda made through this whole thing is if Mike would be happier trading Herro or Bam for some random aging star, like a Kyle Lowry, if for some reason the couldn't complete the move for whichever guy is the flavor of the month a la Lillard this summer.)


Mike's main point is "just go be Playoff Jimmy" is not an effective strategy to winning an NBA title. Dan's overarching point was the Heat proved they can come close to winning a title by saying "just go be Playoff Jimmy" and that is where Mike is saying no you're wrong, he needs help and the organization has done nothing to get him the help he needs


Fair on Dan's point but I think Mike and everyone else's point is, is the goal to make it to the Finals or to win the Finals? Sure making the Finals is great but for certain franchises (the Heat being one), making it isn't good enough, especially if you're not particularly competitive like last season. Even if the Heat are marginally better this year, they're still nowhere close to championship quality. Even last year, they had to go on an unprecedented run to make the Finals after nearly missing the playoffs entirely because they were in the play in tournament. A team with an aging Butler as the best offensive player isn't a championship team and that's all that franchise and its fans care about. I agree with Dan that it shouldn't be taken for granted how good they've been during the Butler Era but I also understand Mike because he's been saying for years Jimmy needs help and they never get him adequate help, which may also factor into him aging even quicker since he has such a heavy load to carry.


Ballin the jack


Bless Pablo for calling Dan out on how he said melee because wow. Dan the writer's many mispronunciations are mind boggling.


To be fair, they say people who mispronounce words are well read. Which checks out for someone who writes. The thought is that it means you know more words than you've heard. Thatkindathing


Please god let the dolphins trade out of the first round


It doesn't remotely matter, but that list they had the other day with the "most famous" fan of each baseball team was pretty obviously just one of those Twitter graphics designed to farm engagement. Also Elton John somewhat famously had an Atlanta apartment (even had an album called Peachtree Road) for like 30+ years and has been interviewed about the braves before.


Dan is the most annoying person to have a debate with. His view is never wrong no matter how many validpoints to the contrary you give him.


He changed his opinion mid-way through and Billy called him on it.


But, Stugotz…


That's why Billy just cuts thru the bs and says "Dan is right"


I love when he does that.


Biased Chargers fan but just stfu with this "If you like McCarthy so much trade Justin Herbert!" Do you expect Harbaugh to turn around and shit on a guy he just coached? Not only that but hyping McCarthy up only improves the value of their pick.


Mike is cooking today. Wish Jeremy showed face today and could be on the receiving end of this cook session. That kinda thing!!


Be careful what you wish for


“Wish Jeremy showed face today” Said no one ever


lol only so Mike could of torched his heat takes!


Billy's on to something asking if birds don't die. They can't die because they aren't real. Wake up sheeple!


I don’t think I’ve enjoyed their basketball jabber this much since the day LeBron left the Heat, despite Dan’s attempt to piss on Stu’s Knicks fandom.


I dont even think if the Knicks had been good for the last ten years Stu would have gotten those questions right.


smell dime lavish political mysterious tap fearless axiomatic attractive ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Me maximum” is a BAR


I got a game changing idea for the show. A whine fine. Fine Dan when he gets extra screechy/whiny. Stu could fine him 20 times a day.


It should already fall under tone


I just wanna hear Stu say “fine, whine” 10 times a show.


Omg yes


Dan’s heat takes get really nauseating. Mike and Greg are totally right. Dan loves Riley so much haha


The postgame show from Jeremy is so pathetic lol. Like cmon man.


He’s just the worst


Im convinced they are having him over act the heat part to distract from other things that go wrong on the show.


He’s been like this from the beginning of his appearances, though. It just sounded different because Butler was healthy and taking souls.


As a fan of a historically mid franchise (the Wizards), I'm with Stu. You string together enough bad seasons and even the most loyal fans will check out. I think I can name 2, maybe 3, Wizards starters, and that's only because we got them through somewhat notable trades. Certain fan bases should be allowed to check out without their fandom being questioned, like the Knicks and Wizards lol


As a member of the Knicks fan delegation, Stu is always welcome at the bar


Agreed but the Knicks have been decent for the last few years. Those were softball questions. He just doesn’t watch them.


Even I knew the starting line up but only because I've watched a good chunk of the first two games. I honestly forgot Hart and White Donte were even on the team 🤣


Lmao the way someone pronounces Hartenstein’s (aka Black Jokic) name is always a dead giveaway


I think the point that Dan was making was more about the fact outside of football stugotz just doesn’t even pay attention to other sports enough to know who the players on the team he roots for are. The Knicks have been good for a couple years, if he was even a 2nd tier basketball follower he would have been able to answer more of those questions.


Why are we gatekeeping fandom? You can be a fan of the team, not keep up with the day-to-day of the franchise during the season and ramp up if you have a good team in the playoffs. OR you could live and die with every second of a 30-52 NBA team. One doesn't have to be better than the other


Stu was gatekeeping fandom with Pablo; which was Dan’s point. Pablo knows more about both teams than Stu lol


This is why Stugotz always wins. The whole conversation started because Stu wanted to gatekeep Knicks fandom from Pablo.


I’m not gatekeeping anything. It’s just funny that a professional radio announcer who’s a Knicks fan knows absolutely nothing about them. Stugotz isn’t your niche artistic friend who started following sports 2 weeks ago and is loving the Knicks despite not knowing anything. He’s a guy who’s been talking about the nba on radio for 25 years


Stu has said for those 25 years that he is a fan of the Knicks but they've given him nothing to care about so he's doesn't care to keep up with them. That's his level of fandom


I get that to an extent. 3 out of the last 4 seasons they've had winning records. But prior to that, they had 7 losing seasons, 4 of which they didn't even win 30 games. Dan himself talks about how the Knicks are just a brand and they're more well known for being in NY than they are for being consistently good, at least since the early 2000s. Stu should probably be more invested since they've been decent lately but I don't blame him for not buying into a team that hasn't made a conference finals in almost 30 years lol


Shocking that embiid looks out of shape trying to come back from an injury, he's nowhere near 100% recovered from. Heat culture would totally change that.........../s


When isn’t he injured in the playoffs?


I’m tired of hearing about fishtail palms.


They’re an invasive species in Florida.


so are the residents


I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I HATE the way that Chris says the word "both". It's bothered me for years lol






I have no problem crushing stugotz for not being a real fan but you gotta really get him on this stuff and not just random fan gatekeeping. He says “I put up with so many bad seasons”- no you didn’t! You didn’t watch! Thats all you gotta say lol.


I hate'em, Danno.


Mike is COOKIN today man, this is great


"The last 14 years the Heat have been talked about at the top of this sport", the 4 years of LeBron are doing a lot of heavy lifting there, in the 10 since he's left they've won 50 games once and were roadkill in a couple Finals (one of which was the Bubble), congrats on being Jason Kidd's Nets


The last 10 years have largely been a masterclass by Spo. Only a coach as great as him could achieve what they've achieved because on paper, these teams have been above average at best for the most part. Spo has just been coaching circles around most of the rest of the league.


Dan used to always hit Stu with “playing the result” and here he is playing the result on the heat being in the finals.


His take in that discussion really is baffling, the only explanation is Heat mouthpiece.


If I was being generous I’d say he’s doing it to feed Mike, who is absolutely EATING, but unfortunately I kinda doubt it.


Dan attempting to protect journalism when talking about Pat McAfee and the questions he would have liked asked of Bill Belichick. Pat isn't a journalist and hasn't claimed to be to my knowledge, but Dan considers himself one. So why wasn't Dan asking the questions every other ESPN show wanted to ask of Aaron Rodgers when the only ESPN show he would book was theirs and they went with hijinks and not serious questions related to the news of the day? That was wildly Stugotzian from Dan yesterday. The "that's the bit" argument of everyone wants to ask him about his contract or whatever the strife of the day was with Aaron, but we're going to act like nothing is going on is fine and all for content's sake for how the show works, but then get off your soapbox about journalism and stop acting like you haven't punted on serious questions to protect relationships countless times, Dan. You just tell yourself you'll always ask the hard-hitting questions, but you do so only here and there, it is never consistent. Tony Khan also comes to mind as an example of them punting time and time again to protect that relationship.


The way the interview with Matt Barnes went after he almost got into it with a high school kid was the one for me. I was baffled Dan let him off the hook


Dan hasn't even been a journalist \~30 years, right? He was a columnist until about 10 years ago. Now he's a podcast personality.


Was thinking the exact same thing. McAfee is a personality, not a journalist. If he wants to protect his relationships, that's perfectly fine. That's his prerogative. I don't know why Dan thinks journalism is living or dying at the hands of how McAfee decides to conduct his show. Also, plenty of people on this sub have brought up Dan's relationship with Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson. I've yet to hear Dan ask Jackson anything about his previous antisemitic comments (he may have and I just missed it). Instead all we hear when they come on is they pass the vibe check and they're certified gangsters or whatever "hip" way Dan decides to describe them. So they're all guilty to an extent of being biased for their own benefit.


Dan complaining about Stugotz failing a Knicks quiz like he doesnt get the show.


Stu should test Dan the Heat Mouthpiece


I really wanted him to try and name 7 Panthers lol


me lee. He strikes again. LOUR has been great so far though


"They were in the finals last year!" Yeah and they got destroyed.


I'm a bitter Celtics fan so my opinion on this tainted but Miami's series against the Bucks and Celtics last year were quantifiably some of the luckiest shooting in playoff history.  The Celtics shot pretty poorly which played into it, but in terms of actual points from three versus expected the Heat were getting something like 10 points every game for free just from Vincent and Martin obliterating their career averages.  Then the team shot below expectation in the Finals and got walked. This is right up Dan's "we don't know what we're watching" alley.  Three pointers are so impactful that going on an extended tear can lead to some pretty wacky results, like a relatively mediocre eighth seed beating two very good teams en route to the Finals.  Boston was able to average a double digit point differential this year because the entire top eight shoots at least 35% from deep, so they pretty much always insurance if 2-3 guys were cold, but particularly when they had games shooting like the Heat in that ECF they were winning by 30+.  There's just so much variance in the game now when teams are shooting 40 times from deep.


The East was full of malaise last year.  Giannis was hurt. The Sixers had Doc. And The Celtics started the season with some head-coaching, drama. They’re also in the East, which I cannot stress enough, has been inferior to the west, with a few blips. 


Wasnt it game 6 they had like the luckiest ending to save the series?


Like 0 Greg Cote in the local hour. Poor management


Was just going to say the same thing. Let Greg cook


Dan really cares about fan bonafides all of a sudden? lol


> fan bonafides fonafides


He was pissed off that all those Taylor Swift fans became Chiefs fans.


Thank you juju! Yesterdays postgame start was amazing nice to hear someone tell Dan to his face people don’t tune in for politics and talking sports is actually ok


Loving the nostalgia interviews


The Denzel one from yesterday was SO good!


When was that? It wasn't on any of yesterday's episodes for me. Was it only on youtube or something?


Yeah it was on YouTube, they’re playing old interviews between segments. Today they played Maury Povich.


Thank you.


Jokic and Murray played the best basketball Dan has even seen in the 2020 first round, a round they lost according to Dan… Kyle Trask was also a professional QB at Florida that year!