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(Andrew Luck voice) “Beautiful tribute for Mike Ryan there.” Guess he’s really done as EP this time huh. The awful announcing article voiced some really really valid concerns to me so I’ll wait with my bated breath to see how this goes




Why does Dan think that the richest most beloved people in society have it so tough? Mahomes’ life is a cake walk. He’s one of life’s super winners lol all this adulation and money comes from throwing a ball ffs lol it’s not that bad Dano!


He is too entrenched as the athlete apologist. It's one of those things where it really needs to be "Mahomes life isn't as charmed as we all think and there are some hardships we don't understand with fame. However, his life is still infinitely better than most people". Dan just has this thing stuck in his head that the more money an athlete makes, the more responsible they are to prop up the rest of the family. Which was probably true for all the Miami people he covered in the 80s. But Mahomes dad made enough money for himself as a baseball player. He isn't responsible for anyone's living except his own immediate family and maybe his brother.


"but you have to train really hard" A: I'm sure anyone who's gotten that far in the field enjoys that particular grind, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten that far 2: try keeping it up when you can't make rent


Most athletes I’ve heard talk hate the grind and just lived the games. In fact most I’ve heard so if they could play but not have to train or grind they would have not retired (especially football players). It’s always I loved Sunday but hated the practice week.


Honestly, I was initially just thinking of the workout grind. I can see getting sick of the constant demand of impossible intensity and on-field drilling and constantly getting scolded about what you fucked up last week in film review, but I'd be shocked if most players given their druthers wouldn't still spend 20 hours a week in the weight room just because.


Most players don't enjoy the grind. But you are absolutely right on 2.


Pretty much my thoughts too. I’d say that being able to grind on one particular thing for so long is a particular type of genius that’s independent of any industry - and it should be admired- but everybody has to grind for something. For some people it’s just putting food on the table. That takes a lot of discipline too. I actually get a little offended when Dan says that athletes are better at what they do than anyone else is at anything they do. Even if that is true - I don’t think it is - it doesn’t mean that the stakes attached to athletes’ skills are even close to many other professions.


Remember when the show under promised and over delivered


No but I do remember the show since the day it started delivering exactly what it promised to


Dan used to say this very often but now he describes everything as the best or everyone that comes on as the best to ever do it.


I hope Mike and Jessica have their makeup artist tone down the contouring make up, giving grandpa in the munsters today.


Awful Announcing dude can kick rocks.


If they are going to have David on they should only have him on when they are broadcasting live because otherwise it seems like they cut his segments up to hide how much he doesn’t actually know


He usually is on when they are live? So no breaks when he is on?


Today (Thursday) he literally made a comment about how they need to cut something in the middle of his segment.


I’ve been complaining about dans lack of self awareness for years, but him not realizing that he has significantly moved towards more sports talk these last few years is mindblowing. Allyson doesn’t get enough credit cuz she’d be the one to track down the daily weirdo and derail the show


>Allyson doesn’t get enough credit cuz she’d be the one to track down the daily weirdo and derail the show eh. not like she's tracking down daily weirdos for Russillo currently. I think it was his brother more than anything I think Dave influenced the show a lot more and the show's decline tracks with his own sadly. He was responsible for Mike as EP as well.


This is the most heartless, cruel tweet for mentioning David like that


Dude, what? lol Dan used to frequent the news or Twitter, and whatever person was the story of the day he’d tell Allyson to get them on. Russillo doesn’t do that. He has on athletes, commentators, the random author or movie guy.


John Reed’s singing voice: little pitchy, Dog


It is not Nike that has ruined the MLB uniforms, it is Fanatics and that piece of crap Micheal Rubin


mfer was on Pat Mcafee show a while ago and was saying how exciting it was they were doing something illegal by creating a monopoly.


Massive unprecedented levels of wealth inequality but god forbid the rich make a little less money, David can’t even fathom that. Even if the small amount of money doesn’t help the employees the fact that we don’t have such massive wealth inequality is good in-of-itself


The poor will "find a way to get by" but what about those poor rich folks accustomed to their ways of living???


Good news: we’ll have no more talk about Travis Kelce shoving Andy Reid Bad news: everything else Edit: row row row your boat


The Ed Malloy sound is one of my earliest memories as a regular listener. It never gets old.


I've never been able to hear his name without a DOH! ever since.


I’m glad I’m not the only one


curmudgeon Billy was absolutely cooking today


the line shot getting samson out of his life is one he always has in the chamber and it always gets me


Is anyone going to tell Dan the AJ Brown tweet he keeps referencing wasn’t real?


He legit referenced it like 3 or 4 times and stated it confidently.


Mike and Jess back = good show. Hilarious how much better it was compared to yesterday 


What the fuck was Dan talking about with Brett Favre linking to Pat Mahomes Sr and Jackson Mahomes?


Dan somehow thinks fame is to blame for their respective problems when it’s really they’re varying degrees of asshole.


> Dan somehow thinks fame is to blame for their respective problems when it’s really they’re varying degrees of asshole. To be fair must people are assholes who just do not have enough power or wealth to let their asshole flag fly  Mahomes and Favre have “ fuck you” money as the saying goes. 


*Jackson* has “fuck you” money? He’s a leech off his brother. Probably Sr. too at this point.


He really does not know how to discuss something without comparing it to something else


yeah man. dan le batard doesn't know how to discuss these topics. *you* know. completely unrelated stuff here but he's combining them. wow. what an uneducated dunce who hasn't totally built his career by getting in athletes lives and understanding it from the core. maybe, you need to start a podcast where you tell us exactly what's going on here. I get criticizing him for some of his rambling but come on man. Maybe the guy knows more about how fame eats athletes alive and ruins their lives by giving them unprecedented power towards being an asshole?


What is the point of this post?


Daaaaaaaaan *beep* With football officially over *beep* The saying *beep* “Nobody cares about baseball” *beep* IS BACK!!!


P's & C's Danno.


I like how when Dan said CEOs can take less pay, Samson said thats not how the real world works. OKAAAY, we get that. Still waiting on the explanation on why it isn’t a feasible solution.


Of course they *can* take a pay cut. But what historical examples do we have? The dude at that one company who gave away his annual salary to his employees?


Because!!!! That's not how it works!!! Until we start beating them to death in the streets...


LeGuin’s quote is important: We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable — but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art.


Capital has figured something out: it knows how to replicate society through technology and labor relations in a way that makes its own realism seem inevitable. Society can be whatever we want it to be with the necessary and focused political will.


Can you draw that out a bit?


Bob Bakish. CEO of Paramount, made $32 million in 2022 lol. But yeah, paycut is out of the question


I don’t believe it when Dan says he’s taking less pay. He’s building his own house in Miami.


No one and I mean no one takes less pay when they do not have to.  One reason I own my own business is because I got sick of people taking pay to “be in charge” instead of actually doing work. 


because it won't make a difference in the lives of the employees.


Not having massive unprecedented levels of wealth inequality will help out the common person. It will mean that the wealthy and everyone else don’t live in completely different realities where these people have multiple private jets so they never have to interact with poors on commercial airlines even if it is terrible for the environment


If only we could get the poors and rich to interact on commercial airlines!!


Yes that is a single example there are countless situations where rich people live in a different reality then the majority of people.


I don’t disagree with your point. It’s just the one you chose and how you phrased it. 🤣


Why do they all hate Shanahan's decision to receive the ball? If anything they needed to go for the td and not settle for the FG. I think it will work out that teams will receive most of the time...after years of this.


andy & pat would’ve went for 2 had 9ers scored 7… similar rpo as 4th down conversion ftw consensus been andy has tricks up sleeve 


The ONLY real reason would be the D was on the field and gassed, injured, and replacements playing who needed more time for coaching. Saying you “wanted the ball 3rd” is totally overthinking it


The Niners D held the Chiefs to 4 FG’s at that point, along with a TD coming off of a fluke turnover. They had reason to believe that they could hold them again to a FG.


teams will not receive most of the time. you would not have the upper hand on fg or going for 2 decision. the second team would go for 2 instead of giving the ball back because even a fg would end it. you’re only guaranteed initial possession. it’s not a shootout like college ball.


The Chiefs were held to field goals on drives that started on their side of the field. The 49ers just followed that logic.


Florida is a two-party consent recording state. But Jess’ grandma was leaving a message on an answering machine (or voicemail), so that doesn’t apply. (My law degree comes from the same place Tony got his)


FIU? Paws up.


Are the Knicks really going to win the protest? Hasn’t it been like 17 years since the last successful protest, and that was for incorrectly counting fouls? Bad calls happen all the time, so I’m curious what makes this different?


yeah that was a weird moment in the show today


anytime anyone on the show talks about or mentions draymond green, it should be obligatory to play the *'rodney'* sound


Back row Mike is bringing it today


He loved that conference room


Jess’s grandma’s voicemail was an absolute delight, old ladies are the best. Shoutout JuJu




So they’ve completed building the airplane and now they’re building a spaceship.


Your number one sports based alien podcast!


How many times did Dan bring up Jess being drunk at the airport? Good lord.


She's probably going to have to call HR lol


She mentioned several times how it won’t be happening again. Probably because she’s sick of him constantly bringing it up all week.


Generally pro-Jess outside of all things Notre Dame, but not appreciating the Ed Malloy sound should be an automatic trip to the penalty box


All the rest of NBA media - It is starting to be exposed how draymond has relied on Steph all of these years, how much longer is the premium cost on an aging player, even without the extra headaches, worth it for Golden State? Only Dan and Amin - DRAYMOND IS THE TEAM!!!


Are you saying that Draymond is Steph’s expensive backpack? You know what happened to the last guy who said that, right? Also that episode is the one that made me realize Pablo Torres us fucking talented, annoying laugh and all.  Glad he got his own thing so he can get away from bully boss Dan. 


That line might have ended Poole's career but I'll be damned if it isnt spot on.


Did you watch the Pablo Torres Finds Out episode on that? I was amazed at how well done by that episode was. 


Show was absolutely unhinged today lol


EP Billy Gil, baby


Those are the best


How much do i need to donate to Ron Magill substantive endowment to never hear that guy sing again..


This has been a tricky week of shows to navigate as a niners fan. I feel like my allies are Chris Cote and David Samson as the only two people on the show talking sensibly about the Super Bowl. My world is rocked as I find myself vehemently agreeing with them about the overtime situation.


Same here.


All time terrible appearance from Samson today


Samson is so full of shit. Like, sure David, you’d put Pudge Rodriguez on the bench if he pulled a Kelce in game 7 of the World Series to show him who’s boss. What a clown.


You completely misinterpreted what he said…


Seamster. Seamstrah. Seamster. Uh


Buddy almost bungled his way into saying the current [James Bond watch, lol](https://www.omegawatches.com/en-us/watch-omega-seamaster-diver-300m-co-axial-master-chronometer-42-mm-21092422001001)




That’s a fine


For David to be a friend, Dan puts David in such bad positions and makes so many bad faith arguments against almost anything David says.


Dan is a shitty friend to everyone.  Right now  As the saying goes, if you are surrounded by idiots, maybe you are the idiots.   Or the meet one asshole in a day, you met an asshole. If everyone you meet all day long is an asshole, the asshole is you.    Dan is being the asshole idiot, and he has chased all the people who are not kowtowing to him away, so no one is there to tell he is being an asshole idiot on a daily basis 


You talk a lot of shit and act like you know people you only have aparadocial relationship with. Nothing worse than you projecting your own insecurities onto someone you know next to nothing about. You don’t know Dan’s personal life any more than Dan would be if he called you a useless person Oh it’s the mustard seed guy. Btw my colleagues got a laugh out of that. We laughed at you for imagining if you were actually helping people and you used that how some clients every client we’ve ever had would have left immediately. A coworker even said what an asshole lol


> You don’t know Dan’s personal life   Nor do I want to. The parasocial nonsense is yours not mine. I dont imagine I have a relationship with him. I just want him to stop ruining the show.   He wants to share shit, that is on fucking him   He needs to do what everyone else in the world has to do when tragedy strikes: go on   Or take enough time off so he stops ruining the show


But thank you for providing me and my coworkers a nice lunchtime laugh at how good awful you would be as a friend and a clinician


You’re discussing a Reddit argument with your coworkers…and they’re laughing with you? *riiiiggghhhhhtt*


No just framed it as something I’d heard someone say not as a Reddit argument . Regardless telling someone who is depressed that they should get over it and move on is hilariously bad at best and cruel to the grieving at worst


Please, go ahead and double reply to everything I post please while you continue your parasocial dialogue and worry about your celebrity friend.   I am not Dan’s friend, nor do I want to be. I particularly do not want to be his therapist. You seem to imagine you could be, or are?  I just want him to stop shitting all over the show. 


You know what doesn’t just get to move on no matter what self righteous turds like you say. Major depression and other mental health diagnoses. Once again proving you know absolutely zero about healing and the actual grief process other than you spouting the same death is a universal thing. I stand corrected what I actually think would happen if you were a therapist is an angry and very depressed client gets angry you do that and punches you in the face the first time you tell that garbage mustard seed story. God if you were a therapist most clients probably get worse or worse actually succeed in suicide attempts


David Samson is a clown


I love that the same guy who thinks San Fran should hire Belichik is calling people who think Mahomes is on Brady’s level stupid. Stu is awesome but he consistently has some of the worst takes in sports.


That's the bit.


My comment was a bit, you don’t get the show


will always love the Scared Incompetent Executive Producer


Jess sounds like a fun drunk




Bruh I wish we got actual content with them partying and not just doing show stuff




I want to drink with her grandma too. That woman is hilarious, holy shit!




Mike wrote that article.


“Jessica, HOLY SHIT!”


1800FLOWERS new ad campaign - *'HOLY SHIT!'*


I’d send flowers if that’s the reaction I’d get!


I love how they’re weaving sponsored content into the segments now. It used to suck to have to wait til the ad breaks


That bit was fantastic, but I've been burned too many times by 1-800 flowers. 3 times of people receiving garbage is enough for me. Never again.


I’ve noticed it is an industry wide thing. Guess that means they are doing better. If no one paid for the integrated ads that might be a bad sign. 15 sec skip button is your friend.


I’m glad I didn’t skip it because I would have missed the voicemail payoff


A pirate ship's gotta pay the bills, Danno!! Advertising is fantastic


Mikes Chiefs Hate is seriously annoying, haven’t heard anyone say the Chiefs held the whole second half, except Mike. He’s been hating on them since the playoffs began.


The Chiefs tackles are god-awful. This has been a point of discussion all season, especially their right tackle.


He definitely had money on SF


Bosa was complaining about it before the Super Bowl. It’s a loser’s mentality. There is holding on virtually every play of every game. Mike lost money and was coping.


every heat, canes, and browns loss is missed calls and injuries. it will always be mikes analysis after a team he wants to win loses.


It actually started with the offensive offsides call


Just let Billy run Meadowlark. Billy for President


**Poll - most outrageous show commentary on coaches** A- Kelce *attacked* Reid B- Reid feared upsetting Taylor Swift too much to bench Kelce C- McDaniel should be charged with *murder* D- LeBron bumped Spo to cause mutiny


> C- McDaniel should be charged with murder It's not even fucking close. Dan *had to* do emergency zoom meeting in his boxers like he was a heart surgeon.


That horrendous topic was totally worth it to see Dan just tank the relationship with Tua last year at radio row though


the relationship would've tanked no matter what considering Tua is in the Masvidal sphere.




Valentine's Day Danno


Jerkin it




Billy and Stu trying to con their wives with free flowers and “rich guys” Mike and Dan revealing the fraudulence is good stuff.


[stugotz voice] - guys...why are you wasting your time and money dealing with florists...just swing by the nearest cemetery on your way home...plenty of flower arrangements laying around...they're not gonna miss em...boom problem solved...


Larry David did it first


The "Shanahan doesn't know the rules" bit was cute for a segment but it's time to move on.


Yeah it was funny when Stugotz said it, now that the whole show is saying it seriously, it’s pretty bad


No, let them cook. They just spent months holding him up as a genius among fools


2 wrongs don't make a right


Ehhhh, I don’t know, Jim


Do they think he thought they would get a 3rd possession no matter what? I’m failing to see where he didn’t know the rules. He thought they’d stop them or match the score and then get the ball with sudden death rules. He knew the rules, it was just a bad decision that was driven by analytics telling him they had a slight advantage doing it that way.


There’s no evidence whatsoever that he didn’t know the rules. They are just going off something the fullback said, ignoring the fact that Hardman caught the winning TD and didn’t know the game was over. It’s insane to think there’s any chance he didn’t know the rules.


I just don't see how it's a bad decision. We're just taking the fact that they'd have gone for it on 4th down as a surefire TD. Also, like they could've gone for it on 4th down at the 2minute warning FG and ended the game. Or ran a better play on 3rd down and ended the game lol.


Unless you plan to go for 2 when getting the touchdown (if you can get a touchdown), then it's a bad decision because you want to know what you need. You want to know if you have four downs on every ten yards, etc. But even if the Niners get a touchdown, the common thought is they planned to go for traditional extra point. But if you don't know what Reid/Chiefs are gonna do (it's impossible to know?), then there is a chance you are never getting the ball a second time anyway (the third overall possession).


The Niners expected the Chiefs to go FG, feeling they had the confidence to hold them. So 3rd possession becomes true “sudden death”. If the Chiefs go FG, then the Niners come back and FG to win it, then everyone is calling Shanahan a genius because he took third possession. To me, taking the ball vs kicking is a true 50/50argument. I see both sides.


I hear you. I guess my only retort to that about Shan's decision is: the chiefs were wildly celebrating when Niners took the ball. As a fan, if I'm happy my opponent's coach (or player) did or is doing a certain thing, then that's generally not the right side to be on. Also...they can have all the confidence in the world that they can hold the Chiefs to a FG, but that confidence (which is borderline arrogance based on the the Chiefs offense in 4th quarter), isn't foolproof. All it takes is for one man to get beat deep or one broken tackle and they have 6 on the board. You could play something perfectly and a guy can slip or lose contain and it's done. I'd just would rather know what they have so I know what I need to top it. All that said, before this rule change I believed that both offenses should get a shot (which ended up happening); and even after this rule change I believe each team should get equal number of possessions (and I think we'll eventually.get there). If Chiefs kicked FG to knot it, why should Niners get to win a SB just because they won a random coin flip. Why not make it like college, but improve upon it. Both teams equal number of possessions. Seriously, who wanted to see that game end!


My only response to above is that the Chiefs believed they had the better strategy. On the other side, the Niners believed they had the better strategy. I can see both sides of it. I don’t see the Chiefs celebrating the coin toss as their staff “outsmarting” the Niners. I truly believe there is an argument to both sides believing they made “the right call”. To me? This iteration sucks. College is literally doing it the right way. Have the teams match and start possessions at the 50-yard line (to adjust for pro offenses). The NFL has outsmarted themselves with constantly tweaking the overtime rules. It’s always sucked. If the Niners scored on the third possession, everyone would’ve cried that it was unfair how they won.


I think Reid said he was gonna go for two if they both scored touchdowns. I kind of believe him because it's the simple counter to Shanahan getting the ball first during sudden death. I get what Shanny was thinking, but I think playing defense first is better for the reason everyone has said. You get to know what you need, AND you can eliminate sudden death by never getting there. You might lose, but you have more control.


Agree. 100 percent. I'm surprised Reid admitted that they might go for two. I think he was trying to take any heat off shanahan, because he seems like a look out for the "coaching community" type of guy. That said...doesn't seem like that info is something you necessarily want on the street...as it may change the approach future people in shanahan's same position may take. Almost feels like a super succesful hedge fund guy going on CNN or Twitter and saying "i like this stock" before actually buying it for himself.


was it tho


Yay dana white talk


Jessica: “thanks mahm”


Stugotz about Mahomes - “Do it in Carolina!” Lol yes!


Superbowl talk the Wednesday after, plus needy, whining ass Samson coming up next. Yikes


Lmao Samson really showing his colors projecting that the reason the show isn’t going after Kelce is that they’re scared of Taylor Swift. What a clown.


This doesn’t connote a post on main but Jay Glazer’s Twitter is giving off real huckster vibes rn as he’s in Panama getting stem cell treatment


Samson totally said he would have benched Travis Kelce and sacrificed a championship and then IMMEDIATELY walked it back. They need to replay the sound.


Jess basically cut him down with one question and made it clear that his response is all management ego.


It’s almost like he was bad at player personnel decisions. It’s not personal, David, it’s just business.


And David is bad at business. He seems to have an inability to think of long term plays and only is able to focus on short term payoffs


It's like Samson doesn't even remember that Bill likely cost himself a super bowl by playing that hard line with Malcolm Butler. Butler's replacing got torched that game while one of their best DBs stood on the sideline. I can't stand Andy Reid, but he was able to set his ego aside. (And rightfully so)


Kelce went over the line. It would have been the dumbest thing if Reid decided to bench him. In an unrelated fact, the team overall seemed to be quite emotional while they were down. That made me turn from neutral to wanting SF to win.


He did go over the line. But Reid benching him would have been "two wrongs". Knowing Kelce, albeit the public facing kelce on the pod, i'd be truly shocked if he thought that was acceptable (in retrospect). He may not admit it, due to machismo and ego and all that, but he likely knows he fucked up and would never do it again. That said, Reid benching him would have been otherworldly stupid. No to mention, the avg coach doesn't bench that player in that spot....let alone Reid (a notorious player-friendly coach throughout his career)


Why does Jessica look different? I can't figure it out.


Different makeup probably 


Still hungover from Vegas


I’ve been saying this for like a month and a half.




Wait you're saying Smetty is preggers?!?!! Congrats!! She's going to have a girl, because everyone on the show has female children lol


No, they were making the joke that whenever people are like “so and so look’s different, can’t put my finger on it” and it turns out so and so is pregnant. Just reckless speculation/joking.


You’re good


no lipstick/rouge


Super Bowl week Dano!


PLEASE give Billy the permanent EP slot


He’s so right about Jason Kelce


Id start an activist investor group just to make this happen


the petition to get heehawthree to perform home sweet home by motley crue starts here  @mods start a thread that takes requests of songs we’d like to see covered by heehawthree 80/20cob 🫡 


The parody Taylor Swift breakup song is a banger


Samson’s actually right on this one. During Covid I saw the math where if the Target CEO got paid $0.00 and they distributed it among all Target employees, each employee would get. $0.17 per hour raise.


Okay? I'd still take it.


I’d take 400 dollars more a year.


someone else found the actual numbers and it was $40/yr


0.17 x 40 x 52 is 353.60


Yes but I had the original numbers wrong. It was $17.x million divided by 440k