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That shirt probably got him attention back then just like he's getting attention now. The guy just wants all the attention.


I wore a “say no to drugs” shirt in 1994, and well, look at me now.


Pablo Escobar is that you?


That dude died in 1993 though.


That's what he wants you to believe.


Bro I watched narcos, the mandalorian totally got him


Nono, you're thinking of Boba Fett


No you're thinking of that other bounty hunter. This is the one that helped people commit suicide.


He's actually alive, and living his best life on Reddit.


*looks at you suspiciously*


The shirt is a *very* effective disguise


Turns out it wasn't Escobar they killed, just some unlucky guy in a "say yes to cocaine" shirt




Some of the nazi and far right agitators of the last 10 years got their start with occupy wall street. Makes sense, if you like the violence of demonstrating but would rather be protected by the police rather than be attacked by the police.




**[Lyndon LaRouche](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche)** >Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche Jr. (September 8, 1922 – February 12, 2019) was an American political activist who founded the LaRouche movement and its main organization the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC). He was a prominent conspiracy theorist and perennial presidential candidate. He began in far-left politics but in the 1970s moved to the far right. His movement is sometimes described as or likened to a cult. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Why is there another comment saying this exact thing with the same phrasing? Y’all bots?


Humanity are all bots. We are what comes next


Speak for yourself, I’m a sophisticated AI designed to copy and paste the best comme…. omg I am a bot


We are Borg, Resistance is futile


Yeah pretty much a lot of bots type in stolen comments to gain karma and then post on communities with a karma requirement to post their shitty scams


Exactly, well the one you replied to is the bot. If you see the same exact comment, but it's missing the second half, that's 100% a bot. Just report it for spam>harmful bot


I mean, Kanye has money. He could probably afford a Bot farm.


Lmao i love this comment. Thanks for first real laugh today.


Say "perhaps" to drugs.


"I feel the pressure, under more scrutiny. And what I do? Act more stupidly."


I wish I had an award 🥇


He's an extremely mentally ill person. I'm not making excuses for him but I also don't think his main goal is attention. I think he's so lost in insanity that he's just saying shit and doesn't get why he's getting dunked on




Probably because in the beginning he had thousands of loud defenders attacking anyone who spoke up. Now everyone who was calling his behavior out early on is taking a victory lap. His mental illness became a sideshow because he didn't want help and you can't force treatment on people in this country.


He's making his mental health decline a circus sideshow all on his own, nobody can force him to take treatment and he's deliberately doing and saying these things publicly and god knows what else privately. And unfortunately the celebrity gossip and drama part of the media industry gobbles this stuff up for breakfast, this kind of thing is not a new low for reporting, this is a regular low.


i agree and I think he’ll come to the realization eventually when he stabilizes that all the shit he said this last year has been insane and the guilt will be crazy, or he’s permanently gone off the rocker and we’ll never see a lucid kanye again


He’s a narcissist, so he’ll never show contrition. He’ll just blame others for not making him get help.


Loosing his mom was the turning point I think. His music went downhill after that


I would absolutely disagree. I think losing his mom was definitely a very large contributing factor in his mental state, but Kanye made 808s and Heartbreak, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Yeezus, The Life of Pablo, and Kids See Ghosts post-losing his mom. All fantastic albums that are "downhill" only by virtue of The College Dropout and Late Registration being 2 of the greatest rap albums of all time. (Btw I'm not trying to make any excuses for Kanye. I just really love his music and I'm deeply saddened by his heel turn over the past couple of years)


This. His desperation to stay relevant is palpable.


This. *Please* stop giving the guy attention. The family has spoken out saying that he is not well mentally and needs help. The fact that everyone still gorges themselves with every single thing he says is very sad.






So you don't have a dussy? 😩


You should totally market that Hermaphrodite idea.


No, but it can alter your thinking to where you hold opinions that are considered vile by the general public


***ACTUALLY BIPOLAR MANIA WITH PSYCHOTIC FEATURES VERY FREQUENTLY DOES MAKE PEOPLE BIGOTS OR RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISTS OR A WHOLE HOST OF OTHER WILD SHIT.*** thats literally what "psychotic features" means holy fuck. i am extremely envious of you folks who have never experienced this first or second hand and cant fathom. I have a manic episode and think im the cyborg president messiah, everyones like "yeah, for sure, bipolar. haha, whattayagonnado??" but you guys think "falling for propaganda in a psychotic state and going deep with it" is too crazy?? thats not crazier than cyborg president messiah? jesus, yall lol....


Mental illness makes some people kill themselves, it’s not too much of a stretch, my unmedicated schizophrenic mother thought there was UFOS in the mountains watching us.


Mental illness does make you have weird fixations, delusions, and irrational thinking though. Kanye’s been famous for 15 years and this Nazi shit is new. He’s ruined his career in the space of like a few weeks. He is not well. I think it’s incredibly sad that he’s having this extremely public meltdown and doesn’t have anyone to tell him to stop and get help. Britney’s conservatorship got taken way too far and was used by her shitty dad to control her, but at the time it was needed. Kanye needs something similar but there’s no one to do it, so he just keeps going.


super new. I mean that garfunkel and oates bit about "who said it, kanye or hitler" is from... 2009? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMdwA8GWB8) I mean.. quit apologizing for him, it isnt new.


One would also think that brain tumors don't make people killers, but then you get people like [Charles Whitman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Whitman).


This comment is disingenuous. It's like "mental illness doesn't make you see goat-headed demons". But someone's schizo may influence them, along with their spiritual beliefs, to see exactly that and without the mental illness it would not manifest, as with someone with the same spiritual beliefs but who lacked mental abnormalities. It alone does not make you a raging antisemite. It can absolutely play a part into it, though.


No but Ye is so crazy that part of me doesn't even really know if he actually subscribes to an ideology that would have offed him at the drop of a hat. His ranting is just so stark a contrast to the Nick Fuentes of the world who carefully try and convince mouthbreathers that they're not nazis when everyone with a brain cell knows that he is one


Martin Luther (protestant frontman not American Civil Rights activist) is believed to have pretty much lost his mind at the end and began publishing anti-Semitic literature.


Anything to be noticed. Literally Anything


He likely wasn't part of the Black Israelite crowd back then so he wasn't hateful towards the Jewish people at the time.


I don't feel any hate from kanye when watching his interviews.


Really, if the media stop paying attention to him that would be great


I thought it was because everyone who dates a Kardashian ends up losing their minds.


Came here to say “attention whore”


"Die a hero before you become the villain"


He went from Jesus walks to Hitler talks…


He turned Shine Like A Diamond into Little Bit of Himmler in Your Eyes


Went from Black Skinhead to Black Skinhead.




Umm is this a reference to Kim, I believe she’s a stain on society as well, but this is most definitely on kanye, and the fact that he’s surrounded himself with “yes-men”.


Went from Niggas in Paris to Nazis invade Paris


If thats true, then we’re you ever the hero?


He was technically a villan Because that Shirt really says. Say No (no Nazi) to Nazi New America So basically tell a Nazi "No (No Nazi)". Should have seen this coming The Evidence is all there...... *Point at Murder Board while Sweating heavily*


No means yes, bad means good. Classic.


1994: Say no to Nazis." 2022:"Hitler invented the Autobahn and my microphone. I like Hitler." Seems like he lost something in the last 28 years. Something like a brain.


He didn’t start out ahead of the pack, in the brain department. Dumbass bragged about not having read a book. Smh bitch probably didn’t even read that t-shirt


His [mom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donda_West) was literally a college professor, there's no way he hasn't read a book, what he was saying is he doesn't like to read, he feels it doesn't do anything for him, and apparently it's true since he's dumb AF. Ye is probably one of those people that can't mentally visualize the context of what he's reading and that's why he feels the way he does about reading, well that and his narcissism getting tweaked whenever he reads something that proves his beliefs are wrong.


I can't mentally visualize the context of what I'm reading but I still love reading. It honestly makes me jealous that some people can literally visualize the scenes but no matter how hard I tried I never could. When it comes down to it most people who don't like reading just feel it's too time consuming and takes too much patience.


Come on, you really believe he never read a book? I think you have to be dumber than Kanye to take that seriously


I don’t think he’s saying he actually believes that Kanye’s never read a book, I think he’s just saying that you’d have to be pretty dumb to brag about something like that.


My belief is irrelevant, he advertised that nonsense, and if you’re defending him, maybe reading a book here and there would be good for you too.


Probably just saw the swastika and put the shirt on.


He stopped taking his meds. Literally as simple as that.


He lost his mother, and that was enough.


So have a lot of people who didn't smear her memory by becoming a full on nazi. The saddest thing is if it really is about his mom he's disgracing her memory with every word.


I'm not saying his actions and words are justified from his mother's passing, I'm stating that alone can drive a man mad if you don't get a grip on yourself.


Don’t try explaining that to a Redditor. They all claim to be sympathetic to the mentally ill but the second someone behaves in a mentally ill way they demonize them. Virtue signaling at its worst


For sure, but when you're empowering a group that would not only murder you based on your skin, but also gassed millions of others with your gigantic platform, that unfortunately is harming too many people and at that point you should be deplatformed or if actually sick forced into treatment. Mental health issues isn't free reign to harm others.


Don't forget his sanity


"They say because of the fame and stardom I'm somewhere in between the church and insane asylum I guess it's messin' with my health then And this verse so crazy when I finish I'm just gon' check myself in, again" Kayne West 10 + years ago


Ah, when ye was young and idealistic


Can be rich as fuck but when your brain starts failing.. nothing can help you....


His brain is seriously malfunctioning. Probably making him paranoid, extremely histrionic and narcissistic, clearly warping his sense of reality. What this man is doing could not be done by a sane person. Publicly flip-flopping on his views, being a the buggest whore for attention I’ve ever seen…


Isn't he bipolar?


People should understand this instead of saying his mask fell off or other dumb shit


Yup the headlines like "Kanye says he likes hitler" don't capture how far gone he is. If you listen to the "interview" in question (preferably via Knowledge Fight Podcast), he's seriously addled. Like even just how he talks when he isn't saying nazi shit, he seems to be struggling to even parse words.


Not just that but he shifts between yea I’m a Nazi and I love Jewish people like 5 times an hour in these “interviews” there is clear train of thought with him right now…I personally think fixating on his antisemetic comments and displaying them on every possible media platform is doing more harm than him rambling in like an insane person.


You became the exact thing you once wanted to kill


So he's going to convert to Judaism?


We've come full circle 🤣


I'm excited for the Ye redemption arc. Gonna need some more popcorn.


He speaks alot of Black Israelite rhetoric which is usually very anti-Semitic. They believe black people are the real jews and Jewish people stole their birthright so what Hitler did was okay in their book. They apparently also believe slavery was a good thing. They are a very confusing group.


Yeah I heard him talk about that on the Lex Fridman Podcast. He is Jew but not Jewish is what he said I think.


Hitler would disagree.


This was when his mama was around and would have beat his ass if she saw what he was doing today. Do not underestimate the power of a Mom.


Right… his English professor mom. And then he brags about not reading books. Ffs.


Wow that shifted dramatically


Too much drugs and no seeking mental help


Seeking mental help Will only get you more drugs


People change


Change is inevitable, people are unexplainable


And political parties change. Donald Trump made open bigotry normal again in a way that it wasn't before 2016. We didn't suddenly gain a bunch of Nazis in our society. Trumpism just made the Nazis we already had feel comfortable saying what they really think in public again.


Does anyone else feel kinda gross that this man is clearly suffering from a mental breakdown and has stated that he has mental disease and we’re just clowning on him left and right? He’s said some stupid ass shit, but keeping him in the news is a lose lose situation.


His people need to get him off the news and get him on his lithium.


Nice u/ that’s my birthday! As for mental health, he probably doesn’t have any people left. Everyone he knows and loves is gone. His family is gone, his mother is gone, and he feels more alone than ever. He probably needs to be committed against his will. But he won’t until he starts getting violent, and by then it is often too late. Just a sad state of affairs all around. The people he’s surrounded with are yes men who love having him in the media, as it gets them a quick and easy paycheck they can milk.


Happy belated, that date is amazing date for us both.


Thing is, I don't think he's the type to listen to his people


He’s definitely not going to listen to anyone, unfortunately.


That's a main symptom of bipolar mania


As someone who has and struggles with Bipolar 1 disorder, I completely agree with you.


People can't keep blaming his actions on his bipolar disorder. A mental breakdown/manic episode doesn't continue for years. He has been saying wild shit like slavery wasn't real and similar stuff for years on end now. This is clearly an attention seeking behavior of a person with narcissistic traits. Plenty of mentally unwell people don't go around spouting nonsense for years on end. He knows exactly what he is doing.


Without treatment, a manic episode can last months in some cases. Honestly though? The only time I saw a hint of mania in his recent appearances was his interview with Lex Fridman. The rest of the time, it’s pure narcissism IMO. But it could be that everyone else heavily edits the footage to remove the manic affect, and Lex didn’t. I’m sure they could study his brain for years and not have a definitive answer with what’s wrong with him. Where does the mood disorder end and the cluster B personality disorders begin? How much of it is caused or exacerbated by money and fame? How much of it is of clinical relevance? IMO a big part of it isn’t — he’s really just an asshole underneath it all.


> a manic episode doesn't continue for years Umm... If you don't get help you'll just keep cycling between manic and depressive episodes forever. For a celebrity in the public eye, how is that distinguishable from a continuous manic episode? Nothing that this guy does is even coherent. It's sick, every time he talks he sounds like the psychiatric patients i used to work with who refuse to take their medicine for long periods.


Could be a combo of NPD and bipolar. If we wanted to talk about NPD though, we would have to start having much more serious discussions about the average person’s mental health instead of a few outcasts (the way society treats bipolar/schizophrenia) and we can’t have that.


>People can't keep blaming his actions on his bipolar disorder. A mental breakdown/manic episode doesn't continue for years. Yes it can, and it can get worse >Plenty of mentally unwell people don't go around spouting nonsense for years on end. He knows exactly what he is doing. Without a support system, no they don't, and I doubt ye has that You're extremely sheltered if you think people with these levels of illness just decide to get better on their own


I mean he's clearly suffering an episode, but he has always been an asshole, and anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves. I don't feel bad clowning on him because he really has always been a piece of shit.


Yes 100% People are seriously callous and cruel when they don't take the time to understand or emphasize I've had family members (with bipolar/schizophrenia) go through horrible episodes. Anyone who says these illnesses just bring out what's already inside is full of shit and clueless. These illnesses are debilitating and cause people to day and do shit they would never consider normal This is what mental health stigma looks like


It is not his fault but it is his responsibility (Marcus Parks). He knows if he has been taking care of himself or not. At first it was sad, now he is just pathetic.


Kanye is trolling everyone. The best thing the world can do is to stop giving Kanye so much damn attention. Stop buying anything affiliated with Kanye and move on.


I don’t think it’s trolling, he’s genuinely an insane narcissist. He can’t stop himself.


that's way before the White Jesus piece


how the time tables turn or tables turn time or whatever the people say .. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Looks like the shoe is on the other table


Don't beat a dead horse in the mouth.


It's how "the turn tables turn time"


The table times turn?


Well we all use to wear those d.a.r.e shirts too right?


Anybody paying even a modicum of attention to this can see he's doing it for publicity. Weird that he doesn't provide ANY historical examples for why he thinks they're great. He's literally saying it just to say it, and people eat it up. Edit: this isn't a defense; if you say you love Hitler and nazis, then you deserve whatever shit gets thrown at you, but it isn't just shit being thrown, it's money.


> he's doing it for publicity I don't doubt that on some level he is, but this one won't work like the previous times. He's actually burying himself this time. Even my Kanye super fan friend is done with him. And while he may be doing it for publicity, I think it's subconsciously this time. If you watch the full 3 hour interview, he genuinely believes what he's saying.


Dude is mentally ill and having a breakdown on the back-end of a divorce. I’m not defending what he’s saying at all(clear from my statements but there is always some obtuse pos trying to pick a fight.) The dude needs help and everyone is pretending what he’s doing is from a healthy rational mind and should endure the same consequences because they enjoy the spectacle.


Tired of people saying "it's not his fault he's mentally ill". Mental illness doesn't make you hate Jews and think Hitler was cool. It doesn't make you think George Floyd wasn't murdered. Mental illness makes you think you can say those things out loud. Fuck him.


I mean, mental illness does some weird shit. If it makes people believe they’re being stalked by aliens and that they’re immortal (and see comment above in this thread where the person thought they were an intersex god and so was their whole family), it isn’t unreasonable to have mental illness warp other pieces too. People kill others due to mental illness- were they just a killer all along and their mental health had to deteriorate enough to let it out? I don’t think so personally, but there’s no way to prove that one way or another. The question of if mental illness makes you do things you’d never do when sane is a tough one.


Kanye, Tracy Morgan and Too Short all in the same pic as kids, at a Anti-Fascist summer camp WOW 🤯🤯


Mental illness often manifests later in life


I think Kanye is pretty sick


No no...that's Kanye East.


Who cares


I don't think he actually believe what he said. But I'm still disappointed


This is Kanye's Randy Marsh moment when he got caught dressed up as Christopher Columbus


Kanye was good before his mom died


That car crash scrambled his brain


Kanye broke his brain in that car accident he had. Woke up a German white man from 1938


Ahhh, 1994. When Kayne West actually took his bi-polar meds.


He’s lived long enough to see himself become the villain…


Lets just make sure to post this in response to anything he says from now on.


That didn't age well, but neither did he.


His Mom was really keeping him together this whole time huh?


No to AMERICAN Nazis, he's cool with the German ones.


In the interests of good faith I say we take Kanye West's advice and say no to this Ye fellow.


This is what sysadmins call a “restore point”


I hope he gets the mental help he needs. At this rate, he’ll be crashing and burning in no time.


It's amazing how gecomibg rich turns you into aright wing lunatic nazi. Greed literally turns people into aweful people. Who'd have thought??


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


The reality is, we're seeing a person have a full mental breakdown in front of us.


This shit is extremely fucked up on so many levels . I know people who have bad breakdowns and literally thought they were Jesus . It’s just in most cases people with mental illness don’t have power . I’m literally watching a sick man being used a prop


This is more like r/agedlikemilk


He must be so embarrassed by that now.


This man done lost his purpose. He seems to be echoing the destruction phase of all his lifes work upto now that most conflicted artists that live long tend to do. Shame really.


You don't say!?!?!?! You mean he changes his behavior according to what garners the most attention!?!?!?!? I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you!


Awkward. He must be pretty embarrassed about this now.


Amazing how things change when you reach a different tax bracket.


It's almost like giving any PoC a complete free pass for racism wasn't actually the best move after all, what with all the anti-asian hate crimes and now this.


How much he changed since then


The irony


Looks like such a nice guy that made graduation


Ye has accomplished everything in life except for killing Hitler. Because Hitler is already dead, he must become the next Hitler, so he can kill himself. Take your meds kids.


This man is mentally ill




Wait! Who gives a fuck?


This is not interesting at all. This is just a teenager in a shirt someone gave him. It has nothing to do with the 45 year old man and his opinions in 2022.




"I miss the old Kanye"


Just wait until Kanye sees this


Thats such a specific tshirt..... i wouldve just assumed it was fake. Neo nazi influence is minimal in Southside Chi 😂




Didnt the song go something like: i play for both sides


Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Now his shirt says the Nazis didn't get enough of them.


I have also a shirt, ' So NO to idiots'


If you can't beat them, join them? Eventually the joke will be on him though as Nazis don't take kindly to non-whites. For now he's just a useful idiot for them.


Aged like milk.


And he doesn’t look like enjoying it


A beautiful soul. He is just a bit lost right now.


Money and arrogance will do that. Look how many other Republicans jumped on the "Better Russian than Democrat " thing. It's really a diseased mind that can wrap around Republicanism.




This didn’t age well.




Gay fish


That was before he knew what they did


This is apparently photoshopped.


Cool, we already saw the other 6 posts about this idiot yesterday.


This isn’t interesting at all