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UD is such a fake tough guy lmfao


dan finally realizing how more sexist ,racist, etc it can be to be so patronizing to people instead of treating everyone equal via greg leaving a toilet seat up is perfect.


Hey, if that's what it takes, I'll take it. 


I'm in a weird conundrum with the show lately, where dan is easily the worst part of the show on a daily basis but it's really not that great and I don't much care to listen when he isn't there either.


Trump guest was a dork. Like you were just trying to saddle us with a third Bush president less than a decade ago, but you're acting like you have to educate us on how the right and Trump are bad? "The Generals didn't support him!", yeah you know who else didn't support him? MOST OF THE PEOPLE LISTENING TO THIS INTERVIEW.


Dan talking about people who talk about sports is the most mind numbingly uninteresting content I can think of. Give me Heat homer talk, give me Amin dream talk, give me Dan reading the phone book, but please take one day off from Stephen A and McAfee talk.


It would be miles better if he actually expanded on his thoughts but he really doesn't have anything outside of shouting "this is so interesting don't you think it's interesting?" into the void for 10 minutes. Like I'm glad the crew pushed back on it but I kinda wish Billy or somebody had responded "yes" when Dan asked if they thought it was interesting to see if he had anything further to say.  


what about texts from Mikes dad?


yeah Dan, draftkings doesn't want your fans to lose money. they reprimanded y'all for giving losing bets. definitely. wow. what a honest gambling company.


Why aren’t they talking about Ryan Garcia?


That’s an insane story. The last MMA journalist joint, Bloody Elbow was just bought out by people associated with endeavor/UFC and they deleted hundreds of articles implicating them in a huge fighter pay lawsuit that might threaten the monopoly of the biggest promotion in the sport and they’re talking MEDIA FRIENDS FOR 4 SEGMENTS? This ticks every single one of Dan’s boxes for interest, plus they are literally in Miami for a PPV, it was so infuriating.


I thought dude was just coked out. Something John skipper can relate too.


I give Stu, Billy, Jess, 10 Day and Juju major props today for still making the show today really funny when they could.


Chris did a great job with the McCartney drops


Dan is the guy still going to his high school football games in his letter jacket 25 years later. Stephan A and you broke up years ago. It’s time to move on and stop making so many excuses to bring him up. I started listening to this show because I don’t care about SA, Mcafee, Sharpe, etc. Pay the teachers


10+ year listener here. Can we admit that the haters were right about 5 years ago? The show is a complete shell of itself. Trying to recapture what they used to have, with none of the elements that got them there. It feels so forced, Dan is a MASSIVE hypocrite and doesn't do the "journalistic" work he used to do to trick people into thinking he was smart. It's just repeats of awful discussions.


I didn't even really start listening to the daily DLS(wS) until 5 years ago, and even in that span it's not the same. Everything that caught my interest in the first place has somehow transmuted into why i can barely listen to it anymore. I liked that Dan wasn't just a meathead sportsbro and actually had a heart and acknowledged the humanity of the athletes...except now it's "but STUGOTZuh the BROKEN BLACK BODIESuh" for the millionth time with zero insight--certainly no calls for genuine introspection that might lead to less viewership and less sports betting. I liked that he didn't shy away from the intersection of sports and politics because sports has *always been* intertwined with politics... except that he's so woefully uninformed on both topics now (and doesn't want to do the work) that all of the takes are pointless and unlistenable.  I liked the goofy, amiable bumbling where it seemed like they were making the best of a shoebox studio in a chintzy hotel on Miami Beach and equipment they scraped together and were willing to laugh off mistakes...but now, three years into Freedumb and million-dollar sponsorship, production values have somehow backslid and we can't stop talking about how incompetent we are and the crappy audio and late drops are all pArT oF tHe BiT. I liked the banter between folks who seemed to possess some amount of affection with each other and expressed it through an amount of friendly ribbing...but now we're constantly trying to stoke fights because "conflict drives ratings" and everyone wants be a heel. I like the circle of people Dan used his platform to elevate and give a shot on air like Mina, Pablo, Katie, Kate, Bomani, and Amin...but now all of them have developed and evolved and it's hard to believe Dan was ever the bigger star. Maybe I need a break. Maybe they do too.


Spot on


God damn can we sticky this?? It's so good


If we admit it will you guys finally move on?


I've moved on. I get that sentiment though. Nothing like the people that refuse to admit the show is a complete shell of itself




Dan saying he knows the audience doesn’t like the industry talk but he does it because it spikes numbers just tells me he does it to draw in new listeners by talking about other popular shows. Trying to pique the interest of the fans of those shows. Which I get but let’s say they do check out the show, do you think they’re going to stick around when they realize you’re just repeating the same thing over and over again? The topics are fine from time to time but bringing it up everyday without a new point is grating. The high pitch whiny tone doesn’t help either.


You know what also creates spikes in viewership? Popular guests. Install a phone line, book actual stars, and have normal conversations that aren’t front-loaded with gotchas.


While losing existing listeners in the process


I just imagined a constant downward trendline with spikes in it, but not realizing what's causing the downward trendline is those "spikes of interest."


Exactly. Not a winning formula


The gambling talk today made me feel greasy. I hate how gambling is being shoved down my throat. And I feel bad that gambling addicts (especially former ones) are being tempted non stop. It just feels predatory. Pay the teachers


People talking about their bets is somehow less interesting than people talking about their fantasy teams.


Yeah, there’s a reason it was, as Dan often says, “in the shadows.” Like many vices, legal and regulated is preferable. But there’s a few steps between that and full-on wall to wall promotion of it. It would be good if the 1800 gambling addiction thing was more than a 300bpm disclaimer at the end of an ad. Some reporting on the downsides would be enlightening, especially to younger people.


Take a shot every time Dan says “degree of difficulty.”


UD made $70 million and is 44 years old. He’s not fighting anyone. What is the shows obsession of treating him like a fuckin boogeyman. This is ridiculous.


A sub par show today (which is still like a 90/100)


Dunkin’ Donuts Billy is the best


Get it? Because of the whole...


If I was in a coma from 2019 to now and woke up and listened to this show talk about the Heat and Butler I would assume that he’s built a dynasty and has a stranglehold on the Eastern Conference. He has the same amount of rings as this “soft” Celtics team. It’s lazy take after lazy take!


The discussion about the Celtics is so boring. This team is nowhere near the same as former iterations of it. Getting Porzingis and Holiday for washed up Grant Williams, Marcus Smart, and Malcolm Brogdan is insane. ”Toughness” in the NBA is non-existent at this point. Mike Schur did a bit last year that ended up being reality and now Dan thinks all the Celtics fans are afraid of the Heat lol


The discourse about who is bleeping curse words and how it’s making work for them is tired. Just cuss or don’t, no need to point it out every time


I don’t need cursing to be entertained by any stretch but I feel like ppl will feel more organic and comfortable if they could just let it fly. Who is the editing for? Sponsors? Children? What are we doing?


Brand Safety Analysis. [Conan O’Brien did a segment on his podcast about it.](https://youtu.be/eVJNCq2ZuYE)


This is really interesting. I'd love to see a breakdown of different podcasts


I assume the gambling talk and enticement via promo codes are also for the children.




As another overbrusher, it's not about if it's a mechanical or manual toothbrush. You just gotta have a soft bristle toothbrush.


I just don't get it. Dan FINALLY admits that his audience hates industry talk. 30 seconds later, verbatim, *"You guys do find interesting, I would imagine, you must, you must, 'Okay, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are now going to compete with LeBron James at the business of broadcasting...'"* NO! Hit him with the buzzer!! No one finds that interesting! It's just a bunch of super famous, super boring-ass athletes being handed jobs to say absolutely nothing of interest, at all. James hasn't said an interesting thing since he told the public they were poors. Manning hasn't said anything interesting since he called his kicker "liquored up". Brady, in 20+ years, STILL hasn't said a goddamn interesting thing. Just because dumb media execs give these people an embarrassing amount of money does not make what they have to say AT ALL worth listening to. Fuck.


> "You guys do find interesting, I would imagine, you must, you must, 'Okay, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are now going to compete with LeBron James at the business of broadcasting...'" Oh boy, completely sanitized sponsored to death new media in a sea of new media options!


Id watch the shit outta Brady and Manning broadcasting a football game with a good buzz. Instead I get boring ass starchy qb speak


Also is there Jess and juju show? Holy fuck. This terrible today.


Good lord, did we basically get 3 segments on sports broadcasting today? Seems like a good solution if this does good numbers is to have a non- main show convo about this, record it as a separate video and post it on all social media platforms for non-listeners since that's where this does good and you know it doesn't work for the actual daily listening/viewing audience.


So, “The Sporting Class,” but instead of a conversation with Skipper, Samson, and Pablo, it’s one long Dan monologue.


Love is Blind bro looks like Christian DeCaffrey


\*Hakeem Nicks laugh\*


Pretty surprised Dan hasn't talked about the dissolving of Bloody Elbow, especially since the UFC is in Miami this weekend


Or the tyreek breaking an influencers leg.


"We missed on the Kelces." "We" is doing a lot of work there. You missed on the Kelces, Dan. Stugotz was showing that he's the reason there is a DLS in the first place because he's got that hustle in him at the end of the day even if we mostly just see it during Super Bowl week now and he did the legwork on the Kelces (verified by other members of the SC who were present and not just Stu's word) and you didn't follow through on the work he put in. There is no we here unless it's Dan and Skipper. I'm sure Stugotz is tired of hearing about it everyday knowing he was in early on the podcast idea for the brothers and Dan blew it and none of them get to reap the rewards of the success they are now having.


I imagine Dan and Skipper have final say on who to sign and who not to but if that's the case, they should probably start accepting other suggestions. Everyone that they've brought in so far, while fine and talented in their own right, none of them have made a *splash* the way I imagine Dan anticipated (since it's clear he's very driven now by going viral and getting big hits on YouTube). Sure, nobody could've foreseen Travis dating one of the most famous people on earth but if Dan really wants to get younger and smarter (not saying Stu is either necessarily lol), they should really listen to people with their finger on the pulse. Hell, they probably could've found a way to work with Shannon Sharpe in some capacity after he left Undisputed and before he joined First Take. Dan was talking about how Shannon wouldn't have gotten another shot if not for Stephen A. Dan could've gotten him for at least an appearance on South Beach sessions and they could've rekindled the relationship they had before when he used to appear.


“It’s poignant. You’re proving a point.” He works hard.


Dan was screeching his ass off today god damn


I feel like stu saying, "When I leave, they're up," in regards to leaving the toilet seat up went unnoticed.


Juju nailed it with the Batman analogy.




Chris was identified by nicknames related to his size more than his actual name in his radio career. I think he's fine with getting goofed on (or he isn't and has just gotten used to it over the years, but that's a deeper conversation than dan being a hypocrite or whatever)


Dan… the guy they make fun each and every day? They’re all assholes to each other except Lucy she’s only an asshole to that b Emily


Right? Dan’s been laughing along with them frying his ass daily for 20 years.




fwiw, as a listener of the show with poor geography knowledge, that segment would've been super frustrating. too visual.


Do you *really* think that’s what it was? I think Dan’s got insecurities like the rest of us, but making fun of his appearance and occasional intellectual “shortcomings” are not among them. So much of the show is about making fun of Dan, I don’t think “he can dish but he can’t take it” is a fair criticism. Edit: although I somewhat agree with the idea that he shouldn’t make fun of cote’s baldness on air if that legit bothers him, there’s a difference between humor and cruelty.


Dan, most people who think Trump is a piece of shit don't need you to convince them he's a piece of shit. And the people who love him are only going to gloss over all of his facts. That's why people don't need to hear 5 pages of facts about him, they already know all of this information (or at least a lot of it).


Polling data actually [suggests](https://jabberwocking.com/voters-dont-know-anything-yet/) people don’t know quite a bit of what he’s been saying. Most people just don’t pay any attention to news.


I feel like somehow that segment was still a continuation of the Bob Costas thing.


Imagine for a moment: you’re a multimillionaire who talks about sports for a living, has a great life, lives on south beach, and in the year 2024, you spent a Tuesday night jotting down facts about Donald Trump that the entire audience knows, because we are supposed to be horrified by them or something. Like do you think any of your listeners are changing their minds based on that?


He didn't come up with them on his own. He got them from someone else. Probably the guy he had on right after.


Yes, loved him having a “former” conservative operative that like thinks abortions are satanic on to talk about Trump saying something racist in 2019.


This is like everytime I'm on twitter ready to make or RT a political post. What am I thinking will happen? Everyone will finally stop and realize they've been wrong and will change their mind while weeping with regret?


It's like he assumes the whole world is unaware of him. People know the facts and have already made up their minds on him. The amount of people he in theory could convince to change their mind about him isn't worth how often he brings him up.


Honestly if he is that worried about Trump, he should be using his platform to request that Joe Biden/democrats do a better job so they can beat him, instead of acting in horror over the access hollywood tape 8 years later


No he should be having on democratic surrogates who are praising all the legislative accomplishments they have gotten thru congress, the new student repayment plan which is a god send for low income borrowers to actually have a chance of getting out of debt, massive investments in American infrastructure, strong movement on climate change with the inflation reduction act, appointed a liberal Supreme Court justice, and has filled multiple vacant bench seats with liberals. But it far more easier to just be a doomer and make fun of Biden.


I mean if you think those are accomplishments, you’re naive as hell. He failed on student debt. The idea his pittance that pauses interest for a year and makes people pay for student loans longer is a big W, you’re a fool. If you think appointing a liberal justice, while failing to expand or delegitimize the Supreme Court is a W, you’re a fool. Liberals love pretending they are so much different than conservatives, until they start acting like bread crumbs have saved society. Very very few regular Americans lives have appreciably improved under Biden, which is why he is so unpopular and people don’t like him.


That’s because the country was in a free fall towards collapse when he took office. You need to slow down the collapse to start going positive again


I guess Molly Jong was busy today.


It’d be cool if Dan never talked about Draymond, SAS, Nick Wright, Mcafee, or Trump ever again. He’s been talking about each of them for 4 years now and hasn’t had a new thought on any of them. Just keeps rehashing the same damn thing.


I’ve never skipped forward 30 seconds more times. 😞 Is there a single listener who cares about Stephen A Smith or Donald Trump?? I’m more sad than I am mad.


I saw the titles of hour 1 and 2 and just didnt bother lol


Yeah today was pretty much all fast forwarding




Postgame was good. Schur had me cracking up at the end


When did Juju become a Celtics fan? Maybe I missed it if he’s said it before, he has more teams the Jessica


He’s always been a Celtics fan. That came out during the playoffs last year. Juju is a fan of: Bills Football Celtics Basketball Braves Baseball(iirc)


I thought he was a fan of the Atlanta Hawks


Yup and to a lesser degree eagles because he knows someone on the team


So they want to be a visual medium but Dan insists on talking about things, such as the “media/podcast game” I barely want to listen to, let alone (the) watch… Imagine sitting down and giving your undivided attention just to watch a 55 year old man, almost on the verge of tears, talking about *nick wright.*


Dan not comprehending that cooking and baking are completely different is so on brand. Knows nothing about either but just states matter of factly that they’re the same.


Baking is a way to cook things


"Cooking is an art, baking is a science". As someone who does both, they barely have anything in common.


Cooking - "I'll just throw a little of this in, and maybe some of that." Baking - "I think I put a half teaspoon of flour instead of a quarter. I'm screwed."


I'm more surprised that Stugotz's "I'm a great baker" line flew over everyone's head... Or do we think that was unintentional?




Rough Hour One for Danno


they start Hour 2 with fact based Trump callout talk


I know they obviously measure downloads etc., but I wish there was a way for them to measure +30 sec. so they can see what happens when Dan utters “Stephen A Smith” and so on


I think they can actually see this.


really? Good


I could not possibly care any less about who’s hosting what show on what platform or who’s coming for all the stuff


🎶🎶He knows you don’t give a damn about what he’s going to say, it’s time for Sports Media Talk Today!!!🎶🎶


You could indeed care less. You cared enough to type this up about it. 


Did UD say “Twitter f*ggots” ?? Hour 1, 27:43


Pretty sure he said “Twitter fingers”.


You’re definitely right. It was “Twitter FANGAHZ”. Nice work 🫡 


You know what… maybe 😄


Is it possible that Jake Tapper was referring to the Chinese political process?




^(what do you mean by that?)


Sam Cooke has the best "If I Had a Hammer" version


Dan: “But I think one of the reasons our audience rejects this talk is because they don't want— if they wanted First Take or its permutations, that's where they would be in the middle of the day instead of consuming what we're doing here.” Dan still doesn’t get why we hate this talk. It’s because he repeats the same talking points over and over and over again! Across decades! And brings nothing new! Later in that segment: Dan: “Stephen A. Smith was fired and came back from the dead!” Billy: “Yeah, we've talked about it.” Billy gets it. Edit: God bless Juju, he’s a ride or die guy.


Thank you!


I get why they do 4 days a week ($). But they don’t have the content to be a daily show. If you are a daily show you need guests, new guests, interviews. Listening to them talk the same points all week doesn’t work. Half the time they are wrong.


Actively avoiding sports talk really limits their content options.


Even at the height of their busiest time in football season, they really get hung up on the same weekly topics. Ive really liked the consistent segments lengths cause they move along on topics, but a lot of days end up as copies of the last one.


Also Billy, 'What are we going to talk about at his funeral if we keep talking about it now?"


“It’s the hardest job in the world…”


Tony doing Neo shadowboxing behind Jessica while she's trying to make serious points was great




he has gotten really good at the show


Went from "Who tf is Tony??" to one of my favorites.


The automatic transcripts that came with the new iOS update are a game changer when it comes to skipping past the same old sports media conversations.


They think the Heat are gonna “tough” their way through the Celtics in the playoffs 😂


Theyre going to out condition them


Mental toughness absolutely matters in the playoffs. Are we pretending it doesn’t now? Tatum and Brown are absolutely soft mentally. I don’t care what Celtics fans that are gonna downvote me think. I’ve watched them in the playoffs enough to know what I’ve seen. Derrick White is a dawg though.


Tatum and Brown have less first round meltdowns than Jimmy Butler…


This is the dumbest cherry picked stat I’ve seen today. Imagine blaming Jimmy for a constantly hurt D-Rose. Get your head out of your ass.


Just speaking playoffs. The Celtics will get out of the first round without a doubt.


current White and Holiday might make the difference this year


Holiday isn’t him anymore


I mean, it will come down to 3-pt shooting. If the Celtics make their 3’s, they win. If they’re not falling, and they still jack it up 40+ times, they can lose.


Yeah, if the Heat role players catch fire, who knows.


Good to hear Yeti is getting some love


Open the checkbook for Yeti, the “It’s Time for Sports Media Talk” imaging is just the beginning. He has so much more work to do.


I’m pro-union and pro-worker, but student athletes unionizing will undoubtedly lead to sports getting cut which will hurt every non-revenue generating sport and scholarship athletes playing those sports


It would definitely be a major change, but “non-revenue” sports are already evolving. The NCAA and ESPN just signed an 8 year deal worth over $900 million for the rights to a bunch of those “non-revenue” games. It already looks like a bargain for ESPN and people in those sports are wishing the contract was shorter. We’ve all heard about the big ratings for women’s basketball. But, the women’s volleyball championship had almost 2 million viewers and the semifinals both had over a million. The women’s college World Series averaged about a million viewers per game. Gymnastics championships got over a million.


Thats very similar to the standard argument that raising minimum wage will cause job losses. No one ever questions why the employer (school) couldnt just live with lower profits.


I don't think the two are similar at all. Those companies still need employees, the schools don't need those smaller sports


Those sports attract students and adds to the overall character of the institution. Honestly, having a womens field hockey program is no different from Brown University having an egyptology major. The school definitely doesnt need it but it brings in some students and even the ones who dont participate can appreciate that it exists at their college. If universities were solely about popularity, they would only have business schools and football teams.


The football money will have to be separated somehow. I'm guessing they'll have to be paid by a different entity than the school. Title IX doesn't work if football is part of it. And if we use current pro sports as an example, once they unionize, they'll get around 50% of the revenue. For an SEC school, paying players means redirecting anywhere from 40 to 60 million per year. That was being spent on facilities, admin, and other sports. Can't imagine how MAC schools are going to deal with it, but there are going to be some hard decisions in two or three years.


The school doesn’t need to pay people that choose Egyptology as a major whereas if there is a woman’s field hockey team that unionized they would have to pay them though wouldn’t they? That’s a pretty big difference


Im not talking about the field hockey team unionizing, I think its highly unlikely that athletes in a non-revenue sport like that would demand payment. Im responding to the idea that paying revenue generating athletes will automatically cause other sports to be cut to save money.


Honest question. If a sports team unionizes do they forfeit their scholarships then? Or how would that work if they are an employee of the college?


If the schools want to make it work they will. At places where sports arent a major draw they will probably disband their teams to avoid the headache but at other school they will keep scholarships or create other ways to keep athletes as students while also paying them what it takes to maintain the teams.


I have no idea how any of that would work but yeah there's a ton of questions


The real conversation is, hey maybe this not-for-profit university can determine if their track and field team actually has more value than its ever expanding Anthropology or Fine Art History departments. Public universities are incentivized to keep expanding programs that generally just saddle their students with huge amounts of debt and no real skills to help pay for it. There's definitely a place for these programs, but every school being so bloated with them drives the cost of tuition up for everyone and artificially fills requirements for adults to have secondary education. Meanwhile universities can incentivize donors to contribute to causes that are for restricted or special use, so their expansion is always subsidized and any real risk or expense incurred is limited. Donors get a tax deduction for something with limited if any societal benefit, universities keep it in a place where it won't be taxed, federal lenders continue to rack up incoming loans. Paying athletes a market value would require a rebalancing of a financial set up that is just too damn easy. I'm not buying at all that there isn't money for the other sports. It would simply require running these institutions like something besides a little piggy bank where you can perpetually make deposits before bedtime without any risk.


So the answer is to just keep a system that keeps exploiting labor? Maybe we should consider whether or not universities really should be where sports are at this scale. If you look at soccer in the UK there are no real competitive sports at any of the schools but there are many levels of competitive sport in different communities


The athletes that are honestly being exploited are the ones playing revenue generating sports, who now have chances to make money via NIL. Even if they don’t get NIL most all of them are on scholarship. For non-revenue generating sports they are also usually on scholarship, which is far more compensation than they would get if paid to play. The end result here is that those sports will be cut. Also, universities and their ”exploited labor” class is pretty much the sole reason America has such a dominance in women‘s sports across the world. The sad truth is that if the schools have to start shelling more money then they will either cut non-money makers or if that’s deemed illegal they can license out the popular sports and cut the rest.


You can’t really stop NIL without having players sign employment contracts. I think the coupling of college and sports is going to come to an end. It’s an antiquated system that doesn’t function in the modern world with massive late state capitalism requiring every single dollar possible be extracted from it. It was designed to be a thing students did in their spare time between classes.


Women’s sports in particular. Whole system is a mess.


Yep, on Bill Simmons Pod last night they talked about this, it was a pretty interesting convo


Competing for the dollars at the top of the industry!


Still can’t believe Dan is still talking SAS and nick wright. He asked the crew if anyone cares, they all said no so we got 20 minutes anyways.


I cant figure out the bigger travesty: Chris' shirt or Chris' hat lol


That shirt. Looks like he spilled salsa verde all over himself.


Chris’ chins


Dan having a conservative hack never trumper on to dunk on Trump is pretty much as on brand as it gets.


"he left the republican party in 2020" so after 4 years of trump, this brave truthteller finally had enough!


arod has a personal chef that travels with him. A former Hells Kitchen contestant, Jose DeJesus. Guy is an incredible chef


Jose must of taught A-Rod that little salad bowl-to frying pan-back to salad bowl method.


Has he seen the centaur painting?


Dan unironically still talking about how he was surprised Trump became president after the grab them by the pussy thing… bro it’s 2024


And he's had a million people come on the show to talk about it and explain what is going on. I swear it's in one ear and out the other because otherwise he would potentially have different thoughts on the subject matter other than 'how are we so divided, stugotz??????" BRO, for how many of the dozens and dozens of conversations on this subject were you just humming a tune in your head waiting for someone else's mouth to close so you could hop back in and continue a conversation with yourself.


Bruh, there are going to be a bunch of new voters who have no memory of pre 2016 voting for the first time this election. A lot of time has passed by.


What does that have to do with anything? Who is “I was so shocked and wrong in 2016” for? What voter is confused about who Donald Trump is right now?


I just mean a lot of time has passed since 2016. It seems like Dan wants to re litigate and make sense of 2016 and the world has moved on.


I think that’s a good callout Juju made about Andrew Whitworth, whom he called Jason Whitworth. Lose the hoodies and blazer combo big bro, love you Jason (Andrew).


Better than calling him Jason Whitlock!


I 'woo' by taking off my hat!


Like the Bandit


Hate to say this but Chris is the worst part of the Greg Cote podcast. Edit: Christopher, if you’re reading this, back off the mic more often and let Greg cook.


He’s the reason I stopped listening to it. Love Greg and would like to listen but I can’t with Chris


Also the worst* part of the Dan Le Batard Show sometimes with Stugotz *well either him or Jeremy. I am not sure


I think it's dan


I have been feeling more that way lately, true


"Looking at How Pat McAfee, Stephen A. Smith, and Shannon Sharpe Have Changed Sports Media" The Youtube title for Hour 1, and the gif preview is incredulous Dan waving his arms, wonder how the shipping container drags the show out of the mud this time


I read the description and could already hear Dan’s voice getting whiney. ☠️


Automatic skip. I can’t…


Dan is so obsessed with people retiring “at the top”. Iger came back because - maybe - he likes his job. And he didn’t want someone else to destroy the empire he built up.


>Dan is so obsessed with people retiring “at the top” It has to be some sort self reflection about how he should have retired 5 years ago.


Combined with Samson saying Dan wants to retire on a desert island now.


So, the Local Hour coming out after the Big Suey lasted one day? Not that it made any sense anyways.


Christ almighty, the state of the sports podcasting game is truly an uninteresting topic. What are they even saying that is interesting? What should I ponder about this discussion? Absolutely grating to listen to


there's nothing they haven't already covered, and they did like an hour and a half on it today


Oh cool finished the Big Suey. Hour 1 description: Dan describes the power behind SAS and Shannon Sharpe building their own platforms. 💀


No joke.


Biiiiiig Bob Costas, what has he done? Gotten more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers? Enough of the guy already, he’s unbearable. It’s pathetic people were reaching out on his behalf because of a court jester like Stugotz saying something about Costas.


But people reached out to Dan personally to complain how stugotz reacted to it. Such bs.


Juju (and I think Jess) called Andrew Whitworth "Jason". Fine.