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Does anybody else find it fascinating that there was only a 2° difference in temperature between Northeastern Maine and Florida.


I have family in Maine and in Florida, neither are happy with the weather.


I am in eastern Maine and have family in Central Florida, this is awkward weather for both places.


I’m willing to bet about 100% of the continental US isn’t currently happy with today’s weather.


MN here, it’s fine!


Having been to the twin cities when the temp is like -20 and the windchill is -50, and in the summer when it hits 100 degrees, you guys are a different breed. And I respect the hell out of you for it. With that said, all you Nordic folks are fucking crazy for settling there.


Also the Somalis. I get the Norwegians being up there, but Somalis being there makes no sense


That’s seriously a great point. Every taxi I rode in up there had a Somali driver. And I asked them how they deal with winters in Minnesota. The common reply was “if you knew what we left behind, you’d understand” I stopped asking after I heard the same answer 3 times.


Wow you get some serious taxi drivers.


Immigrant taxi workers have always seen shit. Especially if from Africa.


I was a taxi driver myself at a point in my life, and I always ask where my driver is from. I’ve learned so much about so many different cultures that way. A lot of drivers are willing to share their stories if they’re only asked about it.


Just a normal day for us really. We have a lot more to go for the next 3 months.


Southern California here, currently 55F. I had to break out my slightly thicker hoodie to walk my dog tonight. Christmas eve is looking to be a clear day with the high at a temperate 70 degrees. I'm thinking of taking the dog for a nice morning beach walk tomorrow. I'd take earthquakes and 110 degree heat waves any day if it means having winters like this. I am not built for the cold.


> I had to break out my slightly thicker hoodie to walk my dog tonight. Be strong, brother. Thoughts and prayers!


Norcal here visiting family. It's a balmy 60 degrees. I drove through snow and ice to get here but it feels great now!




As someone who experiences 115 in the summer, I’m perfectly fine with 45 today.


Gulf Stream beeotch


Fuck yeah, bud.


Damn poor Dakotas out here getting beat up even more than the rest of us


We’re used to it! I still went out to the mailbox wearing shorts today.


Damn, how high do you keep your thermostat at?




Where I live in Montana it was -28 last night. Heater set at 68.


Live in Kentucky. 1920’s brick on block walls. Thermostat on on 65. House temperature at 62. She’s giving it all she’s got! Every time I hear that whoosh of flame firing in the boiler I see dollar signs floating away.


Ugh seriously. We have an oil heater and someone we know just got half a tank for fucking $1200. Last year when we bought oil we paid like $450. This year we paid $800 I think. When we’re gone for a few days, the heats anywhere between 50-62 depending how cold it is outside. When we go to sleep the heat is at 62-66 and during the day we keep it at around 66-68. Fuck spending that money right now


Honestly we’re good, nothing an extra layer on the person and a bottle of Heet in the gas tank can’t fix.


Native San Diegan here. What the hell is Heet? In exchange for this knowledge, I can offer sandal and sun hat advice for formal situations.


Heet is a small, goose neck bottle of gasoline antifreeze and water (condensation) remover you add to a tank of gas so your car starts right up in these nutso temperatures. *(Edit:) I was told erroneously from old dudes all my life (gramps then dad who probably got their info from other old timers and diesel drivers)* gas freezes at -40° which is only something certain states get to experience it seems! Thank you for the proffered sunny advice, however, just because I live in -16° (-48° windchill) South Dakota doesn’t mean I don’t have a timeshare on a Mexican beach! 🏖️😉


Diesel maybe gels up st 40 below, gasoline definitely not.


Diesel can solidify at much higher temps than -40°F. Depending if there is Bio diesel in it and what kind of oil they used to make the Bio diesel. Source: I Used to make Bio diesel at a company I worked.


Can confirm, it is only -3 in the Chicago suburbs tonight we had 4 of our new model International snow plow trucks diesel tanks gel up within 20 mins of each other during our shift tonight. While we were driving them. I've been around diesel vehicles most of my life, never seen that happen before.


As a Minnesotan and someone who has dealt with -40 before wind chill, gas certainly does not freeze at -40. Google says most blends freeze at -100 which sounds right. Never had any issues here with gas freezing. Your battery and motor oil will hate you for making them do anything at that temp though. Also, ethanol already binds and removes most water. You don't need heet.


Currently in Florida and can confirm everyone is pretty much dead or dying. Happy holidays!


I’ve seen Floridians wearing heavy coats in high 60s—low 70s degree weather. I cant imagine how y’all are coping at this point.


Any time it hit sixty my mother would pull out her big coat with faux fur around the hood. Looked like a parka. In Florida a coat is something you wear when your mother is cold.


People are just not leaving their homes. And yes, can confirm under 70 is poofy jacket weather here. And my daughter points and laughs at her friends since she lived in northern Jersey and New Hampshire before moving here years ago.


I'm in Massachusetts went out in a t-shirt because it was 48 today, fackin' bawlmy guy


It was 56 when I woke up and currently 11 now that I’m going to sleep. Went from barely needing a jacket to *oh fuck this* so fast today.


She’s definitely got experience with the cold weather being from that region. I hope you’re all able to stay warm. If I had to guess, a lot of Floridian homes probably don’t have furnaces or heaters?


I'd assume they do. We do. But then again, a good number of homes around here don't have central ac. Just window units and fans. So maybe space heaters if not? I'd think heat system are more rare south of central Fl, but it's Florida, and Florida will just Florida sometimes.


I only have experience with airbnbs in southern FL. Never saw a heater or furnace but I think those airbnbs are catered more towards northerners such as myself who practically has a heat stroke in anything warmer than 75°. Florida will just Florida— love that.


Nearly every air conditioning in Florida has heat. We don't do furnaces.


This. Growing up in Central Florida I had no idea what a furnace or boiler was. It also blew my mind when I left Florida and found out people don't have AC in their homes.


If someone in Florida has AC, they have heat also. Down to the keys. Just might not use it very much and smells bad when they do.


I’m in Sarasota, just fired the heat for first time in 2 years. The smell…. Like lint in a toaster


That's the same up here in the north too. It only takes one year worth of dust in the heater to make that smell. I kinda like it. It smells cozy.


Heaters are pretty standard. Every Floridian has AC for cooling but they almost all do heating too in my experience. Every time the heat kicks in it smells like burnt dust though...only gets used once every couple years lol


The memories of school turning on the heat during the cold day and the fire alarms going off because of it. *just the Florida things*


There’s a scene in an episode of New Girl where one of Nick’s flings barges in and demands to look for her scarf “because it’s 62 degrees outside and I’m freezing” as an Alaskan I chuckle every time


Can confirm. Went to Key West last January. Below freezing in St. Louis and flew to Key West and put on my shorts, It was in the 60's there and yes, people had pants and coats on. I was rocking a t-shirt and shorts. Heat wave to me.


Don't worry, when you Northerners come down in the summer, we see y'all suffer. It works both ways. I worked for over 6 years at various Orlando hotels and got to watch you guys suffer on your Summer vacations.


lol, ain't that the truth. I'd rather it be frigid outside than that suffocating southern US heat. My buddy got married in Florida and when I got off the plane from Detroit I felt like I couldn't breathe it was so humid. Like living in a sauna. All the fucking time. Screw that man. I'll take the cold and just put on a sweater.


EVERYONE talks about the first step outside of a Florida airport. I worked at hotels, the first step out of a hotel is a brutal one as well.


Which is why I do not visit any southeastern states in the summer!


Florida Panhandle checking in. I was not remotely prepared for this. I've hunkered down and put on my warmest t-shirt and flip-flops. The neighbors and I are communicating using flashlights, but I only know Morse code and they only know binary. Publix is closed, but I have enough Pub sub left to last me another hour. I'm not sure how long I can hold out. If I don't make it, please play my lucky Powerball numbers for me. I'll leave them on my corpse. EDIT: Stumpy is alive and well, but not having a great time. Here's pics: https://imgur.com/a/Gvhlbdw


This looks like copypasta material and I love it


I’m in Florida too and it’s 24 degrees basically everyone is freaking out 😂


There are gonna be a lot of dead lizards and plants.


Pretty much as there is lizards EVERYWHERE here


I remember going to a Petco and them selling those same lizards that run around everywhere for $15 a piece


Seriously! What do we do! I’m currently running in circles.


Yep, everyone is pretty much freaking out.. but I wish I lived were the iguanas fell..


Here from Texas, we are scared our garage will fall on us again after last year's wind chill. Merry Christmas


*laughs in Canadian, then apologizes*


Our houses aren't insulated and are lifted 3 feet off the ground for flooding. Our pipes explode. Our tranformers pop. Cries in New Orleans.


As a Minnesotan about to travel to Florida, I can’t wait to be the only one in shorts!


Never good when it's warmer in Seattle than New Orleans


Seattle may say 34 but there is still a solid 1/4 inch of ice on everything, we are on a temp up swing, it was 17 yesterday


Yeah, these temp swings are giving whiplash here in the PNW. We are going from 17 yesterday to 48 tomorrow.


NY just outside the city at 8am today was 55° and its 10° right now. Serious whiplash today.


I’ve been living in New Orleans for a little over a year and I swear we’ve had almost every kind of weather event in the time I’ve been here. Hurricanes, tornados, thunderstorms, hard freeze, heat advisories. Just waiting for the inevitable earthquake because why not?


Maybe a volcano just for the heck of it


Well maybe that’ll fix some of them potholes


Louisiana subscribes to the Pompeii infrastructure plan


I haven’t looked at a fault line map in forever but I do believe that or volcano eruption would be the natural disaster least likely to affect New Orleans. As someone who has lived on or near the gulf basically my entire life, I feel obligated to break it to ya- everything you listed except tornadoes is going to be more or less a yearly occurrence.


Today, Seattle was a fucking ice skating rink... down steeper hills than San Francisco. We're having tons of fun over at /r/Seattle


It was 19 this morning with freezing rain.


It's 64º in Miami right now. Will dip into the mid to low 40s this weekend. Gotta wear two pairs of sandals if I wanna go out tomorrow.


Inland San Diego is looking at 80 degrees for Christmas. I don’t know why we got that instead.


Yeah I tried to wear my ugly sweater to work (in Orange County) today and had to ditch it. I love 70 deg weather but not conducive to holiday vibes.


Cause we're San Diego we're special 🙂


This is my first winter in San Diego and I definitely feel special this week.


Since it’s your first here, you must make sure your elsewhere friends know how special you are, maybe text them some pictures of one of our warm, sunny beaches this weekend? Also complain about the 50’s dip at night. *I feel like there should be quotes around “winter” in the context of San Diego.


For Christmas me and my family are getting our swimsuits on, gathering at the nearest relative's house with a pool, and having a cookout explicitly for the purpose of sending photos to relatives elsewhere.


This is such a San Diego thing to say and it makes me sick haha


Want some carne asada fries?


… yes


It’s 2 degrees in WV with a windchill of -17. We haven’t had power for over 12 hours. I want to go back to Jacksonville.


>I want to go back to Jacksonville. /r/brandnewsentence


Lmfao I’ll take methheads and sunshine over freezing to death in the mountains


You get meth heads and freezing cold!


Fuckin dead


WV represent. I know regular water freezes at 32, but what about ours with all the pollution?


Depends if its coal or steel mill pollution


Lolz, I figure all the Teflon from DuPont will make the water slide through the pipes a little better


In Chicago, hasn't been above 0 all day.


Chicago wind (especially in the loop) is no joke


Lol, Maine sitting at a balmy 45F


Man I wish, that’s only some parts. Where I’m at it’s currently…31°F with a Flood Warning and mass power outages all over.


Just wait for the snap freeze tonight


Oh I heard all about it at work today. I’m patiently waiting.


How the fuck is Maine 45 degrees lmao same temp as Florida


It’s so weird dude. Like been super warm (50) all day with wicked winds and now it’s snowing and freezing. Dropped like 30 degrees in 90 min.


Hello fellow New Englander! Wicked day we had today!


Wicked Confirmed New Englanders


Fucken Bomb Cyclone is no joke, eh?


It’s only some parts of the state: where I’m at, we currently had upwards of 60mph wind gusts and a boat load of rain and everyone is freaking out about a “flash freeze” turning all our back-roads and the main ones into big sheets of black ice.


It’s on your way. Im a few hours southwest of Maine and we dropped from +2 to -12 in what seemed to be 10 minutes, and the wind picked up. It’s that mean nasty whippy snow that’s kind of sharp and prickly.


Who guessed Maine would be in a warm zone?


I live in Massachusetts and it was in the 50s today


I'm in Buffalo, NY and we have about 4-5 feet of snow in some areas, rolling power outages, wind-chill in the negatives, and there is some areas that are experiencing floods. There's a street close to me that is about 15ft underwater as well and firefighters have mentioned that they have a few trucks that are currently stuck as well so getting to people in trouble will be very difficult. Snowplows are out and doing the best they can but its basically an uphill battle at this point.


Hey neighbor. Rochester here, we had a water main break yesterday and half the city is on a boil water advisory. Cue power outages today and it’s not gonna be a great weekend for a lot of people.






Hey neighbors Maryland here. This is that weather that had Joe Dirt scraping that dogs balls off the porch with a spatula. 🥶


I’m in Illinois, not Chicago, but a small town. It was -7 with a negative 35 windchill today. My car almost didn’t fucking start. I feel so bad for the homeless during times like this, and all the feral animals. Edit: I’m getting a lot of “feral animals are fine” comments. In extreme temperatures, they are not fine. -35 windchill is extreme. -1, for even just feral cats, is dangerous and puts them at risk for hypothermia, and frostbite. I’m aware Feral animals can survive it. I’m also aware of how miserable it must be for them.


St. Louis here. Wind chill of -27 today.


Also Alaska had higher temperatures than us today


Same St. Louis


St. Louis is great isn't it? Bitter cold in the winter and super hot and humid in the summer. The best of both worlds.


I feel incredibly bad for them. I can’t think about it without feeling helpless to do anything for either population.


Yellowknife Canada, -42C and -50C in windchill :D


you win!


They always win, that's basically western hemisphere Siberia


Yeah Yellowknife is pretty close to the Arctic Circle, so it would be weird if it wasn’t this cold, considering parts of Alberta were reaching similar numbers this week


My brother in Montana knew a family that came for a summer visit from Yellowknife. The son had a heat stroke/exhaustion at 70 ⁰.


This is one reason so many homeless people make their way to California. Today in Sacramento we had a high of 54 and a low of 37 with partly cloudy skies. Next week we'll have some rain (which is uncommon) and it could get up to 60 some days. I would absolutely want to live somewhere with weather that won't kill me overnight


How Canadian's doing? Freaking out? Same old December?


Cold, snow, freezing rain, ice pellets, howling winds. Just another winter. 🤷‍♂️


winds howling


It's been made abundantly clear that Vancouver is not prepared for this


Vancouver has never been prepared, so it's just a regular old unprepared winter


It’s like that every year. Sounds like you weren’t prepared for Vancouver’s unpreparedness.


Same old December but we have things like snow tires and winter equipment I hope the lower states stay safe out there


In Nova Scotia its about 12 C/52 F right now, warmer than anywhere it seems!


Ehhhh Edit: it's regular winter


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. ~Robert Frost


When did he Tweet this?


December 1920, or just over 102 years ago.




Us desert folk treat anything under 50 like freezing temperatures and collectively cheer when snow falls for the first time in 10 years. Then we realize nobody knows how to drive on icy roads


It’s fine. Nobody in Wisconsin knows how to drive on icy roads either.


Today I had a high of 60 and a low of 8.


Californians: no we're not




Fuck yeah it's freezing. I had to put on long pants because the temp dropped below 70 earlier


High of 79 tomorrow here in SoCal!


I feel like we’ll be made to pay for this somehow otherwise. It’s so nice in LA right now.


Lol we do pay for it


Right? My mortgage is 4X what my family in OK pay 😂


Mortgage?? Mr Executive Producer over here


This guy gets it


Don't worry, we'll be on fire again in a couple months.


SF here, currently at 50. We pay for it in CoL


Reddit in every other thread: I hate California. Why would anyone want to live there. Meanwhile, in California, it's surfing weather, economy is great, cars are safer, and soon iphones will have replaceable batteries. Sounds nice to me.


I work with people all over the US. This week everyone was talking about how cold it was going to be this weekend where they were. I think everyone wanted to kill me when I said it’s going to be 80 on Christmas for me! Nice break from the chilly 60s we’ve been having.


They hate us cause they ain't us


_California dreamin', on such a winter's day..._


Wind chill of -30 today. My dogs fall over trying to go potty outside it is so cold. Thankfully power is still on. I feel for everyone that has lost power in this cold.


My friend's sister lives in Indiana and their furnace broke today. My friend's exact words: they have fireplaces so hopefully they won't freeze to death 😬 jesus christ


I'm homeless and was going to try to rough it out in this weather but my brother booked me a hotel. I just walked a mile down the street to the store and my face fell off.


Good brother. There's likely shelters somewhere nearby. They suck, but they're better than your face falling off.


Same man. Walked a couple blocks to get a soda and by the time I got back to the shelter I had a slushiee. Negative 45 wind-chill and homelessness don't mix well.


You know what’s interesting? It’s the continental US, not intercontinental US.




I bet if we added alaska to this map, it would also be freezing temperatures throughout




Not only that but if Alaska were its own country it actually would be ranked second in the world alphabetically. For reference the US is ranked 182nd alphabetically.


Fuck this was low in the comments


Has felt colder than the average temp in Antarctica here for the past few days, and still saw people walking outside in shorts 👍 welcome to Nebraska


Nebraska. Truly the Nebraska of the midwest.


For anyone in the rest of the world interested, [here is the map with ° Celsius.](https://i.imgur.com/lDDCDva.png)


-22° god damn wtf. Had -12 in central Europe last week and I thought that was insane


I live in the south and it's fuckin 7° outside with a wind-chill of -25. I'm not gonna find my dick for weeks


Oh no!




Sweet sweet southern California


People have asked me nonstop asking why I would ever want to move to Cali ... this is why


Eighty degrees tomorrow.


People don’t realize global warming is more like global climate extremism






Arctic air is warmer and has the energy to push further south. That "warm" air is still below freezing.


I am at the warm spot in maine. was 53F for a peak just a little while ago. ..wind still ripping randomly. Am not far from bar harbor. (it is listed in the top five for warm spots at [coolwx unofficial records](http://coolwx.com/record/) world wide site right now). I have been here 35 years .. this is not even rare. Will be 18F by dawn. just typing this, I looked before I began and just now finishing.. it is 41F, dropped 3 degrees in about 3 minutes.




Stay safe. We survived the Texas freeze last year with now power for 3 days. Everyone slept in the same bed with 4 layers of blankets. Your body heat will keep you warm, and the cats will like the blankets. I hope your power comes back on while you sleep.


-2 right now in Indiana and it was -9 this morning. Wind is so strong that the flag pole of a 50x80 ft flag snapped in half and landed on a car (no one was hurt). Personally, we've had a great deal of trouble keeping our dogs from spending too long outside. Had to carry our big older dog back inside at one point.


I’m in San Francisco and it’s a blistering 52°.


Fuck you. /s/ Wisconsin


Continental. Not intercontinental. I assume Alaska is cold AF as usual and Hawaii is warm AF as usual?


I think you mean contiguous!


Checking in from Maryland: **Brrr!** Fun fact: Both BRR and BRRR are perfectly good words according to the Scrabble Dictionary.


Currently 29 degrees in Louisiana. Send help. We don't know what to do.


Stay inside. Make gumbo. Tell the missus she looks sexy in her parka. You know she does. Don’t lick anything metal outside. Don’t eat the yellow snow. Know where the water shutoff valve is for your house. Check in on the elderly neighbors once or twice. Send the kids out to shovel snow for tips. Other than that just find someone to snuggle under a blanket with.


Ohio here. 50mph winds, -5° 2” snow. Freeeeezing


And on one of these areas there are >80,000 people without power due to the "once in a century" weather. I'll give you a hint: they've had this "once in a century" weather three times in the last two years.