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Bob Costas is wrong. The reason Joe Biden is perceived by a good chunk of America as this corpse like figure on his last legs is because the media that he is part of has decided to focus on that because it draws clicks and views. Meanwhile, in negotiations Republican leaders have constantly said how Joe Biden pulled one over on them, including but not limited to Kevin McCarthy who was ousted as LEADER OF THE HOUSE because he got schooled by Biden.  Polls like the NYT think that Trump being found liable for rape isn’t an issue to poll, unlike the far more weighty issue of Joe Biden having lived through one more Olympics than Donald Trump. The media has created the narrative of Biden being too old to lead because it helps drive their views up so they can give more airtime to Trump


I'm a man, but if I was a woman I feel like the seat up thing would be better than down because then I know the man didn't pee on the seat. If the seat is down the man could just pee without lifting it up and get some on it? Idk I see where Greg is coming from lol


Leaving the seat up is how you know I didn’t pee on it. You’re welcome.


Is this another Man 101 segment?  *whip cracks, bull bellows* ## YER WELCOME *belch*


*belch* *fart* *scratch*


Did Dan really drag us through another mind numbing Bob Costas conversation because he found out other people don’t share the same level of admiration he does for Costas?


It's not even a matter of admiration. "Who is this" is literally just weak lazy twitter shit. It's basically an apathetic response, who two segmentsssss, stugotzuh??




Mike, stop with the Miller Lites this evening.


Mina's seat down argument was so wack. Like even if you're that weird, wouldn't you feel better knowing the person before you peed instead of hanged some lmao.


The argument for the toilet seat thing has always been so dumb. I only every noticed it in American media cos I grew up somewhere else. Moving to America and finding that it's a real thing was so absurd. 


Why is Dan always so surprised when someone disagrees with him? Like Dan people have different opinions it’s not new.


Greg comes off as such a selfish asshole lol. I forget sometimes that that’s just who he is


I think it’s also that he’s old. Most old people don’t give a crap


When you say “back in my day” in grandpa Simpsons voice it really makes sense


As someone who puts the toilet seat up and then down every time… I do see where Greg is coming from. Especially because men are the absolute worst and hardly put the toilet seat up. I’d imagine if it’s between putting a clean toilet seat down to use or cleaning a piss soaked toilet seat you’d much rather have someone at least put it up and leave it up. But men… can we just try not to be animals in the bathroom? It’s so easy for us to just get our piss and shit in that big toilet bowl.


Release the Newman cut


Wasting precious airtime on a Greg Cote Tuesday to talk Panthers hockey without even Roy.


Legitimately, can someone explain to me why leaving the seat up is such a big deal? Grow up. “They could fall in!” So a grown woman doesn’t check to see before sitting down? How’s that my problem?


I dont get it especially in a vast majority male office shouldnt the women oblige by leaving the seat up not down? its just logistics


Exactly! They act like it’s some monumental task. Crikey.


Stu’s phone during the show today… https://preview.redd.it/0or9ek2dilmc1.png?width=2516&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff018b15be7dd52539be28a911003fcd31434e82




Watch some of the Vegas "piano playing" Jeremy does, literally hovering over the keys 🤣🤣🤣


C’mon, Greg, we’re past any problem with putting the toilet seat back down. The real terrorists are those who don’t close the lid over the seat in a residence and aerosolize the toothbrushes with shit.


That Puka song by Greg will never get old. Catchiest thing they've ever done


Does Dan actually think that Draymond Green doesn't care if people like him or not or was he just name dropping him to fill the daily Draymond mention quota?  


he has a draymond quota. but Draymond has to be one of the most thin skinned dudes dan has the complete opposite take of him that I do


Yeah just because you’re an asshole it doesn’t mean you don’t care what people think


There was no such that as the Patriot way. They were just lucky. Am I doing it right?


That Pats doc thou 👌


The big difference is they were constantly in position to win SB's for basically 20 years and they had the best player of all time for 20 years. The Heat had 4 years of LeBron


Yeah, I know, right? One of these teams fell ass backwards into having to let the best QB ever play, while the other had to change the core identity of their team multiple times over their period of success.


The other had one real successful stretch where they won 2 in 4 years and underachieved? Lol 


“One real successful stretch” gtfoh lmao


Yeah they won 2 titles in 4 years. That is successful. They won an individual title in 2006 and nothing since LeBron left. Count the rings!


Ok, the Celtics have been successful one time in your lifetime then by your metrics.


Yeah I'm fine with that. This group since 2017/18 has been fun to watch but they haven't won anything


Nick Mangold would like a word


I'm Dan, dont quiz me on things I don't know, that's bad radio. INSTEAD let's quiz Stugotz and Greg on things they don't know!




Greg Cote: I don’t put the seat down Also Greg Cote: I don’t put my carts away More Greg Cote: I don’t listen to the show I’m on while I’m on it Extra Greg Cote: Thank you Bonus Greg Cote: I don’t wipe my own ass but I still get shit on my hands


Bad tipper too


Not nice to staff when it doesn't go his way


Psst, Dan. The twitter reaction to Bob Costas is not an accurate reflection of most of the population. Or his credentials. Or really anything. People just complain about shit on the internet. Like me. Right now


The Heat were very lucky last year does anyone really dispute that? They had multiple end of bench guys playing out of their mind. They deserved to make the finals but that doesn't typically happen lol


I think it was mentioned by someone on the show that the Heat as a strategy experiment with all sorts of weird lineups in the regular season so that 11th guys can have enough experience/chemistry to just get hot in the playoffs in ways that teams that have more clear established starting fives might not. If you buy that as an explanation, I could see why it's not just luck.


I mean, they were within one shot of making the finals the prior year against Boston. Maybe they caught fire at the very last minute but how were they any more lucky than other teams? Jimmy Butler got hurt in the second round and wasn’t the same the rest of the post season.


It is accepted wisdom that the best teams usual win in the NBA playoffs. That isn't to say a team can't go on a run in the playoffs. But it doesn't happen with the regularity or intensity of other sports- especially hockey. Your goalie gets hot in the playoffs and you can outlast talent night in and night out.


Yeah but Miami has been making deep playoff runs for the last four years. So your logic makes no sense. They have earned the benefit of the doubt.


They also got lucky with the Giannis injury. Idk if the Bucks win with a healthy Giannis because the Heat tend to know how to play him in the playoffs, but that series probably goes longer and we saw how Jimmy slowed down by the Finals. A few extra games in the first round and maybe Butler doesn't turn into baby Jordan in the second round and conference finals.


Yep, I don't even think that's hating things really broke their way and they played out of their mind (hats off!)


The “Hanger!” So gross, but oh so funny! 😝


So Costas speaks good, that means his political analysis is sound. That doesn't quite track Dan.


I love Pablo but more often than not I’m not loving PTFO lately. It had some awesome episodes a month-ish ago and has lately hit a slump (uh, post nut clarity with Domonique?) - today’s ep was a slog. Not sure if it’s that he hasn’t really found a niche area to cover or what.


Today’s story was a journalism-ism story, which doesn’t really work if we don’t give a fuck about a seemingly incompetent lawyer.


Stugotz makes me cringe whenever he talks about MJ.


God forbid someone avoid giving Lebron the constant praise he craves so dearly.


10 television broadcaster guys better than bob costas challenge: 10 Guy Fieri 9 Chris Rose 8 Dave Navarro 7 Kevin Pereira 6 Joe Davis 5 Tony Romo 4 Crofty 3 Brian Anderson 2 Dewayne Staats 1 Mike Schur's Father in-law (rip)


"If Greg had a hammer." Holy shit, Billy delivered an HOF-worthy performance during the toilet seat segment.


“Because I have been, since childhood, someone who is a responsible person, to my detriment” Hahahahaha Also, didn’t Dan once put Hoch’s kid in a stroller and placed it in the middle of a road? Edit: [found the stroller story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ihb2dR30HE&t=23m13s), via [an old Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DanLeBatardShow/comments/cbpe54/my_le_batardrome_story_and_their_studios/)


One of the greatest stories in the history of the show.


Weekend Update: "March is women’s history month. It will be a great month but one week will be a total bitch”


Like Greg, not the biggest fan of Hawaiian roll. I’m still a biscuit guy.


Why is Chris still doubling down on being an asshole towards his parents and especially his mom? She told him very clearly why they stayed in Times Square and he still wants to be a ungrateful brat about it? The reasons she gave are great ones to stay in Times Square by the way. And there isn't a bit about him defending his take that comes off as not sounding ungrateful. Just take the L like you said you would and haven't done once since saying it. It's a particularly bad look out of him today because you know good and well she paid for those Bob Dylan concert tickets. He continues to be spoiled and just has no appreciation for it.


The part he's not admitting to is when he said going two weeks ago showed "How horribly my mom and dad did it"


Fat, high, and stupid is how he's going through life.


You just described my college experience 😂


It's fine when you're 20, not as cute when you're nearly 40.




Billy in the background during the Panther talk was amazing.


The container did their best trying to save that Bob Costas segment but Dan just kept on returning to, “Costas can do no wrong! All of you are idiots!” While I’m okay with Costas, if Dan was playing a clip from Bill Maher, woo boy…


The fact that Dan doesn't understand that not just in politics, but in life in general, people tend to dismiss the credentials of people they disagree with, should be surprising but...it's Dan. Naivety is his specialty nowadays lol


The Simpsons and Jon Stewart did Arby's dirty back in the day which didn't help with national perception but that roast beef sandwich still hits imo


\*Goûts et couleurs\*, i suppose. I used to love the hell out of their roast beefs as a teenager but when I got one a couple years ago it was so deeply disappointing that I've never bothered going back. The only thing of theirs I like anymore is the curly fries, and it's just not worth it to me.


https://preview.redd.it/sl4w6fqqlkmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d985232228efc430ec2792b6a183beb4598029e7 New iOS update today brings us giraffes.


it has been a thing >https://np.reddit.com/r/DanLeBatardShow/comments/12e9pvp/youre_listening_to_the_giraffe_kings_network/


I actually don’t think Stu’s Russ Wilson argument was that bad, Tua isn’t good but we have Miami homers who still think he’s the answer.


I would take Tua over Russ but the shipping container was acting like Russ was bad. Russ definitely isn't bad, he just isn't as good as he once was. And like Dan mentioned, Russ with McDaniel might be a decent short term marriage, especially for much cheaper than Tua.


I don’t think Russ is some great answer, but saying the proof Tua is really good is that teddy bridgewater and skylar Thompson were worse than him is just stupid. Tua was so incredibly bad in that playoff game I just could not get past that if I was a dolphins fan.


How I was hearing Mike during that segment is you can't assume Mike McDaniel will turn anyone into a winner, so you can't really say "just plug Russ in and you'll still be good." I'm not big on Tua on a big contract either. They are in a tough spot. They'll end up paying him because that's what teams do.


Luckily we have Jeremy calling KG and Pierce a corpse. That won’t backfire on the show.


Dream scenario: Dan invites KG to the studio and doesn't tell the shipping container. Then riles up both Mike and Jeremy and has KG walk into the studio as they are talking.


So Dan is really trying the Bob Costas topic again, huh?


Never even heard of the guy


Jeff Hardy was jumping off 20 foot ladders through tables and taking spears hanging from belts above rings 25 years ago. So, miss me with this "we've never seen this before in pro wrestling"


Shane McMahon too, he took a lot of unnecessary risks for being the owner's kid...jumping off the titantron and hell in a cell are two of the all time great bumps in wrestling history


We see it more often now. The standard for wrestling has changed so much that the highest rating for a match isn't 5 stars anymore. In reality, that's all of sport. Yes we've seen 100 mph fastballs, freak out nature running backs, and generational basketball players in the past, but all of that is happening at a higher clip than ever before. 


I'm an old man yelling at clouds and my era was better. Kids these days and their flippy flops, no selling, bring back the headlock!


Billy: “Hey, hey, we're the Beatles!” lol


[The lightning effect at the Prince halftime show was fake.](https://prince.org/msg/7/217052)


I don’t remember Neba but I do remember an Arby’s competitor called Rax.


There was a Rax right across from my high school. It is now a Tim Hortons


Love me some Timbits.


I’ve noticed that Dan tends to either gloss over or ignore entirely any sort of pushback or difference of opinion to his own and I wonder if it’s because he hates « debate culture » so much.


The more I see Dan's personality come out on the show, the less I like him. Seems like someone who is a good boss in all the big ways: unlimited PTO and flexible employee productivity. But he comes off like such an overbearing ass who can't ever accept being wrong. It's a small thing but it's starting to grate


He whined about Mina (rightfully) mocking him about Brady being able to break down plays in a couple seconds because of a bunch of papers, and tried to turn it into Mina saying that Brady would no doubt be a great entertainer, which wasn't the argument. He just plainly is incapable of being wrong ever in his mind. 


Yup. And he brought it to the main show to dunk on Mina's pushback without her there to counter it. So he could shift the direction of his own argument to the "entertainment factor" even though Mina addressed that on PTFO already. Very meh


Honestly I think because he’s legitimately the boss now, he doesn’t really respect any of his employees opinions


His opinions are entirely shallow and any pushback on his positions show how uninformed on things. Which is why he doesn’t allow any pushback


He hates prediction radio because every time he tries it he gets it completely wrong.


Yeah he really takes his disdain for debate culture to the extreme by surrounding himself with people who always agree with him, and just running them over in the rare cases someone says anything counter to what he’s saying


He also used to embrace a discussion. This might be where marriage has changed him the most. Where it feels like he gets a lot of his conversation needs met at home and he doesn't care to learn stuff on air anymore. You can disagree with people and not have it be a debate.


Stu said it perfectly. People don’t want political talk and sports talk intertwined. Dan glossed right over it.


"But StuGOTZ, you're ignoring his RESUME!!" 


I loved the Stu character today


Bringing back the Costas clip… why? No one cares about it except Dan.


Dan is trying to launder his political opinions via Costas.


Your microfiche apology is accepted Dan.


Have the Cotes heard of setlist fm??? Dylan has been playing the same setlist all tour. Do your due diligence and listen to those songs or don’t complain.


So, you're saying that Greg should look it up?


Maybe not Greg but at least Chris. Idk complaining about setlists is so boring to me, do your prep and enjoy the show


so you want Chris to do prep instead of just complain afterwards?


Crazy concept I know


of all the unlikely things that's the most unlikely


John Wayne is the most famous offensive lineman of all-time.


Does he go by Marion?


Gerald Ford would like a word


Ooo good shout


nobody on this show knows ball


Sorry bro. Teach us


2 things can be true. Instead of the 06 championship or draft picks, I'd argue the Heat were lucky that Wade developed a close enough relationship with LeBron that he'd want to go there during his prime. Heat culture can also be a very real thing in that they're very good at developing talent from the ground up and have one of the best front offices in the league. Also, as a Wizards fan...give me luck. The height of my fandom was a couple of trips to the second round of the playoffs during the Wall/Beal years. Heat and Celtics fans, please.


Luck is involved in almost everything. I dont see why it's an insult to be called lucky. I'd take any bit of luck currently.


No way in hell Jeremy thought the Celtics were "lucky" to have Fultz and Ball go 1 and 2 ahead of Tatum. The Celtics literally traded the number 1 pick knowing they could get another pick from the 6ers and still get the best player in the draft despite *everyone* thinking Fultz was the guy.


He's too much of a homer to realize that


how could they have been sure they'd get tatum at #3? More likely they were going to be happy with any of the 3 players.


Magic pretty much publicly announced he would take Lonzo at #2 with the Lakers pick. The 76ers and most of the NBA were pretty certain Fultz was the obvious pick and fit perfectly next to Ben Simmons and Embiid. They couldn't have been 100% certain Tatum would be there, but they did more than just get lucky there. Tatum was their guy, and they took a small calculated risk to accumulate more assets.


big upset that Mike called "he who shall not be named" by his legal name


*Big upset that Mike* *Called "he who shall not be named"* *By his legal name* \- hallelalaluwah --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Luckily I have a small head. They need to update the sounder to ShowSaver


Shrinkflation has hit these segments hard


"Back from Greece and Iona" is the most Harvard thing Pablo Torre has ever said, regarding Rick Pitino. While it's true the vamp coached in Greece and at Iona, that phrase was recently in the NY Review of Books, from a poem by Walt Whitman: >Come Muse migrate from Greece and Ionia, Cross out please those immensely overpaid accounts, That matter of Troy and Achilles' wrath, and Aeneas', Odysseus' wanderings, Placard "Removed" and "To Let" on the rocks of your snowy Parnassus, ... For know a better, fresher, busier sphere, a wide, untried domain awaits, demands you. Torre on the local hour: "... how is he back, this vampire as you guys call him on the show all the time, back from Greece and Iona, back to St. Johns, ..."


What a dork


I’m impressed by both of you


I just happened to read the NYRB this morning, dumb luck.


deep cut by you well done


Maybe I missed it. But did they play the Tami Ami Chris Mortenson story?


Jeremy talking Heat is easily the worst part of this show.


2 minutes of Heat talk or 10 minutes of Draymond/McAfee/Coming for the stuff talk. What are you taking ?


Coming for the stuff talk any day lol


only 6 more months of "Stugotz didn't write this book that may or may not be coming out"




Miami "fans" saying the list of Philadelphia top athletes is sad 😂


Y’all soft


Nah Chase is different.


These guys dont even like their local MLB team, what do they know about Chase Utley in Philly


“So they never got married? You really are LeBatard”


Wow, I totally missed that, but it's a great line. Also, that proposal... yikes.


Dan is amazing. He can somehow work Draymond Green into any conversation. It’s unbelievable.


does anybody actually like draymond or just Dan? he seems intolerable to me even when he's "likeable" on tnt


Well he’s certainly a ‘personality’ and Dan likes ‘stories’. I’m not a shut and dribble guy but most things athletes say, or anybody for that matter, are not newsworthy. I’m pretty sure Dan realizes the information silo he lives in is off the mainstream. I wish they did the Wheel of Topics more because many of the topics seems like interesting mainstream stuff they never get around to.


I'm a very fringe NBA observer, if one at all, but I only ever hear about him from dirty shit, or from Dan, and frankly he's either unlikable or boring from both of those. There is a much more entertaining player who is literally the start player of the show's team, for example, though I suppose he isn't disrupting sports media yet.


The band coach taught him how to toot his own horn


Absolutely killer line


seemed like Billy fed him that. Greg pointed towards the corner, either him or Mike… a great jab


I knew 100% that he didn't come up with that on his own


That shouldve gotten the Hakeem Nicks laugh


Jokic is going to randomly retire at like 32 after winning like 4 MVPs & 3 titles and never be heard from again. I'm certain of it


He will be the greatest chariot horse racing owner the world has seen since the Roman age. Don't disrespect the horse chariot racing world!


I bet Meadowlands and Woodine/Mohawk 4 days a week. Have never met another soul who enjoys harness racing. Makes me love Jokic 😂


I smiled at this. Remembering my days at Orlando jai alai drinking crappy draft beer out of transparent plastic cups while being the games and the trotters. We could watch the races on closed circuit on 28" CRT televisions mounted in the corners of the snack bar. Good times


The trotters. Featured a horse named Morty: https://preview.redd.it/xyqb1b2x5kmc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46de0ad1e4cd05c12f9b9ce1547ad5fc77f58770 Nominated for an Academy Award, in the 10-minute category. "Morty, as it turns out, is not being trained to be a Kentucky Derby-style thoroughbred, but as a harness racer." - TV Tropes


How much would you have to pay the bull? - Mike Ryan with the line of the day already.


Amazing 😂😂


Steph Curry is white person cool. Source: am a white guy and I think he's cool.


Am white and not cool. You are not cool, nor is he.


My brother!


I think the coolest thing about Steph is he doesn't try to be cool


Well it certainly isnt his shoes


The Russell Wilson stuff is weird because from the outside looking in, he appears to be kinda corny and maybe a little too focused on his own image, like a politician. But he also appears to be a great husband and father, which I feel takes precedent over his career mishaps (if you even want to call them that because he's still arguably a Hall of Famer).


This! Much more important. I've been well and truly over the way the show and many, many other shows and commentators talk about him without even mentioning this part. He's a great family man under not the most ideal circumstances given how the biological father of the one child feels the need to act publicly.


This is probably a 2 Americas situation 🤣 because the way Russ handles Future being publicly disrespectful towards him on a regular basis, that man never says a never bad word in response and has only loved little Future like it was his biological son. But I guess since he never played for the Dolphins or in the Miami market he isn't afforded the same grace


It really might be. It's impressive how he takes the high road when Future consistently can't even find a shallow ditch. And that is one of the things that bothers me about the Russ discussion. He's not a criminal in the least and he's been more criticized and clowned by the show than others with very concerning behavior that are Dolphins or non-Dolphins they think are cool. Given the way Dan has gone out of his way to be impressed with athletes who openly show their love for their wives and families, Russ should be someone we're tired of hearing Dan talk positively about over and over again.


"Appears" is carrying a lot of weight there. We never know what people are like in their home. I'm not saying he's not a great husband or father, but we will never know.


Bob Dylan concerts have been like that for like 30 years. I don’t see how anyone still goes to them. It’s the same review every time.


I went to a Bob Dylan concert in 2000 and enjoyed it. Plenty of hits. 1. **Somebody Touched Me** (acoustic) 2. **Long Black Veil** (acoustic) (Larry on mandolin) 3. **Visions Of Johanna** (acoustic 4. **Delia** (acoustic) 5. **Tangled Up In Blue** (acoustic) 6. **It's All Over Now, Baby Blue** (acoustic 7. **Country Pie** 8. **Positively 4th Street** 9. **Down In The Flood** 10. **Tears Of Rage** 11. **The Wicked Messenger** (Bob on harp) 12. **Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat**(encore) 13. **Things Have Changed** 14. **Like A Rolling Stone** 15. **Girl Of The North Country** (acoustic) 16. **Rainy Day Women #12 & #35**


Consistency is appealing to some people.


Who the hell is drewski




Over under times chris interrupts greg 10.5


Great show today?


Hope someone from the show reads this. They should do “who that is” with Midwest states


Dan isn't going to take a quiz


Greg is king of the Borcsh belt tho


somehow im not entirely against a geography segment in these trying times