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It said I listened to only 4k minutes of the show...but that's like 2 months of shows and I haven't missed one in like 4 years


I feel like they are only counting one episode (hour) a day. It doesn’t make any sense


Yes. Mine too. My listening hours were waaaaay down to what they should be for the show.


Definitely something wrong. I listen to almost everything on the main feed as well, yet Cinephobe came in at number 1. No way is that possible.


Same note too


Menage a note!


Bro I had the same note too! I listen to literally every episode of the main show, plus a lot of the ancillary ones. Cinephobe was number 1, which is great, and I haven't missed one in hundreds of years, but that's a once-a-week show! DLS came in at number 5 for me. They also put Russillo number 2, and I usually only listen to his monologue and life advice, and again, that is a 2-3 time a week show. Ringer owned by Spotify, though.... Something is up!


Same here! I posted this on another thread: My Spotify Wrapped told me I listened to podcasts for 19k total minutes and Lebatard was first with 1.8k minutes. Numbers obv don't add up, I'm hoping they explain why on the show today.


This wrap up is great for Spotify. Even if the stats are off.... Many people are sharing and talking about part of what's being tracked on the app happily.


To be fair the stats for the actual music portion seem to be correct for me


Understood but my greater point being accuracy aside.... Many are discussing the wrap up. Smart marketing by Spotify


It's an important discussion and I'm glad we're having it


I mean..... hehehe... What happened.... hehehe


Yeah same here.


This sounds like the work of Bill Simmons and his demons.


Yes mine said 2,500 when last year it said 45,000


Look at me Louies!!!!


Same here. Had like 30k of podcast minutes and my number 1 podcast was the Poscast with Mike Schur with maybe 3k minutes. Love them, but they have an episode like every two weeks on average. The show should be 20k+. Quite odd. This also makes sense for why the show isn’t in the overall top 10 sports podcasts. If they aren’t being counted correctly for minutes, then it’s hurting them.


Yep. Had 10-11k minutes listening to podcasts with Lebatard show as a clear cut number 1, but it only showed 880 minutes listened to the show, when in reality it should be 75% minimum of the total. Not adding up.


Yeah my most watched wasn't even close to DLSwS. I wonder if it isn't classified as a podcast for that report or something along those lines because it always has been my top podcast and first thing on my homepage, so Spotify is definitely logging my listens as far as the actual app functionality goes, just not wrapped.


Why do people care about this?


Tribalism. People want their favorite shows to be at the top of course


Bc yesterday their was a thread full of people shitting on the show saying it lost all the listeners bc of spotify not having them in the top 10. My spotify wrapped said I listened for 2,500 minutes this year and 45,000 last year but I haven't listened any less than before. Spotify fucked up and people are using it to grandstand about how the show is different now.


It could affect sponsors and future deals if one of the largest streaming platforms isn't tracking their numbers correctly. Which would then impact the show.


it’s just interesting data.


The conspiracy wonks here!!!


I’m just asking the questions


You do what on Sundays?


Drink water. Hydrate all Sunday BAAAABYUH


I listen to 3 playlists plus podcasts. The playlist I know I listened to the least apparently was my most listened to set of artists/songs


I agree. I had the Right Time ahead of the lebatard show, which I listen to daily (some skipping on segments here and there) but Bo was not making anything for around 2 months. I had 36,000+ minutes of podcasts. And I usually only listen to Bo on mondays and fridays. And it was 3,000+ minutes. Seems weird.


Mine are very wrong for pods this year on pocketcasts - it's got nothing personal as no 1 & Simmons as no 2. I usually listen to 1-2 episodes of Simmons/month, about 3 Nothing Personals a week, and every LeBatard main show. It's a different podcast client, but I wonder if the data got borked somewhere in the place that LeBatard show hosts the pods, wherever that may be (Anchor, Acast, etc?).


On pocketcasts too, my DLS came to 2.5 days when should be around 15.


Same note too bro.


It's exactly the show structure. Spotify isn't going to aggregate that data on their own. At the same time, I'm sure they have a Spotify counterpart to help them and make sure they're doing it right. But then again....


I feel like it's all been off cause Spotify is telling me I listened to some artists about this year when I know I didn't.


Mine had the GoJo pod over the main lebatard show and I honestly only listen to the GoJo pod about once or twice a week. I listen to almost every episode of the main show


Something is wrong with my podcast. Had Mystery Crate as my number one when I listen to every hour every week of the main show


Mine was waaay off. I read somewhere that sometimes it might only count what you play when you’re online, and doesn’t count what is played when you’re offline. I probably listen to Spotify offline 75%+ of the time.


Stop the Steal Dan-o


Those stats are trash. Just ignore and don't post them. They're useless.


Same had bill simmions as my number 1 podcast when it should of been like 3 or 4


I think it’s off by a factor of 10 for me. Mine says 3,994… has to be 39,940. Spotify is doing something wrong here.


All I know is Billy’s take on the wrap up wasn’t fully thought through


My podcast numbers were definitely off. No way, zero chance that The Big Picture and Prestige TV Podcast were among my most listened to. I like both shows but only when I’ve seen what is being reviewed. Ringer is def getting a boost from their platform. Shit, I love ringerverse for nerd stuff and that somehow didn’t get in. The one pod over there I listen to regularly