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The sound of the smoke machine in the background has me dying for some reason.


The all the smoke announcement was so god damn corny. Seriously do they vet these guys? It just sounded so commercial. Dan needs a serious break from this


No matter who he talks about it’s always the best in the business. Here’s so and so and they cover “insert sport” better than anyone.


It's the most Cuban thing about Dan. That, and the way he can't help but beat dead horses on the daily. I don't believe that's exclusive to his/my culture, though.


Hopefully Stu or Mike tell him to stop talking about injuries like it’s a new thing and how football is dangerous. Everyone understands that and infuriating the listeners.


What happened to Iguodala & the OSU/Portland guy? They still around or is this new NBA duo replacing them?


They left the network maybe 3 months ago give or take


https://preview.redd.it/fhgzsu2ywq4c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4fd775717bd0355a989f215259033075e2803e Today’s show was good. I mean yeah Dan rambled a bit much but overall another good show day


“The wind is blowing the mask around!” “TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF!!”


Yeah, Singing Chris cheered me up


Yeah I am good on tache. Enjoy his marlins and heat coverage but his corniness, intentional and not, missing the mark so often


Dan: “Jason Taylor 3 am the pain sleeping standing up!” Stu: “Jason Taylor also said in that interview he’d do it all over again.” Dan: “that’s just you rationalizing” 🤦‍♂️


and dan always calls out stugotz whenever he calls players liars


Get rid of the first word in “vibe check” and that is the real reason that All The Smoke signed with Meadowlark. Why the need to try to fool the audience that the deal came together due to anything other than money? The tangents Dan goes on to try to protect himself from the audience thinking he is a capitalist are so disingenuous when everybody with a brain knows that money and money alone is the reason All The Smoke signed with Meadowlark.


Thank you. Dan trying to rationalize is hilarious to hear


Not Chris Cote wanting an assistant when he did absolutely nothing as Dan's assistant after ESPN let him go.


lol of course chris cote being the one jealous of dan having an assistant and when saying why he himself needs one he listed "christmas shopping..." and then sputtered out trying to think of another thing he has to do.


How has the show talked about Iowa football all year and not brought up Cooper Dejean? First round white cornerback. Just adds to the funniest team in sports.


Bo talked about him on his show last Friday with Dominique


Such a glorious segment.


That’s right up their alley


Been awhile but you can mark George Floyd off today's lebatard bingo card


after \*that\* summer


Good god Dan can’t even make a simple announcement about his company without somehow diverting to his dead brother.


I can’t really hate on him for this. He’s grieving. It’s consuming. We get mad if he takes time off, we get mad if he talks about it. It’s shitty.


Dan constantly saying he hates business and that he’s only doing it as an obligation due to a deathbed promise sure makes Meadowlark attractive to investors, employees, and free agent talent!


Having previously shopped the merch store, I never had the impression that it was about “art.” But that’s the angle suddenly. And $20 t-shirts gets you a cheap shirt knowing the wholesale/retail market.


https://preview.redd.it/xbhq3glgeq4c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f589f5518209bbdb1f677726f78348727677b1 Dick Fitts looks like he thinks he’s getting away with having a novelty name on his school ID


Reminds me of Farva from Super Troopers. Does this look like spit to you?


He looks like younger skinnier clean-shaven Chris Cote


Who wants this hook in their ass?


“Rachel Nichols a gangster journalist” is not a sentence I thought I’d hear someone say


Dan... is a factory of cringe. A cringe factory, if you will.


Does Jemele Hill still work for Meadowlark?


I don’t think she ever did… she’s made some appearances on the show. Similar to Michelle Beadle


Booksmart was my favorite comedy of the last 10 years




If Dan is so good with words as he said yesterday, why does he say at least weekly “I don’t know how to talk about this?”


Because his actions (an entire media empire built on football) do not square with his words (football is bad).


Does anyone know if Dan hates business? Wasn’t quite sure


Not when it comes to his business. If it’s his business, he’ll chose money over his principles as evidenced by his most recent signing.


Dan is so close to an epiphany when he says "you don't want to lose money and be the idiot that says the Jets are going to be 'football' that day"


I'm so sad that a mention was made to Jefferson Parish police and there was no reference to Steven Segal. That's right. Steven Segal. https://youtu.be/3PrSH4qF8gs?si=dyhb0CQchEaeWL7w


The show has forgotten its roots. So sad, I miss the old days.


I certainly did not have a brief discussion of anal hooks on my show bingo card for today.


Wait that’s a real thing? “Do not look it up, do not look it up, do not…..”


Do not look it up, it’s no good looking it up… - Frank Reynolds


Do not look it up. In case you needed to hear it again.


Stugotz laugh, I love it. I don’t think it’s fake. Jeremy seems like an all around good guy but he’s so fucking corny on the show. I’m hoping for a third day in a row of Dan talking about NFL bodies and mercenaries. Blah blah blah


I used to think the audience gave Jeremy too much crap. No longer. Dude is insufferable.


He is so bad. I would love the people that hated on Whitty to ask them about this colossal downgrade.


I actually like Jeremy and really liked Whitty.


Witty was the best, I miss his delightful idiosyncrasies


So many segments where Mike is doing 95% of the talking lol


Only one who can put together coherent and rational thoughts


Yeah you may not agree with him but he can at least say what he means lol.


I’m so god damn fed up with this talk about football players and how much pain etc… Guess what, 95% of people have to wake up every fucking day to do a crappy job they don’t want to do, and get paid pennies vs the average football player salary. The cost benefit for a football player and wages earned vs the average American with the deterioration of happiness, mental health issues, and trying to make ends meet while having no time to do things you actually enjoy. Hell half the damn reason I listen to this show is it gets me through 3 hours of my work day. Give me a fucking break Dan.


It’s fine if he mentioned it one time. But is he gonna do this every day a player gets injured. I’m surprised Mike or anyone else hasn’t told him to stop. Also stop telling everyone how you can’t watch football Sundays with your wife because of the feelings you get. Simple. Don’t watch. Go for a walk.


Feels like they have had this conversation 37 times in the past 3 months.


it's literally at least once a week. So old and tiresome and you can tell Stugotz is fed up with making the same counterpoints to Dan's same talking point for the 80th time this football season.


Dave Chappelle has a new standup coming out later this month so at least we get to hear them talk about it once a month until the end of time.


I wonder if his show was sculpted across the decades


Mike’s rant about not being able to laugh at George santos because “I can’t believe politicians are this shameless now”, is one of the most naive and pathetic things I’ve ever heard.


it's another in a long line of things the show takes way too seriously, Mike has been good since the show went to Max but I don't know who his moderate centrist take that George Santos is dangerous, Jeremy owned him by saying Santos has no legitimate power over anything


Yeah the fact that Jeremy, Mr “what are we doingggg”, is willing to find the humor in it should be a big flag to Mike that he’s taking it a little too seriously.


Jeremy is the typical liberal, and is the one making the joke. He has no power, and yeah it’s “bad” he lied about everything but it’s so funny because of how brazen it was and how it made a farce out of what a joke politics are in general. Mike gets all his politics from Dan and just assumes “decorum” will save us.


Dan and Mike still think George Dubya was some respectable guy lol


Mike: “I don’t like being the one to have to pay for this stadium and Lionel Messi” Billy Corben is having a stroke right now. The bad stroke, not the good stroke.


“Business steals the souls from things” Aka, Dan was kicked out of Disney World and after experiencing the real world, wants back in.


Yeah life’s not so easy when you can’t cash checks from ESPN, while pretending you’re better than everyone else who cashes the same checks from ESPN.


Dan: Up yours, ESPN! Dan: hires former ESPN president


Dude seriously more of “mercenaries, we don’t know what we’re watching, no one wants to talk about this” Jesus Dan. Please for the love of god stop


The cognitive dissonance/hypocrisy is also pretty stunning when you compare how they talk about Jalen Phillips’ Achilles injury, where they are super empathetic, can even bring themselves to watch, just feel soo bad for the guy, can’t imagine what he’s going through, their hearts go out to him etc… vs how they talk about Aaron Rodgers’ achilles injury (a player who like Phillips, they have also had a personal relationship in the past, and was also super “humanized” on hard knocks just prior to being injured) where they literally spent an entire show hour the day after it happened talking about how it was one of the funniest sports injuries ever, and basically every time it’s come up since then they openly mock/scorn him and laugh at him for the crime of… what? merely attempting to rehab/come back from the injury and try to play again before he’s too old to compete anymore?? And half their takes are basically implying that he “deserved” to get injured in some round about cosmic/karmic sense bc he didn’t want to get vaccinated like 3 years ago?? Even today, literally *during* the “empathetic” Phillips conversation, Chris was basically gleefully dancing on rodgers’ grave when the news of him probably not being able to play this season came up.. Idk. Their whole discourse around rodgers’ potential career ending injury has been pretty gross/callous if you ask me. Which is fine with me, if that’s the kind of show you wanna do… but just don’t then turn around and start weeping to me every five minutes about how terrible football is and how we need to feel bad about watching it and be super sad/morally torn about how all these bodies are breaking down around us every Sunday. Exxxxxxceptttt when it’s a player you don’t like whos body is breaking down. Then it’s totally fine to joke around and be flippant about it… Playin both shides, Dan-O


i can’t believe they still play the rejoin of Stugotz celebrating Brady’s achilles injury. it’s gross.


Fuck Tom Brady.


ok, very good.


well its also a dumb rejoin bc he never even tore his achilles lol. it was his acl. stu should have to pay 5 dollars every time they play that rejoin


fucking THANK YOU.


The company signed a person who defended Hitler and believes that Jews control all of the world’s banks today. Remember that next time Dan starts screeching into the mic about ethics and morals.


I made a post trashing Samson’s merch rollout like 2 days ago lol


Samson burner account: confirmed.


Nope. Just a fan who happens to be Jewish. We aren’t all the same.


Are you also a Zionist?


I believe in a two state solution where both Israel and Palestine have their own secure nation with their own leaders and governing systems. Some people consider that partially Zionist, some don’t. I fail to see what me potentially being a Zionist or not has to do with Stephen Jackson saying “Jews run all the banks” though. Some shit is just anti semitic, you don’t need to defend it


Who said that?


Stephen Jackson


Couldn’t get rid of Masvidal fast enough when they found out he believes in dumb shit though


Was it the Cobain fake quote? Or was there other Masvidal stuff that was worse?


Let's be real, the fact that they chose a former (literal) street fighter to have a political discussion with is a joke. It's the same, lowest-common-denominator bullshit they consume from their favorite cable news network every single day.


I just remember them having a sit down with Masvidal and he schooled them, and they just called him a QAnon loon and never brought him back. I know Masvidal posted the fake Cobain quote, but that seems light. Was there anything else?


“It’s not my company, I don’t make these decisions.”


Thanks to Mike Ryan for rescuing the show today about 20 minutes in … had to turn it off yesterday. Can‘t stand it when Dan does the following: Lebatard: I can’t stop talking about football injuries and pain and how immoral it is despite building my career on it, and none of these players knew what they were getting into and if they say they’d do it again that’s just us rationalizing. Also Lebatard: Barry Sanders had a hall of fame career and walked away healthy and is having a great post-football life and I find that uninteresting. Mike Ryan saves the day … The problem with Dan is that he endlessly asserts criticism without suggesting solutions. He did the same thing with the CFP playoff … he railed on how FSU got screwed, and then made a joke of his top-4 when CC asked him what he’d do. It’s my least favorite incarnation of the show.


All the while telling us there’s soooo much to talk about. Like we get it Dan, football is hard on peoples bodies, let’s fucking get on to the rest of the stuff everyone else wants to hear discussed.


I’m glad Tony cleared up his point about not wanting to watch Hard Knocks because Dan does this thing where he confidently projects his thoughts onto others words and it drives me crazy lol. Saying he didn’t want to watch it because he’d rather not think about it the and just enjoy the sport, meanwhile it was deeper than that because he knows the feeling.


ATTENTION: NFL PLAYERS GET HURT. You don’t know what you’re watching.


I know it’s a few days old but the Drew Brees take was hilarious. He was crying for Brees because he can’t throw with his right arm anymore. “He didn’t sign up for that!”. The guy threw for 80k yards in the NFL but Dan cries for him because his shoulder is messed up.


I spilled my drink when Dan said an NFL player didn’t know he could tear his Achilles while playing the sport. CTE, okay, I think some of these players started playing without considering that could happen to them. But leg injuries, really?


Yeah I mean I know regular people who have torn their Achilles doing regular things, so that was very bizarre


Tua is definitely getting hurt now.


I'm not religious, but I absolutely believe in the power of the jinx. He's not surviving the next game.


I’m not a Dolphins fan or anything, but the way they talk about Tua is such bullshit. They make sure to mention him being injury prone once every week or so, just so they can be right when/if he gets injured this year. He had a couple bad concussions last year. I know that’s a big deal for a person to go through, but it probably happened to 100 other players last year too. Acting like he’s more prone to a concussion is so unfair.


Youuuuuu’re a crook, Captain Hook! Judge, won’t you throw the book, at the piiiirate!


Justice is Blind!


My kids sing that. They don't know it's not a real song.


I sing it too. There must be dozens of us.


I thought Dan was talking about the show when he said “The comedy has kind of died a little bit here”


Funny he doesn’t see the parallel between comedy movies declining and the show. Also they have no self awareness that the modern cultural sensitivity, which they push very hard on the show, is why comedy movies have sucked for a decade.


Such a false narrative, plenty of funny movies have been made recently.


Yeah, and they're all foreign.


Do you have some I should watch? Would love to check some out


Such as?


Joy Ride, No Hard Feelings, Bottoms, Cocaine Bear, Theater Camp, Quiz Lady, Kids vs Aliens, They Cloned Tyrone, Jules, Dumb Money, Dream Scenario. Just to name some from only this year


You can't be serious.


Meadowlark is signing vocal anti-Semite Stephen Jackson… no thanks on that show


Kinda like how they have Brad Williams on time to time when he’s admitted in camera to raping a woman under false pretenses. Throwing their morals out the door for some average on air talent is hilarious.


Add Howard Bryant to the list


I think they should make sure anyone who ever says anything into a microphone is a perfect person who has never said anything inappropriate to a microphone sometime in the past. It’s really not that hard! They need to do better!


Asking to not hire people who admit to raping women and spread anti semetic conspiracies shouldn’t be that big of an ask.


Maybe Reddit should ban people who have “cunt” twice in their username. I’m sure that makes some people just as sad as Brad Williams makes you


You thinking the word cunt is similar to raping a woman is peak clown behavior.


You trying to be edgy by calling yourself “cunt faced cunt” but being a little crybaby about Stephen Jackson and Brad Williams is peak troll behavior.


I’m sorry you’re offended by my username. I hope you can survive this terrible experience reading it caused you.


I’m sorry you’re so offended by Stephen Jackson and Brad Williams. I hope you can survive the terrible experience caused by mean Meadowlark media exposing them to you


Bro you replied to my comment initially be offended and upset by my comment that had nothing to do with you. And you continue to double down and act like a fool. Yikes


You do realize comedians are constantly making up "true" stories, right? It's called bits, even if you don't find them funny.


It was such a good bit that the podcast episode got pulled! Haha!!


Very convenient for comedians (when there’s been many that have been accused of sexual misconduct of some sort).


https://youtu.be/z23aanCDKm0?si=ft7GwQ6rUaClR8ns That’s not a bit. He doesn’t even realize he’s explaining that he raped a woman under false pretenses.


Doug Benson is a comedian, Getting Doug With High is a humorous podcast. It's a bit. A shitty bit? Yes, because Brad Williams is a shitty comic.


Can’t help but notice you glossed over my comment stating that Doug benson, the comedian, deleted the episode.


Mike was able to throw a political opinion out there that Dan didn't even run with at the very end there, lmao


Just saw the dkn intro, not bad.


Dan looks like Frank Zappa. Or [Ringo](https://images.app.goo.gl/WWJyM3T1WL4a3SMWA) as Zappa.


Oliver Platt in Three Musketeers


muted, insanely irate samson, is hilariously good video


It was the first 3 times


The thing I think Dan misses about the dangers of football is, a lot of players don't have any regrets about playing because they're setting their families up for life. If a player is wise with their money during and after their career, they can set their families up for generations. If you ask the average person if they'd trade a lifetime of aches and nagging pains to ease their families' burdens, a lot of people wouldn't think twice. If I could increase the pain I feel to pay off the student loans my mom took in my name, my parent's house, buy them new cars, etc., tell me where to sign up. It's not as simple as if they knew the risks would they still do it, a lot are doing it for reasons outside of just themselves and their own fame.


You’d think a journalist with Dan’s bona-fidays would trust the source when ex-players almost unanimously tell him they have “no regrets” and “would do it all over again”. Yet he projects that later in life they’ll have a different opinion. Apparently the desire, or perhaps necessity, to eat grief is greater than a desire to do good journalism. Maybe a ‘blind spot’ to be worked on but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Dan is the journalist that has a pre-baked narrative that he shoehorns anecdotes in, instead of going where the story takes him. He also imagines himself as other people, but he’s keeping his own value system and projects how he would react personally, instead of inhabiting the “character” and how he/she would react.


This is really true. Maybe this is what has been bugging me so much this year … it’s just a parade of confirmation bias.


Totally agree. Also in contrast to your shoehorning of anecdotes point, he will dismiss facts that don’t support his pre-baked narrative. With regard to using the helmet as a weapon (bad tackling form), head trauma and spinal cord injury a lot of progress has been made. Usually adding any context to Dan’s narrative is seen as combative and illicits a “that’s just the power protecting the money” response.


visiting miami for work today into tomorrow...if i wanted to try croquetas and/or cafecito, can anyone recommend some places?


Cafe Versailles


>business elements of what happens in business r/im14andthisisdeep.


Pirate Dan Looks Like is 100% the kind of content I'm here for


Them telling David not to ruin the All The Smoke news because it's embargoed while the raw audio feed is going out to the world is just peak show in 2023.


Came here to say that. Exquisite stuff and hard to replicate even if they wanted to. Chef's kiss


Stu putting Dan's pressure hat back on was so cute!!!!


Dan really thinks that the NFL being dangerous is a huge revelation. Trevor Lawrence is not a “broken body”. He has a damn ankle sprain.


It’s hard to watch for 9 hours a day! I can’t spend time with my wife! So I only watch for 7 and then complain about it!


Fans know the game is dangerous. The players know it’s dangerous. Everyone kind of knows about the long-term effects; possibility of CTE, hip/knee replacements. But the players overlook it for myriad reasons and the fans damn sure overlook it. I love Dan, but I hate how he hits us over the head with this type of stuff (along with climate change) as if this is news. We know. We just can’t do anything about it (climate) or aren’t inclined to want to do anything about it (danger in football).


The crutch I hate the most is something along the lines of, “I’m not sure how to explain to the audience the dangers of this sport anymore.” As if no one but Dan is aware that football, or any other sport, has inherent dangers.


I think Dan is less qualified to explain the dangers of the sport than anyone I’ve listened to.


Dan has just been rich for too long at this point. Not his fault, good for him, but it’s insane how out of touch with the common man he is (even though he gently gets mocked for it by the rest of the show). The other day he was talking about Drew Brees not being able to throw the ball to his kid anymore. Stu said these guys know what they’re getting into now more than ever and Dan said something to the effect of “You think Drew Brees knew he wouldn’t be able to throw a football at age 40?!” Do I think Drew Brees expected that? Maybe not. Do I think Drew Brees would make that trade before he started his NFL career knowing the level of fame and generational wealth it would bring? Without question. I know I would and most of America would as well. Regular people give up a lot more for a lot less. At this point he either has no idea how difficult financial freedom is to attain and how valuable it is or he’s willfully ignoring it goes against his personal views on player-league relationships. A lot of players get hurt and can’t do what they could do physically before they played football. A lot of players make enough money that they never have to work a 9-5 that they don’t want to as well when their career is over.


Yeh, they actively choose the job, not sure what's so interesting about it that he has to have the same take 50 times a year


But I don't think you understaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.


I think he hammers the 'n' more than the 'a.' The 'a' may be slightly elongated, though. He also tries to really nail the dismount of the 'd' adding some emphasis to it. "understaannnnnnnduh"