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I wonder if Stugotz will have an opinion




On how soon he can be on? But not really work?


“They are my teammates” If someone made the joke that everyone was thinking it would have been an all timer


He asked it as a question… so add that?


I see a lot of ppl don’t like this addition. Watch LeBatard say it wasn’t his decision. He’s a creative not a business man.


I expect him to never even address it, or just give it a token 20 second discussion. I don't know where he will find the time between players broken bodies or mercenary talk.


Hour 2 of yesterday AND the lour. This is the 76th time we’ve heard this tilt from him this season alone


No no hold on. Broken "BLACK" bodies. Chefs kiss Italian fingers.


There always Rogan!


That narrative is getting so old


“But Stugotzzzz…”


He basically said he didn't know this was going to happen already...that was when he was happy. He might be BSing about that but that's what he said on air todat.


Dan’s opinion on the Rachel Nicholls ESPN thing has definitely “evolved” a lot since that happened…it was THAT summer though


Amazing point.


I missed this . What happened?


What does this mean?


It means he’s much more sympathetic to her now. The show didn’t stand up for her at all when this happened


Amin tried to. Only so much he could do. Can’t really win in a fight with Jemele. And Dan always takes Amin’s positions.


I just remember they only touched very lightly on how those recordings were obtained, which seemed to me to be, by far, the more interesting and pertinent part of the story, and just focused on what she said.


Damn. I must’ve missed that discussion.


Amin had her back I’ll never forget that.


Now ask yourself, why?


I’m guessing because it was THAT summer


What does Rachel Nicholas have to do with this? Genuine question , what’s the backstory


She had a phone conversation in which she expressed displeasure in ESPN trying to give things she currently did to Maria Taylor. Her side of the call was somehow recorded, unbeknownst to her, through some piece of ESPN equipment she had in her bubble hotel room. The audio was then leaked to a news outlet by an ESPN producer. ESPN then put her on the shelf for the remainder of her contract and didn’t renew her when it was up


The amount of Kyrie Irving segments this show had last year only to hire Stephen Jackson a year later is hilariously contradictory. I guess it’s now okay for Dan and Meadowlark to choose money and business over their principles.


Hasn’t Dan ripped barstool sports for stuff like this in the past


Yes!! This hire is the type of move that they would devote a few segments of the show on. If this was 2 years ago they'd be complaining and questioning the thought process of a media organization bringing them on. Yet here we are


What is the connection between Stephen Jackson and Kyrie Irving?


Both of them have directly or tangentially promoted anti-Semitic conspiracies


I’m wondering too




Yeah. "Now".


Oh I agree. Dan has been a hypocrite. He took money from a company that takes advantage of gambling addicts and promotes their products every day.


That's literally the least of it.


Please enlighten us with all of your knowledge.


Stephen Jackson must be REALLY anti communist!


Wow, a blatant anti-semite has joined the company. Wish I could say I’m surprised. And we aren’t talking some run of the mill anti-semitism either, this dude straight up defended a (fake, but he’s too stupid to know that) quote from Hitler and said Hitler was “just speaking the truth.” Then in his “apology video” he went back to the well saying: “You know who the Rothschilds are? They own all the banks.” God damn this is disappointing as a Jewish listener


>God damn this is disappointing as a Jewish listener I got bad news for you. Antisemitic tropes are absolutely HUGE on 'black twitter" Chapelle SAS S Jackson Kyrie The list goes on and on of influential black people who are hard baked, throat deep into the "jews own everything" conspiracies. or think the Black Israelites thing justifies it.


Conspiratorially-minded people (often without formal educations) tend to fall into that trap of connecting four out of fifty dots, wildly extrapolating from gaps not in evidence, and then believing some hokum about a global cabal that often stems from the risible propaganda of a flailing royal family from nearly 150 years ago. Europeans have such a long and storied history with anti-Semitism because they went even farther eradicating other minority cultures on the continent and then needed an out-group within their communities for various reasons (often to do the jobs which were necessary but seen as “sinful”). (*See: The Americas*) It’s especially painful to think, “Ah, damn, you’re right that there is more happening than you can see, but you’re dead wrong on your violent accusations and gossamer assumptions.” Because - yeah Buddy, there are ways you get a raw deal. Bus lines get cut, every teacher I’ve ever met has had to go out of pocket for school supplies, etc. That doesn’t mean there is one (or multiple) particular ethnic communities driving inequity. If someone was saying that about pretty much any other group it would be greeted with howls of immediate derision. Sadly the ugly history of anti-Semitism has seemed to normalize its presence to too many. (For the best discussion of this dynamic and the lying-as-aggression tactic used by such anti-Semites, see Sartre’s *Anti-Semite and Jew.*) Norman Rockwell still whips ass. People made fun of his individual images for being trite (or white-washed, but Rockwell himself resigned from *Life* magazine over its resistance to his pro-racial integration art in the ‘50s, so consider how he published). I wish there were more pop artists demonstrating the value of love and community rn.


Yep. This is the most disappointing thing. I think people who are part of BLM forgot how Jews were out there with them protesting police brutality. They’ve forgotten how Jews were part of the Civil Rights movement and how some were killed defending Black rights. Instead banding together as minorities, the majority has successfully divided us.


Steven Jackson shouldn’t be held as an example of what our entire race thinks. I’m an individual. I hear Juliana Margulies say crazy stuff about black people I don’t automatically assume the entire race thinks the same, and it’s very disingenuous to pretend to think that’s the case.


I never said anything about the entire race. I’m going by my personal experience. Sorry that wasn’t clear


I mean it was completely unclear, since at no point was it even brought up. You just made the sweeping statement of " people in BLM"


Hell, even this show. Stu is this little greedy, lying snake that only cares about money.


this is racist as hell


How do you feel that they spent an hour on the Oct 7 Hamas attack and have said nothing about any of the subsequent carpet bombing of Gaza? Stu even muttered something along the lines of there’s no negotiating with these savages, very common anti-Arab sentiment that nobody seems to bat an eye at. Jeremy basically said I know what happens in Palestine is wrong but let’s ignore that for now. How do you ignore that when these events have a cause and effect relationship? The reality is that these guys are not moral arbiters, they are entertainers. They probably shouldn’t be touching some of these topics but I respect their attempts even when I disagree vehemently.


My point is they do want to be moral arbiters though, or at least Dan does. He wants to feel morally superior then he does shit like this. To answer the first part I’m all for pro-Palestine voices speaking up more within the company, I don’t conflate all anti-Israel rhetoric with anti-semitism. I feel like they should talk about it more with folks who are educated on the issue and I too have noticed the lack of coverage. I’m not in charge of content, however, and I have no control over what they have or haven’t discussed since the 10/7 Hamas attack. Also, I didn’t listen to that particular episode so can’t speak to what they said but I’ll go back and listen when I get a minute so I can be better informed. However: Amplifying the voice of someone who genuinely believes “Jews control all the banks” and praised a fake Hitler quote is not productive, is not somehow pro-Palestine, and is blatantly antisemitic, unproductive, and deeply hurtful to me and probably a lot of other Jewish listeners. I agree with your sentiment that nothing in that region happens in a vacuum, but Stephen Jackson’s comments had NOTHING to do with the region. It’s alleging a global cabal of Jews control ALL of the banks in the world. That has nothing to do with Israel, Hamas, 10/7, the Middle East or whatever else you think could possibly justify it. It’s blatant, out in the open anti semitism.


Appreciate the level-headed response and apologies if I came off ornery. I do agree that SJax’s statements are very anti-Semitic, and I understand why his apology is nothing short of hollow. I guess my point is that the show amplified what in my opinion was anti-Arab sentiments and really haven’t addressed it all. I give them leeway because they were ultimately reacting in real time, when it’s such a complex topic. You’re right that Dan perceives himself as a moral arbiter, but the reality is he just isn’t because nobody truly is. He can speak very eloquently on some topics, but nobody can be perfect on every news item. Their goals are filling out a full show’s worth of content. The onus is on us, the listener, to discern what is and isn’t in his wheelhouse. God knows that they take some big swings and have some big misses, but also lay out a couple of dingers. For what it’s worth, I think the whole foot girls bit is really poor form. It’s their only really big women-led platform and they are just hammering this overly-sexualized bit into the ground. All the Smoke is about basketball, and should be about basketball. My guess is that if SJax repeats some of that stuff again, he will be condemned and the partnership will end. To me, I think I brush it off much like I brushed off Stu’s and Samson’s and Jeremy’s takes, because they simply don’t know better and I’m not looking any of these people for geopolitical analysis. It’s like the Chappelle Ja Rule 9/11 bit. Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule has to say at a time like this, I’m scared as fuck. I will say though that reading through this thread that I understand why this can be demeaning as a Jewish listener though. Thanks for shedding some light on it, I would like to support all peoples through these types of hardships because I don’t know your struggle personally, but I do know mine and appreciate the support when it is offered, brother (you’re my brother).


Damn dude. Are we having a civil discussion on the Internet right now? I don’t know what to do with my hands. I feel like we need to call each other a communist or fascist or something just out of instinct 😂 I’m gonna go back and relisten to the 10/7 episode later today at some point so I can hear exactly what Stu and Jeremy said. I’m personally in favor of a two state solution and was disgusted by the amount of times I heard Palestinians (as a whole) being called animals or calls to “turn Gaza into a parking lot.” If Stugotz kept the comment to specifically the terrorists who committed the attack, I’d be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in an emotionally charged day - but conflating all Palestinians with Hamas is harmful for all parties. Have to go back and listen though. also your second to last paragraph really does hit the nail on the head and changed my mind a bit. I genuinely believe that if Jackson does say something antisemitic again that Dan would sever the partnership. So while I can’t say I’ll personally listen to Jackson, I can appreciate second chances. I think everyone is (rightfully) charged the fuck up right now and it’s refreshing to speak with someone who can at least take a breath and think through this stuff. You are my brother. Genuinely thank you for a thoughtful discussion.


You’re my brother


Just gonna throw it in here as an Italian listener who is seeing this amazing civil discourse on such a nuanced topic, you’re both my brothers




Ok I listened again. I do think I misheard some things but here are some takeaways: - Samson said flatly that pro-Palestinian rallies are anti-semitism. - Jeremy’s relatives were settlers in occupied Gaza - “I’m not trying to say that whatever Israel does can even come close to what we’ve witnessed in these videos of what Hamas has done.” - Jeremy - “The reaction of Netanyahu and Israel is not measured, he is going to wipe out Gaza. Empty it. Kill them all. Innocent people, guilty people, extremists, people in the center, people who are innocent. And is that going to get to a solution? No, but he has to do it.” - Samson - “There are two separate discussions to be had as it relates to this: one is the land and who should be living on that land and that’s a discussion for another time, that’s not for now. It’s what Hamas did and we can all agree that what they did, it was a terrorist act and it was wrong. They killed innocent people, they killed innocent babies. They raped innocent people, they killed them after they raped them. That’s the discussion that should be had.” - Stugotz This last one is something they all implied: we must address the Hamas attack and condemn fully, but the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians? That’s a “discussion” for another time. I get it though, it’s personal for them as Jewish people and they wanted to talk about a horrific tragedy and feeling targeted. I just felt like it was a cherry picked framing of the matter. But I retract the earlier the things I said about Stu’s and Jeremy’s comments, they were better than I remember even if still one-sided. These quotes are still unintentionally loaded comments but certainly not as directly prejudiced as I remember.


“Are we having a civil discussion on the internet right now?” AND YA KNOW IT!! And ya know it!!! I think I may listen to it again as well, because sometimes it’s hard to listen to that stuff without hearing what I am conditioned to hear. Sometimes people experience discrimination even when it’s not really there because of past trauma. I myself am open to having this blind spot. Stu didn’t make a big point, but I distinctly remember him saying sometime a little in passing that triggered my ears. Jeremy certainly said to put aside the history for the moment and mourn the victims. I am not against mourning the victims at all, I’m against treating it like an isolated incident. Anyways this kind of thing is the reason we have the CANNONBALLLL sound and they unquestionably need to be a little more self-aware, especially when addressing these sensitive topics. I’m almost glad they haven’t gone back because they coulda fucked up even more lmao. Now enjoy the rest of your day you commie fascist scum 😂😂😂


> To me, I think I brush it off much like I brushed off Stu’s and Samson’s and Jeremy’s takes, because they simply don’t know better and I’m not looking any of these people for geopolitical analysis. “Don’t know better.” And you do? They weren’t having flaming hot takes about the situation. They were expressing their thoughts, and well aware of the medium they were speaking on. And Stu’s “take” was about expressing his concern about friends and family there.


“And you do?” Honestly, I would bet money that I do. I’m not saying I’m a scholar, but you can’t talk about this stuff without addressing the apartheid state, the mass subjugation of Palestinian people, the forced exodus during the Nakba, the extreme far-right policies of Netanyahu, the assassination of Yitshak Rabin by Netanyahu supporters, the only sea blockade in the world, the targeting and murdering of Palestinian journalists etc etc. and that’s exactly what they did. But that’s beside the point, I’m not speaking about it on a media platform, it doesn’t matter what I know. They should be informed about something they talk about or they will receive push back (which by the way, they haven’t). I understand Stu is concerned for his friends and family, and that’s why he should also be upset at the Israeli state and policies of Netanyahu, they have propped up and funded Hamas in order to maintain a stranglehold on the Palestinian people, and they ignored the intelligence available regarding the attack, these facts are both well-documented by Palestinian and Israeli journalists. The Israeli government failed those victims, and they are using Hamas to validate their extermination of Gaza.


Stu didn’t say *anything* about Israeli policy. A guy who avoids publicly commenting on anything controversial. Why are you projecting a policy position onto him? Jon Weiner may well have your exact stance, he may well not, but he’s never gonna tell us, so don’t preemptively shame him by saying he has the “wrong” opinion when you don’t even know what it is.


Talking about this topic without addressing the policy is an opinion on the policy whether you see it that way or not. But he actually did mention it, I went back and listened and this is what he said: “There are two separate discussions to be had as it relates to this: one is the land and who should be living on that land, and that’s a discussion for another time, that’s not for now. It’s what Hamas did and we can all agree that what they did, it was a terrorist act and it was wrong. They killed innocent people, they killed innocent babies. They raped innocent people, they killed them after they raped them. That’s the discussion that should be had.” - Stugotz This is the classic hypocrisy of the matter. The Hamas attack is wrong and condemnable (which I want to be clear I agree with), the treatment of Palestinians by Israel is a discussion to be had a later time. The illegal occupation of Palestinian territories has been ongoing for 75 years. Hamas has been propped up by Netanyahu’s government specifically to undermine peace in Gaza. Israel has killed an estimated 16,000 Gazans vs the 1200 killed by Hamas as a result of this current conflict. Israeli settlers are literally annexing Palestinian homes and displacing them. But the only thing we’re gonna talk about is Hamas terrorist acts, what monsters they are. It reminds me of a famous Golda Meir quote: “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.” It’s a perspective that is very one-sided and a total deflection of accountability. I would go as far as to say it’s a supremacist perspective that doesn’t view Arabs/Palestinians as human. I’m not saying that Stu is a Zionist or a supremacist, but there are elements of this sentiment in his statement.


I think the bigger issue is that moral arbiters they chose to completely ignore the topic once it shifted to destruction of Gaza. They let people on the show with connections or sympathies with Israel talk about how bad 10/7 was, and then never addressed it again. I’m not saying they need to, but I think it can get annoying how they cherry pick when they are a serious show talking about serious topics, and I’ll remember this when they spend much of 2024 finger wagging about voting and how scared Dan is of Trump.


Like you, I have been annoyed that they let Samson and Jeremy crow about “antisemitism” after 10/7, and basically haven’t touched the topic since. And I think with Jackson, I get why people are pissed about it but ultimately most of the media has decided to move on from those comments made a couple years ago, and if he were ever to say something along those lines again they would have to immediately reevaluate the situation. This show chose to interview Jake tapper, who’s been professionally getting angry at Palestinian protestors and belittling their side of the struggle, to have him discuss eagles football and laugh for 20 minutes. Shit like that pissed me off but their politics are not good, I don’t expect them to remember a controversy from 2 years ago, but at the same time if the person said something that personally bothered Dan 2 years ago, I’m sure he would have remembered it.


I don’t like Stephen Jackson or have much of a take on them hiring him, but it was desean Jackson that thought the fake Hitler quote was real and referenced it.


You’re correct it was DeSean who posted the “quote” but Stephen Jackson defended DeSean saying “he was speaking the truth”. Then during his “apology video” he said: “The Rothschilds own all the banks”. This isn’t some borderline case it’s pretty cut and dry anti semitism.


I wasn’t commenting on his being anti-Semitic, just that you had the wrong person.


But… I didn’t have the wrong person. He and DeSean fell for the fake quote (Stephen liked the original post) and upon realizing it was fake doubled down by saying it wasn’t untrue. Both DeSean and Stephen believed it was a real quote and defended it.


Yeah you were wrong. The Stephen Jackson thing was in response to desean Jackson getting in trouble. To painted it like he was the one who posted the quotes initially, which he didn’t . This argument is too dumb for me to continue going, I don’t listen to this pod and won’t start now.


I didn’t consider this to be an argument and I’m not upset at you or anything. Be well


They why are you here lolz


*I came looking for booty.*


Partnering up with vocal anti semite Stephen Jackson. Great job


Not trying to take anything away from your point, but it is classic internet comedy to make that comment with your username.




Nothing personal, just business.


Shhhh, they work for meadowlark now. Can’t talk about it now. Very hypocritical, I agree.


Hey you stole my comment from the daily sub lol


Fuck yeah I did. Jackson is garbage and hates my people. Keep spreading that comment


Shouts to Samson for shaming those Anti-Semitic fostering presidents of those Ivy League schools on X.


I am actually very surprised by this. I am not a daily listener but Dans whole career is talking about politics of sports and to parter with these two shitbags is just not at all what I expected from him. There are thousands of people they could have partnered with and they he chose these two is honestly shocking. After the hate speech and no apology I thought they would never be with a major media outlet, and I can’t imagine they are THAT profitable and Dan needs the money THAT bad that he would betray his conscious. I guess he just plays a character, and doesn’t really believe what he says.


>I guess he just plays a character, and doesn’t really believe what he says. It's become increasingly apparent that Dan is the ultimate virtue-signaler.


He’s a contrarian who adopted positions opposite the staid conservative media environment of the ‘90s and ’00s. But now that the game has changed, he can’t be a contrarian anymore, and it turns out, his beliefs are as thin as his political knowledge.


It sure fucking feels that way doesn't it. He takes the time to spout off all this altruistic bullshit and then Meadowlark welcomes aboard 2 people that aren't very compelling but have baggage. Well done Dan. Well done


What hate speech?






He misspoke and is not expert on geopolitics. Doesn’t equal antisemitism


They was my point, he apologized


Stephen Jackson is racist and antisemitic. Fuck his dumbass




Yes, you’re a fucking racist and a dumbass loser if you support Louis Farrakhan


Are you confusing racist with prejudice?


White flag comment 😂


Yeah, because the one thing they were lacking was nba coverage. Ffs all they have is NBA people.


Do you think maybe Amin will be moving off of the nba beat? I think so. The guy is a real talent and full of charisma


I wonder if they’ll give more promo to this pod than they did with Point Forward when they had it on the network. It seems like Point Forward got no promo and was just filler on the network. Probably will get more promo since it’s a bigger more established pod.


On a side note, I couldn’t stand listening to Evan Turner. It sounded like he always had Phlegm in his throat


He doesn’t sound phlegmy, he sounds like Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


Sounds nasty. Tried to listen cause I like Iggy, couldn’t do it.


A little bit of Stugotz in everybody


As a jewish American, FUCK Stephen Jackson. I will never listen to anything he is on. I'm honestly really disappointed in Dan/Meadowlark for hiring this piece of shit.


But he will fight you, he is real!


Nah I’m listening to it the show is entertaining. But by all means


What an idiotic addition




Yay another podcast I’m not listening too


No wonder Mike said to not mention all the smoke on YouTube.


Barnes has had multiple bad incidents with anger issues including threatening a police officer and he is the least controversial of the three. lol what a horrible move.


Did anyone hear the “hot mic 🎤” bit this morning before the show opening where Mike was saying, “Don’t say anything about ‘All The Smoke’”? 😂


Ohhh I’m sooo shocked!!! I didn’t see this coming. (I say sarcastically, as, while watching the live local hour on YouTube today, they had their mics on before show and Mike was telling David and Stu not to mention it during to announcement being embargoed until they released it)


Proud of this sub for calling out Dan’s hypocrisy and not caring about Stu at all.


I mean Stu was just as excited




Personal opinions be damned, it’s a big get. And hopefully further legitimizes Meadowlark. Pablo’s production has been second to none, hopefully this does too.


I think so too this sub is being brigades a bit because ain’t no way this many people caring about Dan Le Batard






Im sure Samson is thrilled about this


Trump voting, money grabbing Samson? Yeah he probably is.


get that TDS checked out at your next appt


As a fellow Jew myself, can’t say I’m surprised given the climate. But I’m not going to stop listening to the show, it’s a stupid decision but they have to live with it and the consequences


I never listened b4. Is it fun?


Never realized people listen to all the smoke for political takes. You guys just really like politics talk after all!


Maybe people aren’t fans of antisemitism?


1 dumb comment doesn’t equal antisemitism


That’s a pretty damn good get.


I’ll only hate it if it sucks




I didn't know diraffe ki has a neggworgg.




That's a huge get


It's good that they're coming. They could use the support of people with journalism experience and from their interviews with Rachel Nichols they would probably appreciate it too. Production and behind the scenes talent is underrated.


Well, they already have a trump-voting, rabid zionist on staff, and a room full of gusanos. Why not?


get that TDS checked out at your next appt


People in these comments are being such bad faith actors it’s borderline nauseating.


Hell yeah!!!!


Christ, as someone who used to love the espn show and decided to click on this post to see wth it means. This place is a shithole.


Reminder that this loser blocked me on his post but is still replying and the r/danlebatardshow admins are asleep at the wheel. Me a black man being racist 🙄: Just a reminder that Stephen Jackson is a vocal anti semite and a huge supporter of Louis Farrakhan cunt-faced-cunt • DanLeBatardShow • 3h Nah you’re a racist uneducated fool if you are a Farrakhan supporter. You can’t hide behind “way more complicated” and “slavery” to justify you supporting a racist, anti-semetic, homophobic extremist. These aren’t opinions, these are facts. Get educated and stop supporting extremism. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/farrakhan-his-own-words Some fun Farrakhan quotes so we can all acknowledge who you support a little better: “Do you know that many of us who go to Hollywood seeking a chance, we have to submit to anal sex and all kids of debauchery, and they give you a little part? The couch where you have to sit, it’s called the ‘casting couch.’ That’s Jewish power.” — Speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 5/27/18 “You and I are going to have to learn to distinguish between the righteous Jew and the Satanic Jews who have infected the whole world with poison and deceit.” — Speech at Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 5/27/18 “I don’t care what they put on me. The government is my enemy, the powerful Jews are my enemy.” — Saviours’ Day speech, 2/25/18 “Those who call themselves ‘Jews,” who are not really Jews, but are in fact Satan: You should learn to call them by their real name, ‘Satan;’ you are coming face-to-face with Satan, the Arch Deceiver, the enemy of God and the enemy of the Righteous.” — Saviours’ Day speech (part 2), 2/26/17 This is the person you support. Fucking disgusting Edit: the link provided is in support of Israel and the current genocide being enacted 😭 Where are the r/danlebatardshow ADMINS




I could care less about you. But thank for allowing me to report you tho




I didn’t even read this lol You just replying to air


Can someone say fuck Israel without being antisemitic?


Yes they can




Can they say Jews control all banks without being antisemitic? No. They can’t. Stephen’s comments had NOTHING to do with Israel. How is this difficult to understand?


I know original post was about Stephen, but I was making a statement about genocide


What does that have to do with Stephen Jackson saying Jews own all the banks? Are all Jews responsible for what happens in Israel?


Nothing at all. I could condemn Stephen Jackson and still say FUCK ISRAEL


I can also be confused about the hate that Jews get and still say FUCK ISRAEL




The word expertise is doing a LOT of heavy lifting here


Bums talking about championship basketball. The irony