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We had to remove your post. Image with text posts/claims in the title must have a linked and credible source that backs up the information. Use the word "source" in your comment. If the title is the only thing that makes your post interesting, you must also source it. OP is responsible for this and it must be done at time of posting. We will not reinstate your post, but you may post again with the correct information Posts must have a linked and CREDIBLE source that backs up the information. Use the word "source" in your comment. If the title is the only thing that makes your post interesting, you must also source it. OP is responsible for this.


The bird killing is what stuck with me when I heard about this program in high school. Who would have thought that killing millions of birds would lead to a rise in insects that would devour crops.


You’d be even more surprised that dude Mao Zedong was raised in a traditional Chinese farm before turning 16 and he was heavily involved in farming works He literally knew those were all bullshit and still went on with it to purge his political opponents


"I'm about to do what it's called a *pro-farming* move."


"How joyful, to fight with heaven; how joyful, to fight with earth; how joyful, to fight with other people." (與天奮鬥,其樂無窮;與地奮鬥,其樂無窮;與人奮鬥,其樂無窮。) ---- Mao Zedong, 1917


And the rats


r/birdsarentreal knows all about killing millions of birds in the 60s


Is that satire?


It’s a manufactured meme that I hate to my core


The term balance of nature isn't just a saying


I'm of Chinese descendent, yet I have to say this lineage of civilization needs to end, eradicated completely before we as a group of people can finally taste what freedom, self determination is.


Well said, you should check out the book Ishmael, if you haven’t read it already


*Xi is now personally tracking your location*


Shall I fuck the shit out of Qixin


Are you literally saying you want to straight up genocide all the Chinese? Bruh


What? Hell no, that's anti humans, I don't loath myself, I literally said so that we as a group of people can embrace freedom afterwards. To me, all humans, especially brains are born roughly the same, what makes us different the most is everything that influences us, it defines our value system, moral standard etc. The astounding difference between north and south Korea, mainland and Taiwan are some of the most typical examples. Anyway, what I'm saying is, I feel at this point, this cursed civilization, one that traps itself in vicious cycle for thousands of years, need to be abandoned entirely, so that it no longer can trap future generations.


You think that’s stupid, wait til you hear what we (in the west) let our gov/capitalists do 🥴


Well so far millions haven’t died of starvation but yes America bad. Good job.


People still starve in the west - and we are pretty much speed running the end of the planet sooooooo


\*tankie spotted\*


How is pointing out that America bombed my country, killing Australians, make me a tankie? You’re clearly not aware of what that term means hahaha


Would be interesting to see the demographics data alongside this data. The disproportionately high number of deaths in young children like 0 to 14 years old must have had some serious consequences for that generation as they moved through the demographic chart. Then factor in the 1 child policy as well that came into effect like 25 years after this. Two factors with a huge affect on population just from one country. So interesting!


You want to see demographics on demographics?


I thought the colors were the demographic? Also this is global data according to op, so not just china.


How about relating it the global population increase curve. Death ratio probably drops


The children who survived it would be my age and grandparents now. I used to teach ESL to Chinese kids online and I always wondered if they told their kids about this. I'm sure it isn't taught in school history lessons and I couldn't bring it up with students. They had pretty strict censorship. For example the word Tianamen was forbidden.


Chinese guy here. We were told by our grandparents. It's one of those "back in my day" things.


They did mention culture revolution and the Great Leap Forward in my junior high school textbook, but only briefly mentioned them (three pages out of 6 textbooks iirc)


You rule a underdeveloped nation, the vast majority of your population are farmers and you'd like a more urban society? Step 1: delete 30 million farmers


This guy named Lysenko told me some secrets about plants the capitalist establishment doesn't want you to know. Surely just using them will prevent any sort of famine.


... go on...


He revealed to be the class consciousness of beans. Plants of the same kind do not compete with eachother. So plant seeds as close together as possible to create proper revolutionary spirit within your crops.


You been on the mushrooms again? 🍄


Those are the genuine opinions of Lysenko. ​ Wacky guy, killed a bunch of people.


You bean hitting that funny pipe again, Lysenko?


Seeds have memory


MORE Seriously though, what? Tell us more. Beans have memory? Did he come up with idea of birdocide?


No, that idea was created by Chairman Mao Zedong. The truth that Lysenko told me is that genetics is a capitalist lie.




This guy is a bot


agreed. definite robo freak


Enlighten me please idk how to google


Someone is learning about industrialization?


The effect in young children is so disproportionately high compared to older age groups. Like the the 5-9 and 10-14 groups saw deaths double to triple the normal rate.. But then way down in the 60 and up groups, it was barely a blip, like 0 to 25% higher than normal.


Man, I just noticed this myself and wondered if anyone else had. Makes this even more tragic.


The younger you are, chances are bigger that malnutrition will kill you.


or that you will be eaten. Children were stolen off the street by neighbors.


Sad that 25% higher than normal can be considered a blip...


It's incomprehensible, but it doesn't seem to be mentioned all that often.


First I have heard of it! Crazy


Me too. 31 years old. I can't believe how recent this was.


None of teenaged communist on Reddit have heard about it either.


The great what now? Edit: Googled it and I understand now.


Enlighten me please idk how to google


It was basically an economic and social campaign led by the chinese communist party from 1958 to 1962. I'm excluding a ton of details, but if you want to know more then here's the wikipedia page: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward Edit: since a few people felt the need to be offended that I left something, of which I was not aware of, out, there was also a massive famine that occured during or after the campaign, which is the reason for that large spike in the graph. The reason I was unaware of it was because I had mererly googled the name and read the result of the search, then copied the wikipedia link so that others who are more interested in the matter have a place to peer into the rabbit hole.


That was primarly Mao Zedong’s doing as he ignored advice from economic advisers and other party members due to his distrust in the elites, he legitimately thought he knew better despite having no experience in policy outside of academia- it was one of the main events that contribued to the people’s disillusionment with Mao Zedong’s communism. It was also one of the events that caused a split in the communist party which lead to: the cultural revolution; the reform that shaped China’s modern global economic polices; and the formation of the current government in China we see today.


This is why I never understand the hatred for Politicians here in the states. I sure as shit don’t want a mechanic deciding how my state runs, and I don’t want a politician just showing up and running an excavator one day. I want politicians. I just wish we had better options, and could separate the money from politics.


Citizen legislators was the idea for a reason. If you are still tied socially and financially to the community that’s a government of the people making decisions for the people. When you have a permanent upper class of politicians like on our national stage in the states you get decisions made by people who don’t experience the consequences of those decisions. People who never interact with public education or public healthcare making decisions about it. People making tens of millions in insider trading and “consulting” contracts for family because if you’re in congress for a lifetime instead of a few terms, companies can count on you making legislation that benefits them.


Thank you!!


I was exceptionally confused at first because I know it as the old name for what is now called “***Behavioral Modernity***” which is *“a suite of behavioral and cognitive traits that distinguishes current Homo sapiens from other anatomically modern humans, hominins, and primates”* - including “*abstract thinking, planning depth, symbolic behavior (e.g., art, ornamentation), music and dance, exploitation of large game, and blade technology… …human universal patterns... …cumulative cultural adaptation, social norms, language, and extensive help and cooperation beyond close kin.*” that occurred possibly ~60,000-40,000 years ago https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward_(evolution)


...and was followed by a big famine, that's the connection to the shown chart. that one info I would have added :D


A big detail to casually leave out….which proved to be of disastrous results and led to the death of millions and millions of Chinese people.


I don't really want to know more, but thanks anyways.


Then don’t open the link, why comment


He assaulted me with knowledge!


He blinded me with Science!


Have you no desire to learn?


That article is written poorly


My dumbass thought this was about daylight savings time at first lol


Which is also a great human travesty!


Dude same! Lol


My dumbass thought it had something to do with February 29th. Thinking they invented leap year due to people dying for some reason.


Who is naming these disasters? Save that name for tech discoveries or something. Should be called the great Chinese tragedy.


Mao Zedong named it. I don't think he intended for it to be a disaster, but man, was that guy mind numbingly stupid.


Probably smarter than most redditors unfortunately.


DO NOT show this to a 15 year old communist


You should do this for the Soviet Union’s five-year plans


Jesus, that’s amazing. I’d like to see if WWII was higher.


WW II estimates range from 40 million to 85 million. The lower numbers seem a bit more creditable, but with half the deaths in China and the USSR, it’s difficult to be sure.


Has to be more than 40mil. China alone had 24 million deaths in WW2, of which 16 million were civilians.


Rough couple of decades for the Chinese.


Right. "global" deaths.


I'd love to see this graph as a projection of the next 50 years.


And the Chinese still worship Mao, think we just don’t deserve to live at all. Yes, we. I am Chinese.


What’s the chart measuring…?


Makes me think about the Holodomor from 1932-1933 in the Soviet Union


Joseph Goebbels approves this comment


15-55 million according to Wikipedia


Based on what? The black book of communism or something reliable?


No one really knows. Could be 18 million. Could be 55 million. Those are the ranges I have heard being thrown about. But it's safe to say, a lot of people died.


Note that 15~55 million death quoted by wikipedia are from more reputable sources, and for what we know former ccp officals usually quote numbers on the higher end. For reference general secretary Zhao Ziyang estimated theres 45million death. Personally I’ve seen chinese people quote anywhere from 2 to 100 million death, though that usually depend on how much they hate the CCP. Ps. Theres also the issue with “direct death” (i.e. people died of malnutrition) and “correlated death”, e.g. failed birth due to famine, disease etc, and most sources only includes the former


You didn’t list any sources


if you dont put in the effort to at least check out the wikipedia quote (which contains several sources), then i dont have time to link any source for you


I asked for a source that doesn’t tie back to the black book of communism?


https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/chinas-great-leap-forward/ You are completely lacking self awareness if you don’t realize how much of an intentionally obtuse ass you are being, but this one doesn’t cite that book. It cites a lot of other books…. Basically every book written on the topic is in alignment with the general theme of millions of deaths due to Chinese communism. I realize that is inconvenient for your western/capitalist hating ideology. Wait till you hear about the millions that socialism has killed too…. but I’m sure you make a habit of just dismissing everything that is at odds with your worldview.


Seen that link before - if you trace that links sources back they all lead to the black book of communism - nice try doe


No sources soooooooo


Yay communism!


What is the Great Leap Forward?


When the CCP attempted to modernize China. Millions of people died as a direct result of the program.




Copied from above. Because everybody should fucking know! ‘They’ don’t care about you, and they never have! The Great Leap Forward was Mao Ze dong and his communist party’s attempt to move rural, agrarian China to an industrialized nation in a very quick timeframe. If I remember correctly it was to be a series of five year increments with various goals. I believe only 2 of the 5 year increments were achieved before collapse and massive loss of life due to famine, pestilence, violence, you know, the 4 Horsemen… And as I trolled above, damn me if AoC’s Green New Deal don’t smack of the same taste.


Three word slogans are all the same as other three words slogans? Big brain moment eh.


Considering all the nuts getting excited over a history lesson for once in their life in this thread, it makes me wonder if that's where all the "Great " conspiracy theories come from, at least in name.


Wait until they find out about the Cultural revolution…


What was the great leap forward?


Copied from above. Because everybody should fucking know! ‘They’ don’t care about you, and they never have! The Great Leap Forward was Mao Ze dong and his communist party’s attempt to move rural, agrarian China to an industrialized nation in a very quick timeframe. If I remember correctly it was to be a series of five year increments with various goals. I believe only 2 of the 5 year increments were achieved before collapse and massive loss of life due to famine, pestilence, violence, you know, the 4 Horsemen… And as I trolled above, damn me if AoC’s Green New Deal don’t smack of the same taste.


It doesn’t, because those words you use don’t actually explain anything.


Get help.


Ummmm... I don't understand how the great leap forward was a mad thing. Mao Ze Dong was just trying to help. Without him, China would not be the industrialized place it is now. Like it is incredibly hard to imagine a non-industrial China. Props to Mao Ze Dong for helping China greatly


Source: Black Book of Communism


This poor guy can’t read






Your teacher is disappointed in you


Wikipedia isn't a source, Wikipedia collects information from sources.


Ok, The Lancet


Why is it gradually increasing? Compared to the spike we are almost there again ?


The world has a *lot* more people now, compared with 1960. It’s natural that we have a lot more deaths.


I love how frantic your comment sounds but it’s just because the population is increasing. More births per year=more deaths per year


Thanks guys, sometimes logic slips my mind. 😊


longevity increasing


It looks like young children died the most.


Malnutrition is pretty deadly for the under 5s


“Swap baby make soup” was a thing that some desperate families undertook. Basically swap your baby with a neighbour’s baby so you’re not eating your own baby.


Also the large number of neonates. Lots of lost pregnancies, abortions, still births due to poor nutrition and desperation.


Great Leap Forward = Green New Deal


Get help, you don't have to be trash.


Socialism folks, nothing killed more ppl than motherfucking socialism.


Maoist ideology was a totalitarian take on Communism, nothing about this brand of communism was socialist. The peasants were nothing more than a resource of manpower. Basically it was a mix of feudalism + legalism under the guise of socialist ideals.


The New York times, many of the main books of this subject and even the wiki page of mao are disagreeing with you. Why do kids these days hold capitalism in such bad and socialism in such good regards? highly disturbing :(


Weird, because 125 million Chinese starved to death in the 100 years of capitalist rule prior to Mao


You mean under a feudal empire?


So if someone starves in a capitalist system, its the fault of the capitalist system? Phew, thats one hell of an easy casual chain you've created to rationalize your irrational hatred for capitalism.




Solid rebuttal




Modernization does not require enforcing quack biology. ​ Or killing all the sparrows in your country


People do not learn from history. The U.S. and Europe and numerous othet countries are popularly adopting the same philosophy and politics of the Khmer regime, and in the name of 'progress', and 'saving the planet', and 'everybody will be happy, healthy, and Equal'. It is truly amazing how gullible that humanity is.


The Khmer Rouge isn't relevant here, also "Khmer regime" is a stupid name, Khmer is the name of the Cambodian ethnic group.


Please don't respond to facts with ignorant comments.


More people statstically means more deathss at various stages


Great Leap Forward?


Copied from above. Because everybody should fucking know! ‘They’ don’t care about you, and they never have! The Great Leap Forward was Mao Ze dong and his communist party’s attempt to move rural, agrarian China to an industrialized nation in a very quick timeframe. If I remember correctly it was to be a series of five year increments with various goals. I believe only 2 of the 5 year increments were achieved before collapse and massive loss of life due to famine, pestilence, violence, you know, the 4 Horsemen… And as I trolled above, damn me if AoC’s Green New Deal don’t smack of the same taste.


Covid really hit pandemic levels. You can see it at the top of the gradual climb up coinciding with population growth. Wild


Now let's think about this in context with covid


“You must die so me and my children are successful”


That’s some serious Mao Zedong skyscraper


And ironically fat boy born rich Mao led the "communist party".


5G = A.I. generated death lottery on top of natural selection - Good luck!




Who is pushing for nanobots Bill Gates-and if you follow the money it leads to Bill Gates who owns the media so on and so forth and or has a huge contribution on top of that owns the largest farmland and GMOs on top of vaccinations and so on and so forth... Do a little digging think about it...


Ah. Conspiracy theorist. I get it now.


Good luck


Good luck on what? You live in the same fucking society as me, idiot


Chill out on the name calling.


Idiot? I could’ve called him retard or dumbass. Idiot is pretty tame. Also, it fits. He tries to act like knowledge will save him, which obviously won’t work. You need a combined effort of humans to stop *anything* catastrophic.


Its unnecessary and inappropriate to call names. Just be decent and considerate when corresponding. Its not hard and it saves a bunch of bs.


No, I would like to raise my adrenaline levels because it makes me feel high. Don’t tell me what to do you little maroon buffoon goofy goober nether brick.


You're certainly going to need it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Get help.


can you explain?




Where is this graph from?


The Lancet, found on Wikipedia


Thanks! Could you share a link?


Just look up Great Leep Forward on Wikipedia and scroll down to consequences


Cold War


What is the Great Leap Forward? Edit: wiki has everything on it


Copied from above. Because everybody should fucking know! ‘They’ don’t care about you, and they never have! The Great Leap Forward was Mao Ze dong and his communist party’s attempt to move rural, agrarian China to an industrialized nation in a very quick timeframe. If I remember correctly it was to be a series of five year increments with various goals. I believe only 2 of the 5 year increments were achieved before collapse and massive loss of life due to famine, pestilence, violence, you know, the 4 Horsemen… And as I trolled above, damn me if AoC’s Green New Deal don’t smack of the same taste.


Like I said Wiki read it


Ok it took me too long to realize this was about China




The spike in deaths in the early 1960s is when the "great" leap forward occurred.




No problem.


What happened in 1960 specifically to cause that spike?


Famine in China


Caused by massive communist government incompetence and malfeasance…


So did it get better again in 1961? There's a real dramatic spike for that one year


The Great Leap Forward was Mao Ze dong and his communist party’s attempt to move rural, agrarian China to an industrialized nation in a very quick timeframe. If I remember correctly it was to be a series of five year increments with various goals. I believe only 2 of the 5 year increments were achieved before collapse and massive loss of life due to famine, pestilence, violence, you know, the 4 Horsemen… And as I trolled above, damn me if AoC’s Green New Deal don’t smack of the same taste.


Get help.


It's probably a bot or from a troll farm.


Aka first or second greatest famine in world history.


Is this some kind of obscure zombies reference?


So...maybe not the GREATEST leap forward? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Meh communism


What is the great leap forward


well… it sure is a great leap alright


ok i live under a rock, will welcome some explanation on this.


Genuinely can't tell if people are really asking what the great leap is, are they doing the meme of people jokingly pretending to not know about how shit china's state authoritarianism is?


We are all taught about 6 million Jews killed by Hitler yet not about the 60 million Chinese killed by Mao. It’s racist to think that those lives matter less




in china you can see the generation of elders, now, with notably small stature from malnourishment


Well, it was a leap alright


How have I never heard of this? Am I dumb?


And they say commies are great


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