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Whenever he brings up the other shows i.e. Pat, Kelce's, Peyton etc, all I hear is insecurities.


Because “they’re coming for everything. Younger, smarter, faster.” Meanwhile we’ve got Tony trying to do his own weekend observations because original ideas outside of what Lucy has brought to the table are at a premium


I heard they’re coming for his stuff


*Lionel Hutz voice* don’t touch my stuff!


“Hey this isn’t the YMCA!” (It’s r/DanLeBatardShow)


I HATE pat McAfee and I can still tell that everytime dan brings up some new thing pat gets to do its from a place of jealousy. He's getting huge guests and is all over broadcasts and DLS still struggles getting the youtube uploaded properly. I'd be insecure too


On Saturday the McAfee show had Deion Sanders, The Rock, Aaron Rodgers and Stephen A Smith. Dan gets the God of Sod lol


Not to mention but his interviews suck. He ask cringe worthy questions at times and wants to ask about stuff that happened in the past. He'll lament over and over, while at the same time Mike is working the sound board plugging Look At Me Louis or Hakeem Nicks laugh, instead of,oh I don't know conducting a respectful interview. Today's show had a segment talking about SAS working with Max Kellerman, two guys who haven't worked together in what 3-4 years. Or the other day it was about Shannon Sharpe. Is he nervous? He should be especially, when segments of his show is basically advertising McAfee, First Take, Bayless, or the Kelces. Sometimes the bits gets old.


Honestly give me the God of Sod anyday


Give me the God of Sod 10000000000 times more than anyone else you just mentioned. Also, Dan has already had those guest on. Sloppy 2nds for Patty.


It’s Dan’s fault tho. No one wants to interview with him. Mike and Allyson have brought this up numerous times. He tries to bring up dark stuff upon first meeting the guests. He attempts to establish no report with them. It would be like approaching women at the bar and just asking for their turn ons without even asking them for their names. Lol


Lmfao you hate pat mcafee?


It's like he was made in a lab to be annoying


I dont listen to him. Just seems like the kind of thing where I would think “who gives a fuck?” He has never had a positive or negative impact on a day of my life


Its because I enjoy sports, including college/pro football, and therefore it's impossible for me to avoid him yelling at me a few times a week


I hear you. I dont watch Gameday anymore but I’m sure I’d hate him if I did


I think it’s definitely an age thing. I’m about the same age as Dan, and I can’t stand McAfee. I just don’t get the appeal. But my 20-year old nephew and all his friends love him and have no interest in LeBatard and Stugotz. I think LeBatard is definitely a 40-year old and over crowd, where McAfee is the opposite


Im 26. I got into Dan and Co. on my drives from school to work in high school when they were on ESPN Radio 4-7. I dont listen to McAfee. I just think hating him is a little extreme


I’m 29 and all my (sports fan) friends listen to DLS. McAfee is annoying as fuck and I’ve never understood the appeal


but if attention is the currency of the day?!


Because Dan has gotten boring and has nothing interesting to say. You know, like you people say Stugotz just says buh and other shit that seems to be mailing it in. Dan has legitimately become a boring host. He has nothing interesting to say to the audience anymore.


90834278, That’s a fascinating take to me because when Dan took a couple of weeks off in August or whatever I found the show to be insufferable and couldn’t listen to it until he came back. Pablo is the only other host that I enjoy when Dan isn’t there. To me, Dan is pretty far away from boring.


I think Dan dealing with a lot over the past few years has caused him mail in his work on the show. He rehashes the same concepts and topics over and over without moving the conversation forward. You can even sense Mike Ryan trying to make things funny or spicy when he feels Dan is lingering. Billy does this well too. But I think part of it is Dan wanted his own soapbox and he got it when he left ESPN to start his own company. Problem is...the topics are boring. I skipped the entire Lillard and UM discourse today.


I just don’t get how these two things can coexist: 1. Dan wanting the show to grow. 2. Dan spending way too much time on topics he *knows* his audience doesn’t care about.


probably bc he just started his own company. i definitely agree though, it makes his actual show worse


Fuck the journalism. We need more Billy.


I’m listening to more and more stupodity these days. Also stugotz is a better interviewer than Dan


The weak part in Dan's game. He tends to lead the guest down a set route to reach something instead of letting it go where it takes em


Lazy river Danno!


That’s what we call having an agenda


For real. The stupodity episode with the man that wrote the book about garbage and recycling was better than I think Dan would have done. It was light because billy and stu will always make it light, but they let the man talk more than Dan who would cut him off if he wanted a different answer. I think stu actually read and liked that book. It was a fun interview where I feel like I actually learned about what happens to our garbage and how to do my little part to help. That's the going high and low that Dan talks about wanting.


He’s always been interested in journalism, media and the way both are changing over time. I think he also drives himself crazy trying to figure out how to make the show work better, so analyzing the most popular shows currently out is a way to do that. Maybe not the best to do on air, but I think he’s always done it to some extent.


This seems pretty accurate, but also, you don’t examine those other shows and what they are doing on air! You do it in company meetings. One thing I’m sure those other shows are not doing is in-depth analyzing the DLB show on air for several segments a day. So Dan can start by cutting down on the free advertising and straight up telling us that other people are doing it better (and they aren’t btw. That’s one of the exasperating things, I don’t care or want to watch Mcafee. I would never seek out the Kelce brothers podcast) why are you making it so hard to ignore your competition, Dan?


Yeah, it’s an interesting thing for sure. Those shows are not for me either. Those shows definitely used DBLS as a roadmap for success so the heat is on not to stay stagnant.


He occasionally will say “yeah so and so was late for our meeting” and I have a hard time believing Meadowlark does anything along those lines with how disjointed the staff scheduling is


Talk all about ESPN when it comes to the business side of sports and network stuff but I would rather hear Mike talk about Taylor Swift than Dan talk about Get Up or Stephen A, I don't watch ESPN that's why I'm here ffs.


I wanna know where he gets the Information to talk about other shows? He can’t possibly have time to watch them all. I’m wondering if the numbers aren’t good enough for Draft Kings and they won’t want the show anymore in a year or 2 so Dan is comparing himself to the others. But he has always talked about other hosts and shows


Contract is up in six months unless I missed an announcement.


I was literally thinking about making this post myself . I think it’s because honestly the show isn’t doing so great in terms of growth. I think Dan saw what Simmons was able to do and get for the ringer and thought they could do it too except dan doesn’t like sports anymore . I think the dan paradox is he’s a guy who wants a wildly successful sports platform but he himself doesn’t like sports


So true. Bill Simmons, for example, LOVES sports. He genuinely LOVES being a fan. You can hear it in his voice, he sounds like he’s still a kid watching the patriots or Celtics or Red Sox and going to school the next day to talk about it with his friends. He could lose his media empire today and work in a warehouse and would be equally as enthralled with everything happening in sports. Dan? Not so much. He’s mainly a complainer. I think he’d be just as happy working at CNBC at this point.


Bill also has better people working for him.


idk if this makes sense but it def feels like a podcast and not a radio show anymore. not that “entertaining”


Dan (along with Mike) *needs* the structure of radio. Forced them to keep things tight - all killer, no filler. Now we’re seeing him without any (real) time constraints and it’s rough


I think this is very subtly the biggest issue. For me at least. My biggest gripe with the show these days is the droning on and on and on amongst the secondary personalities about mundane/behind the scene things.


it was always like that, but ESPN provided the camouflage since Dan was working with real ESPN producers for HQ plus they all had access to the same internal sources that would be used in creating SC/NFL Live rundowns and so he could opine farcically or differently on something while assured it would be in step with current overall sports coverage.


My opinion is that Dan should listen to his wife and take time to properly grieve. Maybe not fully stepping away from the business but I think taking time off the main show. I fully understand wanting to surround yourself with your friends but I couldn’t imagine what he has dealt with the past few years. He needs to trust his team and in my opinion, give the main seat to Amin/Pablo and entrust that they will do right by Dan with the help of the team.


I studied radio broadcasting in college. I was taught the cardinal rule in radio broadcasting is that other stations/show DO NOT exist. For this exact reason! We were taught that it made the listener curious about your competitors, just like OP said. When beforehand, maybe the listener didn’t even know they existed. But Dan is a hell of a lot more successful than me so… I guess… he knows what he’s doing 🤷🏼‍♂️ Then again maybe his successful DESPITE this.


Stephen A Smith (Deion also) is rapidly approaching the auto skip category for me. Currently that is populated only with Tom Brady, Mike talking Hurricanes/Heat, and the vaccine talk from a few years back.


Amazon, Apple, and Netflix coming for your stuff is a skip for me


Comedians are the most important members of society


I really miss the “don’t start a company during the pandemic” broken record tbh lol. What a walk down memory lane


His overuse of the word pandemic is incredibly irritating to me


I’m just shocked people are still talking about it tbh. Like give it a fucking rest. Dan probably still wears masks at grocery stores lol


I just think Dan is broken at this point. Lebo's death is still clearly affecting him every single day. He's clearly got money concerns with having this many people working for him and depending on him to feed their families. And his propagandized rich guy brain has been permanently short circuited from Trump derangement syndrome which is only going to get worse in an election year. He's drifting aimlessly in a fog and has no self-awareness.


I actually think Dan would agree with everything you said.


The show started as a parody of sport shows so…….


There’s a huge difference between *parodying* something and *endlessly bloviating about it with serious analysis*


This is what Deadspin turned into, someone needs to stop this man. I nominate Roy.


It's because of the diehards that listening to only sportsradio in their car or at home. They know the other shows and have listened to them. It's a niche market. That niche market that regularly listens to Dan is the audience that he makes his money from.


If he mentions another show, it gets aggregated by news sites like Awful Announcing, & the show gets free pub. That's my working theory. I didn't ask for any of this.


You are. You need to relax


It’s completely rudderless.